good morning green Apple: Pues mi amigo, well my friend I suggest that you confirm my statements with our friend Zobex.

Unfortunately, in all honesty, trying to help, "not downgrade", I would have to say "Yes", natural.

Mostly it is just simple observation of natural markings, faulting, striations, colorization, etc.

In your rock there are various similar types of inclusions, hence not man made. there are intersecting fractures / faults cutting through or intersecting the inclusions. No-one does this. Also no-one goes to the trouble of making an irregular insert since it is almost impossible to follow every little fracture, line. striation, etc.etc.

Always Just observe carefully the entire area without trying to fit an anomaly into a hoped for, or preconceived sign.

Remember, I do not feel good when I have to say nature, I sincerely hope that you find a huge treasure, but I am sure that you want the truth as I see it, always remembering that I also make mistakes, just ask my wife.

Sometimes a natural thingie may / can be worked on for your purpose.

Don Jose de La Mancha


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SWR said:
greenapple said:
mr beach comber,
i dont really know about the shape of those gold bars post pre/post ww2 as well as java's production pre ww2,its not really my concern.

That is painfully obvious.

all i believe is that there are thousands of treasure sites here in my country,if you like you can join us digging for joy and adventure.

My research shows opposite. There are not thousands of treasure sites in your country. Digging hundreds of feet down into the earth for no apparent reason, without any monetary gain is not my idea of joy and adventure. I will decline your kind offer at this time.

I would also like to take a few moments here to state I have noticed an alarming rate of abusing my screen name on TreasureNet. My screen name is SWR…it is not River Diver, Coin Hunter or Mr. Beach Hunter. You may address me by my screen name (SWR) as I have respectfully addressed the other participants of TreasureNet by their appropriate screen names. That should be easy to do. SWR = 3 letters.
please take a few moment also to ponder why in this world you always hate to believe the existence of yama#@!$%#@!a treasure,we filipino's treasure hunters never mind your beach combing/coin hunting business but you?you are always here
in our furom?when you created your thread no one bothers you there and a fellow filipino created this one !


angel_09 said:
Hi Greenapple,

Can you provide background views of these boulders?

Say, North, East, West and south sides. We may have some bit of helpful information just in case....

the stone is on the right side of a river,downstream and facing east.so when took that picture i'm actually facing west.farther upstream about 100meters are some very large rocks.
i will get some new pics of it the next time i visit the area,thanks for the info's you may give me.



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Real de Tayopa said:
good morning green Apple: Pues mi amigo, well my friend I suggest that you confirm my statements with our friend Zobex.

Unfortunately, in all honesty, trying to help, "not downgrade", I would have to say "Yes", natural.

Mostly it is just simple observation of natural markings, faulting, striations, colorization, etc.

In your rock there are various similar types of inclusions, hence not man made. there are intersecting fractures / faults cutting through or intersecting the inclusions. No-one does this. Also no-one goes to the trouble of making an irregular insert since it is almost impossible to follow every little fracture, line. striation, etc.etc.

Always Just observe carefully the entire area without trying to fit an anomaly into a hoped for, or preconceived sign.

Remember, I do not feel good when I have to say nature, I sincerely hope that you find a huge treasure, but I am sure that you want the truth as I see it, always remembering that I also make mistakes, just ask my wife.

Sometimes a natural thingie may / can be worked on for your purpose.

Don Jose de La Mancha

don jose my amigo,
i mean no offence when i give my replies to you,i always knew what will be your conclusions about my pictures,hahaha.anyway who else can give an accurate description and analysis than you?
i'm sure this one will be "natural" and not carved by a human hands.


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As what I have suspected, and based on your description about its location, I suspect that your rock is not originally "placed and done" in that river or creek. Let us assume for the moment that your rock is really a treasure marker, with that, we have to consider the following circumstances before doing anything or before starting a project:

a. Since the stone is on the right side of a river,downstream and facing east, it is possible that this particular rock eroded from a higher place, in which as you have said, "farther upstream about 100meters are some very large rocks". This rock is probably part of the cluster of rocks 100 meters upstream few decades ago.

b. It is highly possible that this may be an end result of continous raging water, thus moving downward as the soil weathering is moving upward. It will happen as turbulent water underneath the rock eats up the supporting soil where it is rested. This situation is always prevalent in our country.

c. let us assume again that this "marker" was done 66 years ago, from that time to present, let us give an average of 5 tyhpoons a year (conservative estimate), multiply it by 66 years will give us 330 typhoons. If during 1 typhoon, this rock moves 1 foot from its original position, multiply it by 330 typhoons, it will give us approximately 100 meters distance from it present location. It is also possible that this rock came from higher ground.

d. Now the present location of this rock is at the creek or an area of free flowing body of water, thus, rock weathering is highly probable during the course of time, from its original place up to now.

e. Although some of the cut looks like man made, say the triangle, one leg shows irregularity compared to other two legs. It may be an imbedded piece or rock, where in due course of time was washed out and leaves marking such as that.

f. If it is indeed a manmade marker, you have to look for the complement marker; not on that particular place but on the higher ground.



OHIO Green aple: you posted -->

i'm sure this one will be "natural" and not carved by a human hands.

Among other things, you are Psychic hehehehe.

Don Jose de La Mancha


Gentlemen / YTHr,

I've notice that your boulder entails lots of commentaries, its okey, let GBOY D OGIP step in and save you from further criticism, i will divert and show these critics some of my own "Perfect-cut boulder " Japanese treasure marker.....

The "we...d' 3 stooges" is sitting on top of "house- size" boulder...perfectly cut in half.The edge of the cut is so sharp and precise as if it was impossible sawed. The precision of the cut is way beyond today's technology. As if this was cut by 50 footer circular saw...AMAZING, isn't it? ;D
The other half of the boulder used to have a x mark carving, unfortunately was blasted by some treasure hunters....Question?....where the heck is the japanese treasure?....How d heck i should know,lets ask the japanese ;D ...kidding aside i suspect its just in vicinity or sorrounding area, you need geophysical survey.....
BTW..."this perfect cut boulder" is just standing near a ciff...on the opposite side of the cliff just 200 meters away, there is also a huge rock boulder but the carvings is big X....the size of the x is 10 feet tall and the thickness of x carving is is 12 inches....you will never notice the big x carving if you are beside the boulder...but if you are standing on perfect cut boulder and you use telescope to see the other X boulder...you will notice the x mark....
I was not able to take picture of the big x mark on big boulder bcoz it is sitting near the cliff....and we do not have a zoom camera.....usually when we explore we just use ordinary camera or disposable camera so that if it lost or forcibly taken from us... its just okey 'coz its cheap camera anyway....



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The edge of the cut is so sharp and precise as if it was impossible sawed. The precision of the cut is way beyond today's technology. As if this was cut by 50 footer circular saw...AMAZING, isn't it?

gboy, won't you consider the boulder was cut by E.T's?? not by japanese technology during WWII??



To all members on this forum,

I do enjoy reading regularly all the posts on this forum, though I seldom post any commentaries. We should take in stride all comments and opinions on our posts as a real gentleman should be and not to take it against the person. Just a piece of advise to members to refrain from name calling and to put some respect to each and everyone....
More power to us all on this forum!!!!




I think there is nothing unusual with that stone even if it is cut "almost perfectly" in half. The questions we should have in mind are:

1. What techniques do they use in doing so?

2. What equipment they use?

3. Is it related to treasure?

4. How it is related?

5. What kind of stone is it?

You see, identifying its classification will give what kind of tools you will use to cut it into two.

Say for example, diamond is the hardest know stone at present, but diamond cutter can cut it according to their likings or specs., take note, not by the naked eyes during process but with the aid of enlarger or magnifier. And they can do perfectly well.
For this particular stone, I don't think it will be hard to do so, we are only wondering how it was done, why was it done and who done it....
There is one technique in cutting metal without using high tech tools. Metal can be cut according to your liking. We call it "bandili" in vernacular, it is a piano wire or similar, and make some " teeth" along its length. With this method, I can cut 1 foot in length within 45 minutes or less.
With this stone, I suspect they used the similar method, though different cutting material with bigger structure to hold it.
Remember in the past, we are speaking of "X" quantity of manpower.

As what I have mentioned earlier, a marker should have complimentary marker if the marker is in the proper place. You have found one and the complement on the other side, meaning there is a possibility that there is really a hidden or burried treasure in that area.
As I understand, if there is something unusual, it needs to be learned and dechiper, not just enjoy it as it is without knowing what it conveys.



Real de Tayopa said:
OHIO Green aple: you posted -->

i'm sure this one will be "natural" and not carved by a human hands.

Among other things, you are Psychic hehehehe.

Don Jose de La Mancha
it just happened you were my great teacher.


angel_09 said:

As what I have suspected, and based on your description about its location, I suspect that your rock is not originally "placed and done" in that river or creek. Let us assume for the moment that your rock is really a treasure marker, with that, we have to consider the following circumstances before doing anything or before starting a project:

a. Since the stone is on the right side of a river,downstream and facing east, it is possible that this particular rock eroded from a higher place, in which as you have said, "farther upstream about 100meters are some very large rocks". This rock is probably part of the cluster of rocks 100 meters upstream few decades ago.

b. It is highly possible that this may be an end result of continous raging water, thus moving downward as the soil weathering is moving upward. It will happen as turbulent water underneath the rock eats up the supporting soil where it is rested. This situation is always prevalent in our country.

c. let us assume again that this "marker" was done 66 years ago, from that time to present, let us give an average of 5 tyhpoons a year (conservative estimate), multiply it by 66 years will give us 330 typhoons. If during 1 typhoon, this rock moves 1 foot from its original position, multiply it by 330 typhoons, it will give us approximately 100 meters distance from it present location. It is also possible that this rock came from higher ground.

d. Now the present location of this rock is at the creek or an area of free flowing body of water, thus, rock weathering is highly probable during the course of time, from its original place up to now.

e. Although some of the cut looks like man made, say the triangle, one leg shows irregularity compared to other two legs. It may be an imbedded piece or rock, where in due course of time was washed out and leaves marking such as that.

f. If it is indeed a manmade marker, you have to look for the complement marker; not on that particular place but on the higher ground.

this rock could be a part of the cluster some 65 years ago maybe because of soil erosion and ocassional flash floods but absolutely not because of typhoons as our place is outside of the typhoon belt.i am now 38 years old but never experienced a typhoon hitting our place.farther upstream about one km away i found this.


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I'd go for what Badz is saying. Respect for all people, whether they agree with us or not. Let them think of us as a bunch of stupids but there was a white man before us, remember? And I believe its not a matter of race but a matter of intelligence. Those of us who have intellects wider than most should try to understand those who will never get to understand why we do what we do. Can you imagine Einstein arguing with a 5 year old child? Worlds apart my friends.

So to all those whom I have tried to enlighten but would not, my apologies. For ours is a world only a few can ever understand and withstand.

Sayonara. Adieu. Mabuhay. Bye bye.



The "we...d' 3 stooges"
gboy is that tarzan with there or cliffhanger?unfortunately the rock is natural,hehehe


I still like TreasureNet compared to the other forums of the same category for the main reason that the participants are civilized enough,
even if you started the thread and yet the Moderator is still aware and civilized enough when to call the attention if it's out of bounds.


Green Apple A+_ in todays post. Fascinating rock no? Nature can do wonderful things, but then she has all of the time in the world.

The main reason that I post on these various anomalies is simply to caution the seekers to slow down and take a broad, sceptical, open look at the entire area, not just at what is hoped to be a treasure sign. I am not trying to be a smart ass or know-it-all, just trying to be helpful. why spend hard to come by capital and labor unless it is possibly a true sign.

I really would love to see you, g-boy, etc., find a big one.

Don Jose d e La Mancha


gboy, won't you consider the boulder was cut by E.T's?? not by japanese technology during WWII??
Maybe...maybe not...we are not expert on E.T.

gboy is that tarzan with there or cliffhanger?unfortunately the rock is natural,hehehe
...no comment for the 3 stooges (secret muna identity nila)...of course rock is natural, it has been for billion of years...

I think there is nothing unusual with that stone even if it is cut "almost perfectly" in half. The questions we should have in mind are:
1. What techniques do they use in doing so?
2. What equipment they use?
3. Is it related to treasure?
4. How it is related?
5. What kind of stone is it

Oh....Am 100% sure its VERY2 UNUSUAL to cut a huge boulder in half...who is a crazy person/s would cut a huge boulder in half??...Unless they have purpose for it..... Would you cut even a fist size rock...if there is no purpose at all? Think it over...

1) We have NO idea.
2) The cutting tools used must have been 100x bigger than the usual rock cutting tools....way beyond pinoy technology even today....
3) Definitely...Imagine a big boulder was cut perfectly into half...a perfect treasure marker, that will last for centuries.....
Assuming there was buried treasure in there, the Japanese veteran who hide the treasure now resides in Japan. And he instruct his son/grandson to look for these big boulder in a certan barrion/town....do you think they can easily find this marker...Yes, definetely...thats the purpose of the treasure marker....that even for 5 decades it can still be found by their comebacking Japs relatives...oks?
if this was just a small rock and hidden in bushes or soil...the combacking relatives of the japs will never find it...defeat the purpose of the marker, which is to guide to treasure.
4) The area is know to be retreat areas of the Japanese. One kilometer away from this area, the Japanese constructin firm, haul refrigerator size concrete vault...in front of the townfolks. The Japanese construction firm hurriedly left and leave behind several heavy eqp't behind (which is obvious the construction was just their treasure business front)...now the heavy eqp't was cannibalized by the local residents, the skeletal remains of Japs heavy eqp't is still near this area.

Realde Tayopa,
The main reason that I post on these various anomalies is simply to caution the seekers to slow down and take a broad, sceptical, open look at the entire area, not just at what is hoped to be a treasure sign. I am not trying to be a smart ass or know-it-all, just trying to be helpful. why spend hard to come by capital and labor unless it is possibly a true sign.
Your assumtion is correct...we have to analyze first before we conclude. However, for us who are familiar with japs rock treasure marker...It is easy to identify a possible japs treasure marker. If it is unique, well defined/ clear markings and obviously man made,.... with good Japs treasure history in the area...is a good treasure site candidate. All you need is hi-tech geo survey to reconfirm your suspected treasure target...as simple as that.



As I said earlier, there is nothing unusual if a stone is cut into two, regardless of its size. Of course, if you will cut anything into two, it will be two separate pieces. There is nothing unusual in that. Again, we can't call a person crazy if he cuts a boulder into two just because we don't understand his purpose. If you will notice my 3rd and 4th questions, I'm hinting its relevance about treasures.

3. Is it related to treasure?

4. How it is related?
You see, we have no argument if it is a marker; my point is, let us be more analytical, and not to jump into conclusions without examining everything.
Say for example, for the sake of argument, let us say I'm total alien about treasure markers whatsoever, and someone will tell me that stone is a treasure marker, do you think I would believe that person just because he says so? If I will be more analytical, lots of questions need to be answered before I will consider his conclusion, such as:

1. How did you know?
2. Just because it is cut into half, it is considered a treasure marker? How about if it is cut into three, will it still be remain a marker?
3. What if that stone was cut because of nature?
4. Sharp edges are not proof that a machine is used to cut this stone. An expert stone cutter can do the same.
5. Have you magnified both the cut surface to determine if a cutting passed in between? Any cutting tools passed into any type of object will give its "signature" to the grain surface.

Now let us assume it is manmade cut based on the results of our analysis; more questions will arise out of it...

1. Who cut it?
2. What are the purposes in cutting it?
3. What does it signifies?
4. How do we interpret the intentions of the person who cut it?

See, all of these need to be identified...and answered...we can not based our conclusion on false premises.

Now, let us assume it done by nature, if it is so, all our assumptions will go to the drain, since our conclusions were based on false analysis,


Material below was taken 66 feet below the surface.

1. Surface is very smooth and resembles wax. Can be chipped off by fingernails.
2. Color varies depending the dominant color of the surrounding; i.e. brown if surrounding is brown or dark blue if the surrounding is dark blue.
3. When put into water, it disintegrates in seconds and melted like powder in few minutes.
4. It is not a Jade.


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