Zobex said:
Jeff, that safe box can be cut open, low temperature, in two hours, by only one man. Been there, done that. And when you are through it can be repaired and back in service. Repair is time consuming as the steel is multi layered and high carbon.


Z That's Why I suggested the Back.
a plate can be Welded on after Opening the door
from the Inside.

Good Research Info above also.
Was exactly what I was thinking.
Not like WF is going to admit Anything.

And The Excuse they offered Sounds Awfully Familiar :wink:


This is a natural occurrence , this is volcanic rock, the included rock (volcanic inclusion) is a rock fragment that was blown into the other rock (matrix rock) when was still hot and moving. For a geologist I would collect that kind of stuff. For a while I collected volcanic "bombs". Those are giant tear drops of rock that blew into the air as molten rock, formed into rain drops and cooled into rock before hitting the ground. Cool.


cool sir...

well actually i'm keeping the heart-shape/pentagon rock for souvenir sir...
this TH thing were doing is just for fun... ;D nature-sight seeing..hehehe
and also it keep us physically fit..doing trekking..hiking...which is nice..

and also...we were that curious of that mark..that we started digging beneath that boulder (for the reason that after reading some markers/signs on other forums that heart shape means treasure beneath or inside...off course we were noobs..hehehehe)...the 1st 2 feet was all soil..then when we hit 3 feet....we encounter yellow small rocks...which was i believe arranged...some of the rocks have shapes...i'll post the pics...then after 3 ft..all soil again..then at 6 feet..damn..flat boulders...damn...we stop!!! pack our bags..coz it started raining..then gone home..hehehehe

should we stop what we are doing???? hehehehehe
the land is ours...its part forest and mid size hill...lots of balete trees...and also i forgot...waterfalls!!! 3 stage of waterfalls..nice sight.... :wink:


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    some of the marker rocks found beneath the boulder of pentagon marker 1.webp
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    some of the marker rocks found beneath the boulder of pentagon 2.webp
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Zobex said:
louiecat said:

hi! i'm new here on this forum. i have been researching the internet about Wells Fargo. a very old family friend (no knowledge of computers or the internet) of ours asked for my help to research the origin and authenticity of a Wells Fargo 1934 Vault he unearthed a few years back here in the Philippines (pls. see attached photo below). he has not forcibly opened the vault up to now as he wants to verify its origin first before deciding on anything. he is afraid that he might ruin whatever is inside the vault if he forcibly cut it open. i have read some very interesting posts here (especially by Zobex) wherein Wells Fargo was mentioned. At the same time, I already sent an email to Wells Fargo (via their website www.wellsfargo.com). They replied to me today, to quote their reply...

"Our response to Mr. ________'s inquiry is in two parts. The first is a request that you send an image of the safe to our email, historicalservices@wellsfargo.com . With an image, we can decide whether the safe is an actual Wells Fargo item.

Second, however, I assume this is another occurence of the Phillipines currency scam. Usually, crates of U.S. currency with accompanying documents are “discovered,” often dated 1934, tying the issue to gold held by Wells Fargo acting as agent for the U.S. Treasury. All are crude fabrications -- no such authentic documents ever existed. Wells Fargo did not have an agreement with the U.S. Treasury in the 1930s, nor conduct business in the Philippines at that time.

The Secret Service, a Department of the United States Treasury, rules on the genuineness of all U.S. money. We have seen this since 1999, and when we contacted their San Francisco, they were well aware of this counterfeiting scam and have known of it for some years.

Charles Riggs
Wells Fargo Historical Services"

The purpose of this post is to ask for anybody's advice on what to do next? Please post a reply here or email me at louis_catuncan@yahoo.com.

Thank you very much guys and God bless!!!

tippicanoe flare gun.webp

Loui, I sent you private e-mail but for the group will also comment here. First Mr. Riggs is well known and I have conversed with him many times. So I will say this. Bull Puckie. WF was involved in extensive business in Asia before WW2 as they were involved in the gold bullion trade. Also WF was a major shipper of cash dollars between governments and banks in asia. Prior to WW2 the only form of commerce for currency was gold coins, gold bars and paper currency. In fact the USG produced US currency specifically to be used OUTSIDE of the USA. Remember "Trade Dollars" !!. Drums of US Trade Dollars are found in Asia and the Philippines. This is where US Banking started up the great frauds. When major traders went into Asia from 1890's to 1920's they bribed their way in and in many cases dealt in fraudulent currency and documents. Prior to the Boxer Rebellion of 1932, companies such as AT&T and American Tobacco took over extensive portions of China and surrounding countries business. That was the driving force of the Boxer's in driving out the White Devils.

It became very easy to print and pass out bogus cash on the Chinese provinces and such. After all they had no way to authenticate the money and they had no contact with the outside world. Further the American Gov. and Trade Representatives would vouch for these White Devils.

I have cut open several such safes. Some were only 1 year old (fake) some were 60 years old and had fake content and yet the JAPANESE had buried the safe thinking the contents were real. So that means the fake currency had to been created before 1945. The only real safe I cut open was from Zamboanga. I know the contents came from WF for one specific and non deniable reason. A matched pair of Colt .45 automatics. Now people know that WF by practice would store one or more guns inside each WF safe. Anyone who has collected WF artifacts such as guns knows how to authenticate these. Further real gun collectors know that WF purchased all of it's Colts direct from the factory and not through a dealer. SOOOOO Any authentic WF Colt guns would be listed in the Colt factory shipping records which are virtually complete and as such it is a big issue for Colt collectors to get a letter of record from Colt factory. Well the two guns inside the safe I cut open checked out by the Colt factory. A pair of 1932 made .45 model 1911 automatics and were in fact sold to WF in 1932 and stamped on the frames " W.F. & Co.". So the JAPANESE did bury this safe in a tunnel in Zamboanga before 1945. And inside was the pair of Colts made in 1932 according to the factory. Soooo. I claim the safe was in fact a WF safe. That pair of Colt automatics would auction at close to $18,000.

See guys, I am a tracker.


i forgot to mention that the safe was found in the mountain province of benguet with skeletons buried along with the safe. among the skeletons was a Tippicanoe flare gun that looked exactly like the first photo below. hey zobex, did the pair of colt .45's that you found inside the safe looked like the 2nd photo except that "W.F. & Co." was engraved on it?

now i must really convince the old man to open the safe and see if a pair of colt .45's are in there right? BTW, since i'm not at all familiar with any of these, how do you guys suggest we open the back of the vault exactly? i mean, what tool is best to use?

also, do you guys suggest that I just ignore any statement or denials that Wells Fargo says to me? i sent a photo to them but have yet to receive a response...maybe tomorrow, i'll let you guys know.

thanks a lot!

tippicanoe flare gun.webp



nice colts.... :wink:

well we have one here..... ;D 1911??? maybe??....taken from an american officer...during the moro wars..hehehehe...handed down by moro datu's...

sir zobex

this pic i'm gonna post could this still be a natural occurance??? i cannot say that ITS PERFECTLY CHISELED to look this way.....

tnx for the comments.....


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    another marker about 10 meters east away from the pentagon marker.webp
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louiecat said:
how do you guys suggest we open the back of the vault exactly? i mean, what tool is best to use?

also, do you guys suggest that I just ignore any statement or denials that Wells Fargo says to me? i sent a photo to them but have yet to receive a response...maybe tomorrow, i'll let you guys know.

thanks a lot!

Since I have never done it I would say a Torch.
But because Zobex Knows how I will Suggest he tell you
what to do.

Although I would be intrested to hear what Fargo has to Say
(it's always good for a laugh) I'd hope for a response.
But remember there is such a Thing as Deniability of Covert actions.
So Don't expect any confessions.


Willis Newton and many other 1900's era safe crackers recommended drilling a hole into such a safe and flooding it with water before torch cutting it open.
Remember ,though ,that they were only interested in documents printed on high quality paper;greenbacks and bonds.Lesser quality paper documents would be destroyed by the water.
I wouldn't recommend cracking a vault like that with nitro.What if someone left a mortar round instead of a pair of 1911's to watch the stash?



C'mon wake up !!!....don't waste your time and effort on that WW2 Loot such as Wells Fargo vault...
its WORTHLESS.... :o
You know why? ??? Assuming after several "technique" you recover the authentic Wells Fargo docu worth $billions...then what?...do you think Wells Fargo people or US gov't will redeem it?...helllooo...in your dreams...they would rather gave you CLUSTER BOMB than gave you $billions in exchange for that WF docu...intiendes?...palagay nyo kaya magugulangan nyo US sa mga bank docu?...NO WAY ...
The only WW2 loot that the US GOV'T CAN NOT DENY...IS....GOLD !!!!....thats why i suggest you concentrate in looking for those GOLD...ooohhaaa? :icon_sunny:


Zobex said:
truckinbutch said:
Willis Newton and many other 1900's era safe crackers recommended drilling a hole into such a safe and flooding it with water before torch cutting it open.
Remember ,though ,that they were only interested in documents printed on high quality paper;greenbacks and bonds.Lesser quality paper documents would be destroyed by the water.
I wouldn't recommend cracking a vault like that with nitro.What if someone left a mortar round instead of a pair of 1911's to watch the stash?

Naturally I would not stand beside the box when we blew it. Actually when you soak nitro into the door seal the blast is not that great. It does build a tremendous pressure in the vault. I could cut the box with a burning bar. That would take about 30 minutes. But it would really make a mess of the inside. Back in 1983 my Dad had a contract to scrap tanks and artillery and such in Lebanon. Thanks to Arafat departure. So I got a good deal of experience trying to cut up hardened steel and thick steel. Ever try to cut up a Soviet T-72 tank turret ?? In the hot sun all day. Man I eared my pay.

I like cutting safes. Just to see what is inside. The first safe I cut was back in 1972. Found a bunch of Morgan silver dollars inside. You should have seen the mess they were in from the cutting torch slobber.

Well,shucks! I'm preaching to the choir advising someone that knows how to really play with nitro.Not many left.I'll just get back quiet out of respect.



need you analysis with my site..the one I posted with pictures...


gboy said:

C'mon wake up !!!....don't waste your time and effort on that WW2 Loot such as Wells Fargo vault...
its WORTHLESS.... :o
You know why? ??? Assuming after several "technique" you recover the authentic Wells Fargo docu worth $billions...then what?...do you think Wells Fargo people or US gov't will redeem it?...helllooo...in your dreams...they would rather gave you CLUSTER BOMB than gave you $billions in exchange for that WF docu...intiendes?...palagay nyo kaya magugulangan nyo US sa mga bank docu?...NO WAY ...
The only WW2 loot that the US GOV'T CAN NOT DENY...IS....GOLD !!!!....thats why i suggest you concentrate in looking for those GOLD...ooohhaaa? :icon_sunny:

good advice, i just hope there's gold or something of value when the old man opens the safe...atleast maybe a pair of 1911 colts that can be auctioned off? hehehe

hey guys! thanks for all your input, esp. you zobex! helps us a lot in understanding better. atleast now we know what to expect...or not to expect too much that is...hehehe

anyway, here's what wells fargo said in their latest email:

Hello Mr. ___________:

Thank you for getting the image to us so quickly. But it supports the information I provided yesterday – the safe is not authentic. It is part of a scheme that has been around for years and pops up on a regular basis.

Thanks again for your efforts at getting to the truth.

Charles Riggs
Wells Fargo Historical Services

Check out Wells Fargo History:
Wells Fargo History.com
Guided By History

same old, same old eh?


louiecat said:
gboy said:

C'mon wake up !!!....don't waste your time and effort on that WW2 Loot such as Wells Fargo vault...
its WORTHLESS.... :o
You know why? ??? Assuming after several "technique" you recover the authentic Wells Fargo docu worth $billions...then what?...do you think Wells Fargo people or US gov't will redeem it?...helllooo...in your dreams...they would rather gave you CLUSTER BOMB than gave you $billions in exchange for that WF docu...intiendes?...palagay nyo kaya magugulangan nyo US sa mga bank docu?...NO WAY ...
The only WW2 loot that the US GOV'T CAN NOT DENY...IS....GOLD !!!!....thats why i suggest you concentrate in looking for those GOLD...ooohhaaa? :icon_sunny:

good advice, i just hope there's gold or something of value when the old man opens the safe...atleast maybe a pair of 1911 colts that can be auctioned off? hehehe

hey guys! thanks for all your input, esp. you zobex! helps us a lot in understanding better. atleast now we know what to expect...or not to expect too much that is...hehehe

anyway, here's what wells fargo said in their latest email:

Hello Mr. ___________:

Thank you for getting the image to us so quickly. But it supports the information I provided yesterday – the safe is not authentic. It is part of a scheme that has been around for years and pops up on a regular basis.

Thanks again for your efforts at getting to the truth.

Charles Riggs
Wells Fargo Historical Services

Check out Wells Fargo History:
Wells Fargo History.com
Guided By History

same old, same old eh?

As I said take it with a grain of Salt.

If there was Corruption involved,
They will tell you it's Fake whether it is or not because of
where it is located.

Makes no sense to me why a counterfeiter(s) would spend so much making all those
Fake safes for a counterfeit Scheme, unless there was government involvement.

Or why would ther Counterfeit such High denomination Bills
unless as I said earlier (Plausible Deniability)


Zobex You posted --->

On the Colt, if it was Moro War era it would be a Colt Single Action revolver as automatics were not brought to the Philippines till about 1915. From 1898 to about 1914 the only .45's were rebuilt Single Action revolvers

Remember the issue side arm was a Colt, 6" barrel in .38 long colt ammo, essentially the same in external and cal. dimensions to our present .38 Spec. but lacking it's velocity and stopping power, which is till questionable.. They recalled from storage many of the old 45 revolvers, both Colt and S &W, for Philippine service. Many of the S&W revolvers used either the Colt version of the incorrectly called "Long colt.45" or a S&W version. This created a minor supply problem at times.

Don Jose de La Mancha


Zobex very well done, but I see that we have tiny bit of differences. in regards to the .38. Some of the early versions used the heel type of case /projectile. I.E. a full .38 cal projectile. When it was modernized - in those times - it was reduced to .357 cal so the projectile could be seated inside of the cartridge case. It was this version that was mostly shipped to the Philippines. You are quite correct in the cartridge case dimensions and reason.

The US did not conduct itself very gentlemanly in the Philippines when the Philippinos were seeking independence. After WW-2 they reversed their policy. But then, this was, and still is, the basic treatment by most countries with insurgents.

Don Jose de La Mancha.

p.s. I have a Springfield 1863, 50-70, with all parts with matching numbers, in almost mint condition. Drool my friend.


Is there a reward for discovering human bones, dogtags and several personal effects of dead Japanese soldiers? Which group usually handles repatriation of these? PM me please. Thanks.


Zobex my friend, I certainly wasn't trying to get you, heheh, just a bit of futher clarifying only.

I have put many many rounds through that old 50-70, it is fun fun to shoot. It has also accounted for many a deer since it knocks them down with out destroying any meat. Also terrific for bunny / rabbit eating materiel,. I have never had one successfully finish a charge. Of course the range is generally under 150 meters because of the trajectory.

Gentlemen: I appol for the slight deviation but I have definitely established Zobex's qualifications in different fields in my mind now, trust him, I now do.

Don Jose de La Mancha


I think the topic is not related to the forum..this is yamashita treasure forum not guns...ok......


HOLA BOY, you obviously missed the point and remarks, I was establishing zobex's credibility to my satisfaction, and He holds up. I will listen to him "any time" since he has been right on many things from geology, firearms, actual field work, and on. This should be very important to you and the subject of
Yama------ unless you wish to only talk about fantasies and fairy tales.

Who else in here has his qualifications and expertise?? From what I have seen in here over some years, this is sadly lacking. Even simple, natural occurrences have been hailed as geenuine, secret Japanese code markings.

So in many ways it "is" related to the Yama---- thingie.

The identification of firearms and municions many times is very important to time date a find or clue.

Don Jose de La Mancha


thanks for the reply......anyway...i will posting more pictures so that anybody can see...about the actual location of the site...just come here in Cagayan and i will show it.


Mr. Boy Lara, I think I know your site. If I'm not mistaken, that's the actual place we once tried to operate. We saw the so-called cement and dug around the area to expose the whole surface of the cement, exposed along was that same kind of steel bar you posted here. It's really one jackpot of pure scrap because that cement was belted around that hill going to the other side. The owner of the lot insists that theres a japanese treasure hidden in that hill. But to our assessment with that cemented pathway/pavement was just built around 1980s to 1990s, which is true because a cousin of one of our companions faithfully claims that they were the ones who did the cementing of that pavement. It was just one of the government projects for irrigation in the area. If I am not mistaken, your site is quite close to viewing a dead volcano. I can show you pictures of the same hill if they weren't different. ;D


Zobex said:
I posted earlier a few weeks ago we all got poisoned in this freaking vault complex and to date have not determined what chemical it is so now that some of us are feeling better our plan is the worst case fix. We are going to deliberately flood the entire complex to the top. All the way to the surface. Let it soak for a couple of weeks and then pump it all back out. Let the toxin soak into the water and then pump it out. Very messy, time consuming and a lot of work. But at this time it is the only plan we have. There is one boarded up chamber that is hollow behind the wood wall. It echo's . I just hope there is no swords or such behind the wall. Water is not good for them. The other goodies are in ammo box's. Rows of ammo box's and it ain't ammo !!!!


Mr. Zobex and fellow THs,

Had been out of this thread for a long time, though I kept reading all posting here. Just wish to tell you that I could be more lucky because I did not encounter any of the problems you mentioned. My real problem is hard concrete barriers, depth and water. In one of your posts, you mentioned about "imperial sites" . I suspect that I have encountered one of them. What do you think happened by then? Did they bury the "treasure" deep in the ground and then covered them with concrete as protection? Or did they build the structure first and then placed the treasures inside? I really need more understanding of these as I plan make another sortie before the rains come.

Thank you.



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