
Just email me at gergio2004@yahoo.com re time and place prefarably in malls, basta ba ikaw ang taya :coffee2:.. hehehe... I will be out of town on friday (june 13).

This link is not even about the Roxas v Marcos proceedings.

FYI: Everything is interconnected...gold, marcos, roxas, victims, $billions, court cases,CIA, gold cartel,bank acts, whatever, etc....all of these bruhaha bcoz of the existence of... Yam/Japs treasure.... :icon_pirat:
Meaning w/o Yam/Japs treasure all of those issues is none existence...oks?

Jeff of Pa,

This Thread will not go Forward
till The posts start discussing the
Yamasheeta Treasure in a Serious
light. This Thread is in a treasure Hunting
Forum. therfore Treasure hunting is the subject. Not destroying Anyones
Reputation, not trying to Disprove treasures.
I want to see Posts about the treasure,
About the search for the treasures.
And History Written or Past Down
Privately that could lead to treasures.
& Questions that help The Hunters
Locate these treasures. Etc.
there is no Forum here at treasureNet
Dedicated to Destroying TreasureHunters Hopes & Dreams, Beliefs or Reputation
For a reason.



It’s a former Japanese Army WW2 jungle base camp located in the interior Sierra Madre jungle.
Few months before the war ended, according to some local natives, they observed hundreds of Japanese soldiers for several weeks hauling several boxes and hiking towards the interior jungle of Sierra Madre mountain range. When they followed the Japanese soldiers trail toward their jungle base camp, they were horrified and shock to see lifeless bodies of Japanese soldiers scattered all over the camp.
He observed hundreds of dead Japanese soldiers still holding their rifles, some still holding their plates (as if eating) and one Japanese soldier still holding a dynamite stick beside an open dynamite box. As if they were poisoned or have committed massive suicide. They observed several rifles, samurais, water canteen, helmets, stockpiles of boxes and stockpile of assorted sizes of “black metal” bars just scattered within the jungle camp now covered with tall grasses and other objects. The native pointer spotter (one dead and two is still alive) took only a Japanese rifle and a water canteen as their souvenirs.
In late eighties, one of the original spotters brought along his son towards the Japanese camp area hunting for wild pigs, and along the trail they found two (2) pieces matchbox size black metal bars and brought it to their home for souvenir. But after a year the matchbox metal bars was lost, probably stolen by visiting strangers.
Last August 2007, Our own native guide was stranded in Sierra Madre due to typhoon. While waiting for the passenger pump boat to arrive, he roam the nearby forested areas and saw two natives (father and son) setting up wild pig traps in the area. The duo told our guide that they accidentally stumbled several scattered stockpiles of boxes and assorted sizes of metal black bars. They just ignore it bcoz they are afraid something might explode, so they continue on their wild pig hunting. The duo even challenges our guide to accompany them into the area, since my guide had no budget at that time for their food provisions, he promised to return back.
This is now our number one priority treasure site. No diggings. All we have to do is form an expedition/ exploration team and try to relocate and explore the Japanese jungle base camp. Although its not easy bcoz of dense jungle and difficult terrain and weather…with complete budget and logistics these site is doable.

Mario, a local native was running after the wounded wild pig he had recently shot. While observing the blood trail of the wild pig, he was able to look up and observed a cliff wall cave almost covered with rattan vines. He saw something inside the cliff wall cave. He immediately climbed a small tree just in front of the cliff wall cave. He observed several stockpile of boxes inside the cave but blocked and covered by Palo China timbers probably to prevent the boxes from falling out of the cave. Mario just ignores his find and continue his wild pig hunting.
When he went home he told his cousin Elmer about the cliff wall cave. Due to Elmer curiosity and persistence, Mario accompanied his cousin Elmer to the cliff wall area for cave relocation and wild pig hunting. Elmer vividly observed the cave. And when he went home he told his father what they saw. His late father told him that during the war, he also saw several Japanese soldiers carrying boxes and hides it near the waterfalls. They even throw a concrete vault into the river pool.
Elmer told this information to our guide bcoz he always go to the cave area for wild pig hunting. He even boasted to our guide that he could go to the cliff wall area even at night with only moonlight.

A Japanese jungle base airstrip with underground chamber located inside Sierra Madre mountain range. The secret exit/entrance is a small hole within the cliff wall.
A Japanese cargo plane crashed in Sierra Madre mountain ranges believed to contain treasure, accidentally found by natives.
A cave full of treasure initially inspected and photograph in 1982 by Budz father. The secret rock door opening was covered with rock boulders.
A sinkhole cave full of treasure, initially hauled gold bar sample by Budz father in 1979. The secret opening was partially covered with rocks and vegetation.
A secret treasure cave within a waterfalls. Initially hauled 48 pcs gold bars in 1986. The lone live pointer can’t go to the area. Explored and found by our team in 2004. treasure operation was canceled due to lack of equipment and budget.
Underwater golden Budha chained into the rocks. Accidentally found by natives fisherman in Sierra Madre shorelines.
Underwater 2-metal box inside a coral cave, accidentally found by local native fisherman.

THESE ARE ALL INDIANA JONES TYPE OF YAM/JAPS TREASURE HUNTING IN THE JUNGLE....tantarantan-tantantan 2X ... :icon_pirat:...........hurry guys the villains are coming...

maybe perhaps we could meet when i made a hit so that i can give some for your expidition,i'm almost there my friend.or maybe we can arrange to meet gensum as i am also eager to meet him in person,i saw in ming that he is meeting you anytime,maybe i can hitch or join you.


thanks for finally we can #@!$%#@!s back to the original subject,no more distraction from outsiders,no fear of destroying reputations and disproving anybody's claims and stories.

jeff hope this will go on



Your priority treasure sites are circulating almost 4 years now, and yet no hunters seems to be interested in pursuing your invitation. If one will analyze your stratement, you yourself do not have a first hand informations regarding those "allege treasures". You yourself have not gone in those areas, wherein your informations are all based in "words of mouth".
If you are inviting hunters in those sites, how can you assure that those areas really exist? What if a an interested party gambles with ytour invitation and found it "empty" except words? How can you justify all those expenses, time and effort by the people who believe you?
What other hunters ask is not a detailed and complicated proof; what they want are genuineness of the informations.

Say for example, you said that "Last August 2007, Our own native guide was stranded in Sierra Madre due to typhoon. While waiting for the passenger pump boat to arrive, he roam the nearby forested areas and saw two natives (father and son) setting up wild pig traps in the area. The duo told our guide that they accidentally stumbled several scattered stockpiles of boxes and assorted sizes of metal black bars. They just ignore it bcoz they are afraid something might explode, so they continue on their wild pig hunting. The duo even challenges our guide to accompany them into the area, since my guide had no budget at that time for their food provisions, he promised to return back."

Did you see the contradiction on that statement?
1. Your guide has reached that far place for one purpose....treasure...and yet did not "call" the challenge given by the natives?
2. Budget issue is a very thin argument in that very place..where are you going to use those budget if you have nothing to buy?
3. Food provision is out of the question if you are well verse in the jungle, there are edible food that can be found in any jungle.
4. He promised to return back...its been so long that promise is not yet fulfilled, remember, stories does not remain always in present tense, it will become past tense after so many years...What if those natives are already dead?
5. And last, your group is looking for "metal" and there was metal offered for you to see, and yet it was ignored....

Now, you can not blame these gentlemen to disagree with you, and maybe it is only appropiate that this thread be categorized as legend.


Dred 747,
When you post these sites, what do you hope to accomplish?
1) To accept the suggestion of moderator Jeff of Pa, not to engage in verbal or personal insult to any poster here anymore...just go back to plain and simple search for yam treasure, sharing some treasure infos, treasure leads, treasure stories and etc.
2) To share also some Yam treasure infos...that Yam Treasure hunting is NOT ONLY DIGGING SITES but there are other types of Yam treasure sites. BTW I'm the only one who was able to post such other type of treasure sites...so far nobody else.....meaning another add'l treasure infos, oks?

Angel 09,

Your priority treasure sites are circulating almost 4 years now, and yet no hunters seems to be interested in pursuing your invitation. If one will analyze your stratement, you yourself do not have a first hand informations regarding those "allege treasures". You yourself have not gone in those areas, wherein your informations are all based in "words of mouth".
Some of these sites are old ones, some are recent ones like japs camp/cliffwall cave/japs runway, etc....its true i have not been in actual areas ( i explored different sierra sites before like Dumagat secret treasure 1 & 2, etc), bcoz if I do, I could have hauled it already and the story would have been different. BTW, Thats why these are called treasure leads, stories or infos. For us to follow it up or explore.

If you are inviting hunters in those sites, how can you assure that those areas really exist? What if a an interested party gambles with ytour invitation and found it "empty" except words? How can you justify all those expenses, time and effort by the people who believe you?
What other hunters ask is not a detailed and complicated proof; what they want are genuineness of the informations

If you wanted to personally ask me...I prefered NOT TO INVITE or let anybody or newcomer join our team, bcoz this is our own big vol. treasure site leads....my treasure hunter instinct says that if your team have good treasure lead, we should kept it for your own team consumption ONLY, however since I gain some YTH friends here already, they are welcome to tag along at their own expense.
The geuineness of the information is out there in the jungle, for you to see and discover it for yourself. Thats why its called exploration not retrieval operation. Remember NO treasure hunter will invite stranger into their own treasure cave if he already gone there himself, his basic treasure instinct is to kept it secret, since this is just treasure leads information given by natives, these are treasure exploration to reconfirm its existence....

Say for example, you said that "Last August 2007, Our own native guide was stranded in Sierra Madre due to typhoon. While waiting for the passenger pump boat to arrive, he roam the nearby forested areas and saw two natives (father and son) setting up wild pig traps in the area. The duo told our guide that they accidentally stumbled several scattered stockpiles of boxes and assorted sizes of metal black bars. They just ignore it bcoz they are afraid something might explode, so they continue on their wild pig hunting. The duo even challenges our guide to accompany them into the area, since my guide had no budget at that time for their food provisions, he promised to return back."
Did you see the contradiction on that statement?
1. Your guide has reached that far place for one purpose....treasure...and yet did not "call" the challenge given by the natives?

NO, we only let our native guide to go there for other purpose, to try to contact his relatives who was a live pointer of japs camp treasure, meaning he go there to negotiate and gather some treasure details NOT to treasure hunt. Unfortunately his relatives is inside the forest for rattan gathering and it will a week or two to return, since his budget is only (php 3,000 or $40) for his 3 days food and pumpboat back/forth fare he decided to return home, while waiting for the pumpboat, he accidentally got another good treasure lead from those two natives. And he never accept the challenge due to lack of food budget. Pinapaproduce daw siya 10 kilo bigas at ulam, wala siya maibigay kaya cancel muna...elista na lang muna site na yan,oks? :P
BTW we have trained all our native guide to ask around re possible treasure sites bcoz most of the natives are ignorant, while our guides are familiar/expert already with treasure info gathering.

2. Budget issue is a very thin argument in that very place..where are you going to use those budget if you have nothing to buy?
Are you a mountaineer or have been to remote areas? If not probably you do not have an idea the expense you need in going to remote jungles. Its like going to treasure hunt...bringing along all your month long supplies, camping, climbing gears at your back. BTW, once you are in the area, your native guides, relatives will consume all your food supplies (you can't prevent them their your treasure guide/relatives,right?) thats why you make your food supplies 10-20x more. Just imagine the logistics in bringing thru 24 hrs by bus, 15 pumpboat and one month hike...and you carry those logistics in your back for such a long trip.
3. Food provision is out of the question if you are well verse in the jungle, there are edible food that can be found in any jungle
Oh we did encounter lack of rice...for one week we eat only cassava root crops and for one week my stomach boils every 10 minutes and i FART every 10 minutes for about a week... ;D
Are you sure that there are edible food can be found in the jungle?...have you been inside rainforest jungle before? you can't even see the sky due to high vegetation... what do you eat...grass? vines? or tree bark?....It is illussion that you can easily catch wild pigs or animals, you can't even see them there....however there are lots of insects...ants, snails, limatik (leeches), small lizards/frogs....can you eat them?

4. He promised to return back...its been so long that promise is not yet fulfilled, remember, stories does not remain always in present tense, it will become past tense after so many years...What if those natives are already dead?
He will only return back, once we give him the go signal/budget/ team to explore there. If our native assets died, we look for other priority treasure sites on our list...next site pls...oks? ;D

5. And last, your group is looking for "metal" and there was metal offered for you to see, and yet it was ignored
Maybe its not yet our time, better lack next time...hehehe...BTW, we are used to that kind of treasure leads and info that we are no longer rattled or surprised, just normal or ordinary treasure info/leads.
In fact, 2 weeks ago, our native assets plead us to give him 5,000 pesos ($120) bcoz his native uncle in the mountain is selling gold bars (his uncle had sold 5 times already at 1-2 bars (6 kg) at a time/year only). However,we failed to sent immedietely the money, the 6 kilo 22k gold bar was sold to another lowlander buyer at 15,000 pesos ($350) only.....waaaaa iyak ang grupo (the group cried waaa, hehehe) , >:(....buts its okey...we knew there are still loose gold bars and treasure sites out there...darating din tayo dyaaan...

maybe perhaps we could meet when i made a hit so that i can give some for your expidition,i'm almost there my friend.or maybe we can arrange to meet gensum as i am also eager to meet him in person,i saw in ming that he is meeting you anytime,maybe i can hitch or join you.
I have not yet been informed if GenSum wanted to meet me....maybe am not updated in ming already, nakakatamad na kasi magpost dun panay away/batikusan ) its tiring to post there full of mudslinging instead of treasure related infos.

Doesn't anyone here has a "geniune" treasure site to divulve for the forum group to operate in order to break this legend once and for all?
Since individual success stories can't be believed then maybe a group endeavor would once and for all be used as proof of the existence of Yam treasures. just a suggestion................... ::)


Well, that is our treasure lead, story , legend...whatever...
Now, what is your treasure DIGGING sites story to tell or contribute here....hopefully its exciting treasure info/lead/story ...not the usual useless digging hole with lots of alibis (alleged rock marker, water, w/o scanner,etc)


I think there were some misconceptions from the very beginning regarding the subject of "hidden treasures". When someone mentioned treasures, in the Philippines, it is automatically coined to yamasheeta's gold, where in fact, Yamasheeta is not the only high ranking General who stayed here in the Phil.

And as years passes by, these hidden treasures evolves into different stories, through words of mouth, of different Treasure hunters, thus to our present time, it is now considered a legend.
This legend, becomes the "pool" of different kinds of people; hunters, swindlers, non believers, almost everybody who wanted to get rich in one way or another.
But, legend it may be, the facts can not be ignored that lots of people became millionaires because of this legend…
These are the people who are watching and are in the background, who became rich because of these treasure. These people will not give any clue or information on how they gotten it, nor they will tell how much they got, but these are the people who are millionaires because of this treasure.
The case of Roger Roxas is true to life story. I have seen personally the picture of his children standing besides the golden budha, with the head on the floor. I have also seen the fake Buddha, which very much different from the first photograph that I have seen. Roxas lost everything, including his personal collection of different old coins. How I know this? I know Roxas family since I was a boy.

I have also seen personally the concrete which was taken from an old mango tree, where the imprint of gold bar are very visible. these bars were encased in concrete and put within the trunk of the tree. This tree is owned by my cousin, but the gold was found accidentally by another group, without using any detector, dowsing...just sheer luck.

Another concrete that i also seen came under the tree. A flat slab, of 1 foot thickness, was unearthed by dozer during the construction of the school. The size of the imprint is identical to the imprint of bar taken from the mango tree. the distance between the two locations is 4-5 kms.
This gold was also found accidentally, again by sheer luck. The engineer left the project, and when they check his barrack, they found these broken concrete.

These are only but few that I have witnessed, that this gold really exist, I do not know whose...maybe yamashita, Homa, or whoever the general in that particular area.

This is what I called " just within the surface", and probably maybe few are still there to be found. If our friends would like to "read" more stories about gold...and fake gold, I still have 2 "jars" of stories to be told.


Hello to all Pinoy hunters,

im just a newbie t.hunter from northern philippines-luzon-cordillera. im very happy reading post/comments regarding yamas treasure burried here in our country it really helps a lot especially for me, i have just one little request for all of you guys who have referrences on signs/markers decoding, if you can send it to me/us it will be of great help for us to move on in our quest. pls share your resources(sing/markers decoding) to us and hope someday we can see the light.
million thanks to anyone who will give their time for this request of mine.
slider (jhunsyyy123@yahoo.com.ph)

slider said:
Hello to all Pinoy hunters,

im just a newbie t.hunter from northern philippines-luzon-cordillera. im very happy reading post/comments regarding yamas treasure burried here in our country it really helps a lot especially for me, i have just one little request for all of you guys who have referrences on signs/markers decoding, if you can send it to me/us it will be of great help for us to move on in our quest. pls share your resources(sing/markers decoding) to us and hope someday we can see the light.
million thanks to anyone who will give their time for this request of mine.
slider (jhunsyyy123@yahoo.com.ph)
hi slidw,just keep looking my friend,maybe by chance you will stumble upon them who can give you the materials you need.

To all Filipino TH only,

I will be travelling to to Aurora tomorrow to obtain the pictures from the Reich Boussier quest in Sierra Madre. If the pictures are still in the possession of our man in Aurora Province, I will be showing it in this forum after two weeks. It has been a year ago since their quest. Gold Coins, Old Coins circa 18 century & Bar Platinum.

TO THE EAST, TO THE EAST... TOMORROW, TO THE EAST (Modified in the TI of Robert S.)

I heard from the grave yard that this fellow GEO PROFILER is an scammer....his Gadget/Detector detect nothings , He wants you to PAY first before doing the actual scanning.......some of us here in this forum are real TH Filipino Hunters, it is our obligation and duty to inform others....tayo tayo na nga kinakatalo mo pa kapwa mo pinoy(please translate)..btw way folks, there is another book coming soon about World war 2, yama trea, etc ...entitled "Untold Lies/Truth"


D Cross said:
To all Filipino TH only,

I will be travelling to to Aurora tomorrow to obtain the pictures from the Reich Boussier quest in Sierra Madre. If the pictures are still in the possession of our man in Aurora Province, I will be showing it in this forum after two weeks. It has been a year ago since their quest. Gold Coins, Old Coins circa 18 century & Bar Platinum.

TO THE EAST, TO THE EAST... TOMORROW, TO THE EAST (Modified in the TI of Robert S.)
hi my friend,
welcome to the club my friend,rest assured that whatever material you can share here will be highly appriciated,don't worry nobody will disprove and discriminate you here,thats the number 1 policy of our moderator here.
feel free my firend.


Edong said:

Hi Edong,

First, you have to give full detail about that metal bar before your question can be answered correctly.

1. What are the dimensions of that metal bar?
2. How were you able to get the 27% of P.T. from that metal bar?
3. If you were able to determine 27% of P.T., What are the other "alloy" in that metal based on assay report? If any?
4. How much money is involve for that piece of metal?

If you can give these data, I can give you the bottom line answer to your question.


just for the skeptics hehehehe..........

SWR said:
slider said:
i have just one little request for all of you guys who have referrences on signs/markers decoding, if you can send it to me/us it will be of great help for us to move on in our quest. pls share your resources(sing/markers decoding) to us and hope someday we can see the light.

To date, there are no references or reliable sources pertaining to “signs” or “markings” for the Yamashi.ta legend. In my opinion, these terms are only used to enhance the legend.

Realistically, using rocks in 1944 as markers?

Yes there is! Its compiled by the Treasure Hunters' Association of the Philippines, Inc. (THAPI). It is segregated according to regions since operational units used some of their own markings/signs but there are common ones used by most units.

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