$1,000,000 for anyone who can dowse.

Hey dower501.....I think your right. They send us to a web site where all the prove is. Now all they can do is defend it because the prove is not there. I guess they have not read the facts. Talk about making excuses. Very sad....Art

dowser501 said:
Hey af1733, have you ever had that feeling that weve met somewhere before?
I know a guy who uses aliases like they are coming into fashion. 6 to 8 to my knowledge.He keeps making mistakes that if he was a crim he would be caught out everyday. ????????????????????????????????????????????????
aarthrj3811 said:
Hey dower501.....I think your right. They send us to a web site where all the prove is. Now all they can do is defend it because the prove is not there. I guess they have not read the facts. Talk about making excuses. Very sad....Art
Seriously, what are you guys smoking when you create these posts? There is nothing even remotely related to the discussion at hand in these rambling, pointless rants. They don't even make grammatical sense...

And this one's just for you, dowser501. If you're so paranoid about and convinced that I'm using aliases, then report if to Marc. He has the ability to go back and check my ISP history and a number of different options to see if my posts and the posts of another member are coming from the same location.

Of course, you won't do it, just like none of you dowsers will even consider having your "abilities" put to a test where you might be proven wrong. You are insecure to the point that you've convinced yourselves that anyone who doesn't believe your bunk is out to get you.

I am completely comfortable calling each one of you that claims to be able to locate treasure with coathangers uneducated and delusional. Anyone with half a brain can read the ridiculous statements you make and realize you aren't playing with a full deck. You're the only ones who can't see this, and that's disgustingly pitiful.

Until you're willing to back up the absurd claims you make, you will continue to walk around in a haze, while the rest of us bask in the warm glow of reality.


Play Nice People

Af, why are you present here? You don't care to see if dowsing really works, you've decided that already. You aren't actually concerned with getting someone to take these challenges, you have already made the conclusion that we'd failed if we tried.

You have, for months, needlessly insulted, offended and blatantly accused others of lying about dowsing. What effect has all this childish mockery caused?

You have achieved nothing except building up the reputation of being rather obnoxious, altercative, disrespectful, offensive and hurtful to anyone that doesn’t adhere to your restrictive views concerning anything that “doesn’t fit to the realm of reality”.

Another quality you possess is your mastery of making stereotypical judgments.

“I am completely comfortable calling each one of you that claims to be able to locate treasure with coathangers uneducated and delusional.”

In a single sentence you so easily categorize millions of people under two titles of being “uneducated and delusional.” And even in making such an outrageous and obviously false accusation you say that you are, “…completely comfortable…” in making this judgment.

It is a flaw of your character that you are so prone to dishonoring yourself in such ways.

I’d ask you to refrain from such practices, but I’ve done that before with no effect.

But never again discriminate the way you have. You do not have the right to say whether every dowser is uneducated and delusional. For you do not know every dowser.

This thread is worth nothing. It is nothing more than a place to bitterly insult one another with no real cause. Nothing will ever come of any of this. I say nuke it.

Hey af1733...It would help you catch up if you would read Randi's web site. You have no idea what you are talking about....Art

aarthrj3811 said:
Hey af1733...It would help you catch up if you would read Randi's web site. You have no idea what you are talking about....Art
Once again, Art, if you think there's something I've missed on Randi's site, then point it out instead of making broad statements like "you have no idea what you're talking about."

Sandsted said:
Af, why are you present here? You don't care to see if dowsing really works, you've decided that already. You aren't actually concerned with getting someone to take these challenges, you have already made the conclusion that we'd failed if we tried.
Okay, Sandy. If you'd bothered to read more than the past few posts and posts in other threads (I think I've had to mention this to you before) then you'd see that I attempted to dowse myself, and had no results at all. This reinforced my feelings on the subject. And for you to even infer that I don't want to see a dowser take on a test under controlled conditions simply reinforces my feelings about dowsers.
I have decided that a dowser would fail a test under controlled conditions, so at least you got that part right. If dowsers are willing to come to a public forum and make outlandish claims, then they should expect to be pressed for proof of said claims.
Sandsted said:
You have, for months, needlessly insulted, offended and blatantly accused others of lying about dowsing. What effect has all this childish mockery caused?

You have achieved nothing except building up the reputation of being rather obnoxious, altercative, disrespectful, offensive and hurtful to anyone that doesn’t adhere to your restrictive views concerning anything that “doesn’t fit to the realm of reality”.
I find it odd that you don't point to the questionable actions of other dowsers, including accusations of non-dowsers having alternate screennames, threats and foul language toward non-dowsers, purposely misquoting non-dowsers, accusations of fraud and deceit for monetary gain...to name a few.

Although I am happy to see that you realize dowsing does not fit into the realm of reality.

Sandsted said:
Another quality you possess is your mastery of making stereotypical judgments.
Now, why would you call my thoughts stereotypical? Is it because these thoughts are shared by many others? Have you thought there may be a reason behind this?

Sandsted said:
In a single sentence you so easily categorize millions of people under two titles of being “uneducated and delusional.” And even in making such an outrageous and obviously false accusation you say that you are, “…completely comfortable…” in making this judgment.
Millions of people? Come now, Sandy...
Sandsted said:
But never again discriminate the way you have. You do not have the right to say whether every dowser is uneducated and delusional. For you do not know every dowser.
With as much as I've seen and read, calling a dowser delusional is like saying a metal detectorist has dirty fingernails.
Sandsted said:
This thread is worth nothing. It is nothing more than a place to bitterly insult one another with no real cause. Nothing will ever come of any of this. I say nuke it.
It's a shame that's not your decision. This post was started to make dowsers aware there is a challenge that would test their claimed abilities. Abilities that, if accurate, would result in a million dollar award and nationwide recognition for the hobby of dowsing. And one of the first responses in this thread is an accusation that the challenge is nothing more than a hoax and a publicity stunt. This came from a dowser.

Af, you say you tried dowsing...but this is useless if you believe that it doesn't work. If you tell yourself you won't get a reaction...you won't. I believe it would be nearly impossible for someone, like yourself, to be able to dowse because of your prejudgments concerning the art.

Concerning your second quote, I never said that all dowsers have upheld themselves honorably either. But this is a childish excuse for your actions. The dowsing forum is no longer about dowsing, it is about these challenges. You say that the purpose is to make it known that there is a challenge...I think that's been accomplished.

Your thoughts are stereotypical. You are categorizing a giant group of people under two titles. This is unjustified for you do not know every dowser…therefore you are stereotyping and discriminating. It is the same as if I said, “Black men can’t swim.” This is what you are doing to dowsers.

It's a shame that's not your decision. This post was started to make dowsers aware there is a challenge that would test their claimed abilities. Abilities that, if accurate, would result in a million dollar award and nationwide recognition for the hobby of dowsing. And one of the first responses in this thread is an accusation that the challenge is nothing more than a hoax and a publicity stunt. This came from a dowser.

Gee....Started to make Dowsers aware of the challenge....Like this is the first time we have disccussed this. One good thing about this thread' it made me look into Randi's Challenge. The challenge has been run for 42 years. l010 people have filed applications. Out of those 1010 people a few have taken the preliminary test. All have failed. No one has taken the money test but Randi is on TV giving people the $1,000,000 test. Is this called a hoax or publicity stunt? How is this possible if no one has taken the final test/ Out of all the people in the world an average of 20 people a year place applications for the challenge. I think I will be like the millions of other people a just say "NO" to Randi.

hey SWR....Can you tell where on Randi's web site any dowser has failed. Maybe in filing paper work...Read the Web site before you accuse me or other dowsers of being fakes. The people who file application to take a shot at the $1,000,000 are 000000000000000000000000000000000 for 1010. Those are good odds? Why would any one want to invest the time and money to file an application. You guys thought you were funny until we read Randi's information. You guys can apologize to us any time your ready. ...Art

I wish someone would conduct some type of scientific study on dowsing.

If one wants to see if dowsing really works, why not set up a study to take scans of the brain as one is dowsing. Why doesn't someone search to see if there is any scientific plausibility of dowsing...rather then set up a challenge to prove their premature conclusions.

SWR, an educated person would assess the subject of dowsing with an open mind and scientifically try to find the truth.

You left out some important facts. These 1010 appicants were from all forms of the so called para-normal field. Do you know how many were Dowsers? Do you know how many Dowsers did the preliminary test? If you don't know the answers to these questions how can you claim Proof. I can tell you right now but I don't want to surprise you when you learn the truth...Dells chllenge sounds good to me..Whats your excuse going to be?...Art

A real dowser as I will interpret it can be judged by his find: not by the opposition nor acceptance by the skeptics.
Those who opposes dowsing are those people who can not dowsed by all means; meaning, they have tried, but do not have the ability to do so.
A true dowser will definitely will gain from what he knows, will recover some hidden treasures, but not a fool to disclosed his find for other's people curiosity.

It is like saying " a wowan has no two balls" and the skeptics will say " unless I saw it with my own eyes, dissected her using scientific method and existing scientific books, I will not believe it".

Asking a dowser to prove what he knows and disprove it without the slightest hint how it works is a futile attempt by a close minded skeptics.



Sandsted said:
Af, you say you tried dowsing...but this is useless if you believe that it doesn't work. If you tell yourself you won't get a reaction...you won't. I believe it would be nearly impossible for someone, like yourself, to be able to dowse because of your prejudgments concerning the art.
Sooooo...you're saying you're skeptical that a person with prejudgements can dowse successfully?
Sandsted said:
Concerning your second quote, I never said that all dowsers have upheld themselves honorably either. But this is a childish excuse for your actions. The dowsing forum is no longer about dowsing, it is about these challenges. You say that the purpose is to make it known that there is a challenge...I think that's been accomplished.
Did I present it as a excuse for anything? Again with the assumptions...
I simply noted that I thought it was interesting that you would only point out the actions of non-dowsers.
Sandsted said:
Your thoughts are stereotypical. You are categorizing a giant group of people under two titles. This is unjustified for you do not know every dowser…therefore you are stereotyping and discriminating. It is the same as if I said, “Black men can’t swim.” This is what you are doing to dowsers.
That's quite possibly the worst analogy you could have come up with, Sandy. I believe that a group of people that puts stake in a pair of bent coathangers to find treasure is delusional. Are you actually comparing that to insulting an entire race? Unless dowsers really are a race of their own.....other-worldly, perhaps. Here to share their technology from an advanced civilization?

Sandsted said:
I wish someone would conduct some type of scientific study on dowsing.

If one wants to see if dowsing really works, why not set up a study to take scans of the brain as one is dowsing. Why doesn't someone search to see if there is any scientific plausibility of dowsing...rather then set up a challenge to prove their premature conclusions.

SWR, an educated person would assess the subject of dowsing with an open mind and scientifically try to find the truth.
Ahem. Taking brain scans of a person while dowsing? Not only does that open up a whole range of excuses for the unfortunate dowser, but it would also be much more difficult to accomplish than a gold bar under one of ten plates. If you can't find the gold under the plate, then what the heck would a brain-scan prove? Are you in possession of documentation showing exactly what happens to the human brain while dowsing on which to base these results?

Dell Winders said:
In that case the Skeptics have been beating a dead horse all along. Intelligent people would have given up a long time ago if they can't find anyone to pass the test. Just more proof it's a cheap publicity gimmick and you don't give a damm about appropriate tests, or research that could provide legitimate proof to determine if there are changes in brain wave patterns when a person is mentally dowsing.
We're just trying to find someone willing to take the test, Dell. And where did all this talk of brain scans come from? All it sounds like is another way to circumvent an actual test of your skills.
Dell Winders said:
How about you SWR? I have Dowsed a buried concrete culvert, approximately 20 feet deep, on 3 1/2 acres in Homosassa, Florida not too far from Tampa. Do you want to meet me there in Januarary, and compare your guessing with my Dowsing?

If you can't guess the exact location in two attempts (it only took me one) in an 8 hour period, then I think folks will know for sure who is being untruthful, and who is being realistic. Are you ready to expose and document the truth about Dowsers claims, and skeptic claims in the real world? Here is your chance. Dell
Several glaring problems here, Dell. We have no way of knowing how many attempts it took you to find the culvert, other than your word. We have no way of knowing exactly where the culvert is, other than your word and/or documentation you may have had prior to issuing the challenge. If you're willing to do this, then why not submit to a test where the locations and results are unknown till the test time?
Oh, that's right. That test is a scam and a publicity gimmick, and yours is on the level, right?

angel_09 said:
It is like saying " a wowan has no two balls" and the skeptics will say " unless I saw it with my own eyes, dissected her using scientific method and existing scientific books, I will not believe it".
It is safe to assume that a woman does not have male reproductive organs. Granted, this is not always the case, as there could very easily be exceptions to this rule, but unless there is reason to think otherwise, this is just another example of a bad analogy.
We are dealing with people that claim to be able to find treasure with bent coathangers. This is a perfect situation to apply testing using a scientific method, as this is an outlandish claim.
angel_09 said:
Asking a dowser to prove what he knows and disprove it without the slightest hint how it works is a futile attempt by a close minded skeptics.

Okay, then tell us how it works, Angel. This is actually something new. If you claim to know how dowsing works, how it actually functions, then illuminate us to this information. Then, a dowser will not actually be necessary to perform tests to prove or disprove dowsing.

I'd be careful, though. It's almost a guarantee that if you actually tell us how it works, another dowser will disagree with you.

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