Your Thoughts on Oak Island

Anyone here ever thought the Money Pit is actually a water desalination pit??

With the pit dug to retain rainwater, and also from draining water through the coffer dam, then through the coconut fibers into the five filtration channels?

That it was built with a simple design for a simple purpose, and the pulley left hanging was for hauling buckets of fresh water up the pit?

That the first explorers dug it to make the island a fueling station?? for making boat repairs and other supplies.

Plenty of fresh water at the inlet of Mahone Bay from the Gold River

Anyone here ever thought the Money Pit is actually a water desalination pit??

With the pit dug to retain rainwater, and also from draining water through the coffer dam, then through the coconut fibers into the five filtration channels?

That it was built with a simple design for a simple purpose, and the pulley left hanging was for hauling buckets of fresh water up the pit?

That the first explorers dug it to make the island a fueling station?? for making boat repairs and other supplies.

Oak Island - Geological Survey.webp

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Here is the Fisher Brands forum on TreasureNet. Fisher Research Labs

Hello all , I have loved this story since I first saw it in the readers digest way back in the1960s or 70s. But I must question why if any of the powerfull characters involved with burying any of this so called tresure would have just walked away, just dos'nt make reason with me.

Many "Theories" maybe this one will help you "Believe"!!

Hello all , I have loved this story since I first saw it in the readers digest way back in the1960s or 70s. But I must question why if any of the powerfull characters involved with burying any of this so called tresure would have just walked away, just dos'nt make reason with me.

The (Untold) Story of The Oak Island Money Pit

The Oak Island Money Pit was constructed by the “powers that be” that were and still are to this day, the secret force that controls the course of mankind on earth.
This organization is known as - The “Freemasons”.

The story of The Oak Island Money Pit begins in the 1760’s
It was conceived by a number of Britain’s high ranking naval officers, who were also Masonic degree members of the Freemasons and belonging to the Masonic “Premier Grand Lodge of England”.
These Masons were members of the Whig Party opposed to the next successor to the throne, the unstable King George III.
These members were:
Washington Shirley, 5th Earl Ferrers – Vice Admiral - Grand Master of the Masonic Lodge – Premier Grand Lodge of England
George Anson, Baron Anson – Admiral of the Fleet
George Keppel, 3rd Earl of Albemarle - Commander-In-Chief
Augustus Keppel, 1st Viscount Keppel – Rear Admiral – Brother to George Keppel
William Keppel – Lieutenant-General – Brother to George Keppel
George Pocock – Admiral – Commander of the Invasion of Havana
Benjamin Franklin – First Grand Master of Pennsylvania who met in 1760 with the Grand Master of England to discuss their plan.

The Mason’s plot originated after King George III’s destruction of the Whig’s political power with his redirection of this power to the Tory Party, and the Mason’s concern of the imminent invasion of England, during the Seven Years’ War, by the joint forces of France and Spain. Spain outlawed all forms of secret organizations, including the Freemasons.

The Mason’s plan was to redirect a fortune to the “New World” (North America), to enable the transfer of the Masonic organization, if and when these fears materialized.
Their plan entailed the capture of Havana in 1762.
Havana’s Morro Castle was the Fort Knox of Spain, holding the South and Central America’s gold supply prior to its shipment to Spain.
The invasion of Havana was under the command of George Keppel, with Admiral George Pocock and Keppel’s two brothers Augustus and William Keppel, commanding the actual attack. They were successful with the capture of Havana and Fort Morro and its unprecedented amount of treasure. They also captured a number of the Spanish Fleet, which was needed to accomplish their plan. Accordingly, Admiral Pocock returned to England with the main English fleet carrying a portion of the treasure, while Augustus and William Keppel along with their crew and Masonic engineers all sworn to secrecy, manned the 8 Spanish Galleons and the 2 British Man of War. This treasure was diverted to a small island off the coast of New England and Nova Scotia now called Oak Island.

At Oak Island the treasure was buried based on the Masonic “Royal Arch” (Enoch’s Temple) consisting of nine arches going down nine levels by way of a main shaft (The Money Pit) which was dug down to the bedrock. From the ninth level another tunnel was constructed which ran back up to a point above the known water level, roughly 20 feet underground and at this point an enormous cavern was built to hold the treasure. The treasure was carted down the main shaft and placed up into this cavern. To conceal their plot they had the 8 Spanish ships dismantled with all the wooden parts not used in the construction of the shaft, tunnels and cavern burnt and all the metal parts (canons, anchors and bolts) were placed at the bottom of the main shaft. Flood tunnels were built out to the ocean to booby trap any treasure seekers attempts to follow down the main shaft. A large stone was placed at the air lock (8th level) as bait to activate the flooding. This stone had strange engravings on it to entice any unworthy treasure seekers to pause and take the bait (stone) away for deciphering, thus allowing time for the tunnels and main shaft to fill with water and be destroyed forever. The Masons knew exactly by their calculated mark above ground where the treasure cavern below ground was located, and could access it by digging down 20 feet.

Once the treasure was secured in the cavern and all the evidence was hidden from the island, it was documented that the Keppels sailed back to England with 2 ships and a small portion of the treasure. They claimed that the remainder of the fleet had sunk in a hurricane on route.

The Masons left several markers on the island to relocate the treasure.
1 large triangle or more precisely a crude Sextant
2 drilled holed stones
1 large stone cross
These combined markers along with the Star Map are used to cross triangulate and a set degree on the sextant point to the “X” where the cavern is today located.

Is the treasure still in this cavern?

I believe it was removed in 1795

One of the three original discoverers of the Money Pit was Daniel McGinnis, who stated he was drawn to the island when he noticed strange lights appearing on the island just prior to his discovery.
These lights were made by the Freemasons when they returned for their treasure.
This Masonic party was headed up by George Washington, President of the United States – acting Grand Master of the Washington DC Masons.

The treasure’s vast fortune was used, as planned, to further the power of the Freemasons in their new world, with them becoming “The New World Order”.

Yes Robot, your theory makes it all clear. So these modern day treasure hunters must be wasting there time and money and they will never find anything of value, unless they themselves are freemasons looking to milk the story for all it's worth. I took my family to the Oak Island causeway last summer on our Maritime vacation, it was gated and nobody was around. I was hoping to at least set foot on the place and would have paid to do it.

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I was there a number of years ago when access was still permitted. Sadly it looked like a junk yard on the edge of the ocean. But it was on my bucket list. What bothers me about this show and it isn't different than most others, they don't have enough "real" material for an hour's show so they have to repeat something already shown on the segment to stretch it out. Is there something there? Hasn't been proven yet.

I was there a number of years ago when access was still permitted. Sadly it looked like a junk yard on the edge of the ocean. But it was on my bucket list. What bothers me about this show and it isn't different than most others, they don't have enough "real" material for an hour's show so they have to repeat something already shown on the segment to stretch it out. Is there something there? Hasn't been proven yet.

agree. Shows today have to give you so much backtracking and refresher courses that the new content is limited and stretched out. The Curse of Oak Island is no different. BUT, anyone that invests this much time and money in something makes me hope they find something. At this point if they only find a "simple" Spanish chest, will it cover their expenses? I would think not. Hiring a well truck for two weeks is a fortune in its own.

Still the allure is there. That is what keeps most of us going. Look how many armies and countries searched for the Holy Grail.

yeah, it took the whole show just to get the divers in the water.. Would have been easier if they truly cleared the shaft to the water as they claimed they were doing last week. If something happens they will never get them out in time to help them..

yeah, it took the whole show just to get the divers in the water.. Would have been easier if they truly cleared the shaft to the water as they claimed they were doing last week. If something happens they will never get them out in time to help them..

I agree, this last show was very annoying! Okay so maybe it took an hour to get the divers in the water, does that have to be the WHOLE SHOW!?

I will say, that looks extremely dangerous, experienced divers or not!

whats even worse to me as someone who aspires to produce documentaries,

is the fact they cut the diving segment at the bottom, then switched to a "To Be Continued" segment where they showed the dive being called off, then to show them probing one of the umpteen other holes there on the island that are ported out......

they showed something being dropped into another hole to scan, and then switched back to the outlined objects which seemed like they were from the area they said they called the dive off from......

my guess is whatever they found of "relatively modern" nature came from some past diggers from a side shaft, and they are just happy finding something under the ground through their methods.....

I will give them this.....out of all the modern efforts.....theirs is the most green, has cleaned up the island the most......and is clearly the least invasive......

Except for boring the treasure vault through the side and taking out a couple of cores......LOL

What is in the MONEY PIT.......screw the explorer's side tunnels......

you have a core of concrete...and wood..........go for it......

LoL. I said the same thing to my wife.

Although I hope all their efforts eventually pay off with some significant discovery, my guess is they will not find anything. This whole series must have been filmed well over a year ago, perhaps a bit sooner, but regardless, if anything was in fact found you would have heard about it all over the news. As for whatever objects the sonar scan picked up at the bottom, you have to consider how many people { a lot } were on the island in the past, searching, digging and discarding.

Although I hope all their efforts eventually pay off with some significant discovery, my guess is they will not find anything. This whole series must have been filmed well over a year ago, perhaps a bit sooner, but regardless, if anything was in fact found you would have heard about it all over the news. As for whatever objects the sonar scan picked up at the bottom, you have to consider how many people { a lot } were on the island in the past, searching, digging and discarding.

There are some pretty powerful Non-Disclosure agreements where if you did leak anything you'd get sued and lose big time. I'm sure an airtight one is in place by the history channel. If they can keep the winner of survivor secret with 16+ contestants and family I'm sure they could keep a big find under wraps.

I don't understand why they don't pick a point/theory and run with it till they either find something or be able to rule that area out. Remember they drained the swamp last year to probe around, then the last few weeks have been draining it again to actually dig in 2 different spots but didn't show them doing anything with it, moved on to 10x this week. They just keep jumping from spot to spot and never really getting much accomplished. They pumped water down 10x the first episode last year and never really did much with it just moved on, looked at some rocks moved on, played in the swamp a few times and each time just move on to something else, FINALLY drilled to find the Money Pit, they think they found it but again just moved on to diving into 10x, even if the divers clear the blockage to the 27'' shaft I'd be surprised if they will fit thru it with all the gear they have on so kinda a waste of time to just go down to that point they know nothing is there as Dan dug that himself.. Got to get to bottom of the 27'' shaft and even then if they find something or think they see something what then??? Still got to either drain the hole and or widen it to safely send divers down to work and recover whatever is there..

Not to be argumentative but several have spent the whole year on here trashing these guys for how they are carrying out their search but its not our money. Sure they could start digging but what they are doing is limiting the number of places to spend large amounts of money.

Also, we all have these great ideas on how it should be done but in all honesty if it was as easy as a few guys on a message board coming up with the answer this search would have been over 200 years ago (except for the fact there were no message boards 200 years ago :thumbsup:)

It is a TV show first and foremost....

Posted From My $50 Tablet....

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