
  1. 2020 SILVER!!!

    First ever non modern coins from the Coin Star machine!!! Biggest find yet! So cool! A 1945 nickle and a 1966 silver dime. Before this my biggest find was 5.75 all at once. Hope to find more!
  2. Doctor Rings and Things

    I found a 1943 steel penny metal detecting, how do I find out if it is worth anything can anyone help?
  3. More silver from the 76 house

    Yesterday after noon my father was needed by a client to help move furniture into the house I hunted a month and a half ago in Of course, I knew I missed a lot that evening because it got dark and there was more yet to...
  4. Doctor Rings and Things

    5 Rings, 16 diamonds, metal detecting Laguna Beach CA
  5. Sterling Buckle

    I recovered this Sterling Buckle in on 12.15.2019 in Lamar County, Mississippi, and wanted to know if anyone had any idea of approximately what year it was made and who it was made by. Other than the "sterling" mark on it, I can find no other marks of any kind.
  6. My first silver coin! 1942 Nickel

    I know its only 35% silver, but that's more silver than aluminum!
  7. SPANISH SILVER ! 2 REALE 1782 (Long Island)

    I found a 2 REALE 1782 (holed) in Long Island. I’m still amazed.

    I can’t believe I found a 2 Reale in Long Island !1782
  9. Found a silver looking thing and a few coins.

    I went out and dug for an hour or two at a 1910 house today, I would have stayed longer but my hands and feet were getting really cold so I guess 2 hours is it for today. My first coin was the wheatie (1925), then I found the dime and stinkin lincoln. I almost forgot to cover an area in the...
  10. Sluice plans? Additional tips?

    Hello everyone, I just recently became interested in prospecting. I don't want to spend the money on a sluice box or highbanker yet because I'm a beginner and I don't want to put a lot of money into something I haven't had much experience with. So I was wondering if anyone knew of some good...
  11. Good morning my friends please I need help searching.

    I thank everyone for helping me....
  12. THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

    THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7 Due to popular demand... Another Random Chat Thread is born... THE "RCT". Pull up a comfy chair on the online "Home away from home". Everyone and anyone is welcomed to join in and become part. Please abide by...
  13. Help Identifying Smooth Metalic Silver Mineral/Nugget... (Found in Colorado River)

    I was hiking through a riverbed and pond in Colorado at 8000ft and found this shining at the bottom. I would love some help identifying what it may be. Silver Metallic Color Smooth and Textured Weight: 1.40 grams Does not appear to be Magnetic Thanks for the help! Best Wishes.
  14. average finds in $200 worth of change?

    I now travel in northern Georgia (mountain and rural farm areas) on a daily basis with my job. I pass many, many small convenience stores. I was thinking of buying change from the store owners. what could I reasonably expect in terms of silver, old coins, wheats, indians in $200 of change from...
  15. yard sale SILVER RING!

    Found this 5 g. ring for .25 cents at a yard sale. It's worth about 2.30 in silver. It's out of shape sadly.
  16. 13 gram SILVER for $1!

    Found this silver medical bracelet at a yard sale and asked the lady how much she wanted. She said a buck so I got it. She had coin books there and I asked if she had coins for sale. She said she'd maybe put them out next sale... so I'll be stopping by there the next time i see a sale!!! (Lucky...

    Good evening, friends, I need help with this survey on the high seas since I've been late to help me.
  18. Don Felipe plantation in ocala, fl

    I am trying to locate the old don Felipe plantation that is suppose to be 2 miles nw of ocala, Florida. Can someone point me in the right direction. I have looked and looked Thank you
  19. :) DOUBLE SILVER!!! :)

    I found this spoon at a garage sale for .25 cents. It was all tarnished and ugly when I got it. All it says on the bottom is COMMUNITY. Is it silver or just plated? If it's only plated, is it worth anything? I found this bracelet at a playground with my detector. It doesn't have markings but...
  20. Sweat= :coins: and Disney SILVER!!!

    Sweat= coins and Disney SILVER!!! I was working hard in 25° humid weather today. I found this nice Disney bracelet today under a playground slide as well as $2.50. I believe it's silver however it doesn't have markings- but it looks silver and it has a loop at the top and a charm or something...
  21. 1885 Silver Coin

    I’ve been revisiting an old Southern Maine cellar hole for about a week and a half. I was pretty sure the site was 1800’s and and after today I’m absolutely sure.
  22. I eyeballed a GOLD RING!!!

    Hello folks! Hope you found some treasure today. I sure did! I was/am homeschooled (graduated today!!!) and was at my homeschool group soccer when I looked down randomly and found a squished piece of jewelry. I picked it up and it was all covered in white paint from them spraying the lines. But...
  23. Honker RING and a little SILVER!!!

    Went for a little hunt and found this ugly hunky skull ring and a nice silver coin! I wish that the ring was silver or even better gold because it's huge... oh well. Every junk ring you dig helps to keep you going because you never know, the next might be real!!! I've found six rings at this...
  24. Could I start a small job finding lost rings?

    Hello! What do you all think about me sending flyers in my area for finding lost rings for people? I was thinking of charging ten bucks for searching their whole lawn and then f i find it charging another 15. what do you guys think?
  25. SILVER RING with STONES!!!

    I was walking with my detector down the street. I'm a little selfconcious so I cross the street when I see my neighbors so that I can avoid questions. Well I wasnt paying attention so i walked right by while they were on their yard, and all of a sudden my neighbors asked me a question so I was...
  26. New detector= SILVER STREAK!!!

    The 58' I found tonight... the others I've found this past week. Wow... I'm impressed with the land ranger pro. I've been digging only high signals and it is really helping me to not get frustrated because I'm finding mostly clad and silver! I know that I could be missing gold but where I'm...
  27. Feels good to get SILVER!!!

    I found a nice sliver 1959 dime today! My new detector is finding stuff my other one couldn't. Second silver for this month... two hunts ago I found a 1968 silver quarter. Yes! Yes! Yes! I also found this old cherry coke can that I want to know the age of. I threw it away because it will cut me...
  28. I found a SILVER CARIBOU!!!

    First silver of 2019, first silver found with my new detector, and first silver quarter found other then the one I found on my lawn!!! Woo! Scratched it on the back on the left... oh well. Also found a 1944 penny and a costume ring. This is the fourth silver item found at this park! Im going...
  29. Possible Cache?

    When you find a top to a mason jar, a pure silver spoon and a pure silver ring all in the same hole.....and your still getting hits....I’m pretty sure I found a cache today. Couldn’t dig it fully because it got dark. I will be back.
  30. First Hunt of 2019 Yields Nice 7 Coin Spill

    It was really nice to get out detecting since the ground has finally thawed in the last week. It was a beautiful day so I went out to the woods for a few hours. The first hour and a half were pretty uneventful since my best find was a memorial cent. Then I made my way over to an area that I...
  31. ✅ SOLVED Does ANYBODY know what this is ? I do .

    Hello my friends . Hope everyone had a bless day . I guess you could say this is just a game on my part . I KNOW WHAT IT IS ! I just want to see how many number of people guess it right . Then I will take off the paper I put on the front and let everyone know . Hope no one minds me doing this...
  32. ✅ SOLVED Help me with this 1861 coin !

    Well sense I had my 2nd stroke (1st in 2016 and then 2017 ) I CRS . You know what I mean . I found this coin years ago . It is in poor condition . VERY THIN . Some idiot drilled a hole in it . It is dated 1861 . PLEASE don't think I'm crazy BUT I can NOT remember what it is called . It has three...
  33. Calling all Fisher f44 owners...

    Hello all! I have been detecting for less than a year and I want to upgrade to the Fisher f44. i know its not the best detector out there, its considered a beginners-mid-range. But it will be a huge improvment to my little dectector (bounty hunter jr. I bought new for $80 ca.) Can anyone tell...
  34. My first big silver!

    My first big silver! It’s in horrible shape but I couldn’t be more proud of it. Found it with a Fisher F22 Type: Walking Liberty Half Dollar Year: 1943 Mint Mark: D Face Value: 0.50 USD Total Produced: 11,346,000 [?] Silver Content: 90% Silver Weight: .3617 oz.
  35. I found a car

    I am a video producer by day and a treasure Hunter by night, so I figure I'd combine the two passions and edit my finds as a video instead of boring pictures. Here's my last trip out. Hope y'all enjoy.
  36. Birthday surprise.

    After a rough time at work earlier today, I relieve myself to go out and do what I do for fun: Check Coinstars.. I checked Five Coinstars this evening and it was a 1/5 score with the scoop of $2.24 to the left. After those Coinstar errands I took a visit to a Half Price bookstore to get an...
  37. A letter on Swift's Silver Mine

  38. First coin roll hunt ever YIELDS SILVER!!!

    *oFISHally hooked* My first ever coin roll hunt gave me this nice silver '67! Brought home 10 rolls and about 5 were really old rolls so I opened them first. On my third roll I got this guy. Definitely gonna start huntin' the dimes again as soon as I can.
  39. The BEST for cleaning silver.

    I just wanted to share my absolute favorite quick cheap and easy to use household product that most of you probably already have but might not have ever considered for cleaning and restoring shine to any tarnished silver that you really want to make stand out. All you need is a little bit of...

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