Your Thoughts on Oak Island

Was “Oak Island” the “Scene” of the “Perfect Crime” or “Something Else”?

Sherlock Holmes, Perry Mason or even Detective Columbo would state that there is no such thing as the “Perfect Crime” and few get away “Scot Free”.

This may not be the “Case” when it comes to what really "Transpired" at “Oak Island”.

I have presented my “Conjecture” and “Circumstantial Evidence” to support my “Theories” based on others’ “Statements”, “Confessions” and “Hearsays” to try to “Prove” what I “Believe” may have “Transpired” and “Who” should be “Condemned”.

I am not a “Detective” or “Prosecutor” (Although “I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night” - I love that commercial), but I know the “Evidence Presented” to date would not be “Sufficient” for a “Conviction”.

As Columbo would say “I just need a few more questions answered to tie up loose ends”.

These "Questions Answered" may come from "Expert Witnesses", “Knowledgeable Forum Members”, “Lagina Brothers Discoveries”, or “Baconian Associates”.

It would be a great benefit if any members are available to access the “Archive Records” of "Madrid" or "Havana" and to "Provide Material" from the “Trials” and “Transcripts” on the “Defenders” of Cuba who were “Procecuted”:

Juan de Prado Mayera Portocarrero y Luna
Don Gutierre de Hevia y Valdés
José Antonio Manso de Velasco y Sánchez de Samaniego

It would be of “Great Interest" to learn what "Spain’s Statements" were as to “Treasure Losses”.

Sherlock Holmes would say “that justice shall prevail, and there is no such thing as the perfect crime, due to the fact that criminals always make a mistake and leave a piece of the evidence behind”.

I believe that the “Mistake Made” and “Incriminating Evidence to be Provided” will be in the form of "Findings" found in the “Treasure Vault”, presenting the “Evidence” needed for a “Conviction”.

"Book Em Danno"

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Sherlock Holmes, Perry Mason and Detective Columbo, were all fictional characters solving fictional crimes based on the fictional writings, fictional theories, and fictional clues of others. "Wait a minute, Don't Book Em yet Danno!" :laughing7: But I will say, your presentation and theory is very extensive.

"Proceed! Book em Both Danno"!

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Sherlock Holmes, Perry Mason and Detective Columbo, were all fictional characters solving fictional crimes based on the fictional writings, fictional theories, and fictional clues of others. "Wait a minute, Don't Book Em yet Danno!" :laughing7: But I will say, your presentation and theory is very extensive.

"Wait" ! Was it not you and correct me if I am "Wrong" stated:

"The "fixation" of Oak Island is rooted in the simple myth and legend"

"Fictional Characters" stating "Fictional Solutions"!

"Proceed! Book em Both Danno"!

"Wait" ! Was it not you and correct me if I am "Wrong" stated:

"The "fixation" of Oak Island is rooted in the simple myth and legend"

"Fictional Characters" stating "Fictional Solutions"!

"Proceed! Book em Both Danno"!

Perhaps you misinterpreted my use of the word, "fixation". Look, if we "really believe" in anything we can create "excellent one sided presentations" based on pure myth, legend, speculation, and our own fixation in favor of that belief. But none of this is fact and makes no one guilty of anything at all. But like I said, you present your personal theory well. But you lack a murder weapon, witness, or anything to prove it. Hence, "Don't Book em Both Danno because it will never go to court." But it is a well presented, strongly believed theory, all the same. :thumbsup:

In my work I have found anything can happen. Even a person who has just committed suicide with a pump shotgun we found the shotgun racked and a new shell chambered!!!!! Now before you start with theories we had a perfect eyewitness that said they saw it all happen and the shotgun fall to the ground and they called 911. We later tested the shotgun and it would rack one again when it hit a certain way to the ground!!!!! Crazy cray cray I tell you! If there had been no eyewitness and we had known to even think could this happen we may have said murdered!!!! So a coin not sinking to the depths?????? Maybe it hates to dive!

Since you know nothing is there...tell us what the pit was dug for.

Please ......who knows when , where and (since they still haven't found the "orginal" money pit )if it is anywhere. Funny how the tablet with the Tempar inscription found in the money pit disappeared years ago.This show as others have stated is complete fabrication as is the entire story. I watched last episode (yeah couldn't keep myself from watching those two buffoons dream on) and saw the enormous excavation the guy did years ago ...and what did he find ? ; boy was that a surprise.

Who knows, maybe one of the many treasure teams over the years found the treasure and didn't tell anyone...who knows?
Well that is what i think of most lost treasure most chase after .. Some one found them but were smart enough not to tell about it...

the inscribed stone baffles me. How is it a clue (even if it existed?)
If anyone buried a fortune down a pit, why would they need a reminder 60 feet down?
And why if they buried a fortune would they leave encouragement for anyone else indicating it was a bit deeper? There is no logical reason for such a stone.

the inscribed stone baffles me. How is it a clue (even if it existed?)
If anyone buried a fortune down a pit, why would they need a reminder 60 feet down?
And why if they buried a fortune would they leave encouragement for anyone else indicating it was a bit deeper? There is no logical reason for such a stone.

If I were going to hide a huge all-important treasure I would leave orders that no clues be left. Like you, this logic has always baffled me.

Explain to me how the "coin" they found didn't find its way down thru the muck all the way to the bedrock, especially after 100's of years. I wonder if the producers haven't asked the same question, but then again, why
throw any doubt on a good story?

It may have been that the coin originated offshore and ended up in the swamp due to a storm. Spanish coins have turned up on beaches in that region. It doesn't happen every day but it does happen. Another possibility is that the coin was sinking just fine until it struck something hard. The mechanics behind how objects move in the ground throughout the years (or even if the object is sinking or the ground is rising, or both) are mostly theoretical at this point. Yet another possibility is that the coin was a plant, but not a recent one. There's a long and colorful history of objects turning up on Oak Island at exactly the right time while funding is being solicitated, and some of those objects may not have been recovered for a variety of reasons.

Did the camera crew plant it? Maybe, maybe not. Without compelling evidence to suggest a recent plant, I'm willing to accept that they really did find it there. At the end of the day it doesn't really matter though, as it proves little.

In my work I have found anything can happen. Even a person who has just committed suicide with a pump shotgun we found the shotgun racked and a new shell chambered!!!!! Now before you start with theories we had a perfect eyewitness that said they saw it all happen and the shotgun fall to the ground and they called 911. We later tested the shotgun and it would rack one again when it hit a certain way to the ground!!!!! Crazy cray cray I tell you! If there had been no eyewitness and we had known to even think could this happen we may have said murdered!!!! So a coin not sinking to the depths?????? Maybe it hates to dive!

Indeed. Fire a pump-action shotgun without the support hand on the forearm and observe what happens. It's not uncommon for such a weapon to cycle the bolt back and even eject the empty due to recoil alone, with no help at all from the operator. Had the forearm caught on or bumped something as the weapon was falling - and the new shotshell did not fall out - such a thing could happen...unlikely, but possible. Of course, I'd be more curious why a suicidal person went through the trouble of loading multiple rounds into the weapon when they only needed one, but I suppose that it could have been already loaded.

Now if the weapon was recovered with a round in the chamber and the safety engaged, that would be another story entirely. :) (I only mention it because such a thing happened on base out here quite some time ago. The government stuck with the "suicide" theory, although there were some obvious faults in this.)

the inscribed stone baffles me. How is it a clue (even if it existed?)
If anyone buried a fortune down a pit, why would they need a reminder 60 feet down?
And why if they buried a fortune would they leave encouragement for anyone else indicating it was a bit deeper? There is no logical reason for such a stone.

If you ever receive a logical answer to this, pass it along to me. I've been asking for some time in the Oak Island forum and in other places and have yet to receive one. The usual answer is that it was intended as a decoy to keep someone digging in the wrong place, but that's even less logical. The person meant to dig up a treasure knows where to dig before they put the shovel in the car; the person not meant to dig up a treasure can be more effectively encouraged to dig in the wrong area with far less effort and expense. And why even place a decoy near a real treasure in the first place? Why not place it somewhere else entirely? Why give people in the same COUNTRY the impression that I've buried a treasure there? Why give anyone any reason to dig any holes at all?

A bit of research indicates that the history of the stone, what was on it, and how it was translated are all extremely questionable. Many people take it at face value, but there's basically no hard evidence that the stone ever existed. It should go without saying that it supposedly turned up while an operation was trying to get more funding. We're left with a stone that no one can locate, a cipher that no one alive has actually seen, and an encoded message that just happened to be in the same language that potential investors would be speaking fluently...and again, if it had been left where it supposedly was, it makes no sense at all. Coincidence?

All I know is this....people love a treasure hunt but they become worn out quickly when there is no resolution. Regardless of the plots and process, this is the real challenge for the show. A trinket here and there and the continued pursuit of existing and new theories just isn't going to keep their interest. People want to see real results and real discoveries. Just my opinion.

Did the camera crew plant it? Maybe, maybe not. Without compelling evidence to suggest a recent plant, I'm willing to accept that they really did find it there. At the end of the day it doesn't really matter though, as it proves little.

I'm not sure that it was planted or not, if they wanted to plant something wouldn't they plant something more important. Then again, if they planted something huge then they would have solved the mystery and the show would be over and the producers would be done making money. If they wanted to plant a small "clue" they would probably pick something small but "important", they may not plant a gold coin because that would be more traceable, for 5 dollars you can buy one random "Genuine Spanish Pirate's Treasure Coin." Still, I'm not very sure either way, even finding one single gold coin in the swamp does not prove the treasure either way. For them to find the treasure specified they would have to find a huge cache of treasure, not one single coin. My guess is that there may have been somebody there before 1795, maybe just a ship stopped at the island for some reason unrelated to treasure before 1795. It's a chunk of land in sitting in the ocean, there's a chance that someone stopped there, how else would all these other islands get discovered before satellites.

Just my Thoughts,

Please ......who knows when , where and (since they still haven't found the "orginal" money pit )if it is anywhere. Funny how the tablet with the Tempar inscription found in the money pit disappeared years ago.This show as others have stated is complete fabrication as is the entire story. I watched last episode (yeah couldn't keep myself from watching those two buffoons dream on) and saw the enormous excavation the guy did years ago ...and what did he find ? ; boy was that a surprise.

I think you need to separate the supposed treasure from the TV show. Yeah, the treasure is probably nothing but legend, but the show, though definitely fake, is a separate subject.

"OR"! Was “Oak Island” the “Scene” of “Something Else”?

“Although” I have presented the “Freemasons” as “Criminals” absconding with the “Royal Booty”, I truly “Believe” that they were “More” than this.

My "Theory" is that their desire for the “Oak Island Money Pit” was not only to secure their “Treasure” from the “Sacking of Havana”, but to have a location to secure all their “Treasures” that the “English Freemasons” were "Entrusted" with over the "Centuries".

These 18th Century Freemasons lived during a time when Europe was in a constant state of War.

Their fear was that with the combined Forces of their enemies (Seven Years’ War) a successful invasion of England was more than plausible.

Admiral Anson was so concerned with this that when his good friend and comrade Admiral Byng asked for reinforcements of Navy Ships to defend Minorca, Byng was refused.

Admiral Byng’s defeat at Minorca eventually leads to his Court Marshall and Execution.

These Freemasons were aware and had witnessed firsthand what happened to valuable Arts, Historical Documents, and Treasures when countries captured were sacked.

They knew from the likes of the sacking of Solomon’s Temple by the Babylonians, Jerusalem by the Muslims, Christian Crusaders, and the Knights Templar, or what happened to other cities and countries throughout the World, could soon happen to England.

They were in need of a “New Location” to be a “Sanctuary” for their “Treasures” with the protection from a “New World Power”.

This “Sanctuary” which was the “Treasure Vault” was designed and built by the “Freemasons” as part of the “Oak Island Money Pit”.

Later, these “Treasures” were "Removed" to their “New Home” and “Protector” somewhere in “Washington DC”.

My thoughts on this "treasure" and other things like the holy grail, and other things lost to history is this.

If they ever did exist, some governmental body somewhere would swoop in and take everything anyways.

My thoughts on this "treasure" and other things like the holy grail, and other things lost to history is this.

If they ever did exist, some governmental body somewhere would swoop in and take everything anyways.

As a "Proud Atheist" you seem "Contradictory" with your "Beliefs" with your statement "If"

are the bold quotations supposed to mean something?

I think you need to separate the supposed treasure from the TV show. Yeah, the treasure is probably nothing but legend, but the show, though definitely fake, is a separate subject.

My initial post was in response to the OP. The post you are quoting was in response to a response to my first post . Boy that's confusing! In any event both the treasure and the show have a common thread in my opinion ; the are both fake.

In any event both the treasure and the show have a common thread in my opinion ; the are both fake.

I think that's probably true. But my point is, the authenticity of the treasure is not tied to the authenticity of the TV show.

As a "Proud Atheist" you seem "Contradictory" with your "Beliefs" with your statement "If"

I should have changed my signature, I am actually and antitheist. Sorry about that.

Aside from that, I don't have a problem believing jesus was a real person, or that the cup was used to catch the blood from his wounds, I just don't believe in all the hokum. I guess I should have made that clear in my original post for those who like to troll.

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