addtional picture of my famous gas mask..how did we discover these gas mask? well we found a closed entrance of a tunnel/cave...since its barred down, we dig at the top of the tunnel/cave. there we found a passage, at the flooring are gas mask...i posted few weeks that we recovered halating sako (half sack) an also some artifacts..we didn't continue the digging coz its already rainy season here.....please bear with y spelling and englishing...now a few meters from this site, another group found a weapon jeep( i dont the exact term in english...) still in good shape...i inform that group that there have to be carefull and not to destroy said jeep for its value... The area is found here in Cagayan and the former name of that area is called CAMBODIA...a former division base of the 103 Division of Japanese Army....and this site there ar many tunnel/caves in this part of the mountain...

also the glass thats the glass of the gas mask..anyone who want's to buy gas mask...hehehehe auction ko....with its canister....


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this picture was taken this afternoon at one of the site known as CAMBODIA..this is the first moutain where there first line of defense at the bask of this mountain is a valley and here is a hole where it was covered with soil before, the owner of the land has been digging this site for the past 3 years...before they dug this site. at the top soil found are stones and a L shape nitso style cement/rock. symbols found is a circle and this VV. there depth as of thise time is 6 meters and they are now on the floor which was cemented. since its rainy, then soil covered the flooring within 100 meters are 2 entrance of a cave...going down..the last pic is an entrance of a cave..depth around 3 meters and was covered with 2 bid boulders, they have remove it but afraid to get inside..takot sa multo(translate) pwede sana tagalog dito...hirap talaga grade 1 lang natapos


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former name of the area CAMBODIA..if you happened to hold the map of this area...the owner of the land is willing to negotiate...me as the broker ..:-)hehehehe.


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check->don't need check... scan and detect the area and do the project on your own..negotiator in a sense i will be the bridge between the group willing to finance/dig the site and the owner of the land...ok

the site about this gas mask...


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First thing first, answer the question before rebutting into other matter.

1. Well..show me proofs that other have found gas mask too here in the Philippines? the same type of Gas mask

2. Yeah, why not show him proof that he is not the only person to have found Japanese gas mask, particularly in that specific area.


Buenas dias Bayaura" Those gas masks were normal issue to all japanese soldiers. There were literally milions in the Pacific, includng the Philippines. It is not surprising that you found one. sorry.

Don Jose de La Mancha


I beg to disagree, not one gas mask supply was listed in my grandfather's records from the time they landed in Aparri, Cagayan. He being the supply officer of the 14th Riganaut.


Buenas dias Bayaua: I can well stqnd corrected in the issuance in that area, but at Guadalcanal I found many of them, and later in China, I saw many of them also.. The Japanese used poison gas in China against the Chinese, naturally they would have issued gas masks for their own troops.


Don Jose de La Mancha

dindo_bayaua said:

I beg to disagree, not one gas mask supply was listed in my grandfather's records from the time they landed in Aparri, Cagayan. He being the supply officer of the 14th Riganaut.

yes i agree with dindo,i never heard of any other treasure hunter who found a gas mask either one that belonged to japanese or americans ww2 soldiers who were posted here in P.

Remember both had an agreement to not use poison gas soon after the war started. China was not included. However the masks were stockpiled "just in case"

Don Jose de La Mancha

Real de Tayopa

Remember both had an agreement to not use poison gas soon after the war started. China was not included. However the masks were stockpiled "just in case"

Don Jose de La Mancha

I've been researching for the pass weeks about gas mask issued in the Philippines and been asking all the former TH/archeologist if there is a gas mask being recovered here in the Philippines and most/all said "Wala" negative" then if that is case why in this part of this country we recovered half sacks of said gas mask..btw if your interested to have a item email me.. im willing to sell/auction the said gas mask hehehehehehe...anyway that's not the issue...the issue is about the treasures...you know if your here in the Philippines, because filipinos are already condition/mind set about ghost, spiritual entities even if your said that they can see the object, there is still in their sub concious mind not to get it, about the cave that we opened..that's a fact here barrio folksare afraid to enter to an un chartered teritorry...

boylara said:
[...you know if your here in the Philippines, because filipinos are already condition/mind set about ghost, spiritual entities even if your said that they can see the object, there is still in their sub concious mind not to get it,...

I'm willing to bet that would change REAL QUICK if they saw tons of gold in there. :icon_king:

Well if its not related about the treasures then why do have they still bring/use gas mask here in the Philippine. We know for the fact that the Americans have warn them not to use and based on historical record during World War 2, Japanese never use chemical/biological weapon here in the Philippines except Papua New Gunie..why then t hat in a cave/tunnel here in the Philippines, we found this artifacts?????

boylara said:
Well if its not related about the treasures then why do have they still bring/use gas mask here in the Philippine. We know for the fact that the Americans have warn them not to use and based on historical record during World War 2, Japanese never use chemical/biological weapon here in the Philippines except Papua New Gunie..why then t hat in a cave/tunnel here in the Philippines, we found this artifacts?????

Bat Guano for one Thing. Very deadly.

in the past it was the Reason many thought there were Curses on
Treasure Sites. Treasure Hunters dying Mysteriously after entering
Caves & Chambers.

about the weapon (military vehicle found buried inside a cave...do you think some one might be interested to buy this artifacts even those gas mask..... and other artifacts..due to security reason and groups who might be interested in the Cultural/historical value of some artifacts, I cannot post it on the net right now coz there's ongoing excavation on these sites...but in due time i will post them....

boylara said:
about the weapon (military vehicle found buried inside a cave...do you think some one might be interested to buy this artifacts even those gas mask..... and other artifacts..due to security reason and groups who might be interested in the Cultural/historical value of some artifacts, I cannot post it on the net right now coz there's ongoing excavation on these sites...but in due time i will post them....

I would check The legality Of selling Especially if your Going to
try and sell off the Island.

Swr...sorry to say that you don't have any idea about the culture of th Filipino People specially those in the Government Service...If will be stupid on the part of the treasure hunter if they will inform nor ask permit from this people.If they will know the site the common tao/barrio people/ discoverer will be benefited from this project. Why all of the THem are corrupt and greedy and there's no guaranty that this artifacts will put into the Republic name/offices but they themselves will sell it.... Yes there are laws governing this artifacts but the problem is the implementation "ano yan kami ang magsasaing/magluluto tapos sila kakain no way" (please translate). I myself is in the government service so I know their culture...This people uses they time, effort, money just to find this artifacts and btw all of this is found on private lands. RA 386
states that all treasures found in private lands belongs to the owner of the land." and if you ask me about the DENR memorandum order about caves...well tunnels are man made :-)
Im not posting any illegal activities here, i thought this forum is for the intelectuals/ do decipghere/filter what ever information posted here...bout the weapon (military vehicle found buried inside a cave...do you think some one might be interested to buy this artifacts even those gas mask. im not selling it I said "some one might be interested" ok....Natianol Museum, my old folks have given them antiques before for display in the museum but as of now I cannot locate them, why..because these employees/staff sold them...So do you think its proper to inform them when the fact is they are not reliable....
Yesterday they called me and inform me that they will just sell the weapon in a junk yard (per kilo yun bakal)..well that's a good idea then to be confiscated by these government officials...btw, we are being monitored by their agents...Hi!!! peace man....
about the gas mask.. those interested can order....hehehehehe...
btw...Digging/Treasure Hunting is just an ordinary activities here in our place...we don't need permits since it is found in private lands....About Laws...never mind

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