Your Thoughts on Oak Island

Why would they make a platform every ten feet?

To keep the earth from settling in an obvious manner after the hole was refilled. Of course, if most versions of the McGinnis story are to be believed, this ploy was unsuccessful. Then again, one wonders why one would go through the trouble of installing platforms to keep the earth from settling yet neglect to remove the rigging equipment above the hole, or placing a marker at 80 feet, or carving crosses and ships and such on rocks all over the island, or any number of things really. As I've stated in other threads, the original story stinks in all of its versions. If we can't trust that one, how can we trust the ones based on it?

But there is technically a reason for platforms, so there you are.

The original, or one of the later ones?

I'll kick this one back at you: where exactly was the original pit located?

I'm a self-professed skeptic. This doesn't mean that I automatically disbelieve anything that comes my way; rather, it means that I base my secular beliefs on proof rather than faith. (Religion gets a pass here, and I make no apologies for that.) What frustrates me about many legends - this one in particular - is just how thin the proof is. There is an inordinate amount of horse apples floating around regarding this tale and instead of fact-checking them and seeing them for what they are, most are content to simply pass them along as fact. Done for enough years/decades/centuries, these horse apples start to resemble fact.

As I've stated in the past, I'd dearly love for something to be there. I think that there are some real shockers in eastern Canada's history that have not yet seen the light of day, the kind of shockers that will turn our concept of history on its head. But Oak Island? When the horse apples are removed, there's little left.

Plenty of arguments both pro and con are over in the Money Pit subforum. You'll likely need a few days to read through it all, but should you find yourself idle, incapacitated, or simply interested, there's a lot to see there.
The only part of the story that I completely believe is the platforms at every ten feet...but that alone is enough to intrigue the hell out of had to be dug for something and I believe there was a pit dug.

I just watched the new America Unearthed, guess where Scott Wolter is going on show number 2 next week, yes Superstition Mountain . . .

I have seen abought eight of the America Unearthed episodes and I note he hasn't found ANYTHING yet. He makes totally unsupportable assumptions (we found this object with Hebrew on it so we know the Ark of the Covenant is in America - that's almost an exact quote) and never finds any solid evidence. For a "forensic geologist" you would think he would know how a dug well is constructed - dig a hole, make a rock tube and fill in around the outside of the tube so the water seeps into the center. He claimed loose fill around the outside of a stone lined well at Ross Hill was proof there was a chamber there. No. Its proof somebdy dug a well. What a ninny.

The FAA won't let airplanes or helicopters fly in the Grand Canyon because of a secret [visable] cave. No, in 1986 two charter flights met head-on in the canyon and 25 people were killed - so now you can't fly in the canyon itself.

The cave is so hard to get to you can't carry enough water to reach it. So, some Egyptians carrying water AND a gold treasure including 13 gold sarcophagi could without modern ropes and tackle. Ok. [Coo-coo. Coo-coo.]

The only part of the story that I completely believe is the platforms at every ten feet...but that alone is enough to intrigue the hell out of had to be dug for something and I believe there was a pit dug.

What makes you think that there were ever platforms there?

What makes you think that there were ever platforms there?
I don't think the original guys who say they started digging the pit would have a motive for lying. But anything you don't see with your own eyes may not be true. Im a skeptic of everything just have to figure out if something is believable to you or not...I don't know there were platforms every ten feet but I believe they were.

I don't think the original guys who say they started digging the pit would have a motive for lying. But anything you don't see with your own eyes may not be true. Im a skeptic of everything just have to figure out if something is believable to you or not...I don't know there were platforms every ten feet but I believe they were.

The only thing that you can really believe in is sports. Thousands of eyewitness and instant replay to back it up.

The only thing that you can really believe in is sports. Thousands of eyewitness and instant replay to back it up.
I do not believe in sports ….There is so much money in sports The players the ref's can be paid off to throw any type of game … All the betting on sports .. you know organized crime has the say so who wins some if not most of the games...

Tonight's episode prediction:
Rick and Marty find something that's can neither confirm or deny a buried treasure. The saga continues.

Tonight's episode prediction:
Rick and Marty find something that's can neither confirm or deny a buried treasure. The saga continues.
I guess they have the money to do it and are having fun with it..

I do not believe in sports ….There is so much money in sports The players the ref's can be paid off to throw any type of game … All the betting on sports .. you know organized crime has the say so who wins some if not most of the games...
Yeah, the refs still make wrong calls after looking at the replay...when that happens you know something isn't right...Ive seen it happen several times this year in NFL games.

I think we have to be very aware that the professional "devil's advocates" to all of these theories are never asked to present their knowledge on all of these possibilities, just as this is true of most legends and theories of this type. It's easy to get people to focus on the possibilities rather then the reasons why some of those possibilities might not hold water. Just saying.....I think any show of this nature needs those devil's advocates to keep the content balanced.

I don't think the original guys who say they started digging the pit would have a motive for lying. But anything you don't see with your own eyes may not be true. Im a skeptic of everything just have to figure out if something is believable to you or not...I don't know there were platforms every ten feet but I believe they were.

Compare the earlier accounts of the McGinnis story with how it's often told today. Recall the "telephone" game from your youth. When was the first known account of the McGinnis story published, and how did it differ from the story as it's normally told currently? I have no reason to believe that anyone was lying...not until the professionals got involved and required funding, anyway. It may simply be that the story has changed a bit in the telling.

Compare the earlier accounts of the McGinnis story with how it's often told today. Recall the "telephone" game from your youth. When was the first known account of the McGinnis story published, and how did it differ from the story as it's normally told currently? I have no reason to believe that anyone was lying...not until the professionals got involved and required funding, anyway. It may simply be that the story has changed a bit in the telling.
Yeah, the professionals needing funding is why the only part of the story I completely believe is the wood platforms...although the other things may have been found, Im skeptical, especially when things go missing.

If there is something of significance found, we would surely hear of it in the media before it aired.

Who knows, maybe one of the many treasure teams over the years found the treasure and didn't tell anyone...who knows?

My opinion is that there may have been some activity on Oak Island before 1795, maybe the "Money Pit" is something but I'm not sure that there is priceless treasure in there. Once you hear that something may have happen there, so think every little thing you find is a important piece of evidence. Like the Bigfoot "sightings", a lot of them involve mis-identification, if you hear that there is a ape like beast living in the same woods you are camping at and you see an animal from your tent in the woods you may think that it's Bigfoot just because there have been Bigfoot sightings at one point, and in reality it may just be a bear, and if you were anywhere else you would most likely know it's a bear, but with a Bigfoot connection to where ever you saw it you may think other wise. For example, they found a heart shaped rock at the money pit and figured that it is something connected with the Templar's or some other group, and in reality it may just be a natural rock. Also, If they recover a human bone they may think it "proves" that some group was there at some point, another idea is that it may be from a native american. They found iron in the money pit and thought that it may be from some group leaving treasure on the island, it may just be from a piece of iron dropped in there during a modern attempted to to find treasure in there. There is too much conflicting evidence, they have found evidence that states that there may have been 1600's pirates there, and they have also found evidence that states that there were Knight's Templar's there. I'm not say that there were not some people there before 1795, when the Money Pit was discovered, there is evidence to prove otherwise, perhaps that coin found was dropped by a man trading with the native americans, or hunting there in the 1600's. I'm not sure that there is any real treasure there, for I'm a skeptic, but I feel that there was someone there before 1795 for some reason, and you never know, maybe there is something there.


I first remember reading about the money pit/oak island when I was in elementary school (just about 50 now) and thought it was fascinating, so of course I liked the show when I first saw it last year. I enjoy seeing all the sites on the show and hearing them talk to people that have been there a long time.

That being said I really don't think there's any treasure there nor was there any real treasure there although I would like to be pleasantly surprised and see them find something. It's kinda of cool hearing all the theories on the show although some of them sound like complete crap to me. Even so, I do like hearing all the theories no matter how far-fetched and seeing the things they find.

Personally I think the theory of the viking ship pushed up vertically is the coolest theory of them all that would explain the wood found every few feet. I don't think we'll ever know what the pit really is.

I am more intrigued to know there backgrounds because they state every episode that Rick and Marty have spent millions to date digging!!!!! What the heck are they............Warren Buffet offspring and when do you cut your losses? Do I believe there is hidden treasure on OI??? Maybe......but the treasures of King that one is a long shot to me.

Main thing is I like watching the show! It is reality tv in the end and not the kind like Big Brother which I cannot stand. But good enetrtainment that even your kids can watch without all the cussing and sex!

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Explain to me how the "coin" they found didn't find its way down thru the muck all the way to the bedrock, especially after 100's of years. I wonder if the producers haven't asked the same question, but then again, why
throw any doubt on a good story?

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