Thanks Fisheye, even after my spellcheck, I'm so miffed I can't spell it right. A-C-O-E. Dave
If you live near pepper park, the pictures you have seen are no where the cabin wreck. The cabin wreck balast pile is out in front of the the 3rd house with the blue roof just south of sebastian inlet in 12 feet of water. I hate to bust your bubble, but the pictures that you saw of your house are nowhere near the cabin wreck. Who ever showed them to you, or told you the location lied.Ive only lived in Florida for 3 years. I live across the street from Pepper park. Most of the pictures Ive seen of the Cabin wreck show my house. Although I dont have the fever as bad as you guys I just invested in a whites Pi to play around on the beaches with and was considering a Hookah syatem after I complete my dive course in the fall. What I clearly need to learn is the leagalities pertaining to the leases that some off you have on spots. Is there a webste that lists all the leased and licensed areas including the Gps coordinates?
I believe its called the Orca de Lima. I had asumed it was also called the cabin wreck and I am mistaken. Thats not what my question is about. Id like to learn more about the regulations asociated with leases, beaches, high tide lines, state archeological protected sites Etc. etc. etc. Is all this stuff top secret or is there a single source where I can learn how to not step on anybodys toes.If you live near pepper park, the pictures you have seen are no where the cabin wreck. The cabin wreck balast pile is out in front of the the 3rd house with the blue roof just south of sebastian inlet in 12 feet of water. I hate to bust your bubble, but the pictures that you saw of your house are nowhere near the cabin wreck. Who ever showed them to you, or told you the location lied.
It is not the cabin wreck, but it is another 1715 fleet wreck. Do some research yourself, and you will figure it out.
Good luck.
Ivan I’m sorry but I would have to disagree with you on this one I have taken my sweet time to research all the names of the vessels, religious names, nicknames and aka’s and I have never seen “El Ciervo” called San Miguel. Plus Echeverz patron saint was Nuestra Senora del Carmen not San Miguel
This is a good place to start learning about frustration:
Who We Are & What We Do - Underwater Archaeology - Archaeology - Florida Division of Historical Resources
Terry, part of it is a money issue. I think the other part is mismanagement.
There was a very good mag survey done on that site by Jim Whitaker in the late 1990's and many of those anomalies have never been verified. Then I think Greg Bounds did some additional magging of the site.
It is an interesting site with lots of potential, especially if you look at what areas it encompasses.