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Solomon's Gold and History's Great Treasures
We need to have some good healthy conversation. What I say will be in conflict with most peoples thinking. I am not trying to be popular. Old age is creeping up on me. What I have found, I sure am not going to take it with me. My only wish is that people that will stand on truth and respect the rights of others will be the beneficiaries of what I have discovered.
We all see things from our own pyridine. It would be foolish for me to think that I could see all the pictures of past history correct. I have made mistakes and I will make more. I have given up long ago the beliefs that I was raised with. It was really hard for me to give up a way of life that had a lot of beauty in it that my dreams were built upon as not being that right or true church.
I had a small family and a real good wife. I decided the least I could do was to try to make life meaningful for them. I decided before I threw out the Bible to really give it a chance and to see if it had a real foundation in history according to its teachers from one end to the other. So I decided to search for the Garden of Eden or Paradise. I read where Josephus wrote that Eden meant red earth. I did not see any reason that he would lie. I read in a number of other places of antiquity that Don was identified with red. I started researching the red lands around the globe starting with Petra. To name a few that I considered; red lands in Australia, Oaxaca Mexico, Georgia, Canada, and places in Arizona. One place I had not considered was my own back yard.
After several years coming up with nothing I put the research for Eden on a shelf. Then I started broadening my base and was studying unknown languages and working with some Paleo Hebrew. Paleo Hebrew is kind of shorthand, each symbol representing a facsimile of something, such as an A represents the bull, the place of Alpha. This place was the place of beginning where Abraham crossed the mountains of the bull, the Taurus Range. This is from a number of different records from the Dead Sea Scrolls, to the Zohar, to other records across America. Abraham crossed the Taurus Range, the four rivers of Eden, Mount Zion and was in the land of Canaan in three days. The Forgotten Books of Eden, and the Psuedepigrapha records, and other books and records painted a pretty clear picture for what I was looking for.
At Palenque Mexico there is a cross with an arrow shaft down the middle coming out of a fiery pit in the head of the bull. So there you have the Ta of the bull or Taurus the bull. That bull represents the place today called Fire Pit Knoll on the Kolob Terraces in Zion’s National Parks in southern Utah. Fire Pit Knoll pushed out of the earth like a bull when it erupted. Coming out of the top of it going north you have Hops Valley and a fault line down through the middle. The local Indian legends called the fault an arrow, it cut through the mountain and valley and crossed La Verkin creek and broke up into three main forks. This Hops Valley where it is crosses La Verkin Creek together this makes a big red Ta shaped cross. This is represented on the Temple of the Cross in Palenque Mexico and other placed. Fire Pit Knoll which is a small volcano that heaved up it is one of the root meanings of Heaven. This is why the Romans called it Taurus the Bull of Heaven. It has truly heaved. This is the place that the constellation of Taurus the Bull in what we call the heavens of today was named after.
The local Indians in times past called it by its Hebrew as well as its Egyptian name. There are a whole lot of things that surround this place that corresponds with ancient history. Enoch mentions this place with the arrow going through it. One of the Lead Crosses found by Tucson shows the shaft being a spear or an arrow with a round circle on it representing a Ra. The Israelites called the first five books of Genesis the Torah. Fire Pit Knoll is the original Mount Saini and it was still called Sinai by the Indians when white reached this area. The Bible states that Moses set up boundaries to keep the people back lest fire break out and kill them. A ten year old who is not bias should recognize that Mount Sinai is a volcano. This volcano created a cloud by day and a fire by night. Right now many have put their trust in the ignorant assumptions made by Constantine’s mother, Helen. At a future time I will relate more that surrounds this history.
Let’s go back to the time before I was able to nail down the land of Eden. A gentleman came to my ranch (that I had in northern Arizona) by the name of Lavan Martineau and asked for permission to see some pictroglyphs and petroglyphs that were on the cliffs in back of my property. If I had not had a foundation in Adam’s history I would have never recognized the writing on the wall under some overhanging cliffs. There was the same history that was written in the Forgotten Books of Eden. It tells where Adam and Eve had gone to sleep underneath an overhanging cliff under a summit of a hill, when a big flat rock was hurled down the hill, do to an earthquake or negative forces. Adam and Eve were blocked there for three day before they got out. Later Eve gave birth to three sons and two daughters there.
The writing there is at least four thousand years old. It includes Noah and other stories and could not have derived from New Babylon area in the Middle East. There are many reasons, evidence and facts that it is not associated with or from New Babylon in the Middle East. Some of these new Babylonian Scholars are claiming that Israel has borrowed from the Babylonians, if anything the opposite took place.
You also have the stories of the different generations from Adam written there, including Noah being an albino like it says in the Pseudepigraphical writings.
So after this discovery and many others I back tracked Adam and Eve’s path and found the Garden of Eden and four rivers running out of red rock. The first one is now called La Verkin Creek with a branch being called Ash Creek. The second is now called North Creek. The third is now called the North Fork of the Virgin. The fourth is called the East Fork of the Virgin it is colder than the other three; which is what Euphrates means, according to what some scholars claim from their translations of the Clay Tablets of Babylon.
The research and testimonies from the Indians to writings on the walls of the area are virtually endless. They nail down the land of Genesis in the Rocky Mountains. North of present day Mexico to the Snake River, with Zion’s National Park area being in the center, this is the land of Genesis.
Now let’s discuss a little bit about Solomon’s Mines that according to records are identify in the Land of Eden. Chief Walkara allowed a couple of Mormons to take Gold from the sacred Mines of Solomon. One was Thomas Rhodes and one was his son Caleb Rhodes. Now most Mormons are looking for the Rhodes mines in the new Uinta Mountains which was a decoy to throw their enemies off. The Molina Documents that were dropped off by Tucson, the Spider rock maps of Texas, the Peralta Stones in central Arizona, and then there was the story that was told to the Phoenix Gazette about the Grand Canyon this was done so the truth could be told but also to throw their enemies off track. James Whites fake a trip down the Grand Canyon to get Wesley Powel and his surveyors killed. There were a few Mormons that believed Wesley Powel was looking for the sacred mines and important treasures that are now listed in the Treatise of the Vessels translated by James R. Davila.
The Indians were threatened and so were a few Mormons when they found out that about thirty post Mormons but one particular that knew too much about the mines had joined a wagon train, heading to California. This is the reason that the wagon train was sacrificed by Indians and Mormons. John D. Lee personally shot the man that he believed knew too much. He later became the scape goat for the Mountain Meadow Massacre. With Gold from the Sacred Mines he paid off the right people and Warren Johnson ferried him across Lee’s Ferry after his fake execution. Sometime before his fake execution the true Jacob Waltz and a Spaniard though they were going to collect a fifteen thousand dollar reward and take John D. Lee in for the reward. To make a long story short someone from the peoples group of prospectors liked John D. Lee and told him what the Dutchman and the Spaniard were up to. More details and the blanks can be filled in at another time.
There is a picture of James Lee in Julia Thompson’s Ice Cream Parlor. He was a son of John D. Lee. He was helping his dad who was undercover. It may have helped accomplish things with John D. Lee the second time. John D. Lee knew more about the sacred mines or the mines that the Indians knew about than any other man at that time. Right after his last place in history in Phoenix, Mormons just happen to find the first rich mine west of the Superstitions which they eventually sold. Was it just a coincident? Is it a coincident that the Mormons had a Gold statue of Moroni on top of the Salt Lake Temple made out of Gold from the sacred mines.
Those mines are tightly controlled, owned and watched to this day. To mesh with them you would be creating a revolution, if you were to succeed. Brigham Young who I do not believe ever knew the specific spot where the mines were, said that within a certain distance of St George was a vast treasure. Another time in La Verkin he said there was enough gold to pave a highway to New York and back. Does that sound a little bit like what Caleb Rhodes said about paving the streets of Washington or New York or what the so called Dutchmen said about paving the streets of Phoenix? Caleb Rhodes was a secret friend of John D. Lees the so called Dutchman. Both said that professional miners of geologists would not find their mines.
Why does the Peralta Stones with a step Pyramid representing the tower of Babel have 1847 at its base? 1847 is when the Mormons reached the Promise Land of Genesis. Why does one of the Spider Rock maps have John D. Lee’s birthdate on it? Why does the Peralta Stone map that has a horse on it have the word Mill disguised in its mane? The so called Dutchman talks about a barn, he John D. Lee had a saw mill that cut the wood for that barn. We might take note that the Melina document whose husband was named John or Juan Melina. Melina means mill which relates to John D. Lee and his saw mill. John D. Lee had a number of hideouts. One on by La Verkin Creek another one in one of the Kolob Finger canyons and everyone knows about his place in Lonely Dell. They are looking for his mine in Soap Creek in Marble Canyon area.
One place he spent time and did not let anyone know about (outside of Caleb Rhodes) you can find a foundation of a stone cabin that had a fire place in it. It is pre Mormon and there are pieces of Spanish pot ware and etc. around it. I found a metal arrowhead, a few square old nails and some other odds and ends. There was a small smelter close by. I found a large smelter within half mile that had been completely buried and hidden. I found a two room house under a ledge that formed a shelf above it. It had been completely filled in with rocks and covered over. A ways from that site I found Spanish markers that were required by Spanish law in marking a mine. Below the markers there was a big arrow shape pointed rock that did not belong in that formation or any formation above it. It was obviously placed there marking the place of the shaft that it was pointing to. That site had not been touch since the so called Dutchman sealed it.
It the Melina document it talks about a drag. In an area next to his dugout you can see what is left over of his blacksmith shop. The drag or sled that I found close to the Guadeloupe mines had runners that he had made from wagon wheel rims. He used that drag or sled to haul the big boulders and rocks that he sealed the entrances with. I found the boulders and rocks in the entrance ways of the shafts and tunnels of the Guadeloupe mines. Between the rocks it was filled with fine clay or powder just lake the Melina documents say about the Guadeloupe Mine.
I could write a lot more information, but when you have seen even a small portion of what I have seen you do not have to guess who sealed the Melina document mines, the Lost Dutchmen mines or the Mines of Solomon of Ophir. The question is when should they be completely opened and when they are, what is going to be left there? How much did the Mormons get? How much did Spanish get and how much did the people before them get?
The Indians said they let the Spanish work the mines as long as they did not mesh with other stuff that was close by. They obviously did the same with the Mormons. The Mormons arrived in 1847 to the north. The Indians around that same time wiped out the Peraltas to the south. The main Peralta map fits that place far better than the new Superstition Mountains. John D. Lee when he created the Peralta stones he really wanted to make it look like the Peraltas or the Spanish had created them.
He also was the horse or carrier of a payroll from Santa Fe to Brigham Young. The Horse map identifies his dwelling place north of a river (the Colorado River). His place north of the river was called Lonely Dell by one of his wives. His places where he presided were an eighteen day travel in the route he took, like it shows on the Peralta map. I am not going to interrupt all the clues (for obvious reasons) that are on all the different documents. But the biggest peaks that are written on one stone represent San Francisco Peaks. The bent F on the one map divides the L from the other half of the F. This stands for Lee’s Ferry where the carrier from Santa Fe lived.
I believe one of the reasons he was made a scapegoat was to protect someone or those that were much more responsible than he was. The other reason was that he would not tell other leaders of the Mormon Church where the mines were.
If any of you out there want to help bring forth the great treasures of the past there are plenty of mines that have plenty of wealth. The Melina documents talk about a temple. That temple was once under the control of Nebuchadnezzar just as the Treatise of the Vessels state.
The only way any of us can win on these sacred mines is to apply what the Treatise of the Vessels state. The Jesuit priests helped create decoys all over northern Mexico to Canada. They themselves became a threat to the Pope and King Charles the third of Spain when it was found out how much they knew.
Today we have some religions and many scholars that I believe would want to discrete my discoveries. I believe to protect their agendas. Some religions try to keep their people from looking at all things. Are there not those out there that when they see the power of the truth they will want to pull a Constantine on us and take things over? There are many that who think they have a right to this place and what is in the land of Genesis. Even thou all that I have contacted in the last thirty years have all been thumbs down on it. I am talking about all those that still believe or that claim that Israel borrowed from Babylon, Egypt, the Greeks or the Romans. I do not think they would want the truth to interfere with their agendas.
I believe the bigger part of this wealth cannot and will not come forward until we have a government that protects the rights of the people including the rights of the discoverer as it says in the Treatise of the Vessels. I do not expect to see those tunnels or mines that are filled in to be open until there are honorable men that can be trusted to open those places and to do what is right with them. If people attempt to open these mines who are not keeping the standard that create equal opportunity under law there will be fighting between many that are not willing to stand on constitutional laws.
There may be those who want to create a seminar and tour some of the places I have talked about where people can see and touch things in the land of true Genesis within the next few months. If there are those that want to do that, then let us go for it. But keep in mind we need to do what is right for mankind and ourselves. It needs to be somewhere north of the Grand Canyon but south of Utah. Then they can let their feet touch and see the Garden of Eden and its records and see the hand writing on its walls for a starter. You do not need to take my word for anything. There are those who you can meet that know what they have seen.
Those who would be interested in such an event can email me. That includes Oro Blanco who I once met and also a man that I met who was over a Dutchman gathering. What I have discovered should be a treat to most religions as well as those that are tired of contradictions or the way they were taught. They might find themselves appreciating or liking my rediscoveries. When it comes to discoveries I am just a Johnny come lately.
You need to keep in mind that the Pueblo Indian Uprising in 1680 and many other uprisings were caused do to white men’s interference or abuse at the sacred mines. John D. Lee did everything he could to lead moral people to the mines without getting his large family wiped out by the Indians for being a betrayer. He believed even though Indians guarded the mines that they belonged to Israelite descendants for the bigger part. But the Indians need to be given credit for having protected the sacred mines.
All those that want to help contribute by bringing forth the truth for the greater things and for the greater good of mankind will be blessed with greater richest then what is in the mines.
What could be greater than having our freedom under a government of correct laws and not be taxed and enslaved to feed corruption?
R. W.
Solomon’s Gold Mines in the Land of Ophir have been found! They are the same as the Seven Cities of Cibola! (Cibola means buffalo or bull,
the land of Alpha or the land of Genesis)
Who really wants to know the Truth?
Do our agendas, our insecurities and jealousies prevent us from seeing the truth?
Can we look at all things before we rush to judgment? These are questions that we need to ask ourselves?
We need to have some good healthy conversation. What I say will be in conflict with most peoples thinking. I am not trying to be popular. Old age is creeping up on me. What I have found, I sure am not going to take it with me. My only wish is that people that will stand on truth and respect the rights of others will be the beneficiaries of what I have discovered.
We all see things from our own pyridine. It would be foolish for me to think that I could see all the pictures of past history correct. I have made mistakes and I will make more. I have given up long ago the beliefs that I was raised with. It was really hard for me to give up a way of life that had a lot of beauty in it that my dreams were built upon as not being that right or true church.
I had a small family and a real good wife. I decided the least I could do was to try to make life meaningful for them. I decided before I threw out the Bible to really give it a chance and to see if it had a real foundation in history according to its teachers from one end to the other. So I decided to search for the Garden of Eden or Paradise. I read where Josephus wrote that Eden meant red earth. I did not see any reason that he would lie. I read in a number of other places of antiquity that Don was identified with red. I started researching the red lands around the globe starting with Petra. To name a few that I considered; red lands in Australia, Oaxaca Mexico, Georgia, Canada, and places in Arizona. One place I had not considered was my own back yard.
After several years coming up with nothing I put the research for Eden on a shelf. Then I started broadening my base and was studying unknown languages and working with some Paleo Hebrew. Paleo Hebrew is kind of shorthand, each symbol representing a facsimile of something, such as an A represents the bull, the place of Alpha. This place was the place of beginning where Abraham crossed the mountains of the bull, the Taurus Range. This is from a number of different records from the Dead Sea Scrolls, to the Zohar, to other records across America. Abraham crossed the Taurus Range, the four rivers of Eden, Mount Zion and was in the land of Canaan in three days. The Forgotten Books of Eden, and the Psuedepigrapha records, and other books and records painted a pretty clear picture for what I was looking for.
At Palenque Mexico there is a cross with an arrow shaft down the middle coming out of a fiery pit in the head of the bull. So there you have the Ta of the bull or Taurus the bull. That bull represents the place today called Fire Pit Knoll on the Kolob Terraces in Zion’s National Parks in southern Utah. Fire Pit Knoll pushed out of the earth like a bull when it erupted. Coming out of the top of it going north you have Hops Valley and a fault line down through the middle. The local Indian legends called the fault an arrow, it cut through the mountain and valley and crossed La Verkin creek and broke up into three main forks. This Hops Valley where it is crosses La Verkin Creek together this makes a big red Ta shaped cross. This is represented on the Temple of the Cross in Palenque Mexico and other placed. Fire Pit Knoll which is a small volcano that heaved up it is one of the root meanings of Heaven. This is why the Romans called it Taurus the Bull of Heaven. It has truly heaved. This is the place that the constellation of Taurus the Bull in what we call the heavens of today was named after.
The local Indians in times past called it by its Hebrew as well as its Egyptian name. There are a whole lot of things that surround this place that corresponds with ancient history. Enoch mentions this place with the arrow going through it. One of the Lead Crosses found by Tucson shows the shaft being a spear or an arrow with a round circle on it representing a Ra. The Israelites called the first five books of Genesis the Torah. Fire Pit Knoll is the original Mount Saini and it was still called Sinai by the Indians when white reached this area. The Bible states that Moses set up boundaries to keep the people back lest fire break out and kill them. A ten year old who is not bias should recognize that Mount Sinai is a volcano. This volcano created a cloud by day and a fire by night. Right now many have put their trust in the ignorant assumptions made by Constantine’s mother, Helen. At a future time I will relate more that surrounds this history.
Let’s go back to the time before I was able to nail down the land of Eden. A gentleman came to my ranch (that I had in northern Arizona) by the name of Lavan Martineau and asked for permission to see some pictroglyphs and petroglyphs that were on the cliffs in back of my property. If I had not had a foundation in Adam’s history I would have never recognized the writing on the wall under some overhanging cliffs. There was the same history that was written in the Forgotten Books of Eden. It tells where Adam and Eve had gone to sleep underneath an overhanging cliff under a summit of a hill, when a big flat rock was hurled down the hill, do to an earthquake or negative forces. Adam and Eve were blocked there for three day before they got out. Later Eve gave birth to three sons and two daughters there.
The writing there is at least four thousand years old. It includes Noah and other stories and could not have derived from New Babylon area in the Middle East. There are many reasons, evidence and facts that it is not associated with or from New Babylon in the Middle East. Some of these new Babylonian Scholars are claiming that Israel has borrowed from the Babylonians, if anything the opposite took place.
You also have the stories of the different generations from Adam written there, including Noah being an albino like it says in the Pseudepigraphical writings.
So after this discovery and many others I back tracked Adam and Eve’s path and found the Garden of Eden and four rivers running out of red rock. The first one is now called La Verkin Creek with a branch being called Ash Creek. The second is now called North Creek. The third is now called the North Fork of the Virgin. The fourth is called the East Fork of the Virgin it is colder than the other three; which is what Euphrates means, according to what some scholars claim from their translations of the Clay Tablets of Babylon.
The research and testimonies from the Indians to writings on the walls of the area are virtually endless. They nail down the land of Genesis in the Rocky Mountains. North of present day Mexico to the Snake River, with Zion’s National Park area being in the center, this is the land of Genesis.
Now let’s discuss a little bit about Solomon’s Mines that according to records are identify in the Land of Eden. Chief Walkara allowed a couple of Mormons to take Gold from the sacred Mines of Solomon. One was Thomas Rhodes and one was his son Caleb Rhodes. Now most Mormons are looking for the Rhodes mines in the new Uinta Mountains which was a decoy to throw their enemies off. The Molina Documents that were dropped off by Tucson, the Spider rock maps of Texas, the Peralta Stones in central Arizona, and then there was the story that was told to the Phoenix Gazette about the Grand Canyon this was done so the truth could be told but also to throw their enemies off track. James Whites fake a trip down the Grand Canyon to get Wesley Powel and his surveyors killed. There were a few Mormons that believed Wesley Powel was looking for the sacred mines and important treasures that are now listed in the Treatise of the Vessels translated by James R. Davila.
The Indians were threatened and so were a few Mormons when they found out that about thirty post Mormons but one particular that knew too much about the mines had joined a wagon train, heading to California. This is the reason that the wagon train was sacrificed by Indians and Mormons. John D. Lee personally shot the man that he believed knew too much. He later became the scape goat for the Mountain Meadow Massacre. With Gold from the Sacred Mines he paid off the right people and Warren Johnson ferried him across Lee’s Ferry after his fake execution. Sometime before his fake execution the true Jacob Waltz and a Spaniard though they were going to collect a fifteen thousand dollar reward and take John D. Lee in for the reward. To make a long story short someone from the peoples group of prospectors liked John D. Lee and told him what the Dutchman and the Spaniard were up to. More details and the blanks can be filled in at another time.
There is a picture of James Lee in Julia Thompson’s Ice Cream Parlor. He was a son of John D. Lee. He was helping his dad who was undercover. It may have helped accomplish things with John D. Lee the second time. John D. Lee knew more about the sacred mines or the mines that the Indians knew about than any other man at that time. Right after his last place in history in Phoenix, Mormons just happen to find the first rich mine west of the Superstitions which they eventually sold. Was it just a coincident? Is it a coincident that the Mormons had a Gold statue of Moroni on top of the Salt Lake Temple made out of Gold from the sacred mines.
Those mines are tightly controlled, owned and watched to this day. To mesh with them you would be creating a revolution, if you were to succeed. Brigham Young who I do not believe ever knew the specific spot where the mines were, said that within a certain distance of St George was a vast treasure. Another time in La Verkin he said there was enough gold to pave a highway to New York and back. Does that sound a little bit like what Caleb Rhodes said about paving the streets of Washington or New York or what the so called Dutchmen said about paving the streets of Phoenix? Caleb Rhodes was a secret friend of John D. Lees the so called Dutchman. Both said that professional miners of geologists would not find their mines.
Why does the Peralta Stones with a step Pyramid representing the tower of Babel have 1847 at its base? 1847 is when the Mormons reached the Promise Land of Genesis. Why does one of the Spider Rock maps have John D. Lee’s birthdate on it? Why does the Peralta Stone map that has a horse on it have the word Mill disguised in its mane? The so called Dutchman talks about a barn, he John D. Lee had a saw mill that cut the wood for that barn. We might take note that the Melina document whose husband was named John or Juan Melina. Melina means mill which relates to John D. Lee and his saw mill. John D. Lee had a number of hideouts. One on by La Verkin Creek another one in one of the Kolob Finger canyons and everyone knows about his place in Lonely Dell. They are looking for his mine in Soap Creek in Marble Canyon area.
One place he spent time and did not let anyone know about (outside of Caleb Rhodes) you can find a foundation of a stone cabin that had a fire place in it. It is pre Mormon and there are pieces of Spanish pot ware and etc. around it. I found a metal arrowhead, a few square old nails and some other odds and ends. There was a small smelter close by. I found a large smelter within half mile that had been completely buried and hidden. I found a two room house under a ledge that formed a shelf above it. It had been completely filled in with rocks and covered over. A ways from that site I found Spanish markers that were required by Spanish law in marking a mine. Below the markers there was a big arrow shape pointed rock that did not belong in that formation or any formation above it. It was obviously placed there marking the place of the shaft that it was pointing to. That site had not been touch since the so called Dutchman sealed it.
It the Melina document it talks about a drag. In an area next to his dugout you can see what is left over of his blacksmith shop. The drag or sled that I found close to the Guadeloupe mines had runners that he had made from wagon wheel rims. He used that drag or sled to haul the big boulders and rocks that he sealed the entrances with. I found the boulders and rocks in the entrance ways of the shafts and tunnels of the Guadeloupe mines. Between the rocks it was filled with fine clay or powder just lake the Melina documents say about the Guadeloupe Mine.
I could write a lot more information, but when you have seen even a small portion of what I have seen you do not have to guess who sealed the Melina document mines, the Lost Dutchmen mines or the Mines of Solomon of Ophir. The question is when should they be completely opened and when they are, what is going to be left there? How much did the Mormons get? How much did Spanish get and how much did the people before them get?
The Indians said they let the Spanish work the mines as long as they did not mesh with other stuff that was close by. They obviously did the same with the Mormons. The Mormons arrived in 1847 to the north. The Indians around that same time wiped out the Peraltas to the south. The main Peralta map fits that place far better than the new Superstition Mountains. John D. Lee when he created the Peralta stones he really wanted to make it look like the Peraltas or the Spanish had created them.
He also was the horse or carrier of a payroll from Santa Fe to Brigham Young. The Horse map identifies his dwelling place north of a river (the Colorado River). His place north of the river was called Lonely Dell by one of his wives. His places where he presided were an eighteen day travel in the route he took, like it shows on the Peralta map. I am not going to interrupt all the clues (for obvious reasons) that are on all the different documents. But the biggest peaks that are written on one stone represent San Francisco Peaks. The bent F on the one map divides the L from the other half of the F. This stands for Lee’s Ferry where the carrier from Santa Fe lived.
I believe one of the reasons he was made a scapegoat was to protect someone or those that were much more responsible than he was. The other reason was that he would not tell other leaders of the Mormon Church where the mines were.
If any of you out there want to help bring forth the great treasures of the past there are plenty of mines that have plenty of wealth. The Melina documents talk about a temple. That temple was once under the control of Nebuchadnezzar just as the Treatise of the Vessels state.
The only way any of us can win on these sacred mines is to apply what the Treatise of the Vessels state. The Jesuit priests helped create decoys all over northern Mexico to Canada. They themselves became a threat to the Pope and King Charles the third of Spain when it was found out how much they knew.
Today we have some religions and many scholars that I believe would want to discrete my discoveries. I believe to protect their agendas. Some religions try to keep their people from looking at all things. Are there not those out there that when they see the power of the truth they will want to pull a Constantine on us and take things over? There are many that who think they have a right to this place and what is in the land of Genesis. Even thou all that I have contacted in the last thirty years have all been thumbs down on it. I am talking about all those that still believe or that claim that Israel borrowed from Babylon, Egypt, the Greeks or the Romans. I do not think they would want the truth to interfere with their agendas.
I believe the bigger part of this wealth cannot and will not come forward until we have a government that protects the rights of the people including the rights of the discoverer as it says in the Treatise of the Vessels. I do not expect to see those tunnels or mines that are filled in to be open until there are honorable men that can be trusted to open those places and to do what is right with them. If people attempt to open these mines who are not keeping the standard that create equal opportunity under law there will be fighting between many that are not willing to stand on constitutional laws.
There may be those who want to create a seminar and tour some of the places I have talked about where people can see and touch things in the land of true Genesis within the next few months. If there are those that want to do that, then let us go for it. But keep in mind we need to do what is right for mankind and ourselves. It needs to be somewhere north of the Grand Canyon but south of Utah. Then they can let their feet touch and see the Garden of Eden and its records and see the hand writing on its walls for a starter. You do not need to take my word for anything. There are those who you can meet that know what they have seen.
Those who would be interested in such an event can email me. That includes Oro Blanco who I once met and also a man that I met who was over a Dutchman gathering. What I have discovered should be a treat to most religions as well as those that are tired of contradictions or the way they were taught. They might find themselves appreciating or liking my rediscoveries. When it comes to discoveries I am just a Johnny come lately.
You need to keep in mind that the Pueblo Indian Uprising in 1680 and many other uprisings were caused do to white men’s interference or abuse at the sacred mines. John D. Lee did everything he could to lead moral people to the mines without getting his large family wiped out by the Indians for being a betrayer. He believed even though Indians guarded the mines that they belonged to Israelite descendants for the bigger part. But the Indians need to be given credit for having protected the sacred mines.
All those that want to help contribute by bringing forth the truth for the greater things and for the greater good of mankind will be blessed with greater richest then what is in the mines.
What could be greater than having our freedom under a government of correct laws and not be taxed and enslaved to feed corruption?
R. W.