Hola amigos - I will tell you one, which is fairly recent (a little over a year ago);
Mrs O and I were in a particular canyon south of Tucson, hunting for La Esmerelda. The place we had picked for a base camp was a little spooky looking but not to the point of un-nerving, just a little creepy. We had brought enough supplies for a couple of weeks, and had spent the two weeks, so packed up to head out for a re-supply trip. Unfortunately the battery had completely died in the vehicle and in this place, other vehicles are fairly rare so we got to spend a few extra days there. On the first night after discovering the dead battery, while getting ready to cook dinner, we heard a terrible groaning and moaning, which seemed to be coming from the canyon behind the ridge where we were camped. I hiked up to the top of the ridge to see what was making the sounds, in case it was someone hurt or lost. On arriving at the top, I could still hear the terrible moaning as if someone were terribly hurt, but could not pinpoint the location due to the echoes off the canyon walls. The moaning stopped in a minute, and it was getting fairly dark so I planned to go check it out the following day.
The next morning after coffee I headed up to the top of the ridge to get another look to see as it was better light, and saw a huge silver egg-shaped thing on the bottom of the canyon, very shiny like a mirror. To estimate the size I would say as large as a console stereo or a bit larger but smaller than a VW. So I hiked around the ridge (it had cliffs from the top down) and then down the canyon, finding fresh boot tracks that matched my own for size and tread pattern exactly, even though I knew that I had not been down the canyon and no one could have gone through without passing our camp. On arriving at the spot where the silvery thing was seen, it was gone! NOthing was there, not even a piece of aluminum foil or balloon, which I was thinking perhaps was the answer. The boot tracks I had followed to the spot, stopped there and no other tracks were to be seen besides my own on the way out.
As a side note, it was a further three days before a vehicle came by, and that was the Border Patrol whom kindly gave us a jump-start, so I cannot throw stones at them any more. We did not go hungry however as we always pack extra food and water, nor did that moaning sound ever repeat after the one night, which was moonless and overcast. There are no cattle or any kind of livestock in that area, nor for miles in fact so it was not likely to be a cow or bull. But as for that silvery sphere, I am still puzzled. I asked the Border Patrol if they had some kind of monitoring device or something there and they said they do have monitoring devices but not there and certainly not like that. The other noticeable thing was the night of the moaning sound, we did not hear the normal night sounds at all, just complete silence with not even a distant coyote calling.
Now please do continue, I look forward to reading more!