For handy reference, here is copy of the directions from Brownie Holmes Manuscript
"Go to first water, then to second water, then take the old government trail to San Carlos. Where the trail turns south you will see over the point of a ridge a rock standing in the brush that looks like a man. This is where I always leave the trail. Go to the left of the trail and follow up the long ridge and you will come to a saddle. In this saddle is a round Indian ruin of rocks.
Go through this saddle and on up a low ridge and when you get to the highest point of the ridge you can look north and the four peaks are lined up to look like one peak.
In the other direction you will see a high needle.
In the canyon under you is my hidden camp.
You can't get down there because it's too steep, go to the mouth of the canyon and then back.
You can find the rock house with very little difficulty. You won't be able to see it until you are right upon it. After you find the camp then come back out of the canyon. (Here Waltz gave a direction to the mine that Holmes and Roberts kept secret). You will never be able to find the mine until you first find the rock house as the shaft is completely hidden. A prospector won't find it because there is no ledge in view. In the mine you will find about $75,000 dollars in gold already dug out. There is enough gold left to dig to make twenty men millionaires." I dug the outcropping away and erased all signs of my digging."
So far we have navigated (hopefully correctly) to the high point of the low ridge and are now needing to look in the other direction.
In the other direction you will see a high needle.
I wish I could just spit out “Weavers Needle”.
- I do not have any memory of seeing Weavers Needle from that spot. I do not have any memory of not seeing it either. I honestly don’t think that I looked. Saw Four Peaks, and excitedly came back down is what I remember.
- I also am not able to confirm it on GE.
For some reason, WN and Google Earth do not mix... for me, at the view in GE, I can't see WN, but WN in GE doesn't look like WN either, supposed to be different than what is seen below.
If we are to only go by these directions, as Holmes was to do, it would not be fair to bring in other clues. Before we just move on to the next item, it would be good to at least see if he may be referring to something else. In my mind, “High Needle” pretty much describes Weavers Needle.
In the “other direction”
- there are the bluffs of Blacktop Mesa (nah)
- Palomino Mountain (nah)
- Something further in the distance? Maybe
At this point, If I were Holmes standing in this spot, I would now know if it is referring to Weavers Needle or not. But I am in Idaho . . . I do have an idea . . as there are others that have been on this journey besides me, . . . . .I can put the question out . . Do any of you know if Weavers Needle is visible from there?
Maybe we will hear back from someone. But in the mean time we might as well move to the next item on the directions.
In the canyon under you is my hidden camp
At this point, as long as there is a canyon under us, then so far, ok, but will have to see after going down there.
You can't get down there because it's too steep, go to the mouth of the canyon and then back.
Ok, I’d like to make some visual aids. (I had planned on having this ready, but was unwell today . . .feeling better, but just feeling drained now is all.) but I’ll be back soon.
Idaho Dutch