I did not watch the video, but I can say for certain that Tesoro makes good machines...!
My Cibola model does mask smaller iron objects just fine, leaving behind a certain tone,
indicating to me that sure there's junk, but the good stuff "sounds better", so keep swinging...!
I've used my machine in season, several times a week, year-long, with successful hunts.
Sure its analog, but I like it - started with it in 2007.
It doesn't ground balance, but it does well in most situations, except super-high soil mineralization.
I suppose calabash digger doesn't like the dialing-in the discriminator for each target - oh well, you can
pay big money and get same results with other machines.
Beep and dig.
Carry on.

I did not watch the video either i do not watch youtube videos for all they are there for is to make money for who ever puts them up..

I did not watch the video either i do not watch youtube videos for all they are there for is to make money for who ever puts them up..

I have a YouTube channel and get nothing from anybody so this is completely false to say all make money off them.

Calabash its the title. I know your just trying to explain technology. But people who dont watch your Ch see that title and say WTF?

I dont make money from youtube either. Im not bed with any detector company either.

I have 3 older Tesoro machines and one newer : an old brown box Golden Sabre .. an old brown box Golden Sabre Plus .. a Tesoro Sidewinder .. and a Mojave. Of the four machines, the Mojave is my least favorite, but I would say my others can hold their own against the newer big boys, and I really don't have any trouble with knowing what is iron, except for the larger pieces or irregularly shaped pieces like large bent nails.

I have had good experience with my Tesoro Detector

I have had good experience with my Tesoro Detector

Journey welcome to TreasureNet.

Sorry, your not allowed to post links that lead to any none supporting vendors, because of this your signature has been deleted.

..I started out liking your videos...but now you are reminding me of the kid in school who had to put down others to make himself feel good. Hate to break it to you ol' buddy, but there are guys here that were digging up awesome relics using Tesoro machines and similar before you knew what a detector was! In my conditions, for my style of relic hunting, there is no better choice than the Tejon. I have tried many, many machines and it is what I like. Of course, you have to realize it is NOT a one tone machine and take 100-200 hours to actually start learning it.

Secondly, when relic hunting, why would target ID be important anyway? You can't skip shotgun shells when you're relic hunting. You can't skip anything really.....so I really don't understand the point if this video except for the reason mentioned above. I for one am done with the Calabash videos ..

The Topic is "Head To head Comparisons"

Comparing the Cibola to the Equinox is unrealistic.
The Cibola is a basic single frequency, plus two other frequency settings that are to off set interference from other machines, single tone Fixed Ground balance VLF discriminator.
The equinox is a high tech multi frequency multi tone, Multi mode Vlf suited to wide range ground mineral conditions and metal detecting styles.
Yes the comparison demonstrates the effectiveness of multi tone TID over single tone zero TID machines.
The test would have been fairer if you had used a Cortez which has an effective LCD TID display and ground Balance control.
Also it would have been wise to establish that both machines were working correctly before doing the tests and putting pen to paper or finger to keyboard.
Your review comparison is flawed.

Tesoro's do have a cult-like following as do Minelab, Fisher, Garrett.

Mention a detector being good other than Minelab here in Australia and the Minelab boys will jump down your throat and slam whatever machine mentiond as being crap.

I have worked my way through 58 different metal detectors since 1960, and currently have 19. I written a few reviews and carried out several Field tests. that were published in Australian Gold Gem & Treasure magazine.
I have used a few tesoro's and still have a sand Shark and Super Traq. I did have a Compadre for a while but it lacked depth in our Aussie iron mineralisation. Over quiet ground it performed well.

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Don't really understand your comparison between a disfunctional Tesoro and an Equinox. I have never in over 40 years detecting seen a machine not hit on silver as you have demonstrated.
Do you not know the machine, for whatever reason, is not working properly?
Do you really think this is a fair comparison?


I apparently have too much time on my hands because I watched a few minutes of the video and now realize that I wasted those few minutes of life that I could have used for something useful. I figure that, since I've already wasted some life force with the video, I may as well waste a little more with a rant. Here goes ...

I'm curious as to your need to slam a detector of any brand. If you don't like a particular detector, don't use it. Simple enough. It's like my "liberal"* friends who don't like guns and think that I ought not like them either ... or my friends who insist that their F-150 is much better than my Silverado and they would rather walk down the street carrying a Ford hubcap than ride in a Chevy. I appreciate that you have an opinion about Tesoro detectors but I'm willing to bet that no one really gives a rat's rear end about it.

I own an old Tesoro Cutlass that I bought at a thrift store for $7.00 as well as an Equinox-600 and I enjoy using them both. Granted that I have been using the EQ more often, but that is simply because I'm learning about it and need the field time with it. Sometimes I take the Tesoro out and play "beep and dig". I gave my grand-daughters Bounty Hunter Tracker-4's and they find plenty of neat stuff (for them, at least).

I think that whatever detector a person can afford, likes, or understands is the best one for them. That the particular model they use doesn't have the bells and whistles that you find desirable is of no consequence, whatever. If it beeps, dig it. Sometimes the adventure is in having no idea what's underground; rather, the joy is in the finding.

So ends my rant. I waste an incredible amount of time writing this stuff but I have a good time doing it. No offense intended.

* I put "liberal" in quotes because most of my "liberal" friends aren't liberal unless you think the way they do.

Here is what mine is doing.


Interesting video!

My Tesoro Outlaw can disc out everything but quarters, but why would I hunt that way; well I guess to cherry pick quarters. I was watching a YouTube video from 53 Silver (I believe) demonstrating the feature. After watching his video, I tried it...and found only quarters in the play area. I then reduced the discrimination and found a lot more coins and some jewelry. In those places it pays to dig everything.

I will have to see if my Tesoro Tejon does the same thing. :dontknow:

When using my Tesoro machines, I set the discriminator to just below foil and dig away! In "non-trashy" parks, play areas and ball fields that Outlaw sure shines. Using Tesoro machines are just fun to hunt with in those areas. For Relic hunting I use many machines one of which is the Tejon.

I wish the Tesoro company well and hope they build a machine to compete with some of the other companies.

So what about the guys thumbing the disc knob all the way up trying to cherry pick coins. Are they just walking off and leaving coins in the ground? I thought the disc maxed out was still supposed to let silver through???

Here is what mine is doing.

It looks like you had your disc cranked up way to high. That is a no no if you want to find treasure. Thumb it down a bit.

I guess it depends on how the range of the discrimination has been set up for a particular detector.
My Super Traq will disc out some small silver coins and chains as will my Gold bug Pro DP.
Searching with max disc set in is inviting disaster as far as good target recovery is concerned, plus with single frequency vlf discriminators like the Cibola you will reduce detection depth by at leas 50% and 100% on metals that do not respond at all at max disc plus you will kiss most gold rings goodbye.
Unless you are searching for a particular item it is best to not set the disc higher than foil and to find all gold jewellery set disc no higher than small iron. (Boot tacks etc).
For myself; Even though I have multi tone multi frequency, all singing and dancing machines, I still dig all signals when at the beach simply because there is a lot of gold items that signal in the low iron range. Plenty of large iron items ring up at the silver end of the disc displays.

So what about the guys thumbing the disc knob all the way up trying to cherry pick coins. Are they just walking off and leaving coins in the ground? I thought the disc maxed out was still supposed to let silver through???

Yes, you will miss out on treasure when overloading/running to much discrimination.

Heres a look at why not to buy a Tesoro...

A piece of iron rusting in the ground for several years will give a different signal then a piece of iron laying on your patio, and will fool a digital detector as well as an analog detector. Metal detector technology has not grown much since the late 90s. A digital detector basically just reads analog signals and trys to put them in a different language for people who cant read/hear the beeps. Kinda like a crutch for the disabled ears. The best detector is your eyes, so a good digging tool is key.


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So what about the guys thumbing the disc knob all the way up trying to cherry pick coins. Are they just walking off and leaving coins in the ground? I thought the disc maxed out was still supposed to let silver through???

You do not understand these detectors at all, Tesorobash Digger. Anytime you want to go detecting I will follow behind you with my outlaw and find what you have missed!

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