$1,000,000 for anyone who can dowse.

jonnyrebe100...That plummer was a crook. About every two or three years the tree roots would clog it up. I knew the clog was about 30 feet from the clean out...right where the tree was. I try to map dowse but with no results so far. I know some guys that are very good at it. I have located a lot of placer gold and some silver coins with my rods and one chest with silver and gold jewlery that was hidden in the 1860 by so people on a wagon train. I have saw people do some amazing things ......Art

Sandsted said:
I wouldn't submit to a test of yours if you payed me. You have such an ability to irritate...I am in complete awe of it.
How about Randi or Carl? They'll pay you...

jonnyrebel00 said:
aarthrj3811, yeah i know what you are talking about. im a plumber myself. not to get off track but are you saying that the plumber over at your house wanted to charge you $75 to run another 75'. thats just bad. but yeah i know its possible to find water lines with witchin stick but i cant say i can find treasure. and for the map dowsing. eghhh, that sounds a little fishy but you never know. there are a lot of unexplained things that have happened in history. Kinda like Edward Leedskalnin, how in the world did he do what he did.
That is amazing what he did with that coral, isn't it?

About your sewer line, if i still lived in NoCal id help ya out. if you say you know its about 30' from your clean out you can dig it up pretty easy and fix it. once you get it dug up itd take you 20 min max to get it replaced. all youd need is 2 Ferncos (prolly 4'') and some 4'' 3034(thats the green sewer pipe). sounds like you prolly have a terricata line existing so youd need the fernco that goes clay/plastic. pretty simple and inexpensive. depending on the length of the run replacing the whole thing would be cheaper than having a plumber out.

Af, I knew you'd say that. That's why in my next post I pointed out that that was meant rather figuratively...incase you didn't read that.

jonnyrebe100...This summer I bought some beer and some ribs and my grandson and his friends fixed my problem...Art

Sandsted said:
Af, I knew you'd say that. That's why in my next post I pointed out that that was meant rather figuratively...incase you didn't read that.
Oh, I saw that. I just thought I'd throw something out there to see if you were still hanging around. ;D
I was right.

ok thats good to hear. i just hate of hearing of people that have plumbing problems. its crazy, kinda like it feel personally responsable for it or something. And i really hate to hear of people gettin ripped off. Just so you know typically you are better off hiring a plumber in business for himself then one of the big corporate plumbing companies, not to name any names.

Okay, then tell us how it works, Angel. This is actually something new. If you claim to know how dowsing works, how it actually functions, then illuminate us to this information. Then, a dowser will not actually be necessary to perform tests to prove or disprove dowsing.

I'd be careful, though. It's almost a guarantee that if you actually tell us how it works, another dowser will disagree with you. "by AF1733"

Hi Af1733,
First of all, let me inform you that NOT ALL DOWSING TOOLS are effective. There is only one particular type of dowsing that works 100%, and all others are not: BASED ON EXPERIMENTS AND RESULTS using this particular tool. Now you might ask me, if this is really true, why I didn't try the 1 million dollars test offered by other groups? My answer is: Since there are no accepted standard methods established in doing the test, both parties will prove and negate AT ALL COST AND ALL MEANS that each and everyone is correct; against each other. Right? Now, If I will tell you that the "find" in using this dowsing will make someone extremely happy and more than the 1 million dollar bet, do they have to shout to the whole dowsing community that this tool is true? The find using this tool is more than enough to justify that this one particular dowsing tool is a true dowsing tool.


angel_09 said:
Okay, then tell us how it works, Angel. This is actually something new. If you claim to know how dowsing works, how it actually functions, then illuminate us to this information. Then, a dowser will not actually be necessary to perform tests to prove or disprove dowsing.

I'd be careful, though. It's almost a guarantee that if you actually tell us how it works, another dowser will disagree with you. "by AF1733"

Hi Af1733,
First of all, let me inform you that NOT ALL DOWSING TOOLS are effective. There is only one particular type of dowsing that works 100%, and all others are not: BASED ON EXPERIMENTS AND RESULTS using this particular tool. Now you might ask me, if this is really true, why I didn't try the 1 million dollars test offered by other groups? My answer is: Since there are no accepted standard methods established in doing the test, both parties will prove and negate AT ALL COST AND ALL MEANS that each and everyone is correct; against each other. Right? Now, If I will tell you that the "find" in using this dowsing will make someone extremely happy and more than the 1 million dollar bet, do they have to shout to the whole dowsing community that this tool is true? The find using this tool is more than enough to justify that this one particular dowsing tool is a true dowsing tool.

After slogging my way through your poorly written and almost grammar-free post, the best I can ascertain is that you claim to posses the one true dowsing tool that works 100% of the time. Am I right?

If this is the case, then you should accept the challenge, even with your unfavorable view of it. Remember, you get to set the test protocol, essentially telling Randi what you can do then actually doing it. This is what it takes to qualify for the challenge. If your dowsing device can perform as you say, and can do it repeatedly, then you will win the million.

You say you've experimented with the tool. What experiments have you attempted? What was the testing protocol you were using?

angel_09 said:
Hi Af1733,
First of all, let me inform you that NOT ALL DOWSING TOOLS are effective. There is only one particular type of dowsing that works 100%, and all others are not: BASED ON EXPERIMENTS AND RESULTS using this particular tool.

So, what is that tool?

angel_09 said:
Now you might ask me, if this is really true, why I didn't try the 1 million dollars test offered by other groups? My answer is: Since there are no accepted standard methods established in doing the test, both parties will prove and negate AT ALL COST AND ALL MEANS that each and everyone is correct; against each other. Right?

No, wrong. The "Million Dollar Challenge" from the JREF does NOT try to prove you wrong. They don't try to prove anything. It is up to the challenger to prove that (s)he is right. There is no form of competition involved. The challenger proposes a protocol, the JREF makes counter proposals in order to assure scientific objectivity, both sides negotiate, and when both agree on a protocol then the challenger makes the attempt to show that (s)he can do what (s)he claims, doing it in the manner agreed upon. NOTE: The JREF's counter proposals are ONLY to assure scientific objectivity and NOT to attempt to disprove any claims.

angel_09 said:
Now, If I will tell you that the "find" in using this dowsing will make someone extremely happy and more than the 1 million dollar bet, ...
Point: it is NOT a "bet" as there is no wagering involved -- the challenger assumes all costs involved in making the challenge, but if successful is GRANTED the million dollars.
angel_09 said:
... do they have to shout to the whole dowsing community that this tool is true? The find using this tool is more than enough to justify that this one particular dowsing tool is a true dowsing tool.


Well, if it is "tried and true" and works 100% of the time, then (as AF said) you really should go for the challenge -- you have only reasonable expenses to lose, but a million dollars to gain -- and if it really does work 100% of the time, then you have nothing to lose (you can pay for your expenses out of the million!)

"After slogging my way through your poorly written and almost grammar-free post, the best I can ascertain is that you claim to posses the one true dowsing tool that works 100% of the time. Am I right?" by af1733

Hi af1733,
Thanks you have understand my poorly written and almost grammar free post. Lucky I have written it in english, where if I've done it with other language, I doubt your mind will "click" about what I have posted. (That is the benefit of being multi-lingual) Anyway, you get my point using your own language.

Reasons why I won't go for Randy's offer is because I have found treasures more than Randy's offer.
Why would I show and tell all details how and what kind of tool is this? For what? For a pat on the back? Hearing "soothing words" such as "yeah you're right, by the way, tell me how it works". Maybe you still remember the word "trade secret". WORKING DOWSING TOOL is the tool of the trade -treasure hunting- and how it works is a trade secret; because it makes money by using it, not by selling it.


My conclusions are based on MY PERSONAL EXPERIMENT AND TANGIBLE RESULTS, and not by reasonings.

angel_09 said:
Reasons why I won't go for Randy's offer is because I have found treasures more than Randy's offer.

So, you've found stuff worth more than a million dollars? WOW! Post some pictures, would you? I'd love to see that kind of treasure!

Hi Capt. Trips,

Sure I'll show you some, in due time. But I have to erase all traces that will lead to me. You how things goin' on nowadays.


Hey angel_09.....These guys love Randi's test. The hate it when someone gives them the facts about it. Out of 1010 applicants no one has passed the pre-test phase. In other word NO ONE has even had a shot at the big bucks in 42 years. That an average of 24 applicains a year. I wonder why more people don't jump on that free money. Do you think people may smell something fishy?...Art

angel_09 said:
Hi Capt. Trips,

Sure I'll show you some, in due time. But I have to erase all traces that will lead to me. You how things goin' on nowadays.

We'll all hold our breath.... ::)

Hi Capt. Trips,
Human mind works mysteriously. I 've heard once, nobody gives a free lunch, much more a million bucks. One million is a bait and whoever provided that amount, he doesn't want it to be taken....AT ALL COST!!!
And those who wish to get it, they are just fooling themselves. It is like a money that has a string attached to the other end....
And if the dowsing knowledge a man posses is really true, he should have at least, at least an ample amount of fortune.... by using that knowledge.
But if a man is still proving if his dowsing tool really works after 10 to 20 years, I can say that he may be on the wrong side of the sphere.


aarthrj3811 said:
Hey angel_09.....These guys love Randi's test. The hate it when someone gives them the facts about it. Out of 1010 applicants no one has passed the pre-test phase. In other word NO ONE has even had a shot at the big bucks in 42 years. That an average of 24 applicains a year. I wonder why more people don't jump on that free money. Do you think people may smell something fishy?...Art

Yeah, I smell something funny -- all the people who claim they can do something that can't be explained by conventional science. The reason no one has passed the pre-test is because no one who applied has been able to actually DO what they CLAIM! When someone who applies can do what they claim, they will pass.

It's not that they don't want to give away the money. The money has been put in escrow, which means that NO ONE can touch it until it is won. In effect, they have already given it away, as they can no longer access it themselves. So they do not have any motivation to prevent people from succeeding!

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