My biggest obstacle here in my area with hot soil and deep relics is being able to tell a rusty square nail from a deep Minnie ball with a vlf machine. I have owned over 30 detectors and for me the Tejon and AT gold (running all-metal) done the best and we're most consistent at being accurate. The Minelab machines I have had did not impress me when the dirt got hot. Seemed at a certain depth the Minelab would go from accurate ID straight to a nail reading or nothing at all. Machines like the AT gold would go down more gradually in vdi numbers as depth increased, but I could still tell the target was not iron. No test, video or opinion is going to change my mind after digging hundreds of targets myself using these machines. Truth is that your location can have a huge effect on the performance of your machine. What works great in Florida might be useless in Washington state ...

Maybe I need to get the AT PRO OR AT GOLD back out and show how the Equinox has obsoleted that line of detectors...:occasion18:

Don't forget to turn off the comments, since your opinion is the only one that seems to matter...

I think calabash digger is just trying to find a way to escape from digging holes. He will learn in the long run that no matter how expensive of a detector he buys, he will still have to dig if he wants to find treasure. If you believe what he says, then you would have to believe that in one year, the Deus will be obsolete.

So I guess ever year you have to lay out some cash for a new detector. Maybe next year it will be one you can sit on and ride, and it digs the holes for you.

I saw his air tests with the garrett . First to do an air test to begin with shows lack of knowledge. ?There are so many variables that must be taken into account ground mineralization, ect plus his settings were flat out wrong. I think he gets paid to do these tests and promote machines. This is something that is not helpful to put down machines people spend a lot of money on. This is a fun ?Hobby we all share and help each other and support each other. Keep your opinions to yourself if there not helpful.

1st To wave a coin in in the air in front of a coil shows lack of knowledge....That's funny! 2nd point is I knew EXACTLY what I was doing. 3 I don't get paid to promote brands. Settings flat out wrong blah blah all the same ole arguments.

One thing to note if you had watched my AT MAX videos you might have saved your money and bought a Equinox instead which pretty much obsoleted that ole iron screaming horrible sounding detector. just saying...

I don't see where you insulted anyone, I do see where you were comparing a Timex to a Rolex.
But you know what? It's all good :occasion14:


I guess you don't know that A2coins owns both the AT Max and a equinox. He likes the Garrett.

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I don't see how he violated any rules here. Some people need more attention than others. If they don't get attention using positivity, they get it via negativity.

Im more thinking about the new members who look over forums and see something like this guy I have both Machines they are both good I prefer the Max we don't metal detect Air we have different types of soil mineralized some with iron I hit coins accurately at 12 inches. Bla Bla Bla (Iron Audio dude you didn't use lol ) Theres a new person here and how are you helping I don't see it I agree with the kid scenario posted earlier!!!!!!Woza Why do you keep going on and on and on if you don't get anything out of it Come on!!!!!!

You worried about the new guy get yourself a go pro and spend YOUR time making some videos for them. I have not violated any rules that I know of. Im talking negative about some detector brands and not about people. BTW I hope my video does help the new and steers them away from some of the detectors ive showed. BTW the iron tone is horrible on the AT MAX and is has no iron vol so it blares in your ear if you run it on. That's a pity for a 800.00 detector.

Here's a pack of lies:

Buy an Equinox, you'll beat everything with it.
Buy a XP Deus, you'll beat everything with it.
Buy an AT Max, Pro or Gold, you'll beat everything with it.
Buy a Fisher, you'll beat everything with it.
Buy a Tesoro, you'll beat everything with it.
Buy a (fill in the blank) you'll beat everything with it.

I have been out with folks with any machine you can think of. I have seen what I would consider a "toy" machine dig expensive items, and the high end jobs get nails.

You gotta have the sites with the stuff in the ground and you can't get so picky and NOT dig all the targets. One of my most recent "this has got to be shallow aluminum" signals was a golden surprise!

Just go have fun digging already.

Here's a pack of lies:

Buy an Equinox, you'll beat everything with it.
Buy a XP Deus, you'll beat everything with it.
Buy an AT Max, Pro or Gold, you'll beat everything with it.
Buy a Fisher, you'll beat everything with it.
Buy a Tesoro, you'll beat everything with it.
Buy a (fill in the blank) you'll beat everything with it.

I have been out with folks with any machine you can think of. I have seen what I would consider a "toy" machine dig expensive items, and the high end jobs get nails.

You gotta have the sites with the stuff in the ground and you can't get so picky and NOT dig all the targets. One of my most recent "this has got to be shallow aluminum" signals was a golden surprise!

Just go have fun digging already.


Iron discrimination, and notch out I hear ya Id like to see you do a video with someone who has an AT Max or pro or Tesoro and do the tests you do and let them run their machines would give you more cred.Why make hundreds of videos of how good one machine is over and over and over!!!!!! Unless you got something out of it. I don't think any one buys it hundreds of hours doing this. for nothing Really. Save the metal detecting world one video after another, You must care very deeply.......

You mean I got something right for once? BTW I LIKE gold with my $329 machine.

Smokey you I know you can find the goods with a crooked stick with a pin pointer tied on the end with fishing line . On a hunted out site in the middle of a blizzard bare footed. You have lost more finds than I have found! Why do we watch some T.V. shows ? DRAMA... a little on the forum makes for a good read sometimes and get everybodys blood flowing... One thing though you would have to admit though is that high dollar machine with that high dollar HF coil has been pretty good to you......

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Yes the HF has been verra verra good to me. I have a whole bunch of new finds, but haven't even washed them off yet, some are VERY nice and I'm going back to the site this weekend. I got two new firsts, actually three. I think I do better than some because I go slow because I simply cannot go FAST! Getting to be an old cat isn't for sissies.

Your a tough old cat though!

Calabash just seen your grown men video. Omg lol

An old experienced detectorist with an old Tesoro or mxt is more dangerous than the new guy with his newer "better" machine and his YouTube account.

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