A piece of iron rusting in the ground for several years will give a different signal then a piece of iron laying on your patio, and will fool a digital detector as well as an analog detector. Metal detector technology has not grown much since the late 90s. A digital detector basically just reads analog signals and trys to put them in a different language for people who cant read/hear the beeps. Kinda like a crutch for the disabled ears. The best detector is your eyes, so a good digging tool is key.

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I live in the iron when relic hunting and I am well aware of how it acts.

You do not understand these detectors at all, Tesorobash Digger. Anytime you want to go detecting I will follow behind you with my outlaw and find what you have missed!

I understand them enough to know I aint using one. You have a open invite with your outlaw but if you get your feelings hurt I dont want to hear you crying! So when thumbing the disc knob you better be careful or you will KNOCK out a target.....just what I want to be doing all day....

I understand them enough to know I aint using one. You have a open invite with your outlaw but if you get your feelings hurt I dont want to hear you crying! So when thumbing the disc knob you better be careful or you will KNOCK out a target.....just what I want to be doing all day....

Does that invitation extend to all of us Tesoro users?

I live in the iron when relic hunting and I am well aware of how it acts.

Then you should know that there is really no advantage of using a digital metal detector, and the technology really isn't all that advanced over a good analog machine. This means that the most up to date digital detector still can only run neck to neck with a Vaquero or a Tejon.

Please end the name calling and post by TreasureNet rules. If your going to address a member by name use his username or proper abbreviation of his name.

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I know I'm likely flogging a dead horse here but I can't help asking; who cares (1) what detector a person uses, (2) how they set their discrimination points, and (3) how a person elects to spend their detecting time? This discussion seems to be centered around one person's opinion of a detector that they simply don't care for. Other than being a great point about which we can snip at each other, I can see no reason to respond to the negative opinion of any detector (including this writing). Unless the product is defective or has been shown to cause harm to its user or the environment, there is really no need to bad-mouth it.

How does it affect anyone else's life if I want to take my Tesoro Cutlass out for a day of beep-and-dig and set the discrimination so that it doesn't detect anything? Or, what if I set it without any discrimination and listen to it lose its mind every time it hits a pop-top? Maybe I just like to swing a detector while I'm walking through an area so that I can strike up conversations with the curious.

Just asking.

I know I'm likely flogging a dead horse here but I can't help asking; who cares (1) what detector a person uses, (2) how they set their discrimination points, and (3) how a person elects to spend their detecting time? This discussion seems to be centered around one person's opinion of a detector that they simply don't care for. Other than being a great point about which we can snip at each other, I can see no reason to respond to the negative opinion of any detector (including this writing). Unless the product is defective or has been shown to cause harm to its user or the environment, there is really no need to bad-mouth it.

How does it affect anyone else's life if I want to take my Tesoro Cutlass out for a day of beep-and-dig and set the discrimination so that it doesn't detect anything? Or, what if I set it without any discrimination and listen to it lose its mind every time it hits a pop-top? Maybe I just like to swing a detector while I'm walking through an area so that I can strike up conversations with the curious.

Just asking.

I would reply by asking why are you looking into the head to head section if you dont care? This isnt an everyone gets a trophy thread.

I would reply by asking why are you looking into the head to head section if you dont care? This isnt an everyone gets a trophy thread.

Because I was not smart enough to look at the topic header subsection. My bad. I'll go away now. Y'all have a good day!

The video that triggered these replies came across as a bit aggressive and seemed to be targeting all Tesoro metal detectors not just the Cibola.
So naturally Tesoro enthusiasts will defend their machines.
Tesoro make very practical analogue machines that perform to a high standard. The Cortez is a classic example of an efficient TID Ground balancing VLF Discriminator that can match some high cosy multi frequency machines for pure detecting ability.and the TID display will let you know if you are on to a junk target or a good one without the need for multi tones.
Use these detectors in situations that they are designed for and you can't go wrong.

Many single frequency VLF TR Discriminators (not just Tesoro) will disc out some silver at the high end of the range.

This is a great forum so let's keep the aggression to a minimum and logical discussion to a maximum

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Then you should know that there is really no advantage of using a digital metal detector, and the technology really isn't all that advanced over a good analog machine. This means that the most up to date digital detector still can only run neck to neck with a Vaquero or a Tejon.

Have you ran a Deus hf coil at 28kh before in iron? Equinox at 40 kh? These detectors running at those freqs will see some targets in iron that those 2 detectors will not make a peep on. I know the high freqs for relics is kinda a new thing and not everyone is hip to yet but me and others are showing the benefits of it.

Because I was not smart enough to look at the topic header subsection. My bad. I'll go away now. Y'all have a good day!

Why would you go away? I agree totally about not caring what others are using or how they're running their machine but these threads do tend to expose some thin skin!

Why would you go away? I agree totally about not caring what others are using or how they're running their machine but these threads do tend to expose some thin skin!

I figured I had run the course with my thoughts on the subject and had sufficiently expressed my amazement that anyone cares about how another person selects or uses a metal detector. It's a hobby, not a cure for some hideous disease!

I think a good comparison of detectors can be beneficial for someone who is thinking about buying a machine and wants to know about the features of each. I find no value in "comparisons" that simply bash a machine and compare it to another that has completely different features. A better "head-to-head" might be between two machines with similar features; for example, a comparison of different Tesoro models, or comparing the Fisher F-11 to the Garrett Ace 200 or the Garrett AT-Pro to the Minelab EQ-600.

End of rant.

The problem is that several times over the last few years, several users have used this head to head forum to trash talk or bash certain detectors that they seem to just hate with a passion. That is not what this forum is for. It is to provide a potential buyer with information about the performance from 2 or more comparable machines. The poster of such posts, should have adequate experience with both machines and not just "borrowed" one for a bashing video. There are plenty of nice entry level detectors out there from many different manufacturers that, if I wanted to, I could compare to say a ctx3030, deus, etc. And they would look pretty shabby with their lesser performance and incomparable bells and whistles. Point being, when doing a comparison, the machines should be of a similar price, both in proper wrking order and the user well trained to use both.

I see no value in a website that allows a heading such as the one this thread is under.....

Also one last thing that I will add to this thread is that any experienced Tesoro user knows that you will NOT be able to tell much about the sounds a Tesoro is making while using the external speaker. A good set of headphones are required. I like grey ghost phones on my machines.

Maybe I need to get the AT PRO OR AT GOLD back out and show how the Equinox has obsoleted that line of detectors...:occasion18:

You did the same thing on an at pro test who exactly are you trying to help if you don't know what your doing and do you get paid by Brands to do a comparison jeeeeze dude

You did the same thing on an at pro test who exactly are you trying to help if you don't know what your doing and do you get paid by Brands to do a comparison  jeeeeze dude

Take the test to the woods. I'll dig 5 good discriminated targets while you are trying to figure out if your first target is a 5 or a 6.


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