Not referring to anyone here, as I haven't hunted with many of you....but a lot of guys I have hunted with think because their machine is fast they can run across a field and find everything. Some of the older guys I hunt with are hard to tell if they are moving at a distance. But they always find stuff, if it's there. The detector they are using is really not an issue like the shoes they are wearing, they just make them work.

A new guy with a fast detector can be pretty dangerous too...I don't just shoot videos I actually hunt too. DSCN0626.webpDSCN0627.webp

This is head to head comparison forum, Calabash is not breaking any rules so if someone doesn't like the videos or title either post by our rules or treat it like a TV and change the channel to another thread. Post by our rules or you may find you can't post at all.

Part of our rules state "If you disagree with another member's post, make your comments in a polite and respectful manner."

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Jason Read our rules, pay special attention to this section since you seem to have missed it.

"Users may disagree with the decisions or actions of the moderators and/or administrators, however, disagreements, criticism and the like are not to be aired within the forums. Please feel free to PM the person directly rather than air your dirty laundry in public.

Any abuse towards our staff and/or management will result in immediate suspension of your account."

Jason I highly recommend you not attack moderators again. If thread bothers you so much don't enter it! Calabash's thread has not broken any rules! I don't agree with his findings but I am not going to delete thread when thread doesn't violate our rules just because you or some other members don't like it.

If members don't like thread they can respond with in our rules and dispute the findings or they can change the channel and not enter the thread. We have over 548,000 other threads.

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I hate broccoli. To be honest I won’t eat a lot of foods that others love (cauliflower, brussel sprouts, oatmeal, ribs — yes, I said ribs — beets, and several other foods as well).

I do enjoy many foods that others tend to hate (or find disgusting). Among them are liver, raw clams/oysters, okra, spinach, liverwurst, and “mountain oysters.” The latter being the one food that seems to draw the most fervently expressed opposition (“mountain oysters” are testicles — typically lamb, beef, hog, turkey — that are sliced and usually fried to a crispy golden state of deliciousness).

(For some reason most people, my guesstimate is 98%, are absolutely repulsed by the idea of eating fried testicles.)

What I posted (above) is opinion. Generally such opinions aren’t met with angry responses; people tend to accept the fact that my choice in foods is not always going to equate to their choice in foods. I will say that most people can’t understand why I dislike ribs, or how I can stomach eating mountain oysters.

Change the wording a bit… and opinion becomes something else.

11 Reasons why you shouldn’t eat broccoli

And then follow up with multiple subsequent comments where I state a belief that those who do eat broccoli are… well let’s be polite and just say the broccoli eaters make really poor choices.

At some point a line is crossed: going from expressed opinion to disparaging others and the choices that they have made.

I get the controversial headlines grabbing eyeballs thing. Whether the purpose is views (of a video or post) or just stirring things up: all claims of “it’s just my opinion” are insincere, once that line has been crossed — degrading others (or their choices) is not mere opinion; it is an attack.

Even if I genuinely do hate broccoli (and I do genuinely hate it, as well as the other foods (listed) that I refuse to eat).

It is unreasonable to expect the luxury of belittling others (and their choices) while simultaneously retaining some magical shield that prohibits those attacked from responding with their own opinion (relating to [my] comments made, that slight them and their choices).

Time for the “small print”

I make no statements in favor of, or against, those who choose to eat foods that I do not like. Their food choices are theirs to make and do not affect my food choices. Their choices in foods consumed do not reflect poorly upon them, nor do my food choices make me superior. Additionally, my food choices are not the standard from which good choices are distinctly separated from poor choices.

Both animals and plants have been harmed as a result of my food choices. I make no judgment on the basis of harm caused to either plants or animals, as the result of food choices made by others.

In an effort to include metal detectors in my post I confess to owning a Tesoro Compadre, and to being perfectly pleased with my decision to purchase said machine. That satisfaction expressed, with the Compadre, is not an attack upon those who chose a l̶e̶s̶s̶e̶r̶ different machine.

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Heres a look at why not to buy a Tesoro...

well i tell you what i'll do you a favor even though every time i try to help anybody out i get my head chopped off. it sounds like you have one of those cursed possessed detectors. and you need to get rid of it asap so as not to contaminate your other detectors. so i'll offer you a dollar for it. and since i know you want to get rid of it fast,fast fast you can cover the s&h. and as i can see there are some here that cant handle all the stress from this thread so before it gets out of hand. lets put an end to it. peace.

I love brocolli, as well as Rocky Mountain oysters. I eat lots of brocolli as it is a major cancer fighter.

Calabash has broken no rules and attacked no one so he has crossed no lines. If he had said 11 reasons not to buy Minelabs it still would not have crossed a line and I own 12 Minelabs and love them, my backups have backups.

LMAO! As Mr. Rogers would say..." Can you say time out? i knew you could!"

Oh Calabash, I am going on a pretty cool hunt tomorrow. I will be using my Impact and will have a double back up because you never know what to expect. Should i have any problems with the Impact, i will turn to my Tesoro Compadre. Should that fail, my backup to the compadre will be the EQ-800. :laughing7:


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Im going to a Plantation tomorrow that has just been cleared can you say GOLD MINE? …..Will have the Deus in hand and Equinox ready to go....A Tesoro cant even ride in the same truck with my other detectors because im afraid it will teach them to be a 1 tone lame duck.....:headbang:

Oh Calabash, I am going on a pretty cool hunt tomorrow. I will be using my Impact and will have a double back up because you never know what to expect. Should i have any problems with the Impact, i will turn to my Tesoro Compadre. Should that fail, my backup to the compadre will be the EQ-800. :laughing7:

View attachment 1652677

You need to reverse that order...

Bad mouthing all Tesoros because yours doesn't work is like bad mouthing all women because yours doesn't #$%@&. TTC

I love brocolli, as well as Rocky Mountain oysters. I eat lots of brocolli as it is a major cancer fighter.

Calabash has broken no rules and attacked no one so he has crossed no lines. If he had said 11 reasons not to buy Minelabs it still would not have crossed a line and I own 12 Minelabs and love them, my backups have backups.

Just to be clear (on my part) - My intent was not an expression of belief that Calabash Digger had somehow violated the rules here (or elsewhere, for that matter). In fact I concur that he has not. I do believe his post/video was/is controversial in nature, and designed to be that way. My thoughts were centered on that aspect - not issues regarding board rules or even the interpretation of those board rules.

As for broccoli - I wish I liked it; for the very reasons that you've stated. I just can't get over the taste.

Well good luck tomorrow guys. I will be deer hunting with my son since it is Virginia's opening day. I would carry my Tejon instead of my 30-06 but I just know it would tear them up to bad...

Thanks for your service Terry! It allows me to have the freedoms that I have.

Thats funny DVA!

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