
  1. Jellico Kenutucky Cave Treasure

    Hello , I am looking for information about a newspaper article story. Supposidly, there is supposed to be caves somewhere around the Kentucky-Tennessee border (Jellico) that has caves and those caves was once rumored to have silver. Legend goes on to say the Indians once said if the whiteman new...

    So I moved into a new house back in October and have hunted my backyard a few times found a handful of wheats and a 1945 silver quarter ps. The house was built in 1921. Went out today and found some clad and then boom hit a iffy signal there was trash in the hole but pulled this out my 2nd ever...
  3. First ring!! But not for me

    Found by my dad, I have yet to find my first ring but I wanted to share his find here in case it leads to any new info on it. Will probably get it professionaly looked at eventually. It says Sterling 14k on the inside and has what we think is an aquamarine stone. Was around 3" deep rang up an...

    Hello, dear friends of the forum I need help for this research in a very promising area to find. Thanks in advance for your friends.

    Found my first ever Barber Metal Detecting and it's a Quarter 1902 O Barber Quarter!!!! Video -
  6. two silver rings

    Two silver rings I dug up near an old homestead they and cleaned up nice. One with diamond like transparent stones, the other with black onyx or jet like stones set in silver.
  7. Morgan silver dollar

    1881 no mint mark good condition with original luster.

    Got a new permission the other day and found my first Silver Half Dollar 1942 S Walker & a 1945 Merc in the same hole! Check out my YouTube - Diggin Dave.

    Through some research of Northern Ohio, it was discovered that on or around 1846 a house and schoolhouse once occupied the corner of what is now a corn field. On Oct 27, 218, after verifying that the field was harvested and receiving permission from the land owner, I was able to metal detect it...
  10. Silver nugget?

    I found this, which rings up as a pretty consistent 80 signal on my AT pro. It was found in an area that used to be colored quarters part of town, not a mine or anything like that, so I dont really think its silver but my interest is definitely peaked. Its heavy for its weight too... how can I...
  11. FINALLY got some SILVER!!!

    FINALLY!!! Haven't found anything silver for a looooong time. Been doin' school and then hurt my thumb playing golie so haven't got out hardly any this month. Finally got out for a 45 min. spin and found this silver bracelet, 76 cents, junk, and a button. First beep a dime, second.... SILVER...
  12. Pirate Coin

  13. Silver and tokens

    I thought I'd share some items found today and last week. These were all recovered from a curb strip next to an old school I like to hunt. The Newfoundland 20 cent piece ( .925 ) is definitely something I didn't expect to dig! It didn't even ring up or sound like you would expect a larger silver...
  14. ✅ SOLVED Mangled SILVER square thing?!

    Hello. I found this thing at a middle school by a basketball court by my house. I believe it's silver... not totally sure. WHAT IS IT?! It might be part of an earring or necklace or something.
  15. Where did all the SILVER GO?!

    Hi. I have found the following coins at various parks around my neighborhood: 1941 ×2, 1953, 1952 ×2, 1957 ×2, 1960, 1961 ×2, 1963, 1964 ×5, 1965 ×5, 1966 ×2, 1967 ×4, 1968 ×5. Excluding these I found a silver 1958 dime and a silver 1919 dime at a park that had quite a few 1950's and higher...
  16. FOUND: 2 huge men's ring by swing set!!!

    Oh my goodness!!! I found the hockey ring yesterday, and today I found ANOTHER about a foot away from the hockey ring!!! What kind of stone is it? What do you think it's safe worth? it okey to put it in hot water and baking soda to clean it up? I'm not sure if the baking soda will harm the...
  17. HUGE hockey ring found!!!

    SCREEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAM!!!! IT IS 12g.!!! Found by the swings at a park a street down from my house!!!
  18. First Coinstar silver!

    Coinstar silver! August 2018 - After realizing I had to get groceries, I stop at a grocery store in SA. Just shopped 40 minutes ago and I normally check the store Coinstars reject bucket for rejected coins, this time there was a small handful of change inside. After examining the change, I find...
  19. treasure map search.

    Good morning, from the forum please I need a location in this area to search since I thank you.
  20. Doctor Rings and Things!

    Doctor Rings and Things here! I've recently made a youtube channel showcasing my various finds! I update at LEAST once a week. This is my channel I'll also be posting updates on this thread whenever I make a new video! Please subscribe and help support a fellow metal detectorist!
  21. So it is real after all!!!

    I found 2 sterling silver rings at one tot lot!!! These are my first ever real rings! This one I thought was fake because of the cheap jewel, but then I cleaned it and saw that it had a hard to see 925 on it. I hope to find better quality silver and find my first gold soon. :)
  22. How do I clean my silver?

    Hi, how do I clean my silver? I know it can decrease it's value for coins but mine are only valuable because of the silver content, so it's ok to clean right???
  23. Spanish Cob Identification help!

    Hey Everyone! I recently found this at a garage sale in Florida mixed in with costume jewlery. No markings indicating gold but I believe it’s 14k. With that being said do you think this is a real Spanish cob and if so does anyone know what period? Looks like there is wear from salt water...
  24. Treasure hunter finds Olympian’s missing ring on the beach in Huntington

    A metal detector’s unlikely find on the shores of Huntington Beach helped an Olympic gold medalist locate his lost commemorative ring Wednesday. Leon Jones of Buena Park found the Olympic ring earlier this week during one of his usual outings using his metal detector to scan for unique...
  25. Silver button?

    Wow. It’s been two months since I posted anything on TN. For me there has been nothing good to post about until now :BangHead: . And thought I’d start posting more. August 2018 - One afternoon, I went detecting down at a neighborhood park in Schertz ,TX where I got a good signal to find this...
  26. Magical find! Sterling silver horse pin and a pile of buried coins under tree!

    I found this awesome sterling silver under a big tree in the ground with my $80 Bounty Hunter Jr.! First big find. About six inches away I got a loud beep and dug up 50 pennies all stacked up!!! I believe they were in a coin roll at some point but if it was the paper disintegrated. Does anyone...
  27. 10 minutes into the hunt.. Ring in the scoop!

    Made it out with the Excalibur II to play in the water a bit. Was looking forward to trying out the new Xtrene scoops Sand Shredder scoop. Probably not even 10 minutes into the hunt and the third target... Ring in the scoop! 925 and an interesting design. I'll take it! Really impressed...
  28. First necklace find (silver)

    Technically I found this while detecting but I seen it And grabbed it out of the water before my detector picked up on it. Regardless it was a nice ending to a bottle cap/tab kinda day😒 Thanks for checking this out guys -Cole Marie🖤
  29. 10k Sterling and diamond...small but I'll take it.

    7/17/18 Got out to do some detecting and got a nice surprise. Second Target of the hunt was this 2.1 gram 10k, Sterling and diamond ring. Sure, it's small. The diamonds are just chips in a cluster setting but I'll still take it! Thanks for looking.


    Found at a old track. Sterling Silver Ring :)
  32. Silver brooch?

    Nice detail on this piece( pic doesn't do it justice ) not sure but is this a silver brooch? Has a place where apparently a pin went on the back( see pic).. thanks and any feedback appreciated.
  33. Chinese Silver Ingot?

    This artifact was found in shallow water on a reef together with other artifacts such as plates and pots. Location is along one of the traditional ancient Chinese shipping routes in Southeast Asia. Could this be a Chinese Silver Ingot?
  34. Newbie question

    I Just recently started CRH and am addicted, so far, i have only been doing pennies, as I heard it is the highest payout. Is this true or are half dollars a better coin to do. How many rolls does it take y'all to get a silver half dollar? I have been getting 25-33% copper and 1/3 of rolls have a...
  35. Please help me with this research.

    Good evening, friends of the forum need another help for these two researches I will go to this area on 01/07. The areas are of an old sugar mill and have a lot of history since I thank you.
  36. Please help me with this research.

    I need help with these two pictures. I would like to know if there is anything good.
  37. Silver thimble, does anybody recognize the hallmark?

    Found in the yard of a home that was moved to the current site at the beginning of the 20th century, but the area was a town in the 1850s. There are no marks on the inside of the thimble. I am hoping somebody will recognize what I assume is the maker's trademark... Sterling broken up into two...
  38. Guadalupe River Finds June 2

    June 2018 - It got very crowded at the river today, it was 97 degrees fahrenheit after Noon outside. I brought my 2 year old metal detector model Discovery 1100 with me and used it in the water for the first time. I detected mostly in the rushing parts of the river and I was only there for 2...
  39. Spanish 8 Reales silver coin

    Hi, This is what I found yesterday. Does anybody have an idea how much this is worth?
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