Bill, I have now read all of Penfields accounts, it is my own personal belief that his account is nothing more than a reprint of the few facts that were known. I give little credibility to his 4 corners statement, as he only expresses it as his own belief after interviewing the principle players.
In his accounts he gives several locations, southwestern united states, northwestern new mexico. He does mention the 4 corners area, and he claims that when that location was put to McEachen he replied "thats probably pretty close" he uses terms like "this writer believes" and "we will go along with the northwestern new mexico location"
Also worth a mention is that although the original book has been reprinted several times since 1954 the first time 4 corners actually appears in print is in the 1981 version.
Remember in 1981 there was no one left to argue that point, so how much credibility can be attributed ?
I still am not convinced that the 4 corners area of NM plays any part in this story, as I have said before I could be proven wrong in the next post, but I doubt it.
