
  1. Hidden silver mines by the Native Americans in schuylkill county pennsylvania, or maybe in or around cass township pennsylvania?

    Anyone ever hear a story of native Americans hiding silver from the white man never to find in cass township schuylkill county pennsylvania? I heard a story like this once I didn't know if it was about somewhere else and someone got it wrong but hey let me know please ! Much appreciated guys...
  2. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Help Identifying Buckle And Button?

    Found These Two Artifacts In Oregon, On Some Farmland Dating Back To The 1800's. I Believe It To Be A Buckle, And A Button But Not Sure. Can Anyone Help Identify Them Please? Front side of buckle. The buckle is 2 inches in length and 1 inch 5/8 in width. When My Nokta Makro Simplex+ detects...
  3. Double Silver Score!

    Hello! Been AGES since I've posted. Scored 25 cent silver spoon at a thrift store. Possibly 2 silver ones. Can anyone help me identify the small Dutch one? Is it silver or not? Has markings but not sure. I know the other is (even though it looks goldish for some reason) because it says Sterling...
  4. First silver of 2023!

    First silver of 2023!

    1963 silver Washington Quarter from the ocean. Found January 2nd 2023.
  5. Coinstar: 4 Silver Quarters

    Coinstar: 4 Silver Quarters

    A chance discovery at the supermarket. Four silver Washingtons mixed in with a collection of other rejected coins.
  6. Silver again!! Awesome Land hunt after an awesome beach hunt today

    Had an awesome beach hunt for low tide I posted early in todays finds and during high tide I went to one of my favorite local parks that puts out relics and silver
  7. 6E482204-D67A-4275-B5F3-A84B3E13892A.jpeg


    Silver earring
  8. Giant Silver Score at Work!

    Hello! I was lucky enough to find this chunky 16 gram silver bracelet at work. Unfortunately the customer didn't come back for it for 3 weeks. So I got to take it home. It looks homemade...hammered. no markings. 100% sure it's silver but not positive if it's only plated, or soild sterling. Any...
  9. Silver at Thriftstore!

    Hello folks! It's been a long while since I've posted. Been into thrifting vintage items to re-sell. Found this spoon....does anyone knkw if its silver or silver plated?! It says "Sterling" then AMC and another letter i cant see. On the bowl of the spoon it says Clear Lake which is a poplar...
  10. Two Months, Two Morgans

    At the end of March, I was detecting a beach which had a lot of activity during the late 1800s into the 1940s. Many great coins have been found there by others over the years, but this was my first time swinging there. I was walking around, dealing with highly mineralized sand and a blanket of...
  11. One of my BEST days. 5 silver day!

    This was a hunt 1 month ago. 2 bucket list day for me. Same spot where I got the buttons on my previous post. This has just been an amazing spot. I am quite proud as I have taught myself to dig in heavy iron with my Equinox 800. I went to a silversmith to see if I can get the wings unfolded. She...
  12. Found some nice WW2 buttons and a couple of tax tokens.

  13. Lone dime

    Went shopping for tea at a local HEB where the CS is empty every time I previously checked. Got my first luck of '22, first and best for now at this particular Coinstar. I've always thought I'd get a better chance at finding foreign than rejected clad or silver. But you'd never know what...
  14. Mystery find

    Mystery find

    Found this on an old beach in the northeast not sure what it is
  15. Thrift store silver!

    I've always heard stories about people finding Sterling silver in thrift stores but I've never seen any in all my years of thrifting until today. About $450 melt worth for a little over 3 bucks. woohoo! Haven't checked yet if any might be worth more as actual silverware. (estimating weight on...
  16. Best Beaches in N.C. and S.C. to Metal Detect?

    Hi, I just bought the Garrett AT Max. Will you guys let me know from your experience, or even from just reading or hearing others speak of which are the best beaches from “More likely” to “Less likely” to find treasures? Thanks
  17. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED What is this, silver?

    I dug this up about 5 miles North of Sweetwater, TX.
  18. 🥇 BANNER Appalachian Pirate Treasure!!! 8 Reale!!

    Appalachian Pirate Treasure I’ve never been this lucky in my life… I’ll try to make this as fast as possible. So! I was sifting an over hang (ON MY PROPERTY, I feel like that’s important to clarify) very successfully by my standards, I’ll post the pictures of the artifacts after this. Anyway, I...
  19. Blue Clay Western NY

    I have a question? Has anyone one ever located blue clay in New York state. I recently ran across some blue clay in our creek bed while panning. Western NY region. I will get a photo this week of the clay. What does it mean?
  20. Silver 'n Gold finds!!!

    Found bits of silver and one little 14k earring for $2 in total. Question: is this worth selling at a pon shop? I know it's really small amount but if I build it up should I sell there? No one will buy mismatch earrings...maybe some like the clasp could be sold to jewelry makers. What do you think?
  21. Silver Buckle find???

    Hello! I went as a knight for Halloween and found this belt for part of my outfit at the thrift store. Wondering if it's silver or silver plated maybe. Says Taiwan on the back. Looks tarnished...hoping it's silver but I'm guessing if it is its probably just plated which wouldn't be worth much...
  22. Neat Buckle found on 1800s site

    Hello! Been a long, long while since I've posted...does anyone even remember me??? Lol haha. Anyways...I've been doing more yard sale hunting/re-selling then detecting this year. Made some killer finds and big chunk a change. Only detected a few times this year which I now regret. Will be going...
  23. Hello

    Out here in Tacoma Washington. I like to do prospecting. Keene A51 is The sluice I use. I prospect creeks in Tacoma. Picture is of my first clean out using the Keene A51.
  24. ❎ SOLD Chlorargyrite - The Mineral Form of Silver Chloride Ore FOR SALE

    Note; This is not material suitable for simple crushing & panning due to heavy sulfides. If you aren't into refining at all, then it isn't probably for you. But message me for questions nonetheless. They do make for pretty stones anyway. I also can't get the picture uploader to work. You can...
  25. Sweet sixtie-four

    It was quite rainy this past week, wasn't able to go MDing for almost 2 weeks. So in the meantime I resorted to CRH. Haven't found anything exciting on that part though. So I was just out for milk this evening. I decided not to go to the typical CVS where I usually purchase items I need right...
  26. Wallowing in memories

    Well, the last one died shortly after birth, so here we make a new baby. 40 years ago I had a great time in the Bahamas. A lot has happened since then. Probably I would not recognize the old places if I visited today. Some places might have changed less than others, like Great Isaak Key. When...
  27. Will I get lucky?

  28. Morgan Dollars and more for sale

    I have some Morgan dollars, and other silver coins for sale, all from my grandfathers collection. He was a silver stacker, so he had a lot, but these are going to be the nly coins I'm selling from that collection for now. I will not consider requests for more coins from that collection. Flat...
  29. Thrift store Silver!!!

    I was looking through the silver plated spoons at a thrift store not expecting to find anything because I never do. Well. Bingo. Don't know a ton about silver spoons but %99 percent sure this is sterling!!! Can anyone varify for me? What stuck out is that it's not rainbowy colored like most...
  30. Seeking a SeaSpy magnetometer

    Hi y'all. We are looking for another complete, working used Marine Magnetics SeaSpy, SeaSpy2 or Explorer magnetometer. We need no more than 100m of cable. I'm less interested in a Geometrics G-882, but I would listen to a good deal. Price should be commensurate with age and condition. I might be...
  31. 925 “PC”

    Looked all over the internet for this jewelry hallmark on a ring I found in the yard of an ‘85 house flip and there is no clear definition for it. Thought I could share this for the experienced on here. HH everyone:icon_thumright:
  32. Small silver before Christmas

    It was busy at Walmart today this evening. I was just doing some christmas shopping during a move into a new (old) home. As I approached the machine, I see a small pocket of change in the bin. I couldn’t tell exactly at the time what the small coin was until after getting into my truck. It...
  33. 1959 Permission

    Got bored today, so I took a trip downtown to visit a townhome bound to be restored in January. Not a bad 2 hours of digging Thanks for looking! HH!:occasion14:
  34. Newby-Excited to be here.

    Thomas Rocky Shores badge icon New Member · 21h · Hi everyone. Im back into metal detecting. Been an arm chair prospector mostly. Giving up playing music but will always enjoy prospecting. Planning on moving to a Gold bearing state soon. Like the adventure and fun or nature and finding...
  35. Has anyone ever seen this kind of coin?

    I have a double sided silver coin with the reverse of a walking liberty half dollar. One side with the "S" mint mark and the other has the "D". It weighs 11.93g.
  36. Went thanksgiving shopping

    This sure brightened up my day. Before shopping I routinely check the tray by the front door. My second coinstar silver in a year and a half! ‘64 No MM Happy hunting and thanksgiving guys! :occasion14:
  37. My Honey Hole, Presidential Medal, rings and stuff.

    I found my special spot!! I clean up!! The berret is Mizpah sterling silver from the 30s, found the Taft presidential Medal and more!
  38. Good morning, I need help with this photos.

    Good morning, I need help with this photos. : olá2:: olá2:: olá2:: olá2:: olá2:
  39. The Two Toe's Lost Treasure

    Come along with Jeff and Gary (Two Toe's ) as they set off in search of the Lost Honan (Two Toe's) Treasure. There searching for the Gold Nuggets that Gary's Daughter and Grandson lost the year before. Hydraulic pit detecting can bring great rewards or just a long hot day out looking for Gold...
  40. James Avery with Titanium

    Got this on one of the local Bay beaches in shallow water with my Equinox 600. Came in a steady 30 -31, nice high tone.
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