Solomons Gold and Historys Great Treasures


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Mar 1, 2010
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Solomon's Gold and History's Great Treasures

Solomon’s Gold Mines in the Land of Ophir have been found! They are the same as the Seven Cities of Cibola! (Cibola means buffalo or bull,
the land of Alpha or the land of Genesis)
Who really wants to know the Truth?
Do our agendas, our insecurities and jealousies prevent us from seeing the truth?
Can we look at all things before we rush to judgment? These are questions that we need to ask ourselves?

We need to have some good healthy conversation. What I say will be in conflict with most peoples thinking. I am not trying to be popular. Old age is creeping up on me. What I have found, I sure am not going to take it with me. My only wish is that people that will stand on truth and respect the rights of others will be the beneficiaries of what I have discovered.

We all see things from our own pyridine. It would be foolish for me to think that I could see all the pictures of past history correct. I have made mistakes and I will make more. I have given up long ago the beliefs that I was raised with. It was really hard for me to give up a way of life that had a lot of beauty in it that my dreams were built upon as not being that right or true church.

I had a small family and a real good wife. I decided the least I could do was to try to make life meaningful for them. I decided before I threw out the Bible to really give it a chance and to see if it had a real foundation in history according to its teachers from one end to the other. So I decided to search for the Garden of Eden or Paradise. I read where Josephus wrote that Eden meant red earth. I did not see any reason that he would lie. I read in a number of other places of antiquity that Don was identified with red. I started researching the red lands around the globe starting with Petra. To name a few that I considered; red lands in Australia, Oaxaca Mexico, Georgia, Canada, and places in Arizona. One place I had not considered was my own back yard.

After several years coming up with nothing I put the research for Eden on a shelf. Then I started broadening my base and was studying unknown languages and working with some Paleo Hebrew. Paleo Hebrew is kind of shorthand, each symbol representing a facsimile of something, such as an A represents the bull, the place of Alpha. This place was the place of beginning where Abraham crossed the mountains of the bull, the Taurus Range. This is from a number of different records from the Dead Sea Scrolls, to the Zohar, to other records across America. Abraham crossed the Taurus Range, the four rivers of Eden, Mount Zion and was in the land of Canaan in three days. The Forgotten Books of Eden, and the Psuedepigrapha records, and other books and records painted a pretty clear picture for what I was looking for.

At Palenque Mexico there is a cross with an arrow shaft down the middle coming out of a fiery pit in the head of the bull. So there you have the Ta of the bull or Taurus the bull. That bull represents the place today called Fire Pit Knoll on the Kolob Terraces in Zion’s National Parks in southern Utah. Fire Pit Knoll pushed out of the earth like a bull when it erupted. Coming out of the top of it going north you have Hops Valley and a fault line down through the middle. The local Indian legends called the fault an arrow, it cut through the mountain and valley and crossed La Verkin creek and broke up into three main forks. This Hops Valley where it is crosses La Verkin Creek together this makes a big red Ta shaped cross. This is represented on the Temple of the Cross in Palenque Mexico and other placed. Fire Pit Knoll which is a small volcano that heaved up it is one of the root meanings of Heaven. This is why the Romans called it Taurus the Bull of Heaven. It has truly heaved. This is the place that the constellation of Taurus the Bull in what we call the heavens of today was named after.

The local Indians in times past called it by its Hebrew as well as its Egyptian name. There are a whole lot of things that surround this place that corresponds with ancient history. Enoch mentions this place with the arrow going through it. One of the Lead Crosses found by Tucson shows the shaft being a spear or an arrow with a round circle on it representing a Ra. The Israelites called the first five books of Genesis the Torah. Fire Pit Knoll is the original Mount Saini and it was still called Sinai by the Indians when white reached this area. The Bible states that Moses set up boundaries to keep the people back lest fire break out and kill them. A ten year old who is not bias should recognize that Mount Sinai is a volcano. This volcano created a cloud by day and a fire by night. Right now many have put their trust in the ignorant assumptions made by Constantine’s mother, Helen. At a future time I will relate more that surrounds this history.

Let’s go back to the time before I was able to nail down the land of Eden. A gentleman came to my ranch (that I had in northern Arizona) by the name of Lavan Martineau and asked for permission to see some pictroglyphs and petroglyphs that were on the cliffs in back of my property. If I had not had a foundation in Adam’s history I would have never recognized the writing on the wall under some overhanging cliffs. There was the same history that was written in the Forgotten Books of Eden. It tells where Adam and Eve had gone to sleep underneath an overhanging cliff under a summit of a hill, when a big flat rock was hurled down the hill, do to an earthquake or negative forces. Adam and Eve were blocked there for three day before they got out. Later Eve gave birth to three sons and two daughters there.

The writing there is at least four thousand years old. It includes Noah and other stories and could not have derived from New Babylon area in the Middle East. There are many reasons, evidence and facts that it is not associated with or from New Babylon in the Middle East. Some of these new Babylonian Scholars are claiming that Israel has borrowed from the Babylonians, if anything the opposite took place.

You also have the stories of the different generations from Adam written there, including Noah being an albino like it says in the Pseudepigraphical writings.

So after this discovery and many others I back tracked Adam and Eve’s path and found the Garden of Eden and four rivers running out of red rock. The first one is now called La Verkin Creek with a branch being called Ash Creek. The second is now called North Creek. The third is now called the North Fork of the Virgin. The fourth is called the East Fork of the Virgin it is colder than the other three; which is what Euphrates means, according to what some scholars claim from their translations of the Clay Tablets of Babylon.

The research and testimonies from the Indians to writings on the walls of the area are virtually endless. They nail down the land of Genesis in the Rocky Mountains. North of present day Mexico to the Snake River, with Zion’s National Park area being in the center, this is the land of Genesis.

Now let’s discuss a little bit about Solomon’s Mines that according to records are identify in the Land of Eden. Chief Walkara allowed a couple of Mormons to take Gold from the sacred Mines of Solomon. One was Thomas Rhodes and one was his son Caleb Rhodes. Now most Mormons are looking for the Rhodes mines in the new Uinta Mountains which was a decoy to throw their enemies off. The Molina Documents that were dropped off by Tucson, the Spider rock maps of Texas, the Peralta Stones in central Arizona, and then there was the story that was told to the Phoenix Gazette about the Grand Canyon this was done so the truth could be told but also to throw their enemies off track. James Whites fake a trip down the Grand Canyon to get Wesley Powel and his surveyors killed. There were a few Mormons that believed Wesley Powel was looking for the sacred mines and important treasures that are now listed in the Treatise of the Vessels translated by James R. Davila.

The Indians were threatened and so were a few Mormons when they found out that about thirty post Mormons but one particular that knew too much about the mines had joined a wagon train, heading to California. This is the reason that the wagon train was sacrificed by Indians and Mormons. John D. Lee personally shot the man that he believed knew too much. He later became the scape goat for the Mountain Meadow Massacre. With Gold from the Sacred Mines he paid off the right people and Warren Johnson ferried him across Lee’s Ferry after his fake execution. Sometime before his fake execution the true Jacob Waltz and a Spaniard though they were going to collect a fifteen thousand dollar reward and take John D. Lee in for the reward. To make a long story short someone from the peoples group of prospectors liked John D. Lee and told him what the Dutchman and the Spaniard were up to. More details and the blanks can be filled in at another time.

There is a picture of James Lee in Julia Thompson’s Ice Cream Parlor. He was a son of John D. Lee. He was helping his dad who was undercover. It may have helped accomplish things with John D. Lee the second time. John D. Lee knew more about the sacred mines or the mines that the Indians knew about than any other man at that time. Right after his last place in history in Phoenix, Mormons just happen to find the first rich mine west of the Superstitions which they eventually sold. Was it just a coincident? Is it a coincident that the Mormons had a Gold statue of Moroni on top of the Salt Lake Temple made out of Gold from the sacred mines.

Those mines are tightly controlled, owned and watched to this day. To mesh with them you would be creating a revolution, if you were to succeed. Brigham Young who I do not believe ever knew the specific spot where the mines were, said that within a certain distance of St George was a vast treasure. Another time in La Verkin he said there was enough gold to pave a highway to New York and back. Does that sound a little bit like what Caleb Rhodes said about paving the streets of Washington or New York or what the so called Dutchmen said about paving the streets of Phoenix? Caleb Rhodes was a secret friend of John D. Lees the so called Dutchman. Both said that professional miners of geologists would not find their mines.

Why does the Peralta Stones with a step Pyramid representing the tower of Babel have 1847 at its base? 1847 is when the Mormons reached the Promise Land of Genesis. Why does one of the Spider Rock maps have John D. Lee’s birthdate on it? Why does the Peralta Stone map that has a horse on it have the word Mill disguised in its mane? The so called Dutchman talks about a barn, he John D. Lee had a saw mill that cut the wood for that barn. We might take note that the Melina document whose husband was named John or Juan Melina. Melina means mill which relates to John D. Lee and his saw mill. John D. Lee had a number of hideouts. One on by La Verkin Creek another one in one of the Kolob Finger canyons and everyone knows about his place in Lonely Dell. They are looking for his mine in Soap Creek in Marble Canyon area.

One place he spent time and did not let anyone know about (outside of Caleb Rhodes) you can find a foundation of a stone cabin that had a fire place in it. It is pre Mormon and there are pieces of Spanish pot ware and etc. around it. I found a metal arrowhead, a few square old nails and some other odds and ends. There was a small smelter close by. I found a large smelter within half mile that had been completely buried and hidden. I found a two room house under a ledge that formed a shelf above it. It had been completely filled in with rocks and covered over. A ways from that site I found Spanish markers that were required by Spanish law in marking a mine. Below the markers there was a big arrow shape pointed rock that did not belong in that formation or any formation above it. It was obviously placed there marking the place of the shaft that it was pointing to. That site had not been touch since the so called Dutchman sealed it.

It the Melina document it talks about a drag. In an area next to his dugout you can see what is left over of his blacksmith shop. The drag or sled that I found close to the Guadeloupe mines had runners that he had made from wagon wheel rims. He used that drag or sled to haul the big boulders and rocks that he sealed the entrances with. I found the boulders and rocks in the entrance ways of the shafts and tunnels of the Guadeloupe mines. Between the rocks it was filled with fine clay or powder just lake the Melina documents say about the Guadeloupe Mine.

I could write a lot more information, but when you have seen even a small portion of what I have seen you do not have to guess who sealed the Melina document mines, the Lost Dutchmen mines or the Mines of Solomon of Ophir. The question is when should they be completely opened and when they are, what is going to be left there? How much did the Mormons get? How much did Spanish get and how much did the people before them get?

The Indians said they let the Spanish work the mines as long as they did not mesh with other stuff that was close by. They obviously did the same with the Mormons. The Mormons arrived in 1847 to the north. The Indians around that same time wiped out the Peraltas to the south. The main Peralta map fits that place far better than the new Superstition Mountains. John D. Lee when he created the Peralta stones he really wanted to make it look like the Peraltas or the Spanish had created them.

He also was the horse or carrier of a payroll from Santa Fe to Brigham Young. The Horse map identifies his dwelling place north of a river (the Colorado River). His place north of the river was called Lonely Dell by one of his wives. His places where he presided were an eighteen day travel in the route he took, like it shows on the Peralta map. I am not going to interrupt all the clues (for obvious reasons) that are on all the different documents. But the biggest peaks that are written on one stone represent San Francisco Peaks. The bent F on the one map divides the L from the other half of the F. This stands for Lee’s Ferry where the carrier from Santa Fe lived.

I believe one of the reasons he was made a scapegoat was to protect someone or those that were much more responsible than he was. The other reason was that he would not tell other leaders of the Mormon Church where the mines were.

If any of you out there want to help bring forth the great treasures of the past there are plenty of mines that have plenty of wealth. The Melina documents talk about a temple. That temple was once under the control of Nebuchadnezzar just as the Treatise of the Vessels state.

The only way any of us can win on these sacred mines is to apply what the Treatise of the Vessels state. The Jesuit priests helped create decoys all over northern Mexico to Canada. They themselves became a threat to the Pope and King Charles the third of Spain when it was found out how much they knew.

Today we have some religions and many scholars that I believe would want to discrete my discoveries. I believe to protect their agendas. Some religions try to keep their people from looking at all things. Are there not those out there that when they see the power of the truth they will want to pull a Constantine on us and take things over? There are many that who think they have a right to this place and what is in the land of Genesis. Even thou all that I have contacted in the last thirty years have all been thumbs down on it. I am talking about all those that still believe or that claim that Israel borrowed from Babylon, Egypt, the Greeks or the Romans. I do not think they would want the truth to interfere with their agendas.

I believe the bigger part of this wealth cannot and will not come forward until we have a government that protects the rights of the people including the rights of the discoverer as it says in the Treatise of the Vessels. I do not expect to see those tunnels or mines that are filled in to be open until there are honorable men that can be trusted to open those places and to do what is right with them. If people attempt to open these mines who are not keeping the standard that create equal opportunity under law there will be fighting between many that are not willing to stand on constitutional laws.

There may be those who want to create a seminar and tour some of the places I have talked about where people can see and touch things in the land of true Genesis within the next few months. If there are those that want to do that, then let us go for it. But keep in mind we need to do what is right for mankind and ourselves. It needs to be somewhere north of the Grand Canyon but south of Utah. Then they can let their feet touch and see the Garden of Eden and its records and see the hand writing on its walls for a starter. You do not need to take my word for anything. There are those who you can meet that know what they have seen.

Those who would be interested in such an event can email me. That includes Oro Blanco who I once met and also a man that I met who was over a Dutchman gathering. What I have discovered should be a treat to most religions as well as those that are tired of contradictions or the way they were taught. They might find themselves appreciating or liking my rediscoveries. When it comes to discoveries I am just a Johnny come lately.

You need to keep in mind that the Pueblo Indian Uprising in 1680 and many other uprisings were caused do to white men’s interference or abuse at the sacred mines. John D. Lee did everything he could to lead moral people to the mines without getting his large family wiped out by the Indians for being a betrayer. He believed even though Indians guarded the mines that they belonged to Israelite descendants for the bigger part. But the Indians need to be given credit for having protected the sacred mines.

All those that want to help contribute by bringing forth the truth for the greater things and for the greater good of mankind will be blessed with greater richest then what is in the mines.

What could be greater than having our freedom under a government of correct laws and not be taxed and enslaved to feed corruption?

R. W.

Hello dont forget, another red sand area we now call the rift zone in Africa. Please look into other religons for more information about eden. I know that there are small peices in the bible that hint a truth, but so much is far from it.

good read RWLJ. if you have more, i would be interested in reading it.

d, the treasure hunter
Here is a document that a gentleman from New Mexico sent me. He wanted me to help him interpret some writings at Peak Victoria.
I believe the number seven has for a long time represented many great things. Particularly Solomon’s Mines or the Seven Cities of Cibola. However I believe that Pope Pius the III was either misinformed or used El Paso Del Norte to throw people off so they could assume that it means El Paso, Texas.
Informed ones that have knowledge of the Sacred Mines know the pass to the north was the Colorado River. There were many of those that looked for the rich Padre Mines or the Sacred Mines in the Oregon Mountains or the Caballo Mountains north of El Paso or the mountains along the Rio Grande. A lot of red herring was done to protect the sacred mines.
The Rhodes that knew about the sacred mines went off months at a time as if they were hunting and trapping which was a cover for their mining operation. After they had mined a sizable amount they would stash it in the Uinta’s, so it would be closer to their Denver market or where they could go and retrieve it from northern Utah which threw people off that were trying to follow them, just as John D. Lee or the Dutchman did. They had their gold far removed from the Sacred Mines otherwise more people would have found them out. Even the Ute Indians that showed them the mines did not want the Apaches to know what they were doing with a couple of Mormons.
I figured you would appreciate the document below if you have not already seen it.
R. W.

Pope Pius III.webp

Hello Kanabite,

A number of years ago there was an LDS Kanab South Stake president by the name of Nial Bailus. I gave him a Book of Enoch and marked the places in it where it talked about north of the Grand Canyon. Later on I met him at the St George Hospital. He told me he read the Book of Enoch and he said it fit, referring to this area and he said he believed it. Anyone that could not analyze that Book of Enoch and could not see that it fits the area of Southern Utah and Northern Arizona would have to be pretty blind or buried in false traditions.

You posted a link to Anubis cave and a man talking about it. One of these days the world will wake up and recognize (when they can put aside their agendas and preconceived ideas) that the land of the Egyptians, Greek and Roman gods are north of the Grand Canyon. The Egyptian god Anubis is showed with a black head and a red body which is a black volcano on a red mountain. This is Fire Pit Knoll in Zion’s National Park. The T cross scales he holds is the cross of Hops Valley with part of Le Verkin Creek and the cougar fault line that goes through the middle of it, shifting when that volcano called Anubis is active. He weighs the heart against the law or truth. This is the place that Moses gave the people the Ten Commandments. The Bible name for Anubis is Mount Sinai.

We as a people will be weighed in the balance and will be blessed to the degree we keep the Ten Commandments and be cursed to the degree we violate them. According to the Treatise of the Vessel we will have them great treasures when we can keep the laws and standards of the Ten Commandments. I believe corruption will not recognize the truth I declare.

Good luck at finding the truth and standing on it that all else can be added.

R. W.

To answer another question someone had about treasures being taken to false or copycat places. I do not think that is likely. It will not happen if I have any say and those that are watching and taking care of the place feel even stronger than I do about sacred things going anywhere.

We believe that Zion and the New Jerusalem are going to be built up right here in the original Promise Land.

I am here to open doors so all you good people out there can share all the blessings of goodness. These doors or gates will not be closed in the foreseeable future.

R. W.

thank you for the response
I think I'm gonna let you have your say on here ,without what looks like interference from me . different ideas sometimes really get this forum cranking out info and histories. that stuff is interesting, and every once in a while during those debates , I think every body learns something . I have gotten kind of burned out with stuff getting out of hand , as it sometimes does on these forums , and I can see where this conversation could very well end up with me offending somebody I don't even know . so for now I think it best if I just practice the golden rule , ya know?

someday, some one, somewhere, will provide proof on one of these forums , I wonder what that proof will be ?
you do bring up some interesting ideas , I think I asked you once if you had anything on john d lee , after he told em to shoot right in the middle , if you responded I must have missed it.

I do see why you think this country is what you are claiming , I just don't agree . I hope we can agree to disagree .

take care.///bob

I took an acid trip several times in my teens..

Hello Kanabite and others,
At the supposed execution of John D. Lee he told the boys that were doing the shooting to aim at his heart and not mutilate his body. It was a complete fan fair or set up for the camera to convince the nation that he was literally killed. After the shots were fired he fell back into his coffin, the coffin was loaded into a wagon and the wagon took off. They had an extra horse with them. They traveled a ways and then stopped at a house. They all went in the house and John D. Lee lifted the lid of the coffin climbed on the extra horse and was gone.

When they had the supposed burial someone mentioned that he would want to be buried with his garments. So they opened the lid just barely enough to work the garments inside the coffin. No one saw the body. Then a big rock was put over the grave so it was not easy for people to dig up. So a far as the world and most of his family was concerned John D. Lee was buried.

I have read accounts in the past of children he sired after his execution. At this period of time Warren Johnson was managing his ferry (it is known as Lee’s Ferry today). Warren Johnson’s children have continually claimed that their father Warren Johnson ferried John D. Lee across his ferry after his fake execution. There are a lot of Warren Johnson’s descendants through his son Leroy Johnson still claim such today.

Some think he went down to the Mormon colonies in Mexico. I live down in that area in Mexico for a while when I was young and also for a while when I was older. I have never found a trace of him or any of his direct family that far into Mexico. Some of his family were in Holbrook and St. Johns area I have not found where any lived south of southern Arizona during his life time.

Another one of Warren Johnson’s son by the name of Price Johnson (a man that wanted to marry my mother that my mother was always friends with) who I recognized to be an honorable man, told my dad when he was young that his father had ferried John D. Lee across the ferry after his fake execution. I have heard that same exact story from my dad and others, all my life. So when Juanita Brooks wrote her book on John D. Lee the Scape Goat I read it when it first came out and a number of other books and several books on the Mountain Meadow Massacre pro and con Mormon. I have read everything that I could get my hands on that John D. Lee had written or helped write including the lead plate he left in the mantle of the fire place in his fort at Lee’s Ferry.

I have believed he disguised himself as the Dutchman for over twenty five years. Since then that belief has been backed up by knowledge.

I have found a number of things that no one else has been able to find. I have seen a lot of things that tell a far bigger or more complete story then everything that is out there written in connection with where the mines are. John D. Lee only had a stash in the Superstitious Mountain area. Like Caleb Rhodes had one in the Uinta’s that Jesse Knight found and gave to the Mormon Church. From then on Caleb Rhodes and a few others gave lip service to the church but did not trust it. So the Sacred Mines never did fall into the hands of the LDS Church. They may watch them but if they tried messing with them world powers would take over. It would be like Babylon conquering first Jerusalem for the treasures.

There were a few Mormons who went out of their way just like the Jesuits before them to do things to throw everyone off. Even Nebuchadnezzar who hid most of the treasures, allied with a few Israelites so he would not have to share things with those that put or kept him in power.

We have a glimpse of this action in the Treatise of the Vessels, translated by James R. Davila, when we cross examine it with the Bible and other records.

The Melina documents and maps talk about and show an ancient library and temple that they are looking for in the Grand Canyon and other places. There were two main temples in the western United States in ancient history. There was the one that Nebuchadnezzar controlled and the other one was in the City of Desolation where Solomon had built his temple. Neither one of them was ever in central Arizona, nor are they in the Middle East or New Babylon.

I would suggest to those interested, to read the book, The Bible Unearthed by Israel Finkelstein and Neil Asher Silberman. It is archeology’s new vision of ancient Israel and the origins of its sacred texts. This book shows how modern day scientist has unearthed Solomon’s glorious Jerusalem not fitting in the Middle East. They have also unearthed Joshua’s conquest back to Adam not fitting there. Over fifteen years prior to the publishing of this book I knew they would not be able to find such in the Middle East because I had found it here. These archeologist and scientists have failed miserable in trying to fill the gaps in history that they cannot make fit in the Middle East area. Their wild assumptions in whittling down Israelite history to almost nothing, to make it fit in the Middle East area is not even a good intelligent joke.
I take my hat off to these researchers in being honest about what they cannot find that is not there in the Middle East. It reminds me of Romans chapter 11 verse 25. “I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceit; that blindness in part happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in”. You might want to read before and after this quote to see where the world is at, at this time.

You will not understand what I am saying if you do not get some real oil in your lamps (a foundation of correct history). Then you can be of the covenant if you apply moral laws. Then you will recognize the truth and be able to feast upon it. Those that are full of corrupted history will vomit out the truth with the poison. They will flatly not believe the truth.

Best wishes in finding the truth.

Until next time R. W.

What is in these pictures below? Does it tie in with the Knight Templars in the land of Ophir? Does it tie in with the area that Solomon took his gold to? The world’s most important key discoveries that lead to the great roots of where our most important laws came from. The laws that have brought about the greatest liberty and peace (when people applied them) through respecting the rights of our neighbors.

On picture #1 there are three large rocks that run east to west. On the one on the right you have two cut lines that almost make a Mason square. Towards the other side of the same rock there is a carved in circle with an eye in the center. These rocks also represent the same place that the three hills that are on the Lead Crosses represent. This is the place of first Troy or the place of the Triads of the Welch.
You can clearly see the circle with the eye in it in Picture # 2 when looking eastward at the rocks. These appear to have been weathered for a long time. Even a freeze crack in the line on the left that looks pretty old. My first thought was that someone carved these to represent the compass and the square. If you go the two different directions the lines are pointing you will see other writings or carvings. If you follow the short finger line and go up the riven you will come to the Bas Relief Image on Picture #3 which is a shorter distance then what the longer finger line points to. By squaring yourself with the rock with the All Seeing Eye you can find the two close sites that are close by. Plus by understanding everything at these three sites you can find the most important site in the history of mankind with one possible exception being the Tree of Life in the center of Paradise.
In the direction of the little finger line there is about a five foot high Bas Relief Image in Pictures #3, #4 and #5. Obviously it is the work of a Knight Templars or those that were familiar with the same history. The image has a cross in the place of the head and it is holding a head in its right hand. Its right arm forms a square in holding the head. His legs are spread out in a wide V representing a compass. As if he was standing on one leg ready to reach out and make a circle with the other one. (Since the first time I have seen it someone has disrespectfully darkened the images crotch). Above the images right arm the rock is cut back in the form of a square. Over all the image has been cut around like it is placed in a shadow box or is slightly housed in. This may relate to or imply a temple or a shrine along with its central location. Its broad shoulders and husky chest would identify it as a knight or something of strength. Across his chest he has the horns of a heifer or cow, with a line in the center dividing his chest muscles.
On Picture #10 you can see above on the Lead Cross an image of horns representing the same place. You can find the story of this cow or red heifer in Egyptian writing and history. Vendyl Jones was looking for the Aches of the red heifer or young cow. You would never guess who found the place in the nineteen eighties. Vendyl Jones was in such a narrow ditch he was not willing to see or look out of it or I could have helped him immensely.
The Knight Templers were accused of worshiping a severed head (as you see on Pictures #3, #4, #5, #12 and #13.). With stories going around that they had the head or reverend the head of John the Baptist.
What I found interesting is that not too far from this image with the head has been found a chamber with two heads in it the man having red hair and the woman having yellow hair (Pictures #12 and #13). The man having a turban cloth around his head like it shows on some of the Lead Crosses found by Tucson (Picture #11). Also one of the crosses has the All Seeing Eye on it (Picture #10)
In the area where the chambers are that has the heads which are in Pictures #12 and #13 were found some lead plates with writing on them. This is according to the person who found the human remains. He said he found them through an Indian he befriended during the Korean War.
Going back to picture #2 the longer finger that points northward takes you to a chamber that is a little farther away from those rocks then the Bas Relief Image. It has a circle representing the center of four directions or the crossroads of four directions see Picture #6. It has a hand over it identifying that central place as being covered or hidden. The hand makes the form of the hill and other things that identifies where the secret place is at.
Below this hand and circle that represents a number of things you have the Star of David carved into the rock on Picture #7. The Star of David originally represented two cherubim’s that were on the lid of the underworld between Heaven and Earth that Moses had the Ark of the Covenant built to represent.
On the other side of that chamber is a panel of code writing in Picture #8 and #9. It is a panel of unique writing made up of symbols. One author said some of these same symbols are in Francis Bacons vault under the river Wye in England.
Two symbols of a man and a woman has been scraped off of Pictures #8 and #9. The man that first told me about his sight that contained human remains and other things claimed he did it, so other people would not be able to find his sight. To make a long story short I found his sight independent of him through the study of ancient records that came from the other side of the world. I immediately recognized it as the underworld that the Hopi and many other races and civilizations around the world talk about. There are several trails in Hopi history that lead you to it clearly when you know how to read their stories.
When I came across the Lead Crosses of southern Arizona the most important one showed the same place. It was easy for me to see where a number of the Lead Crosses and Artifacts fit a number of places that I have discovered through ancient records.
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I have seen artifacts, tablets or plates from Michigan that some were saying were frauds with exact drawings of the sight and things that I have found in the area that many trails lead to. I knew at the time that records from Tucson to Michigan that some were claiming were frauds were not frauds. My thoughts were, why are people trying to brand things as a fraud. Since then I have realized that they are too weak or cowardly to confront the truth that would undermine the foundations that they gain benefits from.
Even leaders in different fields after doing some research that agreed with me wanted to float with the comfort zones of the stream with few exceptions. Some have made it really clear that they want to float with the comfort zone and not be confused with the facts. I can see where Wesley Powel has had a lot of influence on America. He believed that a religious group had three of his men killed but was not able to prove it at the time. He was highly frustrated with what he saw as religious fanaticism. He believed that the records of that religious group were a fraud, therefor all other records had to be a fraud.
Religions play on the heart strings of people and deceiving them goes back to the beginning of time. Nothing beats what was done through and under Rome. You would not be able to find one Christian in a thousand that would even consider how Rome manipulated history and the historical places of the Bible.
Constantine and his mother put that corruption into cement. Even thousands of top scholars cannot find one piece of evidence of Joshua’s conquest back to Adam as the Bible describes, in the Middle East. Nor can they find the rein or glory of Solomon or other things in the Middle East. The confusion exist do to the corruption of Rome and a long line of corruption before and since. It is to the interest of many who cannot give up their idealistic traditions. They are too weak to even consider looking out of the tunnel of their preconceived ideas. That goes for a lot of good meaning scholars who are helping others break out of where they have been boxed in for a long time. The greater ones will question all things and that will lead them to the greatest of all things.
Ezekiel mixed the histories of the Ephraimites who held some power in the Middle East for some time (they had named many places in the Middle East and created things in a similitude or after their original land) with the stick of Judah from the first land of Judea.
In their original land they had gold, silver and many other things that the Bible describes that nobody will ever find in the land they call Israel today. It is the hugest hoax that has ever been pulled on the Christian, Jewish and Muslim world too day. I have countless evidence and proofs to that fact.
In Ezekiel chapter 37 verse 15 it describes what he did. He hid the first land of Judea under the shadow of a New Judea in the Middle East. Emperor Tiberius exiled all the Judeans out of the original land of Judea and said he would make the land so insignificant that it would no longer be recognized.
Josephus and other kept the place camouflaged in their writings and kept their heads from being served on a platter to the emperor that held power.
Within thirty something years many gathered to the Middle East a New Jerusalem at that time. We have a record of a discussion or a debate between leading Arabic Jews and the Samaritans. The Samaritans stated; this is not the land of Israel. The Arabic Jews replied; we know it is not but we are going to make it a New Jerusalem. Now the whole world is blind following the blind.
After the Jews gathered to their New Jerusalem but before they decided to take on Rome they created bone boxes or ossuaries. Almost all of these ossuaries had symbols on them which were an address of the original land of Judea. I am sure they were in hopes that their bones would be taken back to the Promise Land just as Joseph had Israel promise to take his bones back. It is also possible that a few of the ossuaries were created with names on them to fool or help convince the enemy that they were dead and created a structure over them that reflected the real place they wanted to be buried at. I believe science and research will eventually straighten out the confusion. There is a lot more evidence I would estimate nine to one that key characters of Biblical history are in the Underworld in the Land of Paradise. This is based on the histories that I have gathered around the world. It is very clear to me why they started putting people in bone boxes with an address to another place and not just buried in their own private tomb particularly key or great people.
There is a huge amount of testimony in the Bible and outside of the Bible that is not being looked at or considered. There are important keys and clues that are not even considered or looked at. The belief in false faith or the belief in some other form of idol worship will not save anyone.
Some of the Dead Sea Scroll scholars wanted fifty years before the Scroll were released to the public. I believe that they wanted this so that they could condition the people’s mines to see history through the way they slanted and translated the Scrolls. One of them admitted that he did a little inventing in putting the Teacher of Righteousness way before his time. They wanted it so if someone came along and taught it strait the people would not listen to it because their minds had already been conditioned to see it different. Over all a lot of leaders in education have tried to keep their students seeing through the channels that they have outlined that the teachers are the true authority to be listened to either by claiming false divine rights or that they are the ones in the know. This has dumbed down the students and society in general.
There are probable more people in the west that do not believe in the Bible or Christianity (then those that do). Many just give it lip service to tip the scale in their favor to have power and influence over all. They do not want the religious people voting or going against them. The religious world cannot expect to win with their rights against the nonreligious world until they can build on a foundation of truth and reality. They have lost in the past with Russia and China and they are fast losing with the rest of the world including America.
To make the whole Bible history fit in the Middle East does not come close to the whole truth or the reality of history. The ancient writings across the Americas and particularly across the western part of North America tell a far more complete story.
Those that except the Middle East or that part of the world as the whole place of Biblical history on faith need to demonstrate that they can carry water in a sieve without any tricks but just with faith. How is one any less childish then the other? How can we be free from ignorance if we do not seek the truth and then build upon it?
Religion has been so corrupted with adulterated history and by selling out to the corrupt powers that be that it is not hard to recognize where she fits in prophecy. They all claim the Bible as their head intellectual guide to God, when the Bible is so full of mysteries and confusion. There are a few with a little understanding of the book.
Many have put the crown of Biblical mystery on their own heads, with a lot of the people proudly wearing it? They contradict their own teachings and cop out from the truth by saying that they accept the mysteries to be true through faith or that they have a testimony. When their testimonies are nailed down to reality they are usually little more than an emotional appetite for what they want to believe. Hopefully we can save Christianity and religion by burning them with intellectual fire, otherwise they will continue to pull in and get themselves burnt with real fire by corrupt powers that are less corrupt with truth and reality then they are.
I would advise any leader of truth or scholar to not judge anything from the new land of Israel that was established for the first time in the aftermath of the Trojan War when the Israelites were carried into the Mediterranean world by the Sea People. In light of the fact that the Dead Sea Scrolls and many other records show first Troy in the heart of the first Jerusalem. The Popol Vuh and a lot of other records across the Americas describe Jerusalem as the heart of the earth. These records are not recognized by those that have preconceived ideas that want to uproot or refuse to recognize or see any credit in things that would exonerate religious history.
The true history of the Bible will never be recognized until they recognize that Moses and the Children of Israel came out of the land of the Mizraim not true Egypt that was a super power for a while in the Middle East. Why would someone substitute Egypt in the place of Mizraim in the Bible if not to miss lead the masses and hide the real places of history.
The great monuments and imagery in Egypt were designed or reflect the Mother land of the Mizraim. Their two great Pyramids are artificial mountains the largest one was faced with white marble the second largest one was faced with red granite before it was stripped off to build cities there. They were designed to represent the white and red mountains of their Motherland or Underworld. Their records state that the fourth or fifth hour after the sun sets on the Rivers of Egypt it is in the hearth of the sky over their Underworld or Motherland.
There are scholars claiming that Osiris represents the god of the night. That is not a correct interpretation of the Egyptian writings. He was one of their gods in the land where the sun spent the night while you are in Egypt. Just because you see constellations and stars that are named after things in the Motherland of Egypt it does not mean Osiris and others were gods in the skies that people worshiped. The constellations were named by the children of Seth the son of Adam after the places in their backyard, in the western United States. It may well have been that the original Knight Templars or knights were the ones that had knowledge or existed in the land where it was night, when it was day in the Middle East or Europe.
Today’s scholars are so bias for or against religion and are so far behind in the race track and blinded with false pride that they think they are ahead. What is it going to take for the people to want to wake up? If we are not willing to give up all things for the sake of truth we will never see the whole truth. Our own biasness from self-appetites will prevent it and blind our vision.
You who read this if you cannot look at the whole of all facts why are you looking at any? The first thing you need to do is put aside at least temporally your traditions and prejudice if you want to see clearly. Millions now believe the Bible is not history do to scholar’s inability to consider that the biggest part of the Bible was never written to fit the Middle East and all of its copycat name places.
It will be obvious to the people in the coming years that those that cannot look at all the facts are cowards, sellouts or are just incompetent.
I have found ancient sacred mines that they will never find in Iraq or in the walls of the mountains that the Tigris or Euphrates Rivers drain from. The Bible makes it real clear in several places that we have had a part. When the whole is given the part will be done away with.
You might ask yourself are you looking for the truth first or are you looking for treasures first. Only if you put the truth first will you find the greater treasures.
I am no Indiana Jones. Those that wrote those stories did not fully understand the ABC’s of history.
The Lead Crosses represent the place of the true hidden land that has been hid from the world for a long time.
Those that have oil in their lamps or the knowledge of truth will be able to see through the darkness of the ages and feast on the greater truth and reality.
Do you really want to see the Stone of Destiny? I have found it and Abraham’s Alter over twenty one years ago. They were both made from the same rock as history says. I think there will be many that will be afraid of the truth I just spoke. It will undermine and uproot a lot of preconceived ideas. It was a stone that was cut out of the mountain without hands and it will hit the image of Babylon on its feet with the truth that is around it and what it represents. The beginning of the crumbling of Babylon has already started to take place. The whole of Babylon will be burnt with the truth of the discoveries that are now starting to come forth.
Jeremiah refers to the Central City as the City of Desolation. Writers of the Bible make it clear that it would be desolated for a long time. It is still desolated to this day. This is the reason that the treasures below it have not been found. Christ referring to the City originally said not one stone of any building would be left upon another, not just the Temple. Recently under them false temple walls that are not from Solomon’s day or the rebuilt Solomon Temple, they have found coins from a much newer date. I know for a fact that those walls over there have nothing to do with the original Temple of Solomon or the rebuilt one. I have known this for over thirty years (ever since I discovered the right place).
When Tiberius had all the Judean exiled from the original land of Judea there was not one stone left upon another. When the Greeks conquered that first city of Troy even the foundations were dug up for the same reasons that at the time of Tiberius there was not one stone left upon another. They all wanted to protect the Underworld that was below it.
When that ancient time capsule is opened there will be a marvelous work and wonder as it mentions in Isiah 29. That will start with the true Mount Lebanon that the great pyramids of Egypt were designed to represent. The pyramid’s passage ways were designed to represent the passage ways that are in or on the sacred mountain of Zion.
Those that want the truth out there in a fair balanced way could work to set up a real dialogue to give the people the opportunity to look at all the facts and make up their own mind. Then there would be a real American Unearthed with its true history, a history far greater than anything else on the globe. We could stay out of a spin zone in doing so and add statue to America.
R. W.

We need to be very considerate towards what may be new discoveries or new information that comes forth. If we rush to judgment in branding things as frauds we could end up looking pretty dumb in the eyes of those that know the facts. Rushing to judgment and condemning things as frauds may make the dumb think we are smart but those that know will recognize our ignorance.

For a good example, someone mocked the dinosaur on one of the Lead Artifacts found by Tucson. One person said it was a lizard. Someone else mocked it being authentic because it had a forked tongue. What I am going to say is not to offend those that lack experience and understanding of a bigger picture of true history.

Number 1: It is naive to think that nobody in ancient time came across an exposed dinosaur’s skeleton and lacked the ability to cloth it with skin and flesh. To say such a thing is presumptuous at best. When we imply that our ancestors were that stupid it is a tell tell sign of ourselves.

Number 2: If you understand the nature of languages particularly ancient language they communicated in picture signs and symbols that reflected a bigger meaning or story. A picture can be worth a thousand words. A wedding ring has no beginning or end to the circle. It originally represented a marriage or agreement based upon eternal laws. I have seen ancient maps and writings where the used a snake to represent a river or a flowing stream of fire. If they put rattles on the snake it was a warning that the river was dangerous. Snakes were also used to represent movement or travel. They became a symbol for messengers that traveled and brought healing physically as well as spiritually. As feathers protect the body and the chicks under the mother’s wings a feather serpent represented a traveling messenger that brought you laws and understanding that healed and protected you. Often good messengers that warned you were identified as snakes with rattles on them that warned you. Religious leaders in ancient times created bells to carry a message or warning.

In ancient languages they used characters of animals to identify the characteristics of the subject they were talking about.

A good example is the Egyptian Horus the Falcon Hawk the guardian of the underworld. Often between his wings he is holding a sun above his head. The sun represents light or fire. It literally represents what the Hebrews called a cherubim or what the ancient Chinese or the people in the days of King Arthur called a dragon. Today we would call it simply a volcano. Horus goes back to the base meaning a hole of ashes. The sun above his head identifies him as a place that light and heat came out of, like the sun. His feathers of blue and red represents the blue and red cinders that flew out of that volcano. His wings represented the lava flows that flowed over other things. This particular volcano flowed from the east to the west. This particular volcano had tongues or rivers of fire that flowed out of it. It had a flaming sword spewing out melted rock that would cut you like a sword or knife like we use today. This particularly dragon had a big belly and a long tail like a dinosaur and the tongue of fire that came out of it was split into. There for it had a forked tongue just like it is represented on one of the Lead Artifacts from Tucson.

I would think one of the reasons the Lead Crosses and Artifacts are put down as fakes is because people who are fake want to make them look like fakes so they can be the first to find the artifacts they talk about. Another reason people want to think they are fakes is because they conflict with false traditions and assumptions. A third reason; there are those that would not want people to find the places or treasures that they talk about. A fourth reason if they are not smart enough to find it themselves and they think they are the smartest then I does not exist and they would be jealous if someone else found it or made since out of something they could not.

Those that are more interested in the message or the truth are not going to be bothered over who the messenger or the discoverer is. This is where people get blinded and end up in the ditch or a small box. They put more importance on making an idol out of the Messiah instead of applying the truth that he taught.

There is a symbol on a lot of the Lead Artifacts which ties to the main reason that the artifacts were made. This symbol and the artifacts were keys to the land and place of Solomon’s Temple and things that has been hidden from before the time of Babylon. The symbol that is in the form of a square box has four little squares in the center on each side of the box. This represents the Holy of Holies below where Solomon’s Temple was. It is a big square room with four little square rooms off of the big square room. It is close to the area where the two heads (which are in picture 12 and 13) and other things were found.

Those that are quick to holler fake when common sense tells you differently are usually trying to protect a hidden agenda. Universities and the Smithsonian can justify with some good reason they do not want sacred things to be found by those that would miss use it which they would be right in the case of most treasure hunters. I have personally seen a lot of treasure hunters with the spirit that they would destroy valuable history for personal gain. I heard a number of them agree and say that they would melt down things to protect what they had found from the corrupt government and those who make museums their private collection and allow only those that would benefit them too see what they had hidden away.

Many years ago the Tucson University was really nice and cooperated with me and gave me a lot of information on the Lead Artifacts from Tucson. Later on the Arizona Historical Society that held them would not let me see them. They were important to me because I knew they represented places I had already found.

My number one concern is that they are going to be a great threat to scholars and religions alike. Because they represent a land that carried the cross from the beginning of time, the land of Genesis, the land of Taurus the Bull where Abraham crossed the land of the bull, the land of Eden, the U basin (Lake Bonneville), the Ta mountain and the land of Utah north of the Grand Canyon. Any one that lifts their hand to false tradition and gain the trust of the ignorant blind will end up in the bottom of the pit with the blind on top of them. When it comes to truth and reality

The Lead Artifacts from Tucson are far far more important as the major keys in opening up the doors to the true history of the past, then the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Nag Hammadi Library or King Tut’s Tomb. Friends if we want to know the truth let’s properly use them key crosses and sacrifice our false traditions and carry the truth of these crosses. Let’s carry these true crosses and not be turned away by the pointing of the finger of the self-righteous scholars or treasure hunters.

The bas image with the cross head is the key to the original head place of biblical history, the true Holy Land. Let the sick or ignorant fight over what is really a fake or second Jerusalem.

I am sorry if I have offended anybody because I do not support a Jerusalem that was not Solomon’s Jerusalem.

I could say much more but this is not the time.

R. W.

Thank you for the reply on John D Lee.
it means a lot and i appreciate it . if you have not read it there is a book titled "White Flag, Americas first 9/11"
it probably is not on the LDS approved reading list , {just a fore warning} . it is pretty well written , anyways there is a claim in the end by the author
that two of Powells Men were murdered and buried under the church in Torquerville , i think . who knows ?
i never thought twice about the possibility of his death being faked . as far as Lee assuming the role of the Dutchman , that idea will have to be discussed with someone on this forum other than me , cause i know nothing about that stuff .

my apologies for not saying anything in reguards to the rest of your very lengthy posts , i'm just not sure what to say . not to change the subject , but i noticed somebody put up the three lakes stuff in the Aztec gold topic today , seems like i heard a rumor once about 15 or so years ago that you and your boys dove in it long before these guys that article talks about . i never got very far down , did not have scuba , but the place is kind of creepy back under the ledge . folks use to talk about a room back under the ledge of one of the lakes , but i never found it . with only fins and a mask it was tough . and i always thought old man Childs name was Brandt , not Grant .

I took an acid trip several times in my teens..

Love It :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

Quite talent with the one liners Terry. That one hit me like a left hook I shouldn't of been drinking coffee when I read that .. dam came out my nose :laughing7:


Love It :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

Quite talent with the one liners Terry. That one hit me like a left hook I shouldn't of been drinking coffee when I read that .. dam came out my nose :laughing7:

Yeah, I would like to have heard more about those trips too - like where he went, what he saw there, etc.

Thanks RWLJ for taking the time to type those long informative posts,they are much appreciated.i enjoyed reading them. it makes me think of the possibilities.thanks,thats some great stuff.

I took an acid trip several times in my teens..

id like to get a hold of some of the good stuff from the early 70's,so I could tap into the ancient spirt world. never thought I would want to go back to that, but hay,for educational purposes,of course,iam all in.rock on.

Keys that will take you to Atlantis
Hello, all you good people out there,
The great key to a discovery or treasures is homework (research). A lot of people that write or tell treasure stories have an ulterior motive for writing or telling the treasure story. My ulterior motive is to help all people to get on the greatest foundation of real history as possible and stay away from vain pursuits. If we learn from true history it can help us prevent a lot of pit falls in our lives. I believe it would be a lot better for me and all my friends and that we would all be better off if we all contribute to bringing forth all types of true treasures. How many of us would not pull someone out of the road if we saw that he was going to get hit with a car. How many of us, if we saw someone fall into a river would not jump in and try to save them. If I remember right, life guards have to knock some people out in order to save them. I just ask to be forgiven if I pop someone’s bubble and it offends them.

I have made discoveries quite a few years ago and those who think they have found the place of these discoveries will no doubt feel offended. The bright side of these discoveries is that I am not preventing anyone from helping bring them forth, as long as they respect the moral rights of others.

Now I would like to share where my homework in the past has lead me.

You cannot use copycat named places to follow as a point of reference. Some example:
What we know today as Europe is not the first Europe. What we know today as Asia is not first Asia. Africa is not first Africa. The Mediterranean Sea is not the first Mediterranean Sea and the pillars at its entrance are not the first Pillars of Hercules. The Atlantic Ocean is not the Atlantis Sea. New England is not the England in the British Isles. What we call England in the Europe of today is not first England. First England is where King Arthur lived where the fiery angels destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah in the land of Genesis. The copycat named places are innumerable. No one is going to find Atlantis beyond the Pillars of Hercules unless they know where the first Pillars of Hercules are at.

If we are going to look for things in ancient history you have to recognize that teachers of light throughout the ages may have given a map or a story but the key pieces of the map and the story could have been left out or hidden. I know a number of people today that sell books that do not give you all of the pieces. When it comes to things that tie in with treasures, you can count on some things being hidden or masked. So I will take my hat off to Oro Blanco and cactusjumper and others for having done a lot of good research and making some good points.

There are those that have the Aztecs Aztlan east of Mexico and in other places. There are others looking for Aztlan northwest of Mexico City. These are contradictions in interrupting Aztec History. I have never found where the Aztecs taught anything other than; it was to the northwest.

I have found where they said it was to the rising of the sun but that is not a contradictions when you understand how they used the sun. They used it the same as the Egyptians, as well as the Hopi Indians. The sun in a lot of different cultures represented a lot of different things. For the people that did not understand the greater light, the sun represented the light that rose in the east each morning. To other it represented education or enlightenment. To others it represented the land of Alpha where the great light of truth and knowledge rose in the beginning of time. When cultures or civilizations decline and became corrupted is when the sun set on them. Sometimes it happened because of huge wars, other times it is because of natural catastrophes.

I personally believe the sun is setting on America and a lot of the world today. I believe we are going to have to bring forth a new sun that will bring forth greater enlightenment in bringing forth greater moral laws in resecting people’s rights. The Aztecs and the Egyptians both believe that in the beginning the sun rose in the west and it would rise again in the west in the future. In that place in the west you will find the island of Atlantis or what is left of it.

Before we go any farther let us look at something else. Plato was no fool. I will tell you what he embellished and why. Why did he end his story that Zeus had convened a consul of the gods and had spoken to them thus? That is the end of a story but in reality it is the key to the beginning of the story. He surly recognized that if he had of said anything more there would have been many that would have recognized the bigger story.

It should be easy to recognize that two and two is four. Zeus dwelt upon Mount Olympus and so did the Greeks, Egyptian, and Roman gods to name a few. The Hebrews referred to these gods as things that assisted God (angels). In ancient writings we have some pretty accurate descriptions as to what these gods where. We have Immanuel Velikovsky who wrote the Worlds in Collision. He had correct ancient accounts that where fairly accurate which he misinterpreted. In these accounts the planet Venus collided with the planet Mars raising havoc on earth. With what I am about to say there will be those who can recognize this reality, if they look at and analyze the history of Mount Olympus and the gods that were on it. They represent real history, places and things when that language is properly interpreted and understood.

People and scholars are so ignorant today; many histories of the past are called myths. This is due to people’s inability to recognize how writers of the past combined or incorporated things together in telling their stories. When people fail to separate the man from the place that he lived, it ends up being a story of magic instead of down to earth reality. Keep in mind that when the stories were written or carved in stone it was very time consuming. So they learned how to combine and incorporate things together in parables.

A good example is that they failed to separate or unincorporated King Arthur and his knights and the places that they presided at. If a knight lived at a place of a fiery dragon or a volcano, the knight was incorporated with the place he lived. To understand the story you would need to separate the actions of the volcano, from the person that lived there. The description of a place helped identify the person that lived there. King Arthurs two swords pulled from the stone represented the two flaming cherubim in the center of the land of Troy. This is where the ten laws where housed that the sword Excalibur represented. The rest of this story can be better told at another time.

Real Mount Olympus had first Troy not far from its base, as Homer described. It had all of its manmade foundations dug up, unlike what Alexander the Great called new Troy in Turkey. On the original Mount Olympus there is the god Mars, the goddess Venus, Atlas, Poseidon and many other gods of Egyptian, Greek and Roman history. Venus was on a small plain which set on a plate of land that was to the west of the small red plain of Mars that set on a plate to the east of Venus. These two plates collided into what scientists called the over trust belt. It destroyed much of the earth that was above them. Somewhere around twelve thousand years ago the shifting of these two plates destroyed the island of Atlantis. Between the two plates there were dips as much as three thousand feet deep. They filled with water destroying or driving out the people of Atlantis or the people that were in the area. Atlantis literally sunk into the debts of the sea. I worked in the main temple of Atlantis and some of its tunnels for around two years with some others that helped me.

Another thing that needs to be recognized in discovering Atlantis is the land that came out from underneath a sea or seas that were lake bottoms. Like it says in Genesis he gathered the seas into their respected places and the dry land he called earth. That was not mountain lands, forest land or grass land. It was naked lake bottom, dirt lands and there he placed Adam the first man of a new race. In the middle of that dry sea bed of the ancient that he called earth, he created a volcano that erupted several different times and it came to rest in its seventh distinct flow. That is the place where Adam and Eve lived and are entombed to this day.

At the end of the Ice age, long before Adam’s time that inland sea filled up and broke out through Red Rock Pass and dumped into the Snake River which dumped into the Columbian River Gorge. You can see the large places that were cut out by that flood along the Columbian River Gorge. It created a flood bigger then all current rivers combined, according to scientists. It allowed most of Lake Bonneville to dry up and the dry land to appear, like it says in Genesis. The earth in ancient times did not mean the globe. It was this real place called earth (not the globe) that a quarter of it was flooded at the time of Noah. This time frame is backed up by geologist. You can go between Salt Lake and Provo to what is called The Point of the Mountain and see the two different shore lines. One of the shore lines was created about the time of the end of the Ice Age and the other one was created about the time of Noah.

Ancient Lake Bonneville is the ancient Atlantis Sea. At that time it had at least ten big islands. The south end of the Atlantis Sea comes to an end by Atlas and Hercules where they held up the heavens or the high land above them. According to geologist and scientist the south end has been rising pretty rapidly in geological time. Right south of the end of Lake Bonneville is where Ash creek begins. Ash creek hits La Verkin creek a little ways before it hits the Virgin River. The Virgin River goes through the Virgin Gorge and then runs into the Colorado River. Along Ash Creek you can see big boulders and big rocks where the ancient river ones flowed between Lake Bonneville and the Ocean. You can see water falls along the cliffs on the east side of Ash creek and lime rock that has not had time to cut down to creek level. This shows a major shift along the Hurricane fault in recent times. Lake Bonneville at one time or another had ten big islands in it. Atlantis is rising not sinking and the big mountains around the Atlantis Sea are still there.

Atlantis is an island that has seven caverns in it. It is none other than the Aztec Aztlan. This is none other than the Troy of Homers writings. It took the Greek hero Odysseus ten years to get home from Troy. The One Eyed Cyclops is what the Egyptians called the one Eye of Horus. The treasures and the wealth of Atlantis have been stripped several times, once by the Greeks during the Trojan War, then by the Babylonians and then by Tiberius’s Army. Atlantis, Troy and Solomon’s Jerusalem are one in the same place. As long as we cannot give up Babylonian confusion of language and are not able to quit prostituting true history with copycat history places, we will continue to carry the mysteries of the whore of Babylon on our heads. The Christian scriptures say we need to come out of her if we are going to be the people of the greater good.

Let us get back to Mount Olympus and the gods and where the little plain of Venus collided with the plain of Mars. This took place in the heaved or raised up area. This has nothing to do with what was named after them that is up in the sky. The first universe of history was the one sacred area around Atlantis that the constellation of the stars and the universe was named after. The constellations became the second universe in history. Uni means one in Latin. One verse of the Bible is only a small part. Adams universe was one area around him. The new universe that was named after that area was not nearly as big in ancient times, compared to what we can see today in our telescopes.

Planet in ancient times meant a little plain. These little plains in the area of Mount Olympus are still there and are not to be confused with what we call Venus and Mars today, if we ever want to recognize the island of ancient Atlantis. We are also not to confuse the geological gods which are volcanoes, mountains, valleys and other things with the people and places that were name after them. Nor are we to confuse them with leaders or messengers that carried the name that identified them.
Sampson was called Hercules because he reflected some of the nature of the pillars of geological Hercules. The Pillars of Hercules you can see from interstate fifteen, east of New Harmony. The top parts of the pillars are in the form of a red right hand. The finger part is called the Kolob Fingers. Kolob is a name that ties in with the Pleiades. It ties in with the land next to Zeus’s throne. Zeus’s throne before the Greeks was called the throne of Osiris. The Christians referred to it as the throne of God. It is called West Temple in Zion’s National park today. It still has in front of it what is left of an ancient stream of fire, as is described in the Bible and other ancient records.

Poseidon in the ancient language of the area would mean the waters of the sea of Eden. They existed in Hops Valley up until a couple of hundred years ago, according to geologist. Through Hops Valley you have the cougar fault line which the ancients called the spear or arrow that was Poseidon Trident. It broke up and came to an end and helped form or shaped the hand. It was a geological father or creator of the hand which the ancients called Atlas.
There is an article in the West Virginian magazine about some Celtic writing translated by Berry Fell. He translated the writing that taught about the right hand of god. It spelled out and pronounced the name Atlantis. He quotes other Christian records that say the right hand of god is a sun shield. We can also show this in records going back to ancient Egypt. Truly the right hand stopped the arrow or Poseidon’s Trident that was shot out by a volcanic light or a sun that was to the south of it.

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[TABLE="class: MsoNormalTable, width: 257"]
[TD="width: 339, bgcolor: transparent"] HOW INSCRIPTIONS ARE DECIPHERED

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[TD="width: 339, bgcolor: transparent"] Figure H. Photograph of a rebus on the Horse Creek Petroglyph.
Credit: Arnout Hyde, Jr.

This is an appropriate point at which to say a little about how the texts are deciphered. When the Ogam strokes are arranged to suggest a picture, the result is what is called a rebus, obviously a device by the scribe to help the reader understand his inscription. The following are the steps by which we can interpret the rebus shown in Figure H.

We note the hand in the lower part of the inscription. In Celtic languages, the verb stands first in the sentence and is followed by the subject. Accordingly, we disregard the first few strokes to the left and look for the word "hand" (lam in Old Irish). As expected, the letters L and M are there. They are preceded by three upper-case strokes (T), evidently the verb "is" (see Vocabulary at the end of this article). Thus, in line I-2 we can undertake to separate out the consonants, as shown. Line I-3 shows the succession of consonants we obtain. Line I-4 shows the text rewritten with appropriate vowel points inserted, so as to make a meaningful statement, using all the consonants. The Old Irish, in Latin script, is given in line I-5. A literal English rendering of each word is given in line I-6. In line I-7 the words are rearranged to conform to English grammar, the subject now preceding the verb.

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[TD="bgcolor: transparent"] Figure J. Rebus with Ogam strokes that are incorporated in a hand.
Credit: Arnout Hyde, Jr.


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A different type of rebus is shown in Figure J. Here all the Ogam strokes are incorporated into the hand, and there are three transverse stem lines crossing the strokes. This warns us that the Ogam strokes are to be read separately for each of the stem lines, assuming therefore different alphabet values according to whether they stand above, or below, or across, any given stem line. In short, the whole device is a monogram in which various letters have been superimposed. The resulting decipherment (Figure K) yields a sequence of Old Irish words: Atar, Mac, Sbiorad Noib, Oin Dia—"Father, Son and Holy Spirit, One God." And reference to early Christian literatures, such as the writings of Julian of Norwich, or Pier's Plowman, discloses that the mystical meaning of the Dextera Dei is that the hand symbolizes the unified Trinity, the closed fist God the Father, the fingers God the Son and the Palm the Holy Spirit.

According to Wikipedia Atlas’s father was Lapetus. Lapetus is derives from the word iapto ("wound, pierce") and usually refers to a spear. According to Plato, Atlas’s father was Poseidon. In reality it was Poseidon’s Trident that broke up the area that formed the hand or Atlas. There are people that negate Atlantis being a real place do to a lack of history from other places. Plato made it real clear that he did not use its original name, neither did the Egyptians.

In reality there are all kinds of myths, histories and legends that talk about the area. It was paradise, the Garden of Eden with four rivers running out of it in the land of Genesis. In Aztec history it was where the four rivers run out of red rock their place of origin. All over the world there are images of Atlas the right hand. In Ezekiel it was the center part between the Great Sea to the North (The Great Salt Lake) and the waters of strife to the south (the rapids in the Grand Canyon). The Greeks called the city of Atlantis, Troy. The Hebrews called it Urusalim. The Egyptians called it their Underworld guarded by a falcon hawk. The Welch legends referred to it as their Triad. The stories of King Arthur referred to it as their first England. The Israelites referred to it as the land of the Right Hand. In the land of their Right Hand was Jerusalem. Its center part was called Troy Poseidon. Just because Plato was not about to make the central land recognizable does not take away the creditability of the land of Atlantis.

It took Abraham three day to go from first Lebanon in the land of Genesis passed the four rivers of Eden and then passed Mount Zion to reach the land of Canaan. Mind you the root meaning of Mount is hand. Another meaning of Mount is Mountain. Jacob was on the way from Lebanon to Canaan when his wife Rachel died in the land of the right hand. He buried her in Ramah. Ramah is feminine for first Rome. A map with that Rome on it is on the Lead Crosses that were found in Tucson.

Sampson who the Greeks called Hercules fought the Philistines on the hill that was called the Jaw Bone of an Ass. The Bible refers to it as Ramah of Lehi in Judges 15. When we get away from the Babylonian confusion of language and the duplicate named places then we will find the original place called earth, which was the basin of the Atlantis Sea (Lake Bonneville). If people can read Aztec history straight they can recognize the true Atlantis.

One of the first padres in Mexico wrote that the Indians told him that they had the same history as we did in our Bible but the older part of it took place here, not over there. Indian legends and histories from one end of America to the other takes you to the land of Atlantis.

When you recognized the true Greek history, the true Egyptian history and the true Roman history and find the land of their gods and their Mount Olympus, you will see that Atlas is part of Mount Olympus. Mount Olympus was the Israelite’s first Mount Zion. It is a land that all the great powers wanted to keep and have as their private domain. Atlas or Mount Zion is cut out without hands. Better said, it was cut out in the shape of a hand.

This and all the other things that are cut out in the area will roll out or move forward and hit Babylon on its feet or foundation and destroy it. All those that want to bury and destroy this truth will bury and destroy themselves to the degree they use their hand to strike down Atlas (or what he stands for) the great hand with its Kolob Fingers in Zion’s National Park. This is a wakeup call for those that want to deal with reality and come out of Babylon the Great and rid themselves of the whore with mysteries across her forehead. This includes all religions and educational institutions of the day.

Atlas carrying a sphere or a globe on his shoulders represented the eternal laws that held up civilizations around the globe. Without law and order things would be completely chaotic and the most corrupt would rule. Without law and order mankind would be reduced below a caveman status.

Right next to Atlas or the Kolob Fingers area in Zion’s National Park you have Fire Pit Knoll. Between these two places you have Hops Valley crossing La Verkin Creek making a big Ta Cross. Fire Pit Knoll was recognized throughout history as the place of the great light or sun (Ra) that enlightened mankind. It was the place where Moses gave the Israelites the Ten Commandments. The Egyptians referred to this volcano which is black rock on red sand stone, as Anubis the Jackal god. It holds the scale representing the shifting of the cougar fault line. It weighs the heart against the feather or the law. The first five books of the Bible are called the Torah. It represents the place that the law was given which would be Fire Pit Knoll the place of Ra where Hops Valley crosses La Verkin creek making a big red Ta Cross or T. The Indians referred to Hops Valley lake or sea bed as the reed, the stem of their peace pipe and fire Pit Knoll as their peace pipe. They had ten feathers that hung from the reed representing the ten laws that Moses gave them at Mount Sinai (that was on the mountain that had the hand of Zion). The local Piute Indians called Fire Pit Knoll, Sinawava which is by both its Hebrew and Egyptian name. Wava meant the wolf or jackal god.

During the time of Babel tongues and languages got separated or confused. When you take all the tongue or languages to their root base then we will no longer be confused by tongues or language when we arrive at its base. Does not the Bible state that the law went forth from Mount Zion? Even with the Greeks is not the symbol for Mount Olympus rings in rings. How many of us today are in all the inner circles of what is going on of the day. Throughout all times there have been those who are in the inner circles and those who are in the outer circles. When righteousness reigned it was the righteous or high priests that went into the inner circles, the Holy of Holies. The medicine wheel represented the medicine or the eternal laws that would make us well.

On the dream catcher the circle represents the spirit of or the whole law. All the strings or paths of feathers to it represented the path of straight laws that we need to travel if we want to catch our dreams. The beads along the strings or straight paths represented the beauty and the glory and the blessings in keeping those eternal laws. Throughout history people wore rings of necklaces decorated with beautiful beads and charms. This was to be a reminder or things that could influence us through memory to keep them eternal laws that bring beauty and glory and prosperity to all life. People in societies in past times were given beads and charms for their accomplishments that honored them. People today wear metals that honor them for their accomplishments. In ancient times particularly a necklace of gold represented that which was more eternal and untarnishable. The yellow gold represented the great light of truth as the sun enlightens more things. Mount Zion is the father place of the greatest laws that were ever written down by men. To the degree that we apply them, we will be blessed and to the degree we go against them and think we are above them, is to the degree we will be cursed. The ones that reject this truth will leave themselves open to learn the hard way.

The roots of civilizations and all the great powers of the past had roots in the eternal self-evident laws that are represented in the rings from Mount Olympus. A ring graduating out into bigger and bigger rings with a continuous line of rings getting bigger represents infinity or that which is eternal or everlasting. It identifies the Hebrew God that had no beginning or end.

Plato gave us a very clear description of what originally made Atlantis strong. It was the three ring or channels of water that encircled the city. This would have been recognized as embellishment by those who knew anything about the place and its history. They did not realize that Plato was using a parable that represented something that will play a key importance if we want to gain the greater blessing in understanding history.

When King Arthur ruled at the place and the people prospered, is when they held or supported the Excalibur sword but when they turned their back on that sword things want to pot. The sword was the two edge sword of truth that cuts both ways. The X represented the ten laws that made you a high caliber person. The chief of the round table was called Gawain which means falcon hawk. It was someone that carried the title of Horus the Falcon Hawk. Horus the Falcon Hawk has a round table of rock around him with an opening on one side. In the center of that table to this day is the original Holy Grail.

In ancient times water was used in different ways just as the sun was used in different ways. Just as good water helps plants to grow, good education helps people grow. Christ says if you drink of my water you thirst no more. The original rings of water around Atlantis were the rings of education, the true waters or rivers of life. They carry the true ships of state. The rock walls between the channels of water are parables that representing the walls of true defense. Within all of our walls of true defense we have a temple or a capital where the laws are issued forth or taught or houses of judgment that establish equal rights. Plato was really saying when he talks about the walls of water around Atlantis if we want to find Atlantis and have what Atlantis was then we need to keep the laws that those blessings are founded upon. That is a key to having true Atlantis and sit on the right hand (Atlas) of the greater good.

The Aztecs created a calendar that represents the rings in rings that represents eternal laws. It encompasses the holy truths that blessings are founded upon when we partake of them waters of life. The Israelites referred to the place that housed the great laws, as the Holy of Holies.

Those that lacked the greater knowledge that Plato held could easy assume that he embellished Atlantis by putting rings of water around it. If Atlantis was destroyed should we still be looking for rings of water of any kind?

People have things upside down when they try to make everything fit from the Middle East coming to America when it was originally the other way around. Many make the mistake of trying to cloth the ancients with the same clothing we have today. Remember the sun rose and set on Atlantis. It rose and set on Solomon’s Empire. It rose and set on many other empires including the British and now it is setting on the United States Empire. Now those that want to partake of the Waters of Life need to gather back to Mount Olympus the land of the First Morning Star in history and raise the sun in the west.

The Aztecs and the Egyptians knew that we would not have things straight until we went back to our true roots and built upon a real foundation of true history and law. This is not religious this is the true science of reality, if we want to be blessed.

When Plato ends the story of Atlantis with Zeus convening the consul of gods he left you at the scene where the history of Atlantis begin and ended. It identifies the land of the greater gods of civilization in the land or place of the underworld. It is very clear from the histories around the world, particularly the Egyptians who state when the sun sets on the river of Egypt, the four or fifth hour after it sets, it is in the heart of the sky in the underworld. They also say that the underworld is where the sun spent the night. That is not in the Atlantic where people are erroneously looking for it.

Many years ago I had found and nailed down many of these gods of the ancients. One of them was a place where time was measured by Enoch through the six fingered canyons of the hand. Enoch referred to them as the gateways of the sun. Native Indians claim that this is where our twelve month calendar came from. I found a slight cave or overhang where there was a carving in stone showing the path of the sun between the solstices and equinoxes marking four seasons.

I have seen the places that the ancients referred to as gods. They are places of beauty that gave glory and life to the inhabitants in ancient times. These places cover the land of Paradise. It takes in a lot of great National Parks and Monuments that ring Kanab, Utah. Here you can see the glorious works and wonders and recognize the hand of the master of creation. Under the influence of ancient Israel they dropped the many gods and recognized the different gods as attributes or messengers of God. The beauty of these places surely represents the message of what the eternal created in nature.

Dise means plurality of gods. When you realize that then you can add that to the names that surround the original paradise. Let us start with the Perea River that takes you into the heart mountains of Paradise and put dice on its name. Then you will have Pereadise River. Let us go to the different Parashaunt canyons that go out of Paradise. If you put dice back in the name you would have Paradiseshaunt which means the hide or side of Paradise. The Little Salt Lake was called Parowan. It also ties in with the waters of Paradise.

The symbol of Paradise among the Indians or ancient inhabitance was the elk or the deer. The horns of that elk were the front pillars of the Kolob Fingers. The elk or deer were the symbol of peace from the Egyptians to the native inhabitance. When the ancients acted out their story in their parades representing the history of Paradise, the leaders of the parades wore the deer head with horns. This represented the place of beginning where Adam and Eve left the Garden of Eden and went down into the Land of Desolation.

Adam and Eve found refuge in the temple of Isis. One day while trying to return to their refuge one of the cherubim was spitting out ashes (as it says in Psalms 22), so they left that area and went to the southern side of Eden or the Red lands. Then they went east to the Cane Beds Arizona area and they stayed there for a while. Eve gave birth to three sons and two daughters there before they retuned to the Land of Desolation. This is where the original city of Urusalim was built, the original land of Troy. Both the names Troy and Urusalim identify this place.

The handwriting that tells this story is all over the walls from the Grand Canyon to Fillmore, Utah. It is in the mother language, the oldest Paleo Hebrew language in the world. My question is; when are people going to wake up and give up their part for the whole?

R. W. L.

How about some photos of the treasures you have found..

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