Bronze Member
Was “Oak Island” the “Scene” of the “Perfect Crime” or “Something Else”?
Sherlock Holmes, Perry Mason or even Detective Columbo would state that there is no such thing as the “Perfect Crime” and few get away “Scot Free”.
This may not be the “Case” when it comes to what really "Transpired" at “Oak Island”.
I have presented my “Conjecture” and “Circumstantial Evidence” to support my “Theories” based on others’ “Statements”, “Confessions” and “Hearsays” to try to “Prove” what I “Believe” may have “Transpired” and “Who” should be “Condemned”.
I am not a “Detective” or “Prosecutor” (Although “I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night” - I love that commercial), but I know the “Evidence Presented” to date would not be “Sufficient” for a “Conviction”.
As Columbo would say “I just need a few more questions answered to tie up loose ends”.
These "Questions Answered" may come from "Expert Witnesses", “Knowledgeable Forum Members”, “Lagina Brothers Discoveries”, or “Baconian Associates”.
It would be a great benefit if any members are available to access the “Archive Records” of "Madrid" or "Havana" and to "Provide Material" from the “Trials” and “Transcripts” on the “Defenders” of Cuba who were “Procecuted”:
Juan de Prado Mayera Portocarrero y Luna
Don Gutierre de Hevia y Valdés
José Antonio Manso de Velasco y Sánchez de Samaniego
It would be of “Great Interest" to learn what "Spain’s Statements" were as to “Treasure Losses”.
Sherlock Holmes would say “that justice shall prevail, and there is no such thing as the perfect crime, due to the fact that criminals always make a mistake and leave a piece of the evidence behind”.
I believe that the “Mistake Made” and “Incriminating Evidence to be Provided” will be in the form of "Findings" found in the “Treasure Vault”, presenting the “Evidence” needed for a “Conviction”.
"Book Em Danno"
Sherlock Holmes, Perry Mason or even Detective Columbo would state that there is no such thing as the “Perfect Crime” and few get away “Scot Free”.
This may not be the “Case” when it comes to what really "Transpired" at “Oak Island”.
I have presented my “Conjecture” and “Circumstantial Evidence” to support my “Theories” based on others’ “Statements”, “Confessions” and “Hearsays” to try to “Prove” what I “Believe” may have “Transpired” and “Who” should be “Condemned”.
I am not a “Detective” or “Prosecutor” (Although “I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night” - I love that commercial), but I know the “Evidence Presented” to date would not be “Sufficient” for a “Conviction”.
As Columbo would say “I just need a few more questions answered to tie up loose ends”.
These "Questions Answered" may come from "Expert Witnesses", “Knowledgeable Forum Members”, “Lagina Brothers Discoveries”, or “Baconian Associates”.
It would be a great benefit if any members are available to access the “Archive Records” of "Madrid" or "Havana" and to "Provide Material" from the “Trials” and “Transcripts” on the “Defenders” of Cuba who were “Procecuted”:
Juan de Prado Mayera Portocarrero y Luna
Don Gutierre de Hevia y Valdés
José Antonio Manso de Velasco y Sánchez de Samaniego
It would be of “Great Interest" to learn what "Spain’s Statements" were as to “Treasure Losses”.
Sherlock Holmes would say “that justice shall prevail, and there is no such thing as the perfect crime, due to the fact that criminals always make a mistake and leave a piece of the evidence behind”.
I believe that the “Mistake Made” and “Incriminating Evidence to be Provided” will be in the form of "Findings" found in the “Treasure Vault”, presenting the “Evidence” needed for a “Conviction”.
"Book Em Danno"
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