Your Thoughts on Oak Island

but you hear Marty every now and then mention we're spending a lot of money.. I see the show ending in another year or so without them hardly breaking ground anywhere. Yes it is a TV show, and filmed accordingly, I just hope the brothers are actually in it for the HUNT and not the TV show. At some point they will run out of money they are willing to spend on the HUNT. As was mentioned it is their money and their hunt. I just think it would actually be cheaper on them to pick a spot and figure it out instead of all the jumping around from spot to spot. They have now drained the swamp twice not sure what that costs in pump rental and fuel to not do much in there YET!!!! They have been working on this project of acquiring the land/rights since 2006 and I'm sure researching it LONG before that, so I'd have thought they would have had a better/different plan then what we're seeing. granted maybe we're not seeing everything that is going on of course.. I'm not trying to bash them into the ground, the brother's story sounds real and I think Rick would love to do some actual digging but sadly his brother is pulling the money strings apparently.. I am as intriqued as anyone with the show and Island and like Rick I first heard about the Island as a kid about 6-8 years old in the early '70s but the myth I heard then was that the treasure would not be found till all the Oak Trees had been cut down and or removed from the island.

Does anyone know how long they actually work on the island each year. Is this just a few week summer project for them then go home to work the rest of the year?? That would explain a lot of why they do the things they do with the time they have.. also why they had to use a whole show to just get 2 divers in the water..

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I think the last episode was only to built to a cliff hanging conclusion for this season. There will be talk of waiting till next season to start the "dig" on the findings this year. When the weather breaks in the spring...just a thought.

The shows just drags on way too much for me, if I see one more meeting I'm changing the channel!

The shows just drags on way too much for me, if I see one more meeting I'm changing the channel!

I actually like watching the meetings. I just don't want to see anymore of Dan's video that shows me nothing. We all know by now that there could be ancient tools, treasure chest and what appears to be the remains of a body. History channel must have paid a fortune for that little video clip because they show it 4 to 5 times a show.

I just hope the reason they are making this season SOOOOOO much longer is:

1) because they found something
2) because they found something unrelated (I.E. NOT THE ARK OF THE COVENANT)
3) because they found something that will not warrant the continuation of the show tagging along for another 10 episodes.....
4) because the treasure is a forgotten knowledge that was omitted from our books of History, and the truth of the actual discovery

would make their productions seem shotty at best.......

its kinda like the big countdown at times square.........but there's no new year.....

The Canadian Government posted at the end of Season Two's excavations that the Lagina Brothers had located 109 items and turned these items over to them.

To date only 2 items have been shown to us

I would presume that the remaining items will be shown shortly as a teaser.

"My Bet" -These remaining items will show that the Freemasons were the actual diggers of the "Money Pit".

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but you hear Marty every now and then mention we're spending a lot of money.. I see the show ending in another year or so without them hardly breaking ground anywhere. Yes it is a TV show, and filmed accordingly, I just hope the brothers are actually in it for the HUNT and not the TV show. At some point they will run out of money they are willing to spend on the HUNT. As was mentioned it is their money and their hunt. I just think it would actually be cheaper on them to pick a spot and figure it out instead of all the jumping around from spot to spot. They have now drained the swamp twice not sure what that costs in pump rental and fuel to not do much in there YET!!!! They have been working on this project of acquiring the land/rights since 2006 and I'm sure researching it LONG before that, so I'd have thought they would have had a better/different plan then what we're seeing. granted maybe we're not seeing everything that is going on of course.. I'm not trying to bash them into the ground, the brother's story sounds real and I think Rick would love to do some actual digging but sadly his brother is pulling the money strings apparently.. I am as intriqued as anyone with the show and Island and like Rick I first heard about the Island as a kid about 6-8 years old in the early '70s but the myth I heard then was that the treasure would not be found till all the Oak Trees had been cut down and or removed from the island.
Interesting. Does anybody have more on the source of that? It seems to imply that something was burred amongst the roots of a tree?
Does anyone know how long they actually work on the island each year. Is this just a few week summer project for them then go home to work the rest of the year?? That would explain a lot of why they do the things they do with the time they have.. also why they had to use a whole show to just get 2 divers in the water..

Beneath this tree lies the treasure...?

Interesting. Does anybody have more on the source of that? It seems to imply that something was burred amongst the roots of a tree?

Probably a Copy Cat Curse from this Hollywood Treasure Tale!
Treasure Tree.webp

The Cahuenga Pass Treasure

“When it comes to the number of dead bodies associated with a particular stash of gold, the cursed Cahuenga Pass treasure tops the list. Throw in a famous Hollywood landmark and you've got a particularly tantalizing legend. With a story as winding as the Cahuenga mountains themselves, it begins in 1864 when four soldiers sent by Benito Juarez went to San Francisco with a treasure trove of coins and jewels to purchase munitions for the Mexican war. Along the way, one of the men died, and the other three buried the bounty for safekeeping. However, a wanderer named Diego Morena was watching, and he made off with the money soon afterward, traveling down south and stopping in the mountains above Los Angeles in what was known as the Cahuenga Pass. That night, while staying in a local tavern, he had a dream that he would die if he brought the loot with him to L.A. Panicked, he buried the treasure. But guess what? He still died! But not before telling his friend Jesus Martinez where it was buried. Martinez set out tofind the money with his stepson but he had a heart attack and died as they began digging; a decade later, the stepson was killed in a shootout in East Los Angeles. A small bit of the treasurewas found in 1885 by a Basque shepherd, but he too perished when he fell overboard on his way back to Spain, with the gold in his pockets sinking him to the bottom of the ocean. In 1939, oil expert Henry Jones attempted to dig for the treasure in an area that butted up against theHollywood Bowl. On Nov. 27 of that year, a film crew watched as they excavated... dirt. Jones committed suicide because of the failure later that year, adding one more victim to the body count for a total of 9 (if you include the 4 soldiers, who also met untimely deaths).”
by Steve Moramarco + Strange Stories

my guess is whatever they found of "relatively modern" nature came from some past diggers from a side shaft, and they are just happy finding something under the ground through their methods.....


Humans have never been below 167 feet below the surface of that island other than in that hole (bore hole 10-x) and there is no other holes big enough for a man to fit in anywhere near that hole, and certainly none that go anywhere near 235 feet down. If they find stuff you're going to have to come up with a better explanation that that :)

For the record, other than that hole, the Hamilton shaft, dug in the bottom of the Heddon shaft went down to 167 feet in 1938. That is the only hole even approaching that depth, and it's 180 feet away.

The Canadian Government posted at the end of Season Two's excavations that the Lagina Brothers had located 109 items and turned these items over to them.

To date only 2 items have been shown to us

I would presume that the remaining items will be shown shortly as a teaser.

"My Bet" -These remaining items will show that the Freemasons were the actual diggers of the "Money Pit".

I wish you were correct Robot but no. The show has shown us many things that were found. 3 coins, and many bones, and many many little pieces of metal brought up from 10-x when they pumped it out last year. All of that stuff has to be sent to the minister. I also heard through the grape vine that some of the stuff turned over was 19th century searcher items.

I think the last episode was only to built to a cliff hanging conclusion for this season. There will be talk of waiting till next season to start the "dig" on the findings this year. When the weather breaks in the spring...just a thought.

Unfortunately you are probably right, although the dive episodes were filmed in mid august, that does give a good 2 months of decent weather to work in afterwards. Unfortunately Marty Lagina has a life outside the Oak Island search.

but you hear Marty every now and then mention we're spending a lot of money.. I see the show ending in another year or so without them hardly breaking ground anywhere. Yes it is a TV show, and filmed accordingly, I just hope the brothers are actually in it for the HUNT and not the TV show. At some point they will run out of money they are willing to spend on the HUNT. As was mentioned it is their money and their hunt. I just think it would actually be cheaper on them to pick a spot and figure it out instead of all the jumping around from spot to spot. They have now drained the swamp twice not sure what that costs in pump rental and fuel to not do much in there YET!!!! They have been working on this project of acquiring the land/rights since 2006 and I'm sure researching it LONG before that, so I'd have thought they would have had a better/different plan then what we're seeing. granted maybe we're not seeing everything that is going on of course.. I'm not trying to bash them into the ground, the brother's story sounds real and I think Rick would love to do some actual digging but sadly his brother is pulling the money strings apparently.. I am as intriqued as anyone with the show and Island and like Rick I first heard about the Island as a kid about 6-8 years old in the early '70s but the myth I heard then was that the treasure would not be found till all the Oak Trees had been cut down and or removed from the island.

Does anyone know how long they actually work on the island each year. Is this just a few week summer project for them then go home to work the rest of the year?? That would explain a lot of why they do the things they do with the time they have.. also why they had to use a whole show to just get 2 divers in the water..

I don't know the answer to your last question but I can comment on the rest. #1, I think Marty was hesitant to spend a fortune trying to get to the treasure because he's been skeptical since the beginning that there is anything down there (envision a guy half way to being as hardened as Jason Enid). I can see that definitely changing after the Big Reveal episode because Marty will have the personal proof he needs that humans have indeed worked and or habitated deep down inside the island (after the computer generated sonar analysis comes in). #2, Marty is loaded, he isn't going to run out of money on this, that is for sure. #3, the Laginas purchased the island to solve the mystery, not to have a tv show. They stumbled in to the show after Kevin Burns became interested in doing the show, and it took some convincing on his part to get it going.

Tonight's episode prediction: Rick and Marty get upset with the treasure farce guy and make him the seventh victim. The show has become too Hollywood nowadays. I wish they would stop the seasons and have a real show when they find it, or find out that it's all in the basement at the Garrett factory!

I used to have some faith in the Oak Island theory, but if you extract yourself from the fiction and deal with fact, I'm afraid the reality is that it's just a sink hole.

Although I'm not usually a skeptic and keep an open mind when it comes to most mysteries and treasures, the evidence is somewhat overwhelming this is a story that needs a good dose of reality.



History repeats itself.

Spin and Marty is a popular series of television shorts that aired as part of The Mickey Mouse Club show of the mid-1950s, produced by Walt Disney and broadcast on the ABC network in the United States. There were three serials in all, set at the Triple R Ranch, a boys' western-style summer camp. The first series of 25 eleven-minute episodes, The Adventures of Spin and Marty, was filmed in 1955. Its popularity led to two sequels—The Further Adventures of Spin and Marty in 1956 and The New Adventures of Spin and Marty in 1957.

Season three - "Gosh, do ya think them doubloons is in old Applegate's well, Marty?" No wait, that was the Hardy Boys.


I love this show and the brothers, and everyone else. I'm excited to see what they find. The divers scared me tonight tho

I love this show and the brothers, and everyone else. I'm excited to see what they find. The divers scared me tonight tho

What happened to the divers? I fell asleep when they lost com and went to commercial.

One of them got tangled up, got free came back up. No info from them other then what we already knew which is they need to clear out the shaft of all the crap still hanging/attached to the sides.
Remember that just a couple of weeks ago they were going to drain the swamp and dig in 2 places over there. No word on that since. Guess they knew after last week why their "dye" test didn't work. Wonder if they bothered to see if the water level changed any as they were pumping water in it, to try to flush the dye out. Since it couldn't go out as the 27'' shaft is atleast partially blocked, the water level should have rose in the shaft. Would have been a tell tell sign of a blockage before sending the sonar or divers in. They atleast mentioned digging next year, but have been mentioning doing that in the swamp but haven't done it yet either.. Why do they have such a short season compared to other shows. I still think this is just a few week summer vacation for them, then back home to work.

I thought we may of had out infamous "7th" person to go! It's getting pretty ridiculous. A tree stump in a swamp. What a find. "What's this tree stump doing in a swamp?" Never seen one of those in any swamps. Lol

I thought we may of had out infamous "7th" person to go! It's getting pretty ridiculous. A tree stump in a swamp. What a find. "What's this tree stump doing in a swamp?" Never seen one of those in any swamps. Lol
Whoever thought a swamp could exist on an island within a few feet of the coast? Whoever thought that islands could be reshaped over centuries and swamps could be created or filled in? What would happen if someone were to cut down trees on an island on stable ground protected by those trees root systems? Erosion or flooding? Naaaahhhh.

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