Want to try Dowsing?


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Apr 1, 2004
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Northern Nevada
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Dowsing Rods and a Ranger Tell Examiner
I never thought much about how I hold my Dowsing Rods. This is how I hold them. I place the top part of the handle in the crease of the big knuckle of my index finger about a 1/2 inch from the bend of the rod. I place the lower part of the rod in the crease that goes all the way thought my hand. I close my hand lightly with my thumb touching the nail of my index finger. Now move your arm back and forth. The rod should move freely....I thought everyone had wire coat hangers until someone e-mailed me and ask where they could buy them. Just go to an auto shop or about anywhere they wear uniforms.

To make the L rods cut two hangers at the neck and straighten them. Make the handles 5" long and the long side 17"making sure that the handles are free of the old bends. Remember that these L Rods are not very sensitive but will react to a lot of different objects.

The first step is to simply take the receiving rods in your hands. Feel them: look at them: and get used to them. Outside is best for practice but inside will work. Hold the receiving rods in front of you-chest high-about 18" apart at the same height, parallel to each other and to the ground. It is best if one of the rods is one inch above the other so they won't touch each other when they cross.
The most important thing for you to do is practice a lot. Expect the rods to feel clumsy at first; awkward. The wind may blow them around somewhat. Sometimes they will swing outward too far, but don't get discouraged because we all have gone through this experience. If the rods aren't level at all times or they move a bit, don't worry. It is not that critical. After you have some practice and start working with the system, you will be able to take a set of rods in your hands and make them work properly for you in the wind, dodging trees, rocks, or any obstacles you may encounter.

Now your ready to try some Dowsing. Locate your power line to your house either overhead or under ground. Slowly walk toward the lines with the rods open. Before you get to them the rods should close. Start walking again and the rods will open and close again after you go passed the lines.

Now stretch your garden hose out and turn the water on. Your rods should close when your heel is on the hose. Now get a good size piece of steel.( I use an old lawn mower blade ) Walk slowly toward the steel and again the rods should close when your heels are on the steel.

The power lines put out an oval signal where the hose and the steel put out straight lines. Some thing to remember is that there is random signal lines so if your rods should close when they should not just ignore them for now.

Now collect a large nut or bolt, a penny, nickel, quarter and a piece of gold. Find a place that is at least 15 feet square. Walk slowly around this area and see if the rods close. I use my driveway and I have a gold signal that crosses it.
Now put the nut or bolt in the center and walk slowly toward it. As you approach the target slide your feet an inch at a time. When the rods close completely your heels will be on or beside the target. Repeat with the other objects. The rods should close on all these objects.
Now tape a penny at the end of each rod with masking tape. Start with the nut or bolt and do as before. The rods should close only on the penny.

OK so far we know you can find a penny. Now put the penny in the center. Slowly walk a square starting in the north or south direction about 10 feet from the penny. When the rods start to cross you may have to change direction so they cross equal. Now drop one rod to your side and see where the other one points. Now drop that rod and move the other one up.

They should have both pointed at the penny. Mark the spot and continue your square. You should have marked 4 spots. These spots you marked should be North , South East - West.??????????????

Let us know how you did....Art

while i do not have any trouble locating tunnels, metals, and some certain ore bodies, i can walk across hoses, plastic water lines, creeks, even got in a jon boat and went across my pond, all without picking up on the water...i also do not pick up on power lines and have walked underneath several while dowsing with not even the slightest signal from them......iron and iron ore pick up the strongest.....i guess some people are tuned in to different things,,,it also has to do with what you are looking for to a very large extent, and i have never wanted to locate water or power,,,just metal and tunnels/voids....which is no problem.......i also will pick up signal all around target, not just on n-s-e-w lines......art, i'm glad to see you are trying to give some advise on the subject, as i have about given up on anybody being able to here.............keep on posting,,,,,,,gldhntr

Hey gldhntr....That is why dowsing is so interesting. We all can't run a mile in under 4 minutes so why should dowsing be any different. I started this thread in hopes that it would be put in the archives when this subject is deleted. I am giving the information as it works for me as general information so others that want to try it can have an easier time that I did....Art

This needs a little more room and a stack of penny's won't hurt. Place the penny's so you have 20 or 30 feet of space. Find the signal line and mark it. There is two ways to follow the line to the target. From your marked spot you can walk a S pattern toward the target. Your rods will close and open each time you cross the line.
The other way is to stand on the line facing the target. As you walk toward the target your rods will form a rough V. After 2 or 3 steps stop. Side step 1/2 step to the left and right to see what your rods do. When you get to the target your rods will close.

All minerals have what is referred to as a "HALO" or cone of energy that comes to the surface at a 45 degree angle from the target. To determine the depth of a target--------

1. Stand over your target with the L-rods crossed.
2. Slowly walk away from the target and the rods will open and point ahead.
3. Inch along until the rods form an inverted V with the tips about 1 !/2 inches apart and mark the spot.
4. Measure the distance back to your target. That's how deep the target is.
5. If you measured 1 foot the target is less than 1 foot deep.

Once you find a signal line you have to follow it to your target. Find a large area ( thirty plus feet.) that has no random signal lines. Place your target in the center. Walk your square as far away from the target as you can. When the rods cross mark the spot. Get a string, fishing line or a rope and put it from your marked spot to the target. From the marked spot walk a S pattern toward the target noting that the rods close each time you cross the line. The rods will cross when you get to he target. The signal line will pass thought the target and keep going. To check that you have not went passed the target square your body to the signal line. The rods will be closed. Drop the rod that is closest to the target to your side. The other rod should point to the target. If it moves the other way you have went passed the target. This will work no matter which hand you drop. Hope this helps someone

The way it works for me is that the signals from the target run north, south, east and west?Art

For the new dowser I think it is important to be accurate with the rods. What the rods are made of and what kind of handles and how long they are is important. The most important thing to me is body position. You need to find a repeatable body position so that when you are on the target and the rods are crossed you can mark it.

When I noticed that I was digging some big holes to get a little gold I decided to work on the problem. The first thing I did was place a silver dollar on the floor. I put the heel of my boot on it and held my rods out and they only closed part way. I moved my arms back and forth and the rods opened and closed. I moved my hands in and out and they opened and closed.

So...I found a position for my arms with my hands 1 inch wider than the rod length. The position I chose was my arms at shoulder height and out as far as I could push them. I could repeat this position every time. I decided that I would use the front 1/2 inch of my left heel as my marking spot as I could reach it without hurting my back to much. I then started using a dime as my target.

The next step was to trim my rods so they were crossed and locked when my heel was on my spot and my arms and hands were in position. When on the target turn in different directions and adjust your feet as needed. Hope this helps some of you newbies.....Art

I have a little parlor trick for you. Wrap a dollar bill on the end of each rod. Hold them on with rubber bands. Throw a dollar on the floor and give the rods a try. Didn't think they would close did you. Pick up the dollar and throw some coins down. See if the rods will close now. They stayed open !!!!!

This is one of many ways to discriminate with your rods...Art

A lot of people claim that the rods close because of Ideomotor Response (movement of the wrists and hands). Make this simple frame and see if you can make the rods close when not on a signal line...Art


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hey art, i always thought the idiot motor response was where you shook all over and pointed to the ground......i have tried your set-up. placed it on a table, put my hands on the tubes, without moving set-up from table, and had my 6 yr old walk around with different targets......i still was able to pick up on the targets,,,without my idiot motor........keep up the good work..........gldhntr

Hey Gldhntr....I have worked hard to make sure that nothing mental is happening when I am dowsing. I know others use the mental aspics of dowsing. I found that when using more advance dowsing equipment that Physical Dowsing was the only way to go.....Art

i have found out , the hard way of course, that when doing site dowsing, i have to go to the site, which alot of times is found by physical dowsing,, anyway, i have to walk around and check out everything, trees , rocks, creeks, everything.......then dowse the area....if i am on a site i found through research, or through one of the two very proficient map dowsers i am associated with, then i know what i am looking for, and dowse for such.... if i do not do the walk around first i have a hard time concentrating on the target due to visually checking out site at the same time, and letting my mind wander {ie, that rock looks funny, or that looks like a tree carving } and i lose my mental path........i have found a very many sites simply walking old backroads, or paths through the woods dowsing for ''items buried by man''..........a few of these sites have proven quite profitable, or historical.....these are not sites i could see from the path i was on, they were usually quite aways from the trail, and never in sight......i do not have what it takes to sit at a table and information dowse, although i have no problem doing it on sight once a target is located .....i can attest to the fact that the two people i have used map or info dowsing have both led me to spots all but inaccessable, and to within a usually 50 feet or less of a certain target.....they have described them and i have located them, just as i was told....some of these targets were specific markers, some were other targets,,,,some of these required no field dowsing to locate as there is no need to dowse for a rock with an X carved on it, if you can find it on top of the ground, within 50 feet of where someone several states away says it will be........one of the only problems i have is my own fault, and has caused me to have to redowse sites several times...if looking for gold or silver coins or other processed minerals, dowse for such...do not just dowse for gold, or for silver, as you will {i do anyway} pick up on every little miniscule grain of it in the ground,,,this will drive you crazy in rich ore areas, unless you specify ""gold coin"" or ""silver coin'' or whatever you are after........at times i even have to tell myself '' no ore''...if you want ore, and having problems locating it, contact me, i can put you on several mountains of it...............gldhntr

Hey gldhntr...Tell me about those micro gold deposits. Here in Northern California they are everywhere. I have learned to eliminate about half of them and the others I dig and process them. By the end of the year they add up to quite a few dollars.

I try to stick to placer gold deposits because they are easy to recover. I did trace the path of a gold float from a creek, up the mountain to the sourceI. I am pretty set in my ways of dowsing but enjoy reading how it works for others. But as the way live works every thing is subject to change...Art

white quartz rock with gold....every time i walk across an area of this ore both my rods will point left, right, left , right, over and over the whole time i am over this type quartz/gold combination......couldn't figure it out until i dug the same white quartz at two seperate locations...both these locations are within a stones throw of very old gold mines..ever in n.c. i can put you on alot.....once it starts happening i can insist on gold coin, or tell myself over and over a couple times , ''no ore'' and the rods will not swing back and forth anymore, even though i am still over the ore pocket................gldhntr

Ladies and gentlemen...I am trying to get as much informaion on this thread as I can...

To prove that objects emit energy or a signal is simple. Use a quart jar. Take some liquid rubber and dab it onto the center of the lid. Pull it away from the lid to create a thin string that looks like the strand of a spider web. This is the hardest part of the test. Attach a 1/2 inch Alum foil disk to the rubber strand. Screw the lid on the jar.

Place a protractor on the table with the 90 degree mark pointing to north. Set the jar on the protractor and alien the disk in a north south direction. Place a gold nugget beside the jar on the 0 degree mark of the protractor and wait for the disk to turn. Now try placing other objects by the jar one at a time. I found that a slice of onion gave off the strongest signal of anything that I tried.

What turned the disk? I can only conclude that objects emit energy.....Art

My son came down from Alaska in December. A few years ago I had taught him to Dowse by telephone and e-mails. He had enjoyed a lot of good gold finds. To my surprise he told me he was always 2 1/2 feet from the target. It took us the whole month to get him on target.

I have been experimenting with adjustable rods for my wife and son. This is how I made them. I purchased one length of 3/16" brass rod, one length of brass 3/16" ID brass tubing and four 3/16" screw protectors. I then place one end of the rod in a vise and bend it about 45 degrees and use a wood mallet to bend it to 90 degrees. This makes a tighter bend.

I then cut the long end to 10" in length. I make the other rod and file the ends smooth. I cut two lengths of tubing 9 1/2" long and smooth the ends. I crimp one end of each tube with a pair of pliers and file it so a screw protect will slide onto it. Now slide the tubing on to the rod. If it is to loose bend the tip of the rod a little and try it again. You want it to be snug and not tight. Put screw protectors on the handles. Try them and see what happens when you change the length.

If you want swing handles on them cut 4" of 5/16 " copper tubing and slide it on. The screw protectors will keep them from falling off
As to the reason for using copper on the handles, it seems to make the rods work for some people who other wise could not use them. Why does it work? I suspect it has something to do with adding or subtracting ion's from the brass.

I bought some rubber groments that were smaller than 3/16" and some nylon washers and put them above the copper tubing. This seem to make the rods turn smoother. Ace Hardware as the material.....Art

To prove that objects emit energy or a signal is simple. Use a quart jar. Take some liquid rubber and dab it onto the center of the lid. Pull it away from the lid to create a thin string that looks like the strand of a spider web. This is the hardest part of the test. Attach a 1/2 inch Alum foil disk to the rubber strand. Screw the lid on the jar.

Place a protractor on the table with the 90 degree mark pointing to north. Set the jar on the protractor and alien the disk in a north south direction. Place a gold nugget beside the jar on the 0 degree mark of the protractor and wait for the disk to turn. Now try placing other objects by the jar one at a time. I found that a slice of onion gave off the strongest signal of anything that I tried.

What turned the disk? I can only conclude that objects emit energy.....Art


Q) Art, I am interested since it fis into many of my para-normal experments. How and where do you attach the disc to the strand of rubber cement?Also post more.

Jose de La Mancha ( I tllt windmills )

? ?


Hey Realde Tayopa.... Back in the late 30's the instrument was called a Radiodynamometer. It was used to measure millimeter waves as they were emitted from underground occurrences and surface substances.

When you make the rubber thread attach the foil disk to the thread so it doesn't hit the bottom of the jar. It took a lot of try's before I got one that was thin enough. The second jar I made I used liquid electical tape for it. I tried a 1/4 inch dia disk and the 1/2 inch dia. disk. It takes a little time for the disk to turn. When you think it has turned as far as it is going to check the protractor to see how many degrees it turned. Each different object will move a different amount.

When researching I find more about dowsing in scientfic papers written between 1880 and 1940. It may be that the experiments were simple and I can understand what they were doing....Art

Something else to think about.....Place a coin on the floor. Take your rods an walk a few feet from the coin until the rods close. Now raise one off the floor. The rod should have opened when the foot came off the floor. Put the foot on the floor and the rods close. Now repeat with the other foot.

What just happened ? Did we complete some kind of circuit with both feet and the rods reacted. When we raised a foot and the rods opened did we simple disconnect a circuit....Art

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