60 Minutes Benghazi "Witness" Wasnt There During the Attack

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Sen. Lindsey Graham is running for his official life and grandstanding to try to stay in office.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

Yeah, I hope to see Graham out of there too. Really dislike rinos. At least with Pelosi you know the skull and crossbones means poison.

The witnesses do not bode well for Administrative since they both state they had repeatedly asked for more security.

The witnesses Congress and American people need to hear from are the actual diplomatic security officers who fended off the initial attacks on the event of Sept. 11, 2012.

The other 2 came after the initial attack started, and in fact the State Department doesn't even claim one of the witnesses (Morgan Jones) and tries to discredit him.

If anyone believes the government want supply the witnesses congress is asking for because of an FBI investigation into Benghazi I have beach front property in Arizona I will sell you real cheap.

The State Department has no intention of providing Congress more witnesses to the Sept. 11, 2012 attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, despite Sen. Lindsey Graham’s threat to hold up all nominations until he gets satisfaction on the issue.

The U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya is seen in flames following an attack on September 11, 2012. (Esam Al-Fetori/Reuters, via Landov)

Graham’s Monday morning demand came after a new CBS 60 Minutes expose that featured an interview with a British security contractor who was on the ground and fought on the State Department compound and at the CIA annex during the attacks that killed four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens. The contractor, calling himself Morgan Jones, claimed that he had repeatedly warned officials about the vulnerability of the facility.

The expose also featured Stevens’ deputy Greg Hicks, who said he was preparing a third request for more security in Benghazi at the time of the attack, and Lt. Col. Andy Wood, one of the top security officials in Libya at the time, who said he had repeatedly warned the State Department that the Benghazi mission was going to be attacked by Al Qaeda.

“We had one option: ‘Leave Benghazi or you will be killed,’” Wood said.

While Hicks and Wood have testified before Congress, Republican members in both chambers have asked to talk to the actual diplomatic security officers who fended off the initial attacks on the event of Sept. 11, 2012.

Speaking Monday on Fox News, Graham*said*Congress needs to know why the requests for security were denied, why the warnings were ignored, and he called for a joint Congressional committee to be established to investigate. He also called for the survivors to be made available to Congress.

“Months later… the survivors, the people who survived the attack in Benghazi, have not been made available to the U.S. Congress for oversight purposes. I'm going to block every appointment in the united states senate until the survivors are being made available to the congress,” said Graham. "I'm tired of hearing from people on TV and reading about stuff in books.”

At Monday’s State Department press briefing, Spokeswoman Jen Psaki said that the State Department made one diplomatic security official who was present in Benghazi that night available to the House Oversight Committee led by Rep. Darrell Issa, after Issa issued a subpoena. Psaki was confirming Monday’s*report*in the*LA Times.

Psaki also confirmed that Issa’s committee was able to depose another diplomatic security official who was in Tripoli on the night of the attack. The depositions followed a long battle with the Justice Department, which claimed that providing the officials to the committee could jeopardize the ongoing investigation into the attacks being led by the FBI.

But the State Department won’t make more Benghazi witnesses available in response to Graham’s tactic, she said.

“Our response is that we need to have these officials in place,” said Psaki. “That’s the only way to strengthen our interests overseas and to be able to represent our diplomatic agenda. It’s also is important for our security interests, which is something that many of these members of congress seem very concerned about, for good reason.”

The State Department had no comment on Wood’s claim that he warned them the mission in Benghazi was going to be attacked by al Qaeda. Psaki would only said that there were no prior warnings containing “specific intelligence” of an “imminent” attack and the State Department’s internal review found “no immediate specific tactical warning” of the attacks.

Psaki declined to say whether the State Department believed that al Qaeda affiliated groups were involved in the attack or whether senior al Qaeda leader Abu Anas al-Libi, who was scooped up by U.S. forces in Tripoli earlier this month, played any role in the Benghazi attacks.

“The question has always been who the attackers were, what their motivations were, and how the attack evolved. We’ve always said that there were extremists that we felt were involved,” she said. “It’s an ongoing FBI investigation; I’m not going to ascribe more specifics.”

The State Department believes that the Benghazi attacks have been thoroughly investigated, Psaki said.

“These questions have been looked into ad nauseam for months and months and months by a *range of independent officials and boards,” she said. “I’m not going to speak to every interview that’s done.”

A State Department official speaking on background also downplayed the CBS Benghazi report.

“We don’t have any validation of his story, he wasn’t identified as the person he was,” the official said, referring to Jones. “There honestly wasn’t a great deal new in there. “

State Department Rejects Graham?s Demand for Benghazi Witnesses - The Daily Beast

We will NOT go quitely into the night!

TH, you are aware that Morgan Jones is Dylan Davies and has been completely discredited?

He lied to his employer, and told the FBI that he wasn't in Benghazi on the night of the attack.

My take on the bigger picture here is that as they were being attacked, of course, the survivors were asking for, screaming for help. The chain of command made the military decisions that only the chain of command could make. Being that they were the only people in a position to see the entire situation. Those same gut wrenching decisions have been made countless times by countless commanders. Putting these people before congress will do nothing but provide needless pain for the victims families. Nothing they say will change the "why" of what happened.

Regardless, none of what would be heard in testimony by survivors would touch the President or the Sec Of State. Neither was involved in the military decision making process that played out on that night.

That Benghazi has been politicized by the republicans against the President and more importantly as a weapon against Clinton is something those involved with these calls for more hearings should be ashamed of. They are using the deaths of these Americans for their own political gain. You do understand those calls are about 2016?

Lastly, and off topic, your best hope for the White House in 2016 against Clinton is Christie. I know you want Paul, but the guy is dead in the gate. Less than 25% of the country will vote for him. Va gov's race showed just how cooked the Tea Party's goose is. You may not like Chris, but at least he's not Hillary! He's got a real shot to win it! Think about that when the primary comes to town in your state.

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NF. NJ race was won by 3% of the vote in a race that wasn't even suppose to be close, on top of which the Libertarian candidate who garnished 7% of the vote was financed by a Democrat...

You have nothing to brag about.

Does this ring a bell "if you like your insurance you can keep your insurance, if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor".

Where did the American people hear that lie over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over?

Just how angry do you think those voters and millions upon millions more are going to be come 2014 as millions more find their insurance canceled and the cost of new insurance through the Roof....?

Democrats are all ready scurrying like rats on a sinking ship trying to cover their butts...

Best weapon Republicans have you guys gave them on a silver platter, your leader's lies and the Democrats support and repeat of that LIE over and over is worth it's weight in political gold.

This quote shows how badly you read elections NF;
"Lastly, and off topic, your best hope for the White House in 2016 against Clinton is Christie. I know you want Paul, but the guy is dead in the gate. Less than 25% of the country will vote for him. Va gov's race showed just how cooked the Tea Party's goose is. You may not like Chris, but at least he's not Hillary! He's got a real shot to win it! Think about that when the primary comes to town in your state."

If we can't have contrast why vote? And, although I am sure the Republicans want and respect your political savvy, exit polls even show billary winning in head to head. Glad you want the best for the republicans,,

Those same gut wrenching decisions have been made countless times by countless commanders. Putting these people before congress will do nothing but provide needless pain for the victims families. Nothing they say will change the "why" of what happened.

Just like the pain the parents must have felt when congress walked out on them when they
came looking for answers two months ago.

Regardless, none of what would be heard in testimony by survivors would touch the President or the Sec Of State. Neither was involved in the military decision making process that played out on that night.


Of course barry wasn't involved,we all know what he did.
He went to bed!!!

Wasn't Reagan in bed when over 200 Marines were killed by a bomber in Beirut?

Wasn't Reagan in bed when over 200 Marines were killed by a bomber in Beirut?

Are you saying he went to bed knowing they were being attacked? Or just happened to be in bed when the bomb went off?

NF. NJ race was won by 3% of the vote in a race that wasn't even suppose to be close, on top of which the Libertarian candidate who garnished 7% of the vote was financed by a Democrat...

You have nothing to brag about.

Does this ring a bell "if you like your insurance you can keep your insurance, if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor".

Where did the American people hear that lie over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over?

Just how angry do you think those voters and millions upon millions more are going to be come 2014 as millions more find their insurance canceled and the cost of new insurance through the Roof....?

Democrats are all ready scurrying like rats on a sinking ship trying to cover their butts...

Best weapon Republicans have you guys gave them on a silver platter, your leader's lies and the Democrats support and repeat of that LIE over and over is worth it's weight in political gold.

Few things TH, more or less:

1. Morgan Jones wasn't at Benghazi the night of the attack. (just want to establish that since you ignored it).

2. Christie won by over 20%, not 3%. He did so over a democrat in a state where roughly 2/3 of registered voters are democrat. And, most of them disagree with many of his policies. ( Including me). More importantly, he did well, very well in key demographic groups the repubs cherish - woman, and Hispanics.

3. Obama isn't running in 2016. So fire away! You are shooting at the wrong target.

4. You focused on the wrong race. Christie was expected to win NJ big. The more telling race was Va's gov race. A race Tea Party candidate ken Cuccinelli called a referendum on the tea party. Ken lost. it was a razor thin loss, but a loss that should not have been. He should blame Ted Cruz. Had Cruz not shut down the government, Ken would be Gov Elect Cuccinelli not "I need a to find a job Cuccinelli."

Bottom line - if Christie runs in 2016 vote for him. He is your only shot at keeping Hillary out of the White House. Christie is the Elephant in the room, as Time magazine has called him.

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Few things TH, more or less:

1. Morgan Jones wasn't at Benghazi the night of the attack. (just want to establish that since you ignored it).

2. Christie won by over 20%, not 3%. He did so over a democrat in a state where roughly 2/3 of registered voters are democrat. And, most of them disagree with many of his policies. ( Including me). More importantly, he did well, very well in key demographic groups the repubs cherish - woman, and Hispanics.

3. Obama isn't running in 2016. So fire away! You are shooting at the wrong target.

4. You focused on the wrong race. Christie was expected to win NJ big. The more telling race was Va's gov race. A race Tea Party candidate ken Cuccinelli called a referendum on the tea party. Ken lost. it was a razor thin loss, but a loss that should not have been. He should blame Ted Cruz. Had Cruz not shut down the government, Ken would be Gov Elect Cuccinelli not "I need a to find a job Cuccinelli."

Bottom line - if Christie runs in 2016 vote for him. He is your only shot at keeping Hillary out of the White House. Christie is the Elephant in the room, as Time magazine has called him.

I am sure you know TH was referring to the Va race.
Originally Posted by Treasure_Hunter
NF. NJ race was won by 3% of the vote in a race that wasn't even suppose to be close, on top of which the Libertarian candidate who garnished 7% of the vote was financed by a Democrat..."

And again.. The republicans really DO need your help. They are finding themselves less relevant all of the time. And the exit polling on Christies best day of his carreer show Billary whooping him in a national election. Keep preachin brother! That has been the basis of the Progressive party for a century, say it often enough and loud enough......

This quote shows how badly you read elections NF;
"Lastly, and off topic, your best hope for the White House in 2016 against Clinton is Christie. I know you want Paul, but the guy is dead in the gate. Less than 25% of the country will vote for him. Va gov's race showed just how cooked the Tea Party's goose is. You may not like Chris, but at least he's not Hillary! He's got a real shot to win it! Think about that when the primary comes to town in your state."

If we can't have contrast why vote? And, although I am sure the Republicans want and respect your political savvy, exit polls even show billary winning in head to head. Glad you want the best for the republicans,,

Dave, tell me where I've got this wrong.

The tea party lost the Va's gov race. A race it should have easily won. Polls show the public is fed up with the Tea Party's tactics of non governance. The govt shutdown did more damage to the tea party. That every tea party congressman voted against refunding the government, even though it would have cause catastrophic damage to the Untied States they lost even more ground. Most Americans can see clearly that the tea party movement isn't about governing. It's about obstructing government. That stand cost them the Va's gov race.

That the tea party is a faction of the republican party helps democrats. There are two republican parties right now. The established party and the new tea party- conservative party. There is a fight for control from within. This is no different than NASCAR. When two cars are racing side by side, it slows them down. The dems love watching the race knowing the longer it goes on the more ground they gain.

The shame of it is the tea party is a good idea. it's values, it's ideals, it's platform - More local government, less big government, reduced spending autonomy etc. On paper and in local stump speeches it plays great. It is very close to what our founding fathers envisioned. But that's where the feel good ends. Once elected, the tea partiers are lost. Government is about compromise. ( just like marriage) But these people won't compromise. It is their way or no way. Rather than creating good government, they stand in the way of good government. The tea party is a good idea poorly executed.

The recent debt ceiling fight is a good example. Who here disagrees with paying their bills? Would anyone here pay for a meal at restaurant with credit card and then stiff the credit card company by refusing to pay? Of course, we would never do that. We are an honest people. Proud to work hard and pay our own way. Yet, the debt ceiling fight was about paying our bills. Bills already created. Just like that restaurant tab. Yet, the Tea party members of congress voted against paying that tab. ( which is ironic in that those same congressman voted to reduce food stamps saying people have to learn to pay their own way) The country is fed up with that kind of leadership. or, non leadership. The country doesn't want deadbeat leaders. or those who believe it's OK not to pay.

The bottom line is that the Tea Party on paper and the tea party in practice are two very different things. Which brings us to 2016. Survey says, right now, tea party would get less than 25% of the vote in a national election. So while you can exercise your right for contrast, and vote for someone like tea party favorite Rand Paul, doing so will relegate you to the loser's bracket. More importantly it will give the dems another 4 years (at least) in the White House. For voters like yourself, you need to decide what is more important. Voting on principle or voting for results.

2016 is still a long ways away. But as it stacks up now - Christie is the repubs best chance to put a republican in the White House. He is a mainstream get it done kind of guy. Someone who can work with both parties. Demographically he is a winner.

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You started wrong right here NF. I don't need to read further.
"Dave, tell me where I've got this wrong.

The tea party lost the Va's gov race. A race it should have easily won. Polls show the public is fed up with the Tea Party's tactics of non governance. The govt shutdown did more damage to the tea party. That every tea party congressman voted against refunding the government, even though it would have cause catastrophic damage to the Untied States they lost even more ground. Most Americans can see clearly that the tea party movement isn't about governing. It's about obstructing government. That stand cost them the Va's gov race."

You are reading the wrong propaganda. It must sound good to you and affirm your beliefs but it has no reality attached to it. "Against refunding the government"? What are you talking about? Every single Republican and every single conservative were for entirely funding the government, Minus Ocare.

Really,, the rest of the rant isn't necessary and makes me tired.

Dave, obviously, you are tired. Your tea party heros voted against paying the debts they themselves created. Starting with their own paychecks. Of course being disingenuous is part of their make up. Like telling SNAP recipients they have to pay their own way while at the same time stiffing their own creditors.

It's Ok with me if you want to support them. Support them and get use to saying Madame President!!!!

Truthfully, i'd rather have Christie in the White House. But i can live with Hillary. So, for me, it's all good. Put up Rand or Cruz and get your butts kicked! Then with Madame Prez in the WH, here it will be four more years of this Benghazi rant!

NF ,Please enumerate the debts the Tea party created for us? I am interested in how you get information.

Are you saying he went to bed knowing they were being attacked? Or just happened to be in bed when the bomb went off?

I'm saying that fixating on where the president was when a terrorist attack occurred really isn't where the focus needs to be. If you feel Benghazi is an issue you can hang your hat on, go right ahead. But it didn't help the right win in 2012, and I doubt it will be on the radar of the majority of voters in future elections either.

What makes the right wing base feel all warm and fuzzy will most likely not win any new voters to their side, which is what the right needs to win in the future: new voters.

Matt, It's not the location, obviously. The question is, did he know about the attack and decided it wasn't important enough for him to stick around for?
This wasn't a quick bombing and it is over either, this attack lasted long enough that he would have been informed of it, He chose not to care.

Do you understand the difference?

Dave, I disagree with your position on Benghazi, in just about every way possible. Lets just leave it at that, shall we?

Wasn't Reagan in bed when over 200 Marines were killed by a bomber in Beirut?

We can leave it,, But I thought you brought it up?

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