You give too much credence to Keynesian Economics. You cannot spend yourself into prosperity. With the printers running full speed what do You think will happen? When we spend more than the government brings in? You will be able to get your wish soon enough!
You've lost me here. We are spending more than we are taking in. We've been in that mode for over a decade.
1- you will be able to pay skyrocketing interest rates- sooner or later a grown up will say the liquidity will have to be sucked up. Until then the market will reach new highs all of the time along with commodities unless partially funded by government.
The economy is still on life support. QE is pumping life into the economy along with keeping rates artifically low. Once the economy can stand on it's own two feet the govt will step back. First with tapering us off the QE bond buying. A natural side effect of that will be an instant rise in interest rates. Expect both the bond market and stock market to get their asses handed to them on a plate. but, that said, the long term effect will be positive.
a- If the government decides that it must get involved to keep you in the dark, and starts taking over industries and businesses so that the prices will stay low enough for the propagandists to make a case for how good things are, watch out. Can you spell Fascism?
And again, not sure where this is coming from. Commodity prices are set by demand, not govt intervention. Not that govt doesn't step in with some commodities with price support. helping farmers etc. Kinda QE for the farm belt.
Once the economy starts running on all eight cylinders again, tax revenues will increase. Don't take my word for it. This is the reasoning of Bush in pushing thru a tax cut right after taking office in 2001. Had we not gotten into a watr, his cut probably would have been net net positive.
Interest rates always increase in time of prosperity to control liquidity( inflation) The fed funds rate increased from 1.25% in dec 2000 to 6.75% in jun 2006 it's part of a normal cycle The economy was humming! No fascist take over of industry.
2- This "needed" healthcare law is not just painful.. It is a trojan horse meant to nationalize 1/5 of the entire economy of the US. You may call the insurance companies evil, I laugh at them for thinking that if they got into bed with the BO it would help their bottom line. But those 5 million cancelled plans are gone for good. I can't understand why, because you have thought them out so well you should have solved the problems? And that mad rush to trash existing plans is a drop in the bucket! The purely political move to delay the mandate for business is really bad news,, When that happens it will probably add 100 million to those without insurance. And the "preexisting conditions", What is this? It isn't insurance, it is simply welfare, with a copay. When it is over with, Insurance companies will not be able to stay in business, unless subsidized or taken over by government.
Can you spell fascism
If this is true why no insurance/health care benefits company sell offs in the stock market? Those prices are stable or up.
The need for health care reform was two fold:
1. morally we need to take of our own I realize the country has more than it's fair share of people who disagree with that and espouse an everybody for themselves mind set. But, morally we need to help those who can not help themselves.
2. the systemic cost of health care will prevent us from ever balancing a future budget. As the baby boom generation ages it will become impossible to earn our way to positive numbers. The generations behind are simply too small to generate the tax revs necessary to pay for the aging boomers. It's just math. Answer- throw it to the private sector. Get it off the books! ACA does just that.
3- Get your facts about the Tea Party tenets and get back to me,, you are in complete fabrication mode brought on by Think Progress or some such thing..
I do have my tea party facts straight. The tea party is a party in decline. The big money is done. They don't need to be financially destroyed by people who are more interested in making point than in governing. You mentioned that the dems outspent the repubs in the Va gov's race thus affecting the outcome. That's true. Ask yourself why the dems kept pouring more money to support their guy while the repubs big money backers, who could have done the same did not?
4- The facts are pretty plain, You aren't stupid, far from it. that makes you a rabid progressive. The progressives have been letting the agenda slip out for decades, but many in America haven't been paying attention, The BO may actually be waking people up.
Again, you've lost me. I'm closest to being a libertarian. But don't align myself with any group. I want the country to move forward. it can't move forward as long as there are people who are OK with burning it ll down just to make a point.
"Waters told the president of a major oil company to “guess what this liberal would be all about? This liberal would be all about socializing — uh, uh, would be about basically taking over and the government running all of your companies.” One renowned commentator, who said Waters made an
absolute total fool of herself, points out that the congresswoman’s associates can be heard laughing in the video of the embarrassing exchange."
By the way there are many videos of that. Look it up. If the government did that guess what?