Zobex and all,

We found the "entrance" which is about 4 meters wide that became visible at about 4 meters below. there were signs along the way that matches another set of signs. the signs were pointing to another set of signs (huge ones which i already posted here before). we dug up the hard concrete until we reach natural bedrock and moved on to the direction we perceived as guided by the signs. finally, we reached the very hard concrete/stones/slag covering the "mouth" of the tunnel. I say "mouth" because in the previous years we had been on the other side of the tunnel. (I will post a photo one of this days, maybe). It appears that at the mouth of the tunnel, the "structure" goes much deeper. I am posting here a photo of the spot above the tunnel's mouth.

I would appreciate the comments of everyone!



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SWR said:
Evidently, you are searching for a fantasy “treasure” the Japanese never left behind, and support a single-source conspiracy theory that America “stole” something that was never there.

You're saying this whole thread of more than 2000 posts is about some fantasy treasure the Japanese never left behind? And all because you said so. Don't you think that's a tad arrogant? Don't you think its such a waste of your time reading this thread then? Have you visited Accurate Locators' site lately?

Well from what I've read some country never returned 55 tons of my country's gold spirited out on its submarine when the Japanese was about to over-run Corregidor in 1942. That was more gold than what the Nazis took from Austria when they annexed it in the late 1930's. At least the Nazis never told the Austrians they were just protecting their gold.

Don't you think it's possible for the same group to have stolen something the Japanese stole? There have always been stories like that going around the islands after the war (even to this day) - about Gringos 'operating' sites in the guise of retrieving buried munitions/bombs - 'to protect the populace'. Spoils of war? Its every man for himself.

Or was old Mac too good to have not allowed stealing of this magnitude? Or was this the price the Japanese criminals of war, from the Emperor down to his family/relatives, paid to be spared the hanging that they deserved?

Letting these leaders get off the hook for Japanese plunder dishonors the memory of the men, women and children, Filipinos and Americans alike, who died during the war. Guess someone forgot the war slogan "Remember Bataan!" Or was that just lip service?

At least someone (what you call single-source) now has enough balls to call a spade a spade. And although a Filipino historian has, time and again, denied the existence of such plunder, one only need to research his background and find that he was schooled in Japanese universities in the 70's under a Japanese government grant. Would someone bite the hand that fed him? Biased history I believe.

Heck the Japanese and the Americans are still here digging. And nobody would believe them when they say they're here for dog tags. Who cares about them dog tags when you're diggin' for them gold, right?



regret to tell you that i am not yet ready to do that. after reading this thread for a long while, i believe that readers here will know what i am talking about.





If you are in a court, our court that is, with all the notes listed in this forum, the burden of proof is in your hand, not on our side. And even if every recent evidence will be shown in your eye balls, you will still claim it to be fake. A sceptic old man will always be sceptic today until until the day he dies. Think what is real essence of this forum. Further, do you have anything against us brown race?


Mr. SWR,

In my professional work as development adviser, I have many kinds of people from various cultures and have learned to accept extensive differences in opinions and perceptions. You could be correct that the picture is a quarry site. But may I politely tell you that is not. It is not my business to waste time to post anything thing here that is meant to "misguide" anyone. I have reigned myself in answering some questions posted here where I think there are obvious answers. Up to now I am not yet convinced on the existence of the "Y treasure". But I am pursuing what I am doing out of my interest for the truth. I must find out for myself, what the heck is down there under the structure.



jonesindy said:
Mr. SWR,

In my professional work as development adviser, I have many kinds of people from various cultures and have learned to accept extensive differences in opinions and perceptions. You could be correct that the picture is a quarry site. But may I politely tell you that is not. It is not my business to waste time to post anything thing here that is meant to "misguide" anyone. I have reigned myself in answering some questions posted here where I think there are obvious answers. Up to now I am not yet convinced on the existence of the "Y treasure". But I am pursuing what I am doing out of my interest for the truth. I must find out for myself, what the heck is down there under the structure.


A true Treasure Hunter



I don't have to prove anything to you or to whomever in this forum. I don't know how looking at a simple picture can make you determine if its fake or not without the benefit of even using a densimeter. You must be the greatest gold assayer in your own mind.

It exists. And no academic or government will convince me or my fellow Filipino THer's otherwise. I have seen it, I have touched it and I've sold it. And I'm enjoying the fruits of it already. And lots of people have benefitted from it.

To answer your rhetorical question as to how a reputable American business concern allowed the posting of such pictures is pretty obvious - coz its true! And its even a white guy who dug it out. And you're benefitting from that business are you not? Coz isn't Accurate Locator a sponsor of this site?

And if you would really want to see it, I invite you to come over so I can drop one on your lap. You can do with it what ever you like - assay it, slice it, even eat it - except take it home. And I believe that's the only way to know the provenance of real treasure.

When it comes to references, search it yourself. I did.

And when it comes to plausible evidence, what is your evidence that the gold bars posted in Accurate Locators' site are fake? Did you assay it? What is your scientific basis for your assertion? Or is it just another opinion you're trying to fashion out to be evidence?

Or are you telling us that you've found a new way to assay gold just by using pictures? You must submit your new process to Scientific American then. I know these scientists need a good laugh every now and then.

Anyway, the truth may not fit your biases or prejudices but it's the truth. And there's no getting around that.



thanks dindo for confirming what gener has just told me that there are 3 fortresses in one of the stony or rocky mountains somewhere around there.i would like to post here the chest tatto of the oldman but it will be against the advice of gener coz i might be risking the life of the old man.
anyhow i will show one piece nickel babbit bar here for those who would like to see.


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I have a few questions regarding the nickle babbit that you have posted.

1. Does that i pc. of babbit related to your project?
2. Did you or your group found that babbit underneath the ground?
3. Is it a part of a cache or just a piece?

It is a bit strange regading its color, as if it is newly fabricated and did not came as hidden treasure. (It can be considered a treasure if the volume is big enough taking into consideration the unit cost of it.)

Way back in 1994, these nickle babbits are widely circulated in Manila, and lot of people (buyers and seller alike) can be seen in different foodcourts, hotels, restaurants offices dealing these nickle babbits. Pictures are also circulating, but close scrutiny will reveal that these photos are "doctored", to give an impression of quantity.

There was an incident that a "deal" is about to be consummated. The price has been agreed by the seller and by the representative of the buyer. The venue of payment will be inside the bank as specified by the seller.
the seller was in the bank, together with his trustees; and the buyer's trustees were also present. Everybody is waiting for the buyer or representative of the buyer, and as time passes by, no buyer or rep is coming....As the seller starts to ask who is the buyer, different names came out, like a daisy chain, and know what? The supposedly buyer is the seller itself.

My point is, this story really happened....One sample will emerge, a deal will be forged, but the thing is no physical evidence of the so called volume of babbit exist....There will be a lot of word talks, different rules, payments, buyer's capacity to pay, penalty, and everything you can imagine, but the end result...will be NADA...

Just recently, I encountered nickle babbit (in volume) for sale, with specific price. They gave all their sale's condition, w/c includes price, volume to be hauled each day, mode of payment, everything.....To make the story short, at the end of one month...no nickle babbit not even a shadow of it, .....Their reasons: We cannot afford to buy it because it is hundred thousand of tons...(according to them). Everything is bull...

Angel _09


angel_09 said:

I have a few questions regarding the nickle babbit that you have posted.

1. Does that i pc. of babbit related to your project?
2. Did you or your group found that babbit underneath the ground?
3. Is it a part of a cache or just a piece?

It is a bit strange regading its color, as if it is newly fabricated and did not came as hidden treasure. (It can be considered a treasure if the volume is big enough taking into consideration the unit cost of it.)

Way back in 1994, these nickle babbits are widely circulated in Manila, and lot of people (buyers and seller alike) can be seen in different foodcourts, hotels, restaurants offices dealing these nickle babbits. Pictures are also circulating, but close scrutiny will reveal that these photos are "doctored", to give an impression of quantity.

There was an incident that a "deal" is about to be consummated. The price has been agreed by the seller and by the representative of the buyer. The venue of payment will be inside the bank as specified by the seller.
the seller was in the bank, together with his trustees; and the buyer's trustees were also present. Everybody is waiting for the buyer or representative of the buyer, and as time passes by, no buyer or rep is coming....As the seller starts to ask who is the buyer, different names came out, like a daisy chain, and know what? The supposedly buyer is the seller itself.

My point is, this story really happened....One sample will emerge, a deal will be forged, but the thing is no physical evidence of the so called volume of babbit exist....There will be a lot of word talks, different rules, payments, buyer's capacity to pay, penalty, and everything you can imagine, but the end result...will be NADA...

Just recently, I encountered nickle babbit (in volume) for sale, with specific price. They gave all their sale's condition, w/c includes price, volume to be hauled each day, mode of payment, everything.....To make the story short, at the end of one month...no nickle babbit not even a shadow of it, .....Their reasons: We cannot afford to buy it because it is hundred thousand of tons...(according to them). Everything is bull...

Angel _09

this is the only bar my friend showed me to satisfy my coriousity,but honestly i don't know how it ended in their hands as i don't give some attention to transact this kind of items because i heard so many syndicates using nickel babbitt as their commodities.one thing for sure this bar were recovered just around sarangani/south cotabato area.
i don't really think any good thinking syndicate will make a fake nickel babbitt coz they might be loosing money than
earning from it.
im posting some pics of it from diff angles,hope you like viewing it.


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SWR said:
greenapple said:
thanks dindo for confirming what gener has just told me that there are 3 fortresses in one of the stony or rocky mountains somewhere around there.i would like to post here the chest tatto of the oldman but it will be against the advice of gener coz i might be risking the life of the old man.
anyhow i will show one piece nickel babbit bar here for those who would like to see.

Thanks for posting the picture. Are you saying this bar is part of the Yamashi.ta Treasure?
coin hunter,im so sorry but you don't deserve an answer!
just salivate instead


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Zobex said:
greenapple said:
thanks dindo for confirming what gener has just told me that there are 3 fortresses in one of the stony or rocky mountains somewhere around there.i would like to post here the chest tatto of the oldman but it will be against the advice of gener coz i might be risking the life of the old man.
anyhow i will show one piece nickel babbit bar here for those who would like to see.

Greenapple, in 1998 we dug up a vault way in the mountain tops in Region 12. When we punched inside the cavity we were all salivating !!! Inside all we found was several tons of just what you have there. Freaking babbitt. My partner and I were so browned off we gave the whole batch to the tribals that spotted the site. But, you know what it IS good for ??? Makes really great cast 38sp and .45 acp casting !!!

zobex,this bar could be one of those you found in 1998 as i am from region 12.maybe this babbitts were intended for ammunition purposes that's why they end up here?i really don't know but yes they are good bullet castings.
anyway just take a look at this,I've taken this from the northeastern side of mount calaja where your teamates are working,this could be a help to them.


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As far as I know there are 29 bunkers of nickel babbit buried in Mindanao, with several hundred tons...your correct it is used for bullets, ammo, etc.
However, if you transact or try to sell these...you are wasting your time and money...LOTS OF REDTAPE...gov't officials who considered it as treasure, syndicate, rebels.
My friend Ford Fierra vehicle was destroyed trying to sell and haul several tons of those nickel babbit....nothing happens...either it is confiscated by gov't, nego bug down, rebel harassment,etc.....endless problems...NOT worth your efforts, it is only good for souvenirs.


Interesting mark "triangle" you know the translation ??? I do.


zobex,i don't really ahve any idea what's this triangle means coz if i knew it i would change the color of the apple,hehehe.can you tell me whats that means?don't you think that big stone is just a cover of an ancilliary tunnel?it seems to me that it was plugged in there to conceal some hole.anyway i'm only good in sightseeing and picture taking.i love the adventure of exploring but lazzy enough to dig.
i would love to meet with you in carmen if im still here in PI.
this pic is taken just above the triangle.pls tell me whats the meaning of this.


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First: Nickle babbit bars were not used for making military bullets. by International agreement , Geneva, military bulets are full jacketed.

Second: Nickle Babbit is too expensive to be used for simple bullet cores. In an emergency, even scrap lead etc., could be used.

Third: These bars were prob. destined to be used for bearings, prob ship's engines. they are critical to any extended military opertion,. especioally for ships. Often they used Wood for the bearings in the older, lower speed ships..

fourth: Regarding the picture of the rock with an emphasized triangle, you missed the ones to the upper right ? Strictly nature in this case I am afraid.

Don Jose de La Mancha


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this is the only bar my friend showed me to satisfy my coriousity,but honestly i don't know how it ended in their hands as i don't give some attention to transact this kind of items because i heard so many syndicates using nickel babbitt as their commodities.one thing for sure this bar were recovered just around sarangani/south cotabato area.
i don't really think any good thinking syndicate will make a fake nickel babbitt coz they might be loosing money than
earning from it.


it is true that the price of nickle babbit is way far behind than gold, but since gold nowadays are getting scarce, anything that can be turned in cash will do.
Considering the fact that babbit's price is approx. $8.++++ per pound, a 40 to 60% profit per piece of fake babbit will be "decent" enough for the financier...In which, dealing of babbit here in the Phil. range from 10K tons to hundred K tons.
You see, all dealers of fake items are capitalizing the greed of the buyers....It is a fact.



Another thing,

There are also other metals peddle at present:

1. Palladium

2. Titanium

3. Platinum

To all prospective buyers: Try to be more careful



OHIO Zobez: You posted -->

the first thing we do is rebuild the lower end of the engine with high speed babbitt

How did you fit them ? Scraping or just run fit them?

Don Jose de La Mancha


yes i agree with you,because of greed man will do anything to fool others and likewise a fool will do anything just to satisfy his greediness.
now i learned that even that even nickel/lead babbitt are being faked.

mr beach comber,
i dont really know about the shape of those gold bars post pre/post ww2 as well as java's production pre ww2,its not really my concern.all i believe is that there are thousands of treasure sites here in my country,if you like you can join us digging for joy and adventure.

don jose,
try to read everything thats in the picture,you can read some letters in there,nicely carved on the middle left part of it,then tell me if its "strictly nature in this case i'm afraid".
how about this two pics,are they natural as well?


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