60 Minutes Benghazi "Witness" Wasnt There During the Attack

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In a way it does. o-bama is one of the "community organizers" that profited from tax exemption using the smoke screen of "helping" improve communities all the way up to and including acorn.
Just another Jackson and Sharpton type feasting off the poor.


Obviously you've spent a great deal of time making an in-depth analysis of Mr. Obama's time as Executive Director. You don't think that organization made a positive difference in peoples' lives. Many would disagree with you on that one.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

The only question that really matters at this time is why the administration continues to refuses to allow the survivors who were actually there to be interview by anyone....

Sent from my new Galaxy Note3
now Free

Treasure Hunter:

I have read the State Department interviewed Benghazi survivors. I believe the FBI also did.

"Retired Ambassador Thomas Pickering and a former Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman, Adm. Mike Mullen, led the independent review, studying thousands of pages of cables and other documents, hours of video and intelligence and interviewing more than 100 people, including survivors. They will testify before the House and Senate foreign affairs committees behind closed doors on Wednesday."


The unclassified version of the Accountability Review Board Report does not list witnesses or other sources.


Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

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Treasure Hunter:

I have read the State Department interviewed Benghazi survivors. I believe the FBI also did.

"Retired Ambassador Thomas Pickering and a former Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman, Adm. Mike Mullen, led the independent review, studying thousands of pages of cables and other documents, hours of video and intelligence and interviewing more than 100 people, including survivors. They will testify before the House and Senate foreign affairs committees behind closed doors on Wednesday."


The unclassified version of the Accountability Review Board Report does not list witnesses or other sources.


Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo


Survivors who were actually there at time of initial attack are who need to be interviewed, everything else is just a smoke screen coverup by adminstration.,...

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Treasure Hunter:

Survivors have been interviewed. Some are scheduled to testify next week. I seriously doubt Chair Issa's show trial will reveal anything useful - he's not interested in finding fact. He's seeking to place blame.

Who Outed the CIA Annex in Benghazi?
by Eli Lake May 24, 2013 4:45 AM EDT

In a classified hearing, a House panel is trying to figure out how the attack transpired. Did the attackers know that secret location, or did they learn it that night? By Eli Lake.

More than eight months after the 9/11 anniversary attacks on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya, the CIA is still trying to find out how the attack that killed two former Navy SEALs at the agency’s annex transpired.

The attack on the CIA base came more than seven hours after an armed mob stormed the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, setting the compound ablaze and killing U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens and Sean Smith, a State Department communications officer who was with him.

On Wednesday, Deputy CIA Director Mike Morell—along with CIA officers who were at the agency’s Benghazi base on the night of the attack—testified at a classified hearing before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. In the closed hearing, according to U.S. officials with knowledge of the proceedings, Morell was asked by Republican members about how the second wave of attackers knew to go to the CIA annex, which was a mile away from the diplomatic mission. Morell responded that at this point the CIA did not know whether the attackers had known the location of the annex or learned about it on the evening of the attack, according to these sources.

The attackers fired five mortar rounds within 90 seconds at 5:15 a.m. on September 12, according to the State Department’s official review of the Benghazi incident known as the Accountability Review Board (ARB). The last three mortar rounds hit the roof of one of the CIA annex buildings, where two CIA contractors and former Navy SEALs, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, were keeping watch. Both men were killed by the mortar fire; another diplomatic security officer standing watch on the roof was severely injured, nearly losing a leg.

How the attackers knew about what was supposed to be a secret CIA facility is important. If the attackers had known for weeks about the facility and had staked out a position to fire the mortar rounds, it suggests the Benghazi attack was planned in advance and not the “flash mob with guns” that Obama administration officials described to reporters in the weeks following the attack.

If the attackers learned the location of the facility that evening, it would suggest the Benghazi assault was more of a target of opportunity and was therefore not planned well in advance of the 11th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on New York and Washington.

One U.S. official familiar with the briefing told The Daily Beast that one working theory about the attack on the annex is that the militants that fired the mortars learned of the CIA annex location earlier that evening, when Woods and others rescued U.S. personnel from the diplomatic mission, and then drove a convoy through Benghazi to get to the annex. The convoy carrying the Americans was chased and fired on by attackers along the route back to the annex.

However, one U.S. intelligence official with detailed knowledge of the events in Benghazi disputed that view. This official said the Special Operations team that arrived by aircraft that evening from Tripoli was tailed by the attackers on the drive from the Benghazi airport to the CIA annex.

The State Department’s own ARB says the Special Operations team from Tripoli arrived at the annex at 5 a.m. Benghazi time. “Less than 15 minutes later, the Annex came under mortar and RPG attack, with five mortar rounds impacting close together in under 90 seconds,” it says.

When asked whether the Special Operations team from Tripoli was followed from the airport to the CIA annex, Morell said he did not have any evidence to support that claim, according to U.S. officials familiar with the closed hearing.

Who Outed the CIA Annex in Benghazi? - The Daily Beast

A House Intelligence subcommittee will hear from CIA security officers who are expected to tell a much more detailed story about the terror attack in Benghazi, Libya, that killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans last year, CNN has learned.

The men, described by sources as former Navy SEALs, former Army Special Forces and former Marines, were under contract to guard CIA agents on the ground there.

The security officers were among those who responded when Stevens' compound was attacked on the night of September 11, 2012.

They will appear before lawmakers behind closed doors during the week of November 11, sources told CNN.

CNN Forgets: Benghazi Survivors Have Testified Before Congress | Research | Media Matters for America


This is America - if religious groups want to form organizations to improve communities, I don't take issue with it.

A discussion of DCP only encourages Dave44's weak attempt at distraction. Doesn't have anything to do with Mr. Obama's decade of private employment.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

If you bring it up why is it MY weak attempt at distraction?

[h=1]Who started the developing communities project in Chicago?[/h] In: Chicago [Edit categories]

The Developing Communities Project began as an offshoot of the Calumet Community Religious Conference a Catholic social justice group on Chicago's South Side and Northern Indiana. The CCRC was led by Jerry Kellman who hired Barack Obama as the first director of the new DCP in 1985. Like most community organizers, Kellman was influenced by the teachings of Saul Alinsky who began organizing in Chicago in the 1930s and died in 1972. Mr. Kellman is currently a member of the parish staff at St. Mary of the Woods Catholic Church in Chicago where he is responsible for Adult Religious Education.

Obama expanded the base of the DCP by attracting the support of non-Catholic religious leaders in the community.

I don't see how this is private enterprise either. Your biggest problem would be the Huge parts of the story you leave out while you try to ridicule others.

DCP Rating by the BBB

Developing Communities Project does not meet the following 2 Standards for Charity Accountability.
Standard 16: Annual Report - Have an annual report available to all, on request, that includes: (a) the organization's mission statement, (b) a summary of the past year's program service accomplishments, (c) a roster of the officers and members of the board of directors, (d) financial information that includes (i) total income in the past fiscal year, (ii) expenses in the same program, fund raising and administrative categories as in the financial statements, and (iii) ending net assets.
Developing Communities Project does not meet this standard because:

  • The organization states it does not have an annual report covering activities conducted in the past year.
Standard 17: Web Site Disclosures - Include on any charity websites that solicit contributions, the same information that is recommended for annual reports, as well as the mailing address of the charity and electronic access to its most recent IRS Form 990.
Developing Communities Project does not meet this Standard because the organization's website, Developing Communities Project, Inc., does not include all of the recommended information for those charity websites that solicit for donations. Specifically, it does not include:

  • Total income.
  • Total program expenses.
  • Total fund raising expenses.
  • Total administrative expenses.
  • End of year net assets.
  • Electronic access to the organization’s most recent IRS Form 990.

In addition, the BBB of Chicago & Northern Illinois requested but did not receive complete information on the organization’s governance and oversight, effectiveness measures, finances, solicitation materials, donor privacy, and fundraising disclosures and is unable to verify the organization's compliance with the following 12Standards for Charity Accountability: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 14, 15, 18, and 19.

The Bo defended ACORNs motor voter law. Looks like the BO did have something going on with acorn!
Archived-Articles: What the Dems Know: Universal Voter Registration

[FONT=times new roman,times]The Nation article enthusiastically lists Cloward/Piven-inspired organizations like [/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times]Project Vote[/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times], the ACORN group where President [/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times] his teeth. It also discusses the left's efforts to push enforcement of the [/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times]Motor Voter[/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times] law and explains how universal voter registration could assist in these efforts. Cloward and Piven were the ones who crafted Motor Voter legislation in the early 1980s and pushed for its enactment until 1993, when President Clinton signed it into law.

Cloward and Piven considered Motor Voter to be their crowning, lifetime achievement. The picture at right, from White House photo archives, shows Cloward (light gray suit) and Piven (green coat and navy dress) standin
g directly behind Clinton at the Motor Voter signing ceremony.

[FONT=times new roman,times]The left has predictably launched vicious smear attacks against John Fund for bringing universal voter registration to our attention. A Google search of the issue brings up any number of nasty ad hominem attacks. Most notable is Media Matters, the leftist group whose sole purpose seems to be to smear Republicans and defend the left's indefensible policies. They put up [/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times]: "Right-Wing Ass Weasel John Fund Doesn't Like Universal Voter Registration because of ACORN."[/FONT]

Anyway. This Congressman said the Benghazi witnesses were under gag order..
Understandable though. Looks like it was another gun running scandal(Shoulder fired missiles maybe).

Poor Richard's News - Rep. Frank Wolf: Feds forced Benghazi survivors to sign gag-orders

Wolf continued: “It is worth nothing that the Marine Corps Times yesterday reported that the Marine colonel whose task force was responsible for special operations in northern and western Africa at the time of the attack is still on active duty despite claims that he retired. And therefore could not be forced to testify before Congress.
"If these reports are accurate, this would be a stunning revelation to any member of Congress, any member of Congress that finds this out and also more importantly to the American people. It also raises serious concerns about the priority of the administration’s efforts to silence those with knowledge of the Benghazi attack in response.
read the rest
If the Congressman’s assertion is true, it can be counted as further evidence that the White House does not want the truth to come out about Benghazi.

Treasure Hunter:

Survivors have been interviewed. Some are scheduled to testify next week. I seriously doubt Chair Issa's show trial will reveal anything useful - he's not interested in finding fact. He's seeking to place blame.

Who Outed the CIA Annex in Benghazi?
by Eli Lake May 24, 2013 4:45 AM EDT

In a classified hearing, a House panel is trying to figure out how the attack transpired. Did the attackers know that secret location, or did they learn it that night? By Eli Lake.

More than eight months after the 9/11 anniversary attacks on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya, the CIA is still trying to find out how the attack that killed two former Navy SEALs at the agency’s annex transpired.

The attack on the CIA base came more than seven hours after an armed mob stormed the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, setting the compound ablaze and killing U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens and Sean Smith, a State Department communications officer who was with him.

On Wednesday, Deputy CIA Director Mike Morell—along with CIA officers who were at the agency’s Benghazi base on the night of the attack—testified at a classified hearing before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. In the closed hearing, according to U.S. officials with knowledge of the proceedings, Morell was asked by Republican members about how the second wave of attackers knew to go to the CIA annex, which was a mile away from the diplomatic mission. Morell responded that at this point the CIA did not know whether the attackers had known the location of the annex or learned about it on the evening of the attack, according to these sources.

The attackers fired five mortar rounds within 90 seconds at 5:15 a.m. on September 12, according to the State Department’s official review of the Benghazi incident known as the Accountability Review Board (ARB). The last three mortar rounds hit the roof of one of the CIA annex buildings, where two CIA contractors and former Navy SEALs, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, were keeping watch. Both men were killed by the mortar fire; another diplomatic security officer standing watch on the roof was severely injured, nearly losing a leg.

How the attackers knew about what was supposed to be a secret CIA facility is important. If the attackers had known for weeks about the facility and had staked out a position to fire the mortar rounds, it suggests the Benghazi attack was planned in advance and not the “flash mob with guns” that Obama administration officials described to reporters in the weeks following the attack.

If the attackers learned the location of the facility that evening, it would suggest the Benghazi assault was more of a target of opportunity and was therefore not planned well in advance of the 11th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on New York and Washington.

One U.S. official familiar with the briefing told The Daily Beast that one working theory about the attack on the annex is that the militants that fired the mortars learned of the CIA annex location earlier that evening, when Woods and others rescued U.S. personnel from the diplomatic mission, and then drove a convoy through Benghazi to get to the annex. The convoy carrying the Americans was chased and fired on by attackers along the route back to the annex.

However, one U.S. intelligence official with detailed knowledge of the events in Benghazi disputed that view. This official said the Special Operations team that arrived by aircraft that evening from Tripoli was tailed by the attackers on the drive from the Benghazi airport to the CIA annex.

The State Department’s own ARB says the Special Operations team from Tripoli arrived at the annex at 5 a.m. Benghazi time. “Less than 15 minutes later, the Annex came under mortar and RPG attack, with five mortar rounds impacting close together in under 90 seconds,” it says.

When asked whether the Special Operations team from Tripoli was followed from the airport to the CIA annex, Morell said he did not have any evidence to support that claim, according to U.S. officials familiar with the closed hearing.

Who Outed the CIA Annex in Benghazi? - The Daily Beast

A House Intelligence subcommittee will hear from CIA security officers who are expected to tell a much more detailed story about the terror attack in Benghazi, Libya, that killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans last year, CNN has learned.

The men, described by sources as former Navy SEALs, former Army Special Forces and former Marines, were under contract to guard CIA agents on the ground there.

The security officers were among those who responded when Stevens' compound was attacked on the night of September 11, 2012.

They will appear before lawmakers behind closed doors during the week of November 11, sources told CNN.

CNN Forgets: Benghazi Survivors Have Testified Before Congress | Research | Media Matters for America

OB, someone is blowing smoke you know where.

There is not one of the survivors who were actually there going to be allowed to testify. Kerry's reply on survivors not being allowed to testify before Congress has already been posted here.

Take off the blinders.....

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Treasure Hunter:

I think the smoke is getting into your eyes - keeping you from seeing the facts.

Regarding future testimony we'll know more in a week or so. Congressional investigations in the past have muddied the prosecution of guilty parties. These could also risk the lives of those called in and their families.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

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I did not write that the DCP was "private enterprise."

Regarding your other post - did I miss Saul Alinsky's birthday? "This video does not exist." For the record - MM4A did not call John Fund the name you claimed.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

Last edited:
Treasure Hunter:

I think the smoke is getting into your eyes - keeping you from seeing the facts.

Regarding future testimony we'll know more in a week or so. Congressional investigations in the past have muddied the prosecution of guilty parties. These could also risk the lives of those called in and their families.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

I'm not the one supporting a president who is nothing but one long running scandal and a constant liar. He spent the last 3 years lying about his socialist health plan......

I can easily post video after video of BO saying over and over and over, "if you like your health insurance you can keep it", "if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor."

Who would you propose does an investigation into Benghazi and what happen if not congress.?........

It is evident some will support Bo no matter what he does or how much damage he does to this country.

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Treasure Hunter:

Yes, I support the President of the United States and make no apology for it. Is he perfect? Of course not. No President has been perfect. Given the condition of our nation when he took charge in January 2009, and the complete lack of cooperation from the losers in 2008 and 2012, Mr. Obama has done a very good job.

Congress has conducted investigation after investigation into Benghazi. Having come up empty, some Republicans continue to waste the taxpayers' resources in a political witch hunt. So, there will be more hearings.

To date there have been (again, depending on who does the counting) between a dozen and two dozen investigations, inquiries, reviews, etc., etc.

I don't agree with your characterization of the Affordable Care Act as "socialist."

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

Booky doesn't know what socialism is TH, So he can't agree on that. And in his personal opinion those guys in Benghazi shouldn't have been there, so the case is closed on that one to. Luckily the BO got in just in time to explode the total cash in the US. Otherwise we might have run out of it, this way we can just "print" as much as we need!

Good reasoning, and a fact filled and annotated post there.


"And in his personal opinion those guys in Benghazi shouldn't have been there..." Please be so kind as to link the post where I wrote that.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

Treasure Hunter:

Yes, I support the President of the United States and make no apology for it. Is he perfect? Of course not. No President has been perfect. Given the condition of our nation when he took charge in January 2009, and the complete lack of cooperation from the losers in 2008 and 2012, Mr. Obama has done a very good job.

Congress has conducted investigation after investigation into Benghazi. Having come up empty, some Republicans continue to waste the taxpayers' resources in a political witch hunt. So, there will be more hearings.

To date there have been (again, depending on who does the counting) between a dozen and two dozen investigations, inquiries, reviews, etc., etc.

I don't agree with your characterization of the Affordable Care Act as "socialist."

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

Please post the link to the investigation that included interviews before congress of people who were actually there during the attack.

Forcing citizens to buy something they don't need just to subsidize low income citizens is socialism.

What about the blatant lie your leader has continuously told the last 3 years.

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The Benghazi scandal needs a thorough investigation! This may be a conspiracy, but why is it that Americans are not allowed to know the truth?
New Benghazi Revelations: Ambassador Stevens Was in Libya to Buy Back Missiles Clinton Had Sold to Al-Qaeda - Atlas Shrugs

But the story has way to many holes in it to believe a friend of a cousin of someone who was near Benghazi a decade ago is a credible witness in this fiasco! We need the gag orders lifted, now!
What is the problem in this story??
Officials instructed Benghazi hospital to list Stevens as "John Doe" - CBS News
U.S. officials gave instructions for Benghazi Medical Center to use a "John Doe" pseudonym on the death certificate of Ambassador Christopher Stevens after he died of asphyxiation in the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attacks on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya. That's according to a U.S. official speaking on condition of anonymity because the official isn't authorized to speak publicly on the matter. The reason for the pseudonym, says the official, was to avoid drawing undue attention to the importance of the victim as Americans rushed to figure out how to recover Stevens' body and return it to the U.S.

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