Here is a GE image of the Core Area.
> Canyons are marked up Blue
> Water Features Clouded Green
> Red Hills Clouded Red
> The 2 sights of a riffle so to speak for viewing the rock man marked light Orange w/Red Arrows.
View attachment 1808861
If you guys are not able to find the Rock Man Standing in the Brush using the Rifle scope, Let me know, and I will gladly post the solution for this.
There must have a little bit more info that we did not get in the directions from the manuscript here. You'll see what I mean. Even this Scope viewing thing is kind of tricky.
Who said Waltz wasn't Tricky?
Ah, One more thing, The rock man is not in this view. You have to use the scope. I showed you the placements. The rest is there, even on GE.
Happy Saturday Morning
Idaho Dutch
PS - you're on the canyon floor walking in, as you come into the viewing area, you look OVER the point of a ridge . . . to see the rock man. I don't think he is small like us.