Silver Member
Well i guess it was. I dont like underground stuff, but i think i could go in that. One of my goals is to find and go in a Ancient America tunnel network. I better get on it.
- Try to find out about the tunnels that connect the Floridas to Tres Hermanas. Ask the old timers in the Deming area. While you're at it, see if you can find any stories that link these tunnels to the Twin Sisters near Pinos Altos. Supposedly, these are all natural caverns, not manmade.
- Possibly the most enigmatic man I've ever known, Fred March, provided me with some stunning info in the early 1980s. At first I wrote him off as crazy until a major part of his story (and his prediction about it) were absolutely verified by me later. Long story, but bottom line: a large boring machine was extending a tunnel from beneath a surface building about a half mile east of Highway 90 north of Lordsburg at about MM8, extending northerly under Gold Gulch and beyond. Same sound as the Taos Hum.