
  1. More silver today and a compass too...

    16th & 17th silver coins for 2013: 1953-D quarter, 1917 Mercury dime (pretty decent grade for this 96 year old coin as well) Also 6 wheats: 1916-D, 1918, 1919-S and some newer ones from the 40's. Also a Taylor Bakelite Girl Scouts compass from the late 30's-early 40's (non-functional). Another...
  2. Closeup of sterling silver Moose Lodge ring

    Here finally are some closeups of the 9 gram silver ring I found. It's so big it's loose on my middle finger. Biggest silver ring I've found. Thanks Etrac!
  3. 15th silver coin for 2013: 1908-D Barber quarter also an 1884 Indian cent and a wheat

    15th silver coin for 2013: 1908-D Barber quarter. Also an 1884 Indian cent and a wheat cent. (22 actual silver items this year) My friend Jan and I hunted a yard I had permission for but it was a complete bust, not even a wheat cent. After he headed home I walked around the corner to an 1890's...
  4. No silver for a really long time.

    I started metal detecting in early March 2013 and have gotten one silver dime after a week of metal detecting, None since. I metal detect almost everyday for at least two hours. I just got a Fisher F2 as a upgrade to my Bounty Hunter Pioneer 202 so hopefully my luck will change. Good luck,
  5. Teddy Roosevelt Campaign watch fob, big silver Moose Lodge silver ring

    Teddy Roosevelt campaign fob, Huge Moose Lodge silver ring (9 grams) old melted marble and 5 wheats: 1913, 1920, 1939 & some 40's. I hunted for 2 hours finding only a couple wheats and then found the silver ring at about 7". I stood up swung my coil to the right about a foot and found the fob at...
  6. What do war nickels ring up as one the Fisher F-2?

    I just got the Fisher F-2, and I was wondering what war nickels ring up as on it (VDI and item ID. I do not have any war nickels, but I do have pages of BU 90% silver coins :happy3: . Thanks.
  7. It Could Be Good When Our Hobby Sucks! (IN A GOOD WAY)

    I mean this in a good way! Today in New Hampshire, it was too hot to swing a detector, so I decided to try something that came to me one day while thinking of new treasure hunting techniques. Well, today, I tried it on a hunch and it paid off IMMEDIATELY and I ended up with $19.48 in clad coins...
  8. A few finds today.

    Hunted some yards today with my new detecting friend T. Jason Wright from Greenwood. managed to find a lead policeman toy (1930's?) 1918-S Wheat cent (which is one I needed) and a sterling silver ring. The ring has already found a home on my fiance's finger.
  9. First Silver Coin on the Garrett Ace 350

    Today I found my first silver while metal detecting. I have been detecting in a park near where I live for the past few days and have only found pennies and a clad Texas quarter. But tonight, I found a 1946 Roosevelt dime. I do not own a pinpointer, so I had to use the pinpointing feature on my...
  10. Jewelry 1800s Nickle Silver Engraving Circles and Curves

    Jewelry 1800's Nickle Silver Engraving Circles and Curves I have no idea what I found. It is made of nickle or silver with engraved circles and curves. It is a piece bent and broken from the main part which makes its identification difficult. I found it in Southwest Kansas along the Santa Fe...
  11. What next?!

    So I have found what I think is a pretty good bunch of Quartz with lots of minerals and ore in it. I am sending samples off to be analyzed, but it looks like everything from pyrite to copper, to silver and gold. I am in the process of crushing it, but am not sure what to do next. So far I have 5...
  12. 14th silver coin 2013, Indians Wheats etc

    Finds (5-17-13) 14th silver coin for 2013: 1937 Mercury Dime (seems there is one in every yard!), 2 Indians (1905, 1907) and some Wheat's(1916,1926,1941). Also got reacquainted with the worst junk target, even worse than pull-tabs and screw-caps. The random sized aluminum siding leftover...
  13. Platter

    Hi, I found this platter today and Im having issues finding any information on the markings. it is stamped with a 55 and some strange picture ive attached some pictures any thoughts or direction to find out anything regarding this platter would be great thank you!!, see picture '
  14. Serve up on a Silver Platter

    Served up on a Silver Platter I haven't posted in a while, but I thought finding this silver tea service for $50 was worthy of a my best finds post. 65 Troy ounces solid silver for a tidy 2600% profit. I'll take it!
  15. Silver dime, silver ring, Trade token, Marine Corps buttons and 9 wheat cents.

    Not bad for a random yard hunt with the Etrac, Had to try 8 places before I got to hunt this yard. 1962-D Roosevelt Braided silver ring 1909, 1919, 1919-S,1928,1936,1939 and 3 newer wheats.(9) Trade Token from my town circa 1910 Old Marine Corps buttons
  16. Empathic old lady sees into my metal detecting heart

    i was detecting at an "old" church (old is 1920s in the Miami area), Saturday. I was working on a silver coin under a root. I could see the rim, but dimly, as I scratched away at the dirt with a twig I'd picked up. Someone stopped by to help, and if she wasn't a metal detectorist, she was an...
  17. Same yard more silver

    Same yard, more silver and Wheat cents. Went back today got another Mercury dime, this one from 1924. Silver Washington:1959-D (beautiful condition) Another, but larger aluminum play coin from "Grimsland" and 5 Wheat cents the oldest being 1910 and 1919. As is often the case when metal...
  18. Best CRH Morgan Dollar Score Ever? (plus a great half cull too w/ pics)

    I recently made friends with a teller at one of my banks near my job. I asked him for halves, big dollars, and any old coins or bills one day. He delivered, and gave me a some big dollars, a few 90% halves and a few silver dimes and red notes (see the post here). I came back around recently and...
  19. How deep are older coins like silvers and wheats underground

    I have a Bounty Hunter Pioneer 202 Which can only get a consistent coin signal down to 6". In a month I have found $10 or more in clad, 7 wheats, 1 barber dime and a buffalo. The Barber dime, 1 wheat and the buffalo were in the same hole. A weird thing is I have found two surface wheats and one...
  20. Silver and Gold from soccer fields

    I think I may have cleaned out the local soccer field over the last two weeks. In past months I found 2 gold bands there and now over the last 2 weeks I've found 3 more pieces of gold and silver jewelry. Two rings and a pendent. The small ring is sterling 3.5g, the big ring is a sterling band...
  21. Coin collector just starting to fish the dirt.

    I purchased my Bounty Hunter Lone Star last week and have been out hunting about 5 times. First off, what is something you wished you knew when starting out this awesome hobby? Also, any tips you would like to share with a newbie are much appreciated. For the most part i've been sticking to the...
  22. Great Metal Detecting Site!

    I have only been at this site for three days and have found a 1904 dime, a 1919 nickel,a 1915 D penny, a 1913 penny, a 1956 D penny, and a 1959 penny. Here is a link to pics of the 1904 Dime, 1919 nickel., and 1915D penny...
  23. Silver, Buffalo, and wheat all in same hole

    NOTE: After taking photos of my 1915D wheat cent I lost it in my house, I know it will probably turn up sometime though. Just a day ago I found my first wheat penny, buffalo nickel, and barber dime (my fist silver coin), all in the same hole. The date of the wheat was 1915 D the date of the...
  24. Identify this hammered coin

    I bought this half-cut hammered a while back,and need help I'Ding it.Help me please Thanks, collectorconor
  25. gold/silver ore?

  26. Better late than never, last weeks finds

    Last week I went through 675$ in dimes and 80$ in nickels. Here's what I found: In the dimes, I found 1x silver dime(1954) Nothing else that I kept besides 2 pennies. In the nickels, I found 1x war nickel(1944) 3x 30's nickels 10x 40's nickels(11 if you count the war nickel) 15x 50's...
  27. Silver test results

    I found these while I was metal detecting in a creek where gold has been found, the area is also known for having a tin mine that produced some silver and gold. I bought an acid test, and got these results. I want to think that the acid turned brown, indicating 80% silver, but I have never done...
  28. Good Week So Far and My Second Silver Bicentennial!!!

    Well, I have found 16 40%ers in $4,000 in halves already this week! I'm super pumped. It was a good week last week and another good one this week too. All my finds came from MWR in delivered boxes. The best part was that I found MY SECOND SILVER BICENTENNIAL!!! It's absolutely bananas! I went...
  29. Found my first ever SILVER DOLLAR!!!

    Here's a video of the silver dollar I found the other day! Still cant get enough detecting time! Makes me want to skip work for a couple of days. Any of you ever have this problem? Check it out!
  30. Whats your perspective? A Realistic Look at MDing, with Silver and Wheats

    What's your perspective? A Realistic Look at MD'ing, with Silver and Wheat's No we don't always bring home the silver but LOOK as what we do get most of the time. Then we have those days of MD teasing, you know the thought, "the next dig and we got silver", yet it never shows :mad: Oh well...
  31. Peace [Dollar] In the North East! (and the rest of my teller tray score from today)

    Asked for "big dollar coins" and any "old coins and bills." The teller gave me these and knew they were silver! And got 16 dollars in big dollar coins, and one of them stood right out to me... 4 walking liberty half dollars, 2 bens, 8 merc dimes, and 2 FDRs bought at $5 face. Always ask, and...
  32. How many silver coins can be in a 1 ender box? I may break the record here

    What's your personal record? this box had 1 40% (68) gold plated ender, and so far including that roll, I'm 4 for 4, one silver coin in each roll. I picked them from random locations of the box too. and 1's a 64! the box that came with it had a Ben and a 66, and a few gold plated clads. 4...
  33. ✅ SOLVED Silver Alloy? or Camfire Nuggets?

    Well on my very first outing with my GB2 I found these nuggets: They are extraordinarily dense, dull ashy in color, I can not scratch them with my finger nail, I couldn't even bend or scathe them with a pair of pliers. I don't know what they are but they appear to be Silver or some alloy of...
  34. Finally Found The Shine plus 10K

    Went out saturday with a buddy of mine and his wife to hit up his grandmothers yard. She said the house was built in either the 1920's or 1930's. He said he went one time before for just a few minutes before dark and found a couple wheat pennies so we was hopeful and waiting for the nice weather...
  35. Another first Big Silver and a great 6 silver day with Jewlery

    This is from a hunt I did several weeks back not today hope you enjoy. Had a great day out today, was out about 4 hours maybe a little less. I've only been out 2 times this year the first I found a real ugly rosie. Today I found another first for me BIG SILVER, A Walker, very nice. I found 15...
  36. Morgan Silver Dollars *pics*

  37. My Best Find Yet!!!!!

    My Finds Today Pretty exited I didn't think I would find much and all I was digging up was trash and square nails. I went over to this huge oak tree and found a metal button which i simply threw since it was modern. Then I get a Strong hit in the same hole. I Pull out a Sterling Silver ring(My...
  38. Unreal amount of large silver this man dug up in the water with Garrett AT Pro.

    I am not sure if this was posted before or not. - Huge Cache Of Coins!
  39. 5th Etrac hunt in same yard = 3 silvers!

    3 SILVER coins from my 5th ETRAC hunt in the yard I've been hunting off and on when we have warm weather: 1942 and 45 Mercury dimes and 1942 Washington quarter. Thanks Minelab Profind 25 for having a light so I could see the quarter in the hole in the dark! This makes a total of 5 silver coins...
  40. 5th Etrac hunt with silver! Digging in the dark.

    3 SILVER coins from my 5th ETRAC hunt in the yard I've been hunting off and on when we have warm weather: 1942 and 45 Mercury dimes and 1942 Washington quarter. Thanks Minelab Profind 25 for having a light so I could see the quarter in the hole in the dark! This makes a total of 5 silver coins...
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