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I'm not real big on ghost stories but there is a small area that I have been studying for several years that really creeps me out for some reason. There is a lot of stuff up there but I always feel uneasy so I spend as little time as possible up there. Somebody also left, what I believe, could be a warning at this spot. There is a nice little carved box with an AF carved inside that is the key to the whole site. After I had been studying the site for several months, somebody carved a 33 a few inches under the box. Could just be somebody having a little fun, who knows. Seems like when I'm in the woods, I'm a little more aware of what is around me. I guess that's normal.

Tag post - thanks for posting this, I look forward to reading more! :thumbsup:

I believe that there are spirits associated with buried or hidden treasures. They may feel that because they could not have the treasure they don't want you to have it. My belief is that they can mess with your mind and your electronics. I have seen too many things happen. It convinced me. You have to try to get them on your side.

Crosse, thats an unusual way to use capitol letters, but it makes reading a bit hard.

Xde sign' K near here there is a small hill that has a mule train of Silver bars.buried. Every full moon, some gal screaming in a very terrified manner, come running down the hill and as she reaches botton - site of the treasure - she is apparantly caught and has her throat cut, she ends up gurgling trying to say somerhing.

They say her carraige was traveling with the mule train for protection.

Don Jose de La Mancha

HA! Read about the HAUNTED WOODS Treasure in Virginia... ANYone ready for a camping trip...?

Hola amigos - I will tell you one, which is fairly recent (a little over a year ago);

Mrs O and I were in a particular canyon south of Tucson, hunting for La Esmerelda. The place we had picked for a base camp was a little spooky looking but not to the point of un-nerving, just a little creepy. We had brought enough supplies for a couple of weeks, and had spent the two weeks, so packed up to head out for a re-supply trip. Unfortunately the battery had completely died in the vehicle and in this place, other vehicles are fairly rare so we got to spend a few extra days there. On the first night after discovering the dead battery, while getting ready to cook dinner, we heard a terrible groaning and moaning, which seemed to be coming from the canyon behind the ridge where we were camped. I hiked up to the top of the ridge to see what was making the sounds, in case it was someone hurt or lost. On arriving at the top, I could still hear the terrible moaning as if someone were terribly hurt, but could not pinpoint the location due to the echoes off the canyon walls. The moaning stopped in a minute, and it was getting fairly dark so I planned to go check it out the following day.

The next morning after coffee I headed up to the top of the ridge to get another look to see as it was better light, and saw a huge silver egg-shaped thing on the bottom of the canyon, very shiny like a mirror. To estimate the size I would say as large as a console stereo or a bit larger but smaller than a VW. So I hiked around the ridge (it had cliffs from the top down) and then down the canyon, finding fresh boot tracks that matched my own for size and tread pattern exactly, even though I knew that I had not been down the canyon and no one could have gone through without passing our camp. On arriving at the spot where the silvery thing was seen, it was gone! NOthing was there, not even a piece of aluminum foil or balloon, which I was thinking perhaps was the answer. The boot tracks I had followed to the spot, stopped there and no other tracks were to be seen besides my own on the way out.

As a side note, it was a further three days before a vehicle came by, and that was the Border Patrol whom kindly gave us a jump-start, so I cannot throw stones at them any more. We did not go hungry however as we always pack extra food and water, nor did that moaning sound ever repeat after the one night, which was moonless and overcast. There are no cattle or any kind of livestock in that area, nor for miles in fact so it was not likely to be a cow or bull. But as for that silvery sphere, I am still puzzled. I asked the Border Patrol if they had some kind of monitoring device or something there and they said they do have monitoring devices but not there and certainly not like that. The other noticeable thing was the night of the moaning sound, we did not hear the normal night sounds at all, just complete silence with not even a distant coyote calling.

Now please do continue, I look forward to reading more!

Back in the mid 1980's, was on little round top on the Gettyburg battlefield.
I was standing there near a rock wall and heard a voice whispering next to me,
thought it was my dad, who was with me, looked around and he was about 100yds.
down the trail. Got that chill up my back. Realized it was just a soldier's spirit hanging about.

Back in the mid 1980's, was on little round top on the Gettyburg battlefield.
I was standing there near a rock wall and heard a voice whispering next to me,
thought it was my dad, who was with me, looked around and he was about 100yds.
down the trail. Got that chill up my back. Realized it was just a soldier's spirit hanging about.

A friend also had an audio incident. He was at the exact site of the McComas Massacre in Thompson Canyon in SW New Mexico when he heard a bunch of horses galloping up behind him and what sounded like Indians shrieking. It all happened in an instant and he thought, "I'm dead." When he spun around to look, nothing was there. I'll vouch for his honesty because he and I together saw a bird with a 20' wingspan in Cooke's Canyon several years ago. By the way, this guy was also terrorized by Bigfoot in Northern California back in the '60's. Some people are weirdness magnets, I guess.

Oh, and Oro - four of us were staking out mining claims back in the '80's in the Pedragosa Mountains north of Douglas, AZ when we all saw something similar to your sighting. Long story short, we saw very low-flying unmarked military jets shortly afterwards and were contacted by MUFON for statements the next week. More interesting to me was what we found the day before the bright light - a small meadow where the cattle had eaten all the grass down to the ground except for a perfect 21' diameter circle that remained waist-high.

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Back in the mid 1980's, was on little round top on the Gettyburg battlefield.
I was standing there near a rock wall and heard a voice whispering next to me,
thought it was my dad, who was with me, looked around and he was about 100yds.
down the trail. Got that chill up my back. Realized it was just a soldier's spirit hanging about.

Yes, Gettysburg, PA battlefield is VERY haunted; MY experience was when I was a re-enacter for CSA Co. I, 10th Virginia Cavalry (Stonewall's "Foot Cavalry")... camping overnight in a private field next to the ORIGINAL section. @ 3 am in the morning, we heard screaming, booming of cannons, scent of powder (guns, cannons), and thought we were being attacked by Yanks/Bummers... MOST of the Co. rallied up for night-fighting (which was NOT allowed during CW re-enactments) to "fight"... BUT! They found NOTHING there! They were shocked & amazed... the EMOTIONAL "spirits" of battle were "at it" AGAIN! Ex-wife said to me... AIN'T gonna go back THERE, AGAIN! HA!

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:coffee2:8-) Rebel - KGC: Yes, why not? Let's hear the story first, uh?... Ha!

HA! I was looking for BRIT Gen. Cornwallis' treasure (he buried it after his surrender to Gen. Washington at Yorktown, Va. & my family was there - Capt. George Printz; I am SAR). Cornwallis' Treasure was one of two listed as being there; second treasure was a PIRATE'S treasure, with "ghost ship" & muttering in the woods at night. wasn't there at night & land-owner doen't want ppl there... DA BUGGER!

:coffee2::coffee2:8-) Springfield, Pretty Wild, like other accounts of the same somewhat similar sightings, and the grass circle... Very bazaar, but interesting... We saw a California Condor while hiking up a huge open storm drain canyon with about 30-40' cliffs, on our way to going fishing at Puddingstone Lake, in the Covina Hills area of the San Gabriel Mnts. 35 mi. east of Santa Monica, Ca. when we were teens, and thought that was pretty cool... Can't imagine a bird with a 20' wingspan, Cool... Thanks, ~: CDS :~

Here's a couple old posts about Big Bird: (posts #9 & 11).

Great stories amigos - almost as good as if we were sitting by the campfire! <:coffee2::coffee2:>

I forgot to add that I did yell down that canyon to whomever was doing that moaning and groaning, which seemed only to make it stop. I have no idea what the silvery egg-thing was either, or if it was even related to the sounds of the previous evening.

Springfield - thank you! One of the things that bugs me about skeptics is the habit of dismissing things reported by others, when they were not present to witness it. Some mighty unusual things fly around in the southwestern skies, at certain times of year.

I will add a funny one - on a fishing trip to Ontario a few decades ago, with a couple of friends, we had a slide-in pickup type camper. The fishing was not too great so we tried moving to a new place, a bit further out in the tall tules and that night after we had all gone to bed, the whole camper and truck started shaking! I was nearly toppled out of my bunk, which was the lower one (two others up high) so I sat up to listen, and heard something snuffing around, and the sound of something touching the outside of the camper. I grabbed a flashlight and shined it out the nearest window (a foot from my head) to see a nice big black bear looking right back at me through the same window! He gave the camper another shove and rocked it hard, and by this time my buddies awoke so I went out with a pan to bang and scare it away, but I can tell you I about jumped out of my bunk on seeing that face a few inches from my own! It turned out that in moving camp to the new spot, arriving near dark, we had not noticed but someone had camped near there earlier and left piles of food including pork chop bones, chicken etc less than twenty yards from our camp.

Please do continue, thanks to all for the great reading!
Roy ~ Oroblanco

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