I hate broccoli. To be honest I won’t eat a lot of foods that others love (cauliflower, brussel sprouts, oatmeal, ribs — yes, I said ribs — beets, and several other foods as well).
I do enjoy many foods that others tend to hate (or find disgusting). Among them are liver, raw clams/oysters, okra, spinach, liverwurst, and “mountain oysters.” The latter being the one food that seems to draw the most fervently expressed opposition (“mountain oysters” are testicles — typically lamb, beef, hog, turkey — that are sliced and usually fried to a crispy golden state of deliciousness).
(For some reason most people, my guesstimate is 98%, are absolutely repulsed by the idea of eating fried testicles.)
What I posted (above) is opinion. Generally such opinions aren’t met with angry responses; people tend to accept the fact that my choice in foods is not always going to equate to their choice in foods. I will say that most people can’t understand why I dislike ribs, or how I can stomach eating mountain oysters.
Change the wording a bit… and opinion becomes something else.
11 Reasons why you shouldn’t eat broccoli
And then follow up with multiple subsequent comments where I state a belief that those who do eat broccoli are… well let’s be polite and just say the broccoli eaters make really poor choices.
At some point a line is crossed: going from expressed opinion to disparaging others and the choices that they have made.
I get the controversial headlines grabbing eyeballs thing. Whether the purpose is views (of a video or post) or just stirring things up: all claims of “it’s just my opinion” are insincere, once that line has been crossed — degrading others (or their choices) is not mere opinion; it is an attack.
Even if I genuinely do hate broccoli (and I do genuinely hate it, as well as the other foods (listed) that I refuse to eat).
It is unreasonable to expect the luxury of belittling others (and their choices) while simultaneously retaining some magical shield that prohibits those attacked from responding with their own opinion (relating to [my] comments made, that slight them and their choices).
Time for the “small print”
I make no statements in favor of, or against, those who choose to eat foods that I do not like. Their food choices are theirs to make and do not affect my food choices. Their choices in foods consumed do not reflect poorly upon them, nor do my food choices make me superior. Additionally, my food choices are not the standard from which good choices are distinctly separated from poor choices.
Both animals and plants have been harmed as a result of my food choices. I make no judgment on the basis of harm caused to either plants or animals, as the result of food choices made by others.
In an effort to include metal detectors in my post I confess to owning a Tesoro Compadre, and to being perfectly pleased with my decision to purchase said machine. That satisfaction expressed, with the Compadre, is not an attack upon those who chose a l̶e̶s̶s̶e̶r̶ different machine.