"Gary I believe you have a reasonable idea, as I do which one of the people involved in this was AKA
Leon Trabuco when it served the purpose."
As you know I have said I do not believe anyone called Trabuco played any part in this story, my own view is that it is nothing more than writers "artistic licence". Of course I could be wrong.
But for me the fact that every person who can be proved to be a real person in this story is a Californian speaks volumes.
When all the facts surrounding the story are placed together the whole New Mexico (4 corners) thing makes little sense.
The people approached to sell it were from Ca, the deliveries were aranged for a Ca mint, all the players were from Ca, the pilots were from Ca. They all lived a stones throw apart, at least 4 of them were involved in mining/gold transactions at one time or another.
You have read my Villa, Holmdahl, Noss theory, it sounds off the wall, but if I could show you the documents I have and show you the location of the 1950s site, I know you would think "oh yeah that makes perfect sense"
Of course that does not make me right, only time will tell.
Of everyone here, I believe you have the most insight into the depth of my research. I spent the last 2 days reviewing this whole thread, and although it is interesting, nothing more has really been exposed other than that which was already known.
Having said that some interesting new angles have come to light, mostly from Mike and more recently Model T, although none of them with any real evidence in support. And that sums up the problem with this story, no one is interested in sharing information because it is believed that this treasure still exists, buried out there in the desert somewhere, waiting to be discovered. And of course everyone wants to be the finder.
So in answer to your statement, yes I do have an Idea who "Trabuco" was, but that could all come tumbling down with the next post. For me, trying to find evidence of the 1933-1950 link is really nothing more than an exercise in trying to find another possible for the origin of the gold. But something tells me I will never find that link, I believe if it exists its being closely guarded. I have three possibilities, each with their own pros and cons. But for now I have to give the most credence to the ones that have the most supporting evidence.
You know my theories, so you know who my "trabuco" is.
No matter the story is intriguing and everyone who researches it, will find more twists and turns than a NorCal mountain road, the whole subject remains open to debate, and like everyone else who follows the thread, I'l be waiting, hoping to learn something new that sheads light on the origin of the gold that was being offered for sale. Hopefully it is sitting in the groud at my site, fingers and toes crossed.
