17 Tons of gold in New Mexico

Gollum wrote:
You are all welcome to believe what you will, but those of you who know me, know I don't lie or BS.

I did not mean to cast aspersions on you Mike, and the story about the gold being moved, removed etc is quite a reasonable and POSSIBLE version of events. Unfortunately we have no gold to prove it, so it falls under the "not yet proven" stories from my point of view. Think about it amigo, heck you could "cook up" such a version using some old dug holes etc as "the site" where gold "was" buried. How can we ever KNOW that site actually was the original hiding place, for that matter even if someone stands on top of a stack of 17 tons of gold, and swears that it came from that spot, we cannot know it was ever there. So I can't say I am convinced the gold ever was there, or that it was ever moved. It could as easily still remain in the original hiding spot, or have been removed and surreptitiously sold on the black market - we have lots of interesting leads and counter-leads, but...... :icon_scratch:

I don't have a horse in this race, no personal theory about where the gold is/was etc, so please gentlemen do continue. It is interesting! :thumbsup: You fellows have done a lot of excellent research.
Roy ~ Oroblanco


Not too close to Lindrith. It's within a 20 mile circle of Farmington. Sorry I can't be more specific.


No worries. I just say what I know to be fact, and everyone is free to believe as they wish, and use their time and efforts in any manner they choose. Just like I said when Purchase gave the location where he supposedly recovered his big cache, it was quite a coincidince that his mesa was on the EXACT same longitude as the original hiding place. HINT

I don't have a dog in that race either. I just happen to be a repository for information from a few different sources. About 80% of them wish things to remain publicly unclear. I have two six inch thick ring binders stuffed full of research specifically regarding the 17 tons story.

I can't be more specific about the original hiding place, because of the five bars hidden there that guide the way to the new hiding place. There are only two that remain, and the people who are looking for them think they have enough competition.



I can think of two differant cache, at this moment, that are "intermingled" with this gold.
Other than the one we are talking about.

Some of the confusion. I think can come from this gold having been buried in two areas.
This just being a theory of mine.

I think the Four Corners have been beat to death with storties of gold. To thro others off from
researching, and searching other areas.

And, I agree that what you post, and say has been documented, has been.
In the over all scheme of things, We just don't agree on where the gold is buried. ( I hope )


Oroblanco said:
.....Think about it amigo, heck you could "cook up" such a version using some old dug holes etc as "the site" where gold "was" buried. How can we ever KNOW that site actually was the original hiding place, for that matter even if someone stands on top of a stack of 17 tons of gold, and swears that it came from that spot, we cannot know it was ever there....]
Roy ~ Oroblanco

Bingo. In this game, things are seldom, if ever, as they seem. Why would they be?. You can hang your hat on material available in the public record, but that only provides you with an attractive setting for your hat.

As far as 'inside information' vouched for by those 'who know' is concerned - well, caveat emptor.

Springfield "As far as 'inside information' vouched for by those 'who know' is concerned - well, caveat emptor. "

I tend to use that advice even when buying a quarter pounder from a burger bar ;D but I dont think anyone is selling anything here. Except maybe a dream, but there is no monetary fee for that :wink:

:coffee2: Gary

Well I have been through every book and article that I have, I can not find anything that predates 1968 where Trabuco is named.
Does anyone have an earlier source for the name ?

:coffee2: Gary


If you are having a problem finding an historical mention of Leon Trabuco, perhaps you should research the other names from the story. If there is any truth to this tale, one of them should pop up......somewhere.

Take care,


Peerless67 said:
Well I have been through every book and article that I have, I can not find anything that predates 1968 where Trabuco is named.
Does anyone have an earlier source for the name ?

:coffee2: Gary
Really need someone in Mexico.... to check up on the names.... From what I have heard, treasure searchers in the Farmington NM area did a lot of research tracking down family and such. But of course, none of the research documents have been published, just articles in treasure mags. That doesn't say much for reliability, but on the other hand they may have been protecting their stake in the search..... 3rd hand is not great evidence. It can't be proved, it can't be disproved.... But something has kept the treasure hunters in NM, VERY interested in the story... Not to mention the rest of us. :)


Joe, you can trust I have done just that. No matter which version you read you will only find the Californians are real people. If the Mexicans ever did exist and the gold was indeed buried out in 4 corners, then there is a much easier explanation of how the Californians may have came by it. :stop:

I read an account today that someone kindly sent me, its funny I had read the text before but never seen it in its original form. In that text a pilot gets mentioned "Red Mosher" of course that was the complete wrong spelling of the name and was meant to be O.M "Red" Mosier, Mosier was the pilot that Ed Foster believed had flown the gold to the 4 corners area. He gave that name in a TV show (unsolved mysteries) :icon_study:

However if anyone wanted a pilot that met all the criteria set out in the stories then Captain Harold Johnson would make a far better candidate. And no William C Elliott ever took part for sure. :thumbsup:

Red Mosier is a very unlikely pilot and a little investigation will show why. Harold Johnson on the other hand would make a perfect pilot for the 1933 story. :icon_study:
Johnson had his own aircraft parts shop at Van Nuys airport California in 1933, he also owned a ford tri motor and a bi plane. He was also a stunt pilot and barnstormer. :thumbsup:

Now lets just look at a possibility, Van Nuys was also the home of famed soldier of fortune and treasure hunter Holmdahl. Had Holmdahl have located a large treasure in Mexico and needed it transported to the States, who might he have contracted to do that ? Elliott ? Mosier ? Johnson ? :icon_scratch:
Would that not give us a link between Holmdahl, a pilot and a 1930s plot ? :icon_scratch:

Now my 1950s site is close to the Mexican border and far away from the 4 corners area of New Mexico. (could this be the original deposit site) I know another pilot played a part at that site in the 50s Walter F "Bud" Fountain and he owned and flew a Stearman with a 450 hp engine, he was also a stunt pilot and crop duster.
Is it possible all these details have been confused ? :icon_scratch:

If a man named Leon Trabuco ever did fly gold out to the 4 corners area of New Mexico in 1933 then it is unlikely connected to the 1950s story.
The only other wild theory could be that Johnson flew that gold for "Trabuco" in 1933 and after learning of "Trabucos" death involved Holmdahl in a scheme to recover it from where he had flown it, who in turn involved Hougen and co. But Johnson denied any part in the 4 corners story. (I do not think that happened though) :tard:

At the moment I am swayed toward the theory that Shurmacher invented the Mexican names, and that the reason a Mexican owner was mentioned in the 1952 hearings was merely as a smoke screen in the hopes that saying the gold belonged to a Mexican who had collected it prior to the gold hoarding laws would prevent penalty's from the sale. :wink:

Once again we have 2 pilots who "may" have taken part, and where are they from ? the same place as everyone else California. :icon_sunny:

Again all this could be rubbished if Trabuco ever shows up ::)

:coffee2: Gary

ARB, I have done a pretty extensive search and also have a friend in Mexico who owns a ranch, he to has been unable to locate any of them, and he speaks the language.

:coffee2: Gary

Gary, Argosy Magazine 1963 or maybe 65 had a story about this.
I "THINK" Trabuco was mentioned in the article. Can't say for a fact.
Anyway, may be worth checking, if you are interested.


As to who the pilot of the plane was, that flew the gold in. What I can
say at this point is, it was not "Bill Elliot" that name was used like the name
Leon Trabuco was used. As an cover when needed.

To make a point on this, If I were going to rob a bank. I would not write the hold
up note on the back of one of my checks. And give it to the teller. Reason, My real
name would be on it. Pure common since.

My theory, and that is what it is. Other than one small bit of information I have. The
pilot of the plane flew the gold into El Paso. It's here, that the gold was off loaded. And,
Trucked to where it was buried.

Was it buried in the North Western part of the Four Corners of New Mexico? Or more to the East?
Maybe not either, and it was buried more or less to the South of New Mexico. But, was it really
buried at all? Could it have been placed in a cave, and the entrance sealed off. Let's say with a stone
that could be "easily" rolled away. Yet the entire cave concealed. So, that only "Trabuco" would
know where it was.

mmmm, Now, Let me see. Which place to look first. This could take a while.

Clayton :icon_study:

OK OK I have been watching you gentlemen (?) spin your wheels for some time and simply not going anywhere, so, after I "finally" finish Tayopa I will go get them in order to let you sleep at night..

So who wants to be on the team? OrO & mike are already there, Joe likes luxurious camping, he might not wish to go, but would be welcome .. Peerless You have excellent recommendations from Britland, so interested? Roadquest, welcome, Who else? Plenty to go around, even after Uncle receives his lion's share. It has to be legal under the circumstances.

Incidentally, utilizing the US sat system with their extremely sophisticated techniques, .you can find them, IF you have the money to pay for it. Uncle does! If he was, or is interested it would be a simple matter for him to cover the suspected area quickly - at your expense naturally hehehe..

I have had the benefit of his help on Tayopa, it is unbelievable what he can do, but for security reasons, I cannot, nor will I go into any details, nor even answer any questions.. (RHIP)

Play this as you wish. Just remember "I am a "SAINT" and as such cannot fib, except on my chastity vows.

Don Jose de La Mancha

And here I thought I only had Gary to worry about going out and getting my gold.
Or, maybe Mike and his secretive information leading him to it.

Now you and Oro and mike. Makes for an interesting challenge.
Wheels have been spinning. Wonder if some of that could be a distraction. For some
of the things that are actual going on.

Na, every one is just talking about it. But, no one is searching for it. Or are they?


NOPE Clayton, we will just be there to help. Neither Oro, Mike, Joe etc need, or want any money, just the adventure. speaking for myself I want $$$$$$.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Clayton, I have a friend that was in premed with me that is an accomplished psychiatrist . I am sure that he can help you with your Gold problem, if not, then join me in true history / treasure hunting. I know precisely what you are saying. Congratulations.

Don Jose de La Mancha

If anyone has a copy of the Argosy (or Saga?) article --- Please send me a copy!!!!



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