
  1. One Sweet Day: 1 half box, 1 nice score, 1 cup + Stamp on the box means nothing!

    No cups actually...but since you clicked... Had a really great box today. The banks only had one box for me. This box had the same 4 digit code as my last 6 boxes from this bank from last week, which only gave up 4 40%ers and 1 90% ben (every other box was a skunk). I had no expectation of...
  2. Weekly Weaselbrott: Ag October just got a little spookier! (Hurricane Sandy Edition)

    Hi guy! Here are my weekly totals: This came early in the week, and was very pleasant to see. Came from a box. Went to a new territory and found some CWRs. Had only $20 in half dollar CWRs, but here is the first roll The second one was also quite awesome! And the box to close out the end...
  3. First Class Ring and Barber Dime

    Had a pretty good weekend. Went to a location I have hunted numerous times and had no results. I knew there had to be something there so I thought I would give it one more shot. After a few junk targets I hit a strong 12/44. I thought to myself "Finally, a dime!" Out popped my first Barber...
  4. Weekly Weasel: Totals w/ pics (8 boxes of halves, 3 boxes of dimes, $600 mixed CWRs)

    Had a pretty good week this week: 8 boxes of halves gave me 6 90%ers (4 walking!, 1 beat up Ben, and a 1964JFK) and 9 40%ers. 2 boxes of dimes gave me an 1899 Hong Kong dime (80%), a rosie, and found two rosies and a Canada 1940 silver dime(80%) in a reject tray/tube). 3.838oz this week or a...
  5. Its Ag October: Tonight is Night of the Walking Liberty + Have you walked the plank?

    It's Ag October: Tonight is Night of the Walking Liberty + Have you walked the plank? I walked the plank for the first time today! I call finding a walking liberty ender "walking the plank" (yes I just made that up, maybe you'll try it on for a fit?). Searched 3 boxes today from two...
  6. Beware: Pink 40%ers; Almost dumped silver yesterday!

    Yesterday was a wake-up call for this novice half-box searcher, and should serve as a warning to not always depend on edge checking for silver (as many have stated on here before). I was doing my first box of the day yesterday, and I found one measly 40%er that was very light pinkish and worn...
  7. Has CRHing made anybody a millionaire?

    There are people who are on here from way back when. I would like to know what the biggest known silver career accumulation is. Are there people out there who have literally retired off of CRHing? Millionaires? Hundred-thousands? I am not talking about silver's future, we all know its going to...
  8. Spanish Cob???

    Found this piece of silver this morning and was looking for confirmation from the experts. I'm thinking it's a cob, but what do you think. Dimensions are: 0.52" x 0.44" at the widest points. Weighs 1.87g. Any thoughts on denomination and date range would be appreciated. Thanks for your...
  9. How I got silver from another person at the coin counter today for free

    This has worked for me several times and I am just sharing what I think is a decent piece of advice on getting more silver in your pocket when you notice another customer at the coin counter has it and doesn't know or care. The story: Teller is helping another customer to dump their coin jug...
  10. Has anybody tried CRHing at "Checks Cashed" places?

    If you are a CRHer from the ghetto, then you know exactly what I am talking about. These are places where people go and cash their paychecks and usually end up paying a fee to cash checks. Some of these places also do currency conversion and other stuff depending on if you are in a high-tourist...
  11. Weekly for Weaselbrott (7 boxes of halves, 1 boxes of dimes, and $800 cwr)

    I had a very disappointing week for halves indeed. Out of 7 boxes of halves and about 300 in [skunk] customer wrapped halves, I only got 2 90%ers, and 3 40%ers for the whole week. Some stampless and some 4-digit stamped string&son boxes. Out of 1 box of dimes and about $500 in customer wrapped...
  12. Desperate with $120

    I have been skunked on my last $4,000 in halves. Picked up $120 today because that's what I had in my wallet. Hoping to get lucky. Will post results, good or bad.
  13. CRH Neewbie Guess this was a pretty good box

    I just started CRH about a month ago and man this is addictive! I picked up two boxes(Brinks) from my local bank yesterday. After searching, this is what I found: Box 1: Skunk Box 2: 9 40% (2-'69,2-'68,3-'67,2-'66,1-'65) 4 90% 3-Walkers ('36,'43,'46) 1-Frank ('63) And 1 '82 God color...
  14. What is the deal with being so secretive about CRHing anyway?

    Let's face it, it is a tedious hobby that is not for the weak of heart. Don't get me wrong, I love it, and I will COINtinue to CRH, but for me, personally, it is intensive. If you are serious about silver, you are dedicating time and energy to finding it (of course, making the occasional dream...
  15. Did I find a Platinum Nugget?!

    Thread closed due to age. :D This was platinum, and I sold it. :) Heya everyone; Question: Platinum or Silver or Other? I found a small silver nugget today that I think may be Platinum. I think it is right around 1/2 gram +/- and when I drop it in water it falls just as fast as gold. I...
  16. Coins Cache or Ore?

    There has been two dowsing hits on this image. They were close to each other but not real close. One hit ore and one hit coins. So I am asking for a third opinion. I would suspect there would be silver ore in this area but the two prior hits said gold. I would even be happy with meteorites...
  17. Five silver quarters walk into a coin shop...

    And since I just came into some cash, and because they were so pretty and clean and shiny, I bought them for myself instead of for the coin shop (with the bosses permission) Paid $20 for the 5 A pic will follow but I needed to start this post before I could upload from my phone.
  18. Weaselbrott is wishing you all a Happy Precious Metal Monday!

    Every Monday is Precious Metal Monday; so long as a bank is open and has rolls for me! After a Sunday with no banks to get rolls from, doesn't Monday always feel like a holiday (work aside, of course!)? Anyway, on my lunch today, I went to a new bank branch (out of the hundreds in the city...
  19. No silver today... but thats okay!

    Did my usual lunch walk today and picking up coin rolls along the way, asking tellers for the older coinage. Nobody had custi rolled anything, and nobody had any halves either; nut-thin!! Every so often, I have a day where I don't find a single silver coin, and today was my day. Don't let bad...
  20. Three silver weekend

    Found my first standing liberty quarter but the date is gone, I also found my second Washington silver a '42 and it's in great shape. Today I found a '42 Australian sixpence and three intact .50cal rounds. Had a great time and wish all my trips went this well. HH OMWP
  21. Who made my silver spoon?

    I have a silver spoon that comes from my Great Great Grandfather who bought it for his wife for their 25th wedding anniversary and lived in New York.(We believe he had them custom made/bought locally) It is somewhere from the mid to late 1800s most likely.(Very early 1900s at latest.) It does...
  22. "I have 2 halves, but..."

    Went to about 5 banks today. Picked up about $30 in pennies and asked around for halves. At the last bank, the teller explained "I have 2 halves, but they are both really ugly." She then tried to offer me the better looking Eisenhowers in her tray. I said I'd take the ugly ones. Sure was a...
  23. Forum noobs first box!

    So I recently stumbled onto the concept of this coin roll hunting and was immediately interested, so I went ahead and ordered me a box from my lifelong banking institution. It came in and I got to checking it out and lo and behold - four '64s and forty three 40%ers. I'm hooked.... So much so...
  24. CWR vs MWR Halves

    It seems like a lot of coin roll hunters get great finds with customer wrapped rolls. But it also seems that finds are more consistent with boxes or machine wrapped rolls. What have been your experiences? My only results have been from CWR but it's hard finding a bank with these let alone...
  25. Silver in MWR penny roll

    My Dad was unwrapping a box of Garda-wrapped penny rolls yesterday and found this coin that says "Silver Circle .999 Fine Silver 1/10 Troy Ounce" from the Golden State Mint in the middle of a roll. I thought this was a cool find -- probably worth at least $3.
  26. My Second Hunt - Half as Lucky as the First

    So I went to get my now bi-weekly order of halves at work yesterday. This is the second time I have CRH for halves, usually pennies. However, I am enjoying pulling silver a lot more than copper. This time I had twice as many boxes but got the same number of keepers. Last time was 2 boxes...
  27. first timer, hit the bank today searchin for silver

    so i've been lurking this place for a number of years, never posted until now. all of your posts in this forum inspired me to do some coin roll hunting. today i took a hundred dollar bill to a local bank and grabbed up 10 rolls of half dollars. i managed to pluck out (3) 40%ers, 1968D halfs. not...
  28. Gerla Silver teaspoon

    Greetings! I am trying to find information about teaspoons I recently stumbled across. I tried to google "Gerla Silver", which is stamped on it's back but no luck. Can anyone provide any information on these items? Sorry the one spoon on the scan is blurry. Thanks in advance for any help!
  29. My first $1000 in halves; Today I became a real coin roll hunter!

    This is the reason I got into coin roll hunting, folks. I ordered a box of half dollar coins from a local bank in my suburb. I called ahead last week to ensure I would have it for payday this week. So today I picked up my 2 boxes of halves (heavy as hell!) and eagerly take them home to...
  30. 120Year Old Hunted Out Park Coughs Up A Few Barbers & A Big Chunk Of Native AG

    I hunted an old hunted out park today with some good results. My first target of the day was the native bracelet which had a nail in the hole with it (to bad its cracked :( ) That got me pumped up, for the next hour I scored a few wheaties and then I popped the 1913 barber. Few more wheats after...
  31. Silver ring plus 2 gold earlier today = 3 ring day!

    Great day today! Having a blessed streak. It's going to be an awesome weekend! Also attached recent bracelet find and other rings from a few month back. woo hoo
  32. Alabama

    Treasure hunters in Alabama are welcome to join the group "Alabama" for general discussion of everything. Only two members as of 7/29/2012 so lets get the ball rolling with some new recruits!
  33. What specific years are da goods?

    I know for halves pre-1964 is 90%, and that 1964-1970 is 40%. Is this the same with quarters and dimes? Also, what types of halves, quarters, and dimes are valuable? I have heard barbers, washingtons, standing liberty, walking liberty, rosies.... but i have no idea how to identify these. Can...
  34. Silver Coin / Token ?

    Hi All, Just dug this up this afternoon on pasture. Thought it was a hammered but now I've cleaned it I don't know what it is. Its silver, 2cm in diameter and those small mounds are bumps not dints (not pushed out from the other side if you know what I mean). Looks like a small arrow stamped on...
  35. First box of halves 9 oz. silver

    I was in California two weeks ago and picked up my first box of Kennedy halves at Chase bank and found (15) 90% silver coins (14 from 1964 and 1 Franklin from 1963) and (24) 40% silver coins from 1965-1970. I picked up $190 in rolled coins from another branch that day and found 3 more 90%...
  36. Cliff Jumping Area

    Went to a popular cliff jumping area. Check it out! Let me know what you think.
  37. Interesting Brooch

    My husband found this yest. He says its silver. He has not cleaned it. On the pic of the back, you can see the hinge to the right and the hook to the left. The pin is missing. Its sure not the prettiest brooch, but interesting. Anybody seen anything like it?
  38. New Site Recon And Other Updates

    Been trying to get out in the excessive heat we've been having. Went out yesterday to hit some new sites. Also haven't posted many of the other finds I've had...silver slow and steady. More Site Recon Yields Sterling Silver Saint Christopher Pendant | Get Metal Detecting
  39. My finds from my recent trip to Vermont!

    Hello everyone, I recently went to Vermont, and went detecting, coin roll hunting and garage saling. I found my first ever half dollar, a 1944 Walking Liberty, and in the same hole was a 1947 Rosie. Found some great stuff at the bank as well. Thanks for looking!
  40. Small Coinstar find! [SILVER!]

    This actually happened yesterday, but I just got around to getting on my computer today. So I went into my local grocery store to pick up a couple of things. On my way out, I pondered if I should deviate from my path to the exit to check the Coinstar machine. I had a strange feeling that...
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