good afternoon swr: You posted -->

Anybody can compile data, have it printed and distribute it freely. That does not mean the content is truthful or correct, and does not qualify the material as a reliable source

Nor does it "disqualify" it. Everything has to be taken into consideration.

If I bury something, and only I know of it, then, according to your qualification, I am not a qualified source on it or it's data, since it has not passed a peer review, yet, I am / it IS, by any standard.

A Peer review can only apply to something that is in open public domain. Obviously most critical details of a treasure are not, unless it has already been recovered, in which case it is a moot remark..

Don Jose de La Mancha

p.s. I am still out on the Yama thingie.

I'm probably not supposed to, but I just gotta ask....

If you have the code book for the markers/symbols of the Japanese army and...

You have found so many markers/carvings made by same...

Why don't you decipher them and go get the treasure? :icon_scratch:



Saturna said:
I'm probably not supposed to, but I just gotta ask....

If you have the code book for the markers/symbols of the Japanese army and...

You have found so many markers/carvings made by same...

Why don't you decipher them and go get the treasure? :icon_scratch:



Well, Saturna, no amount of drawings, statement, curvings can sway other's people's belief. As what I have mentioned before, these people are giving their hands-on account about their experiences and what they have encountered, which is always...as some other says, no result. I think it is about time that we hear from the so called "expert" in finding treasures; hidden, burried or exposed...we might learn something from them...specially from SWR.
Besides, SWR has ended the discussions about these japanese codes, in which to him it doesn't exist...and so be it.

My point is let us see how SWR do well with his, so called "adventure", in which I believe far more "greater and better" than these people are doing....Since he had said that this thead is going round and around, so I think he can enlighten us about his work...I didn't mean, same Yam treasure, but the parallelism with it, who knows, they might get some techniques from you?..(if any)

Please I'm still waiting for your response to my request ....unless, you have nothing to give....

and we can understand that....


Saturna said:
I'm probably not supposed to, but I just gotta ask....

If you have the code book for the markers/symbols of the Japanese army and...

You have found so many markers/carvings made by same...

Why don't you decipher them and go get the treasure? :icon_scratch:



Well, Jay I did say, a few posts back, that it has been a reliable source of info for us. I'll leave it to you to draw your conclusions.


angel_09 said:
jeff of pa said:
SWR said:
You guys are starting to get all squirrelly again. No need for the name calling (selfish dude…really) and no need to swing the thread off-topic by requesting me to post some of my most excellent adventures.

This thread is about the Yamashi.ta legend, not SWR. Keep the personal digs to yourself.

I have to agree

If yous want me to remove Personal Diggs on yous
yous better avoid Giving them also.

This tread is about the 2008 EXPEDITION: YAMASH-I-T-A ( Japanese) TREASURE

If you's have nothing fruther to add on the subject Maybe it should be Retired :wink:

Hi Jeff,

I think your suggestion is the best exit for SWR. IT is only now that I understand that requesting reciprocity from SWR is considered a swing off from his side.
Yeah, i think this thread should retire....Anyway, treasure codes may not even be true...Where it is always for somebody....Too bad it is not in the internet, and treasure surfing is far, far from reality....


First off this is a TreasureHunting site.

All treasures are to be considered Real unless you can do the Impossable
and Prove them False.

swr: Here is an excerpt from my ongoing story of the searh for 'tayopa now being posted. It concerns a strictly local legend of a lost missoin that was being constructed, there is no mention of it in any acredited data source, yet it existed and I found it..

"The one point whch I never nanaged to clear up, was exactly when was the Gloria Pan last sealed up.? I know that it was reopened after the 1630 uprising, but closed after another minor flare up, but which one ??

I aked the Inidans up there if they knew where the new mission was, or where it was to be built. No one had the slightest idea, so apparantly it was just an unconfirmed rumor.

One day when I riding up on the crest of the ridge, in stirrup deep grass, I came across almost one hundred square cut stone blocks scattered in the grass effectively hidden. Obviously the site of the new mission This was a very encouraging find. It tended to give a solid reference point which helped to give the document substance..©@"

Don Jose de La Mancha

For those who loves underwater recovery:

Excerpt from: Raiders of the Lost Gold

"In 1955, another joint operation by the Philippine
and Japanese governments was started. The maritime
project called for the salvaging of about 269 Japanese
vessels sunk during the war. About 124 vessels were
located in Manila Bay, while the rest were spotted in
other parts of the country. As soon as the salvaging
operations began, rumors began to spread that the
vessels were filled with gold bullion and then
deliberately scuttled for future retrieval. None of the
rumors were ever substantiated. Undoubtedly, the
rumormongers were inspired by the little-known story
of the ill-fated Japanese ship Awa Maru. This could
also have been the reason why Fukumitsu, whenever
the question of the treasure’s existence came up, would
refute the possibility with “messianic zeal”. The less
people knew about the treasure’s existence, the better
for Fukumitsu’s bosses."


Excerpt from: Raiders of the Lost Gold

"Whatever volume figures are ultimately believed or
proven, the magnitude remains astounding. The gold
was shipped out in a span of more than a decade from
the late sixties to the mid-eighties. In the later frenzied
stages from 1983-85, all forms of transport were
used—from commercial and chartered ocean vessels
and aircraft, to the military aircraft of the Philippines.
A. Asia
1. PROC—in various depositories in Southern
China & Switzerland; joint IRM/FM stock. An amount
allegedly given to Mao Tse Tung by IRM, 1973, now
with Madam Mao.
2. Singapore—in three banks in Singapore; banks
and signatories identified. An amount reportedly given
to Lee Kuan Yew by IRM in 1975, now in Tatlee
Bank, Singapore.
3. Malaysia—in Bank Negara (Central bank),
shipped 1973.
4. Indonesia—in at least 4 banks in Jakarta, 9,600
MT sold in 1987 for FM to Union Bank of
5. India—in various depositories; one 94-year-old
trustee identified.
6. Hong Kong—in 10 Hong Kong banks; banks,
signatories, account numbers, etc., identified.
7. Marianas—in private storage, IRM’s stock;
trustee identified.
8. Palau—in private storage, IRM’s stock, trustee
9. Philippines—4,600 pieces, 75 kgs. in 18
identified banks in Metro Manila. More in private
storage, some identified, more still to be dug up
estimated at 400,000 MT."

NOTES: Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 which are FM stocks
are probably covered by the 70-30 deal with each
country. No. 1 still has to be studied further, as both
IRM and Madame Mao are no longer in their
respective nation’s political structures. Nos. 7 & 8 are
also IRM stocks and are not probably covered by the
by the 70-30 deal. Japan and Mrs. Yamashita have
their stakes here as mentioned. Mrs. Yamashita is
co-owner of some Hong Kong stock (already
identified). Japan may expect 50% of FM’s 30% in
these Asian settlements.
A. U.S. and Environs
1. 38,000 MT—various identified depository banks
in New York.
2. 72,000 MT—Fort Knox, account no. identified.
3. 18,3000 MT—in a New York bank; signatories,
account codes identified.
4. 62,000 MT—various identified depository banks;
Canada, Nevada, California, and Panama.
NOTES: These were shipped out covering a
period of more than 10 years from 1973-1983. The
MAFIA and the CIA helped ship it, including some
monitored shipments through Clark Air Base. Nos. 1
& 2 formed the stock for the YAB42 transaction to be
detailed later. Nos. 3 & 4 were also being sold in
1983-1985. It is doubtful any of these transactions
were actually consummated.
5. Bahamas—Banco Bahamas; trustee identified.
6. Panama—Bank of Panama; possible 1983 sales
through Navegacion Global’s Bullock.
B. Europe
1. England—in 4 identified London depository
banks; IRM’s stock. Shipped 1978-85, flown to and
reminted in Switzerland, then on to London in GLD
(Good London Delivery) bars.
2. Switzerland—in various depository banks, some
banks and signatories identified.
3. FRG—in various depositories in Luxembourg
and Bonn. Fabian Ver and Edna Camcam’s account,
some lent to back up FRG’s currency.
C. Africa. FM owns 40% of 4 leading gold
mining and processing firms."

These are some info about the Yamashita Gold, I just do not know if the countries mentioned above do really exist.
Even the banks, the names involve, and the amount of gold maybe do not exist....because it is only a legend....
I also do not know if MAFIA & CIA are really not fictional....maybe they are...because they where mentioned in an unbelievable legend...which are not true because it is only a legend, and can not be found in any public domain(?)...

SWR said:
angel_09 said:
For those who loves underwater recovery:

Excerpt from: Raiders of the Lost Gold

Excerpt from Raiders of the Lost Gold, a novel self-published by Erick San Juan

Chapter Six, Part Six

"When the war took a turn in favor of the United States in May 1942, after the U.S. Navy destroyed a Japanese fleet at the Battle of Midway, MacArthur’s forces began the mighty push to the north, leap-frogging from Guam, Saipan, Tinian, and other atolls. By early 1944, U.S. military strategists began to ponder the next major target: Taiwan. The plan called for circumventing the Philippines in order to move closer to Japan. Conventional wisdom tells us that MacArthur disapproved of this plan, warning that to bypass the archipelago would “incur the open hostility of the Filipinos and damage America’s image throughout Asia.” President Roosevelt went to Hawaii in July 1944 to confer with MacArthur and Admiral Nimitz, to resolve the issue. But once home, Roosevelt referred the matter to the joint chiefs of staff. They finally approved MacArthur’s plan to land in Leyte, forgetting about the Taiwan option, after having been informed that gold bullion was being hoarded by General Yamashi.ta, the “Tiger of Malaya”. When the American forces entered Manila and discovered that the gold bullion had been successfully shipped to Japan, they hanged Yamashi.ta in Los Banos, Laguna, for his war crimes, and for his alleged role in the devastation of Manila, despite the fact that “he bore no responsibility for the cataclysm—having ruled from the start against defending the capital.” It was Admiral Iwabuchi and his 20,000 naval troops armed with automatic weapons who embarked on an orgy of atrocities, impaling babies on bayonets, raping women, and beheading the men. MacArthur’s much ballyhooed return was nothing more than a salvaging operation. The Americans were more interested in the “Yamashi.ta Treasure” than in the liberation of the Philippines."

This is what happens when you mix-up bits and pieces of real history, skewed history and conspiracy theories. I have highlight in red an interesting statement by the author. He claims the gold was already shipped to Japan.

How can a person mix up pieces of history when what he did is to do a short extraction of the book?

This is where the problem arises SRW, you always talk in absolute without analyzing your statement. "Skewed history and conspiracy theories" are all but your one sided definition against the author and everybody...whatever their topic maybe.

Another thing, nothing is written that he "claimed" the gold was already shipped to Japan.(As what you have implied) What he said was:

"When the American forces entered Manila and discovered that the gold bullion had been successfully shipped to Japan, they hanged Yamashi.ta in Los Banos, Laguna, for his war crimes, and for his alleged role in the devastation of Manila, despite the fact that “he bore no responsibility for the cataclysm—having ruled from the start against defending the capital."

Now, who skewed the author's words?

Another thing:

When the Americans discovered the gold bullion had been succesfully shipped to Japan, does it means "ALL THE GOLD ?BULLION? Nobody knows...You or anybody.... except them....

The best thing you can do is:

Negate all what the author has written by writing your own version of Asia Facific war history. Aside from that, whatever you say will have no bearing at all.


Like what I have said, If no one can negate the story of the author, whatever words to be said has no bearing at all.

Yeah, let us go back to treasure hunting.

For those who loves underwater recovery:

There are quite a number of japanese ships sitiing on the of Philippine water that needs to be salvaged. This type of T. hunting is more enjoyable than land hunting, provided of course, if the hunter has the capability and equipment to do it.
Not only that, they might even find chinese ship traders sitting along with these battle ship.



Well, the Japanese battleship Musashi (sistership to Yamato) is sunk in the Sibuyan Sea and at current scrap steel prices of about $500/ton would be worth around $35,000,000, based on 70,000 tons.

Recovery might be difficult mind you.


I bet the Japanese would pay more per kilogram if you raise the bell from the Musashi.honor And leave the wreck alone if only to honor the memory of the 1700 who perished.

At the same time, let us honor the Filipino martyrs by digging out the plunder their murderers buried and use it to build orphanages, hospitals, etc..


Dear Angel, how you doing? ok here's the whole story about those metal a guy came to me ,and he saw me a metal bar that has similarity,or form of a gold bar,except these one is a little bigger i measure the bottom width which'sa little bigger on the top side ,here's all measurement that i have approximately 4"x6"x12" and after confirmation the weight is only 50kg.now the 27% of pt he has no proof of it just a verbal report,or analyst from a mining company.,the reason i am interested because he has tons of it inside the tunnel, and it was confirm thru my men hope these help thanks Ed

Hi Edong,

Just to make sure the dimensions are correct:

Thickness = 4"

Width = 6"

length = 12"

Are these dimensions correct?

Now, to get the approximate weight (by calculation), does 6" width (bottom) is correct? Any idea about the top width?


Hi Edong,

Since the bar seems trapezoidal, my calculation gives me a volume of 276 cu.in. with a weight of 50 kgs. If the alledge 27% is really platinum, the weight of this metal would be 23 kgs. approximately, and the remaining alloy will be 23 kgs. With this remaining alloy, the following are the nearest possible metal:
1. Tin
2. Zinc
3. Babbitt

If however, there are no PT content in that bar, we can conclude that bar to be LEAD.

if you want to be sure about that metal, you need to send it for assay with hard copy. My assumption are based on the data that you have provided me. Hope this will give you an idea about that metal. Even if it is not platinum, still it is a fortune if you are talking in tons.



The weight of the platinum would be 26.13 kgs. approximately (not 23 kgs).



It has been 13 days since the last posting. Is something wrong here? or everyone too busy digging?

dindo_bayaua said:
It has been 13 days since the last posting. Is something wrong here? or everyone too busy digging?

I think the guys above have cashed in their tons of Platinum and are cruising around in their new yachts :icon_pirat:


I'm sure when they have an UPdate They will

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