eto yun natagpuan sa isang cemento...
2 cement 1...parang beam.. ang laman tubo na u shape at gitna nya steel bar....pero yun U baliktarin mo yun..
cemento 2...the long one eto laman naman..actualy yun nasa pic...di ko na pinatanggal yun yun cemento,kasi mali sila...baka ang item nasa gita, parang suport lang yun mga cemento ginawa parang dam..(Please translate)
Question: How come there is a cement in this part of the walk 2 hours to reach this area? who put this and that is the purpose.
Question: the area is a former base of the Japanese Army...sila ba naglagay...according to the one who show me this area..the first time he saw this cement is when he is 14 years old and his parent knows this since the gather wood in this area...tagal na ano...
Question: May Treasure kaya dito...
Sorry moderator taglish...please just grade1 row 7...hehehehehehehe
busy na naman ako ngayon////
eto yun natagpuan sa isang cemento...
2 cement 1...parang beam.. ang laman tubo na u shape at gitna nya steel bar....pero yun U baliktarin mo yun..
cemento 2...the long one eto laman naman..actualy yun nasa pic...di ko na pinatanggal yun yun cemento,kasi mali sila...baka ang item nasa gita, parang suport lang yun mga cemento ginawa parang dam..(Please translate)
Question: How come there is a cement in this part of the walk 2 hours to reach this area? who put this and that is the purpose.
Question: the area is a former base of the Japanese Army...sila ba naglagay...according to the one who show me this area..the first time he saw this cement is when he is 14 years old and his parent knows this since the gather wood in this area...tagal na ano...
Question: May Treasure kaya dito...
Sorry moderator taglish...please just grade1 row 7...hehehehehehehe
busy na naman ako ngayon////