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Ah so you have taken the bait eh crosse , I'll try to explain some thing that the scientists haven't. except perhaps for Einstein, he admits that dowsing exists.

Perhaps Judy will step in and help me out. So while we wait for her I'll attempt to answer some of your questions i

In Your last post last post yu asked ---OK, you found 8 loads of silver, "found by first dowsing, then precisely
by a detector".

What exactly did you do. What did you use, in performing your dowsing?

Don't doubt that you found the silver, or that you, or the Indian
saw a fire or light. I would take yer word on that, and there
seems to have been other peoples varying accounts, of
seeing a glow, fire, or lights. Some, sources of gas,
that seem are explainable.

It is used quite commonly to lookfor treasures ( explanation in a separate post )


you sked ---mJust curious, how deep was the silver?

Approximately 1 foot in hard pan under loose arroyo bank sand.


you asked ---what does this mean, dowsing paper objects?

Yes, anything can be dowsed. Same principal is involved.


You asked ---Everyone is aware of "the so called normal ones".
The supra normal ones, can you explain? Does this
mean you have supra normal senses to find treasure,
by having a special dowsing mind sense?

copied form past posts in here ---Geeze gentlemen: we haven't even started and already the sabres are out. For starters in this case. our brain is what we actually see with. It is eternally picking up minute energy waves and establishing a way for us - to be hypersimplistic - to perceive things. In light of this, yes, both woofer and EE are correct, but looking at the 'same' process differently.

One through the normal acceptance of visuality, the other through mental acceptance. Electronically, we might suggest a radio receiving the wanted signal via the built in antennae or an external one.

As go along we will get involved with both, the one and the same. Whether our brain receives this information through our eyes or "so called mentally", is really of no importance in the final analysis, as we shall hopefully develop.

Grammar, terminology, and punctuation are not critical for our purposes, so please do not use them in their selves, as a basis for a remark. Use them in their 'intended' context. We are here to learn, not to be simply one up on each other.

La Judy's little test is an extremely interesting one. Think on it for a while.

Remember in here we are not too interested in 'canned' responses, but yours, your free thinking. the most valuable trait that you have.

Don Jose de La Mancha


From here on I will only paste past posts----(lazy)

Allo EE you posted --> 'prove' what you've got so far,
This is precisely what we don't want. it is a closed door on what we are discussing since we will prob be delving into possible telepathy among other things. Actually nothing can be truly, 'positively proven', not even our electrical theory or of the universe. Our present understandings will be overturned many times before we ever really understand it, if ever, yet, it serves us as it is. But, remember, it is not proof of the subject, only of our method of acceptance.

Don Jose de La Mancha

HI again: It was speculated how 'much' energy would be need to transmit useful information ? May I suggest how much energy is transmitted for the most distant planet in our solar system for us to interpretate it's basic physical characteristics?

Why does the 'reflectance' of our sun on the Moon directly effect life's mental, physical and social characteristics?

Why is most of Earth's higher forms of life tied to Lunar phases, i.e reflective frequencies from the Sun?

Getting back to the original track, what frequencies are in a Photon?

Remember, many in here do not a high formal education for many reasons, including economical, so stick to the simpler more direct forms of posting. I doubt that there is anything or action in the Universe that can't be explained in simple language. The more intelligent one is the easier it is.

Don Jose de La Mancha

It was also posted -->What about this ring in a jewelry store? What nature of a signal are we to be sensing
It is simply because we are receiving the various gold frequencies directly, and possibly indirectly at the same time, through our primary frequency antenae, our 'eyes'.
Since they are frequency sensitive, they can respond to the the various differences due to atomic construction. and modifications thus allowing us to differentiate between the different rings..

Don Jose de la Mancha

p.s. I would suggst going to -->

Or alternatively, fust type in what you wish to know and add Tayopa. in the search just below the bandera, right side.

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Don Jose

Taken the "bait" you say, OK it's interesting,
and one thing I've always been willing to do,
is to listen and see if it seems feasible, possible,
maybe reasonable. Though I'm not that highly
educated, but always grasping whatever I can,
if it is in line with my core beliefs. Outside that
line, yes I try to be cautious, but not close minded... :fish:

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Since it works for me, dowsing for metal with the metal rods,
held out gapped, moving together, or toward metal if I walk
a short distance past it, I don't consider it to be paranormal.
It just feels natural, I'm sure there's scientific basis for the
action of the pull. I have only tried it with large iron or steel
items, from as far as maybe 12-15 ft., the rods start to move.

But maybe paper or other, I already, without trying it,
don't think of it as naturally similar, because of there
not being the body electricity-metal/metal-ground, it
doesn't seem possible, or natural. So, naturally, my
first thought is that it's not scientifically possible.

I don't know about it being paranormal, and that
sounds more like a magic trick. I'm not sure, if I
would believe even seeing it, unless of course if
someone could legitimately locate old non-metal
strip paper money with it. Dowsing an arrowhead
sounds just as preposterous to me, though I will
study and ponder the above info. 8-)

The next time I get to go walking at my favorite
place, I'll think about seeing a nice rock, looking
carefully and hoping like I always do, but sometimes
I just find broken pieces, of what would be real nice ones.

I'll then picture a nice whole one, and see what happens, but
realize I may not have the phasing, or faith required for that to work... :laughing7: :fish:

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You are doing just fine crossee. In dowsing with the rods, or whatever, the entire movement is done by you, involuntarily,. nothing external moves them.

Well when I see what I'm walking up on or past, I
think my body is transmitting an electric field or signal.
Holding the steel alloy rods, totally loosely but supported.
They respond to the metal slowly as I walk over or up to them.
I'll try to locate a buried pipeline when I get time.

You still haven't answered my main question, what have you
thought up, er dug up, with your mind dowsing... ??? :laughing7: :fish:

A Jungian explanation of some of these seemingly coincidental connections between the physical and metaphysical worlds would fall back upon the concept of the collective unconscious. I don't know much about that because I am only an egg . . .

A Jungian explanation of some of these seemingly coincidental connections between the physical and metaphysical worlds would fall back upon the concept of the collective unconscious. I don't know much about that because I am only an egg . . .

It's a "Force Field thingie"...

I'd like to first say something to Releventchair, and all who are interested. I'm not certain sometimes what I believe about the so-called paranormal. I'm not certain about a lot things being normal or paranormal. But this is something I've wondered about for many years. I believe I may have told this in another forum some time ago.
In the 1950s, one of my mom's uncles had diabetes and had a leg amputated. I don't know what the norm is today concerning body parts like this, but his leg, wrapped in cloth, was taken by someone he knew well, out into the country and buried. Several months later, he started to complain about an itching, burning sensation on the stump of his leg. It continued for several days/weeks, I'm not sure how long. Mom's only brother lived in Arlington, the uncle lived in Commerce, Texas. Mom's brother got a phone call from the uncle's wife. She explained what was happening with the uncle. So the nephew drove to Commerce the next day and talked to the uncle about his problem. He found out who had buried the amputated leg and where it was buried. They both went to the site, and after a little while had the leg uncovered. The cloth had became loose, rotted, or something, and ants were inside the cloth, on the leg. A lot of the leg had been eaten away, mainly at the site where it had been severed. They took the leg, cleaned it, wrapped it in a fresh cloth, and placed it in a plastic bag, sealed it, and buried it again. When they returned to the uncle's home, they found him sleeping comfortably. He had no more problems with the itching, burning sensation.

Now, Crosse, you say you can use the rods to detect metal. You can probably also detect a lot of other things below ground. Again, I've told this in another forum before, but I don't recall where. I watched a man 'witch' a water line where I was working for a cement contractor when we were digging some holes and such to pour a slab for some grain silos. We didn't know just where the city lines were and called the city offices. The man took a piece of Romax (?) wire from the back of his truck, split the covering, took the two separate insulated wires from the covering. He then stripped about an inch and a half of the insulation from one end of each. He then bent the other ends about 2 inches long, into a 90 degree bend. The rods stuck out about 12 inches from his hands. Then holding these two pieces of wire, he walked until they crossed. He had me dig at the point where they crossed. About 24 inches deep, I found the water line.
In later years I got thinking about this and took a wire clothes hanger, cut into two pieces, and shaped it as the man had done to find the water line. I went out into the back yard and started walking. I found several places where the 'rods' crossed. After checking where one of the places was, I noticed it was in line with the water meter and the connection to the house. The lines were plastic pipe. I believe it was detecting the water, but could have the pipe, or both.
Later, my daughter and her new husband were at the house with my wife, son, and other daughter. We all went into the back yard. I had bought some brazing rods, about 24, maybe 30 inches long. They were about an 1/8 inch in diameter, maybe a little larger. We all were using them and finding places where they crossed. My oldest daughter was in her 20s, but had the mind of about an 8 years old. She could 'dowse' those spots as easily as we did after I got her to hold the rods loosely.
I have no explanation as to how this happens, but it does work. So far, and I have not shown many people about holding the rods loosely and finding things with them, but so far, I have never found anyone who could not do this!

as I said, nothing external moves the rods, you do .You can duplicate the action deliberately. just hold them straight out then slightly move your hands by rotating them vertically at the wrists, in the direction in which the rods are pointing. I.E lifting and lowering the tips of the rods slightly by simply rotating your wrists vertically. The rods will promptly swing

The reason you will do subconsciously is another complicated matter, which we will get into if you wish. This is why you can dowse anything since all matter is electrical..

I doused telecom cables, as well as water and cable TV lines for about 13+ years...

Posted From My $50 Tablet....

as I said, nothing external moves the rods, you do .You can duplicate the action deliberately. just hold them straight out then slightly move your hands by rotating them vertically at the wrists, in the direction in which the rods are pointing. I.E lifting and lowering the tips of the rods slightly by simply rotating your wrists vertically. The rods will promptly swing

The reason you will do subconsciously is another complicated matter, which we will get into if you wish. This is why you can dowse anything since all matter is electrical..

ACTUALLY... Electro-Magnetic.

as I said, nothing external moves the rods, you do .You can duplicate the action deliberately. just hold them straight out then slightly move your hands by rotating them vertically at the wrists, in the direction in which the rods are pointing. I.E lifting and lowering the tips of the rods slightly by simply rotating your wrists vertically. The rods will promptly swing

The reason you will do subconsciously is another complicated matter, which we will get into if you wish. This is why you can dowse anything since all matter is electrical..

Compadre, it is hard for us to debate something that even the so called experts don't understand. A lot of what the experts think they know, has later been proven to be wrong. Coffee? :coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2: From the coffee beans that Juan Valdez slips into his pockets.

When I was in high school, our ag teacher took us to some acres where students could keep their show steers. We were going to replace the leaking 2"poly water line of several hundred feet with 3/4" pvc. We were just slipping the pvc pipe into the poly line, and cutting the poly line in different places to make pvc connections. We were having a hard time finding the old poly line, so he went and cut a barbwire to fashion some dowsing rods. We would hit it every time, and we all got to try it, having no idea where the line was, we were all dead on.

To me that rules out the idea that the rods are subconsciously manipulated, the water may be eletro-magnetic, but I have also dowsed pvc gas lines.:dontknow: One time I was dowsing for the telephone cable in my ranch before I planted a Spanish Dagger. I knew within three feet where the cable was, but the rods would cross about a foot before I got to the cable. I was stumped until I looked up, and saw the utility line above making the rods cross.

It is the dowsing of maps that has been proven by some experts to be the manipulation of the dowser. The fact that no one has found the Lost Dutchman Gold Mine for example using this method, tells me that it really does not work, or that maybe there are only a chosen few that have the "gift". Many self proclaimed map dowsers have failed to find it, and other treasure legends. In the dowsing threads they all come up with different hits on the maps. This is not the case when dowsing with rods for lines.


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I did "water-witching" at home (Shenandoah Valley, VA) when I was YOUNGER... Folk Beliefs are HUGE there! Over the years, MY knowledge, training, experiences has "lead" me to 3 "conclusions". As Buddha said, "MIND it is, which gives to "things... their ESSENCE"; St. Paul said, "Transform your LIFE, by the RENEWAL of your MIND"; and from SCIENCE... EVERYTHING is of ELECTRO-MAGNETIC "energy", which can be neither created nor destroyed; it CAN be TRANSFORMED for GOOD, BAD, or UGLY. DOWSING: FOCUSED via MIND, LAW of ATTRACTION prevails; FOCUS on water... get water; FOCUS on PVC Pipe... get PVC PIPE, etc. It IS a "gift"...
AND! The upper Shenandoah Valley had a VERY strong German "heritage" of Rosicrucian Mysticism with PREVAILING "mind-set" of SYMPATHETIC MAGIC. Shenandoah County, VA was HUGE for this; LEGENDS of GERMAN Treasures with GERMAN ciphers ABOUND!

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Compadre, it is hard for us to debate something that even the so called experts don't understand. A lot of what the experts think they know, has later been proven to be wrong. Coffee? :coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2: From the coffee beans that Juan Valdez slips into his pockets.

When I was in high school, our ag teacher took us to some acres where students could keep their show steers. We were going to replace the leaking 2"poly water line of several hundred feet with 3/4" pvc. We were just slipping the pvc pipe into the poly line, and cutting the poly line in different places to make pvc connections. We were having a hard time finding the old poly line, so he went and cut a barbwire to fashion some dowsing rods. We would hit it every time, and we all got to try it, having no idea where the line was, we were all dead on.

To me that rules out the idea that the rods are subconsciously manipulated, the water may be eletro-magnetic, but I have also dowsed pvc gas lines.:dontknow: One time I was dowsing for the telephone cable in my ranch before I planted a Spanish Dagger. I knew within three feet where the cable was, but the rods would cross about a foot before I got to the cable. I was stumped until I looked up, and saw the utility line above making the rods cross.

It is the dowsing of maps that has been proven by some experts to be the manipulation of the dowser. The fact that no one has found the Lost Dutchman Gold Mine for example using this method, tells me that it really does not work, or that maybe there are only a chosen few that have the "gift". Many self proclaimed map dowsers have failed to find it, and other treasure legends. In the dowsing threads they all come up with different hits on the maps. This is not the case when dowsing with rods for lines.


Over a 12-13 year period while working telecom I used bent wires for dousing to help dig up telephone, water and cable TV lines well over a thousand times...

Posted From My $50 Tablet....

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Over a 12-13 year period while working telecom I used bent wires for dousing to help dig up telephone, water and cable TV lines well over a thousand times...

Posted From My $50 Tablet....

“A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”
― James Madison

The Constitution of the United States of America

:icon_thumleft: I also used wires... clothes hanger wires were the BEST!

:icon_thumleft: I also used wires... clothes hanger wires were the BEST!

They do work good, I used the wire from utility marking flags, about the same thing, just a hair smaller...

Posted From My $50 Tablet....

I have found the regular uncoated brazing rods best, for me. I can make a long bend, 7 or 8 inches, to hold in my hands. Then I can just make a circle with my fingers without grasping the rods. The rod just sits in my fist with the only restriction being the friction where they rest on the top of my fist. The length is still quite long. I sometime shorten them a bit. I need to read some of the differences concerning the lengths in the dowsing forums.
I was called to an older gas station that had been closed for several years. The new owners couldn't find the charts for the tanks. The previous owner had died, and the supplier didn't have any records of the size. I put a small nail in the gauge stick at the one inch mark, then put the stick into the tank. I withdrew the stick until the nail caught on the filler pipe that screws into the tank. This was the top of the tank. I then recorded the measurement to the top of the pipe, and subtracted one inch. Then I removed the nail, let the stick sink to the bottom of the tank. I recorded the measurement, subtracted the length of the pipe, and then knew the diameter of the tank. But the length? I took my trusty brazing rods and found the ends of both tanks. It was really easy, just had to do it from several angles to make certain that I had the right spot. Then I took a chart the showed the diameters and lengths of different tanks. I found the size of each tank. I then printed copy of the tanks for the owner.

I have found the regular uncoated brazing rods best, for me. I can make a long bend, 7 or 8 inches, to hold in my hands. Then I can just make a circle with my fingers without grasping the rods. The rod just sits in my fist with the only restriction being the friction where they rest on the top of my fist. The length is still quite long. I sometime shorten them a bit. I need to read some of the differences concerning the lengths in the dowsing forums.
I was called to an older gas station that had been closed for several years. The new owners couldn't find the charts for the tanks. The previous owner had died, and the supplier didn't have any records of the size. I put a small nail in the gauge stick at the one inch mark, then put the stick into the tank. I withdrew the stick until the nail caught on the filler pipe that screws into the tank. This was the top of the tank. I then recorded the measurement to the top of the pipe, and subtracted one inch. Then I removed the nail, let the stick sink to the bottom of the tank. I recorded the measurement, subtracted the length of the pipe, and then knew the diameter of the tank. But the length? I took my trusty brazing rods and found the ends of both tanks. It was really easy, just had to do it from several angles to make certain that I had the right spot. Then I took a chart the showed the diameters and lengths of different tanks. I found the size of each tank. I then printed copy of the tanks for the owner.


Well done Red, when I worked with the natural gas transmission companies, we found that the rods cross on the edge of the buried pipe. We dowsed many different diameters, so once the rods crossed on one side, we would then dowse from the other side. We knew the pipes diameter, so if it was a twelve inch diameter pipe, the spots where the rods crossed would be twelve inches apart.

Long rods are harder to keep from swinging due to their weight. In my opinion short rods around fourteen inches work better. I found from a video in you-tube, that once you have a spot where the rods cross, you can back up a little bit, then just slide one of your feet forward, and the rods will cross when your foot is on the right spot. I have tried this, and it really pinpoints what you are looking for.


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