You think Alex is crazy????

If you remember one simple rule about guns no one can get hurt,
In the case of a child not knowing better, They obviously need to locked up and secured. (The guns)
No law could have prevented this, Current laws were broken in order for this to happen.
Are you going to ban all guns? No laws that are up for debate could have prevented this, .22 is a small non NATO round, and it sounds like the gun used was a revolver.
Not a "Hollow point high capacity banana clipped cop killing machine".

Morale of the story is, if you keep anything from a fully loaded SCAR-17s to grandpas old .22 revolver pointed in a safe direction, and away from children, no one will be hurt or killed.

PS: Stockpicker, I hope you realize that the people utilizing and defending the 2nd Amendment are the same ones defending your right to speak with your passive aggressive rhetoric.
And ill end with a quote..

"I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

How many kids die in car accidents, swimming accidents and so on. point is accidents happen period...............

:laughing9: They are called ACCIDENTS for a reason :laughing9:

When someone with a finger on a trigger is discharging a firearm, it's called "an on purpose" :laughing7:

" PS: Stockpicker, I hope you realize that the people utilizing and defending the 2nd Amendment are the same ones defending your right to speak with your passive aggressive rhetoric."

Take away the 2nd and your guns and you'd all be too busy sulking and going through withdrawel to care less about defending any of the other rights! You defend the 1st purely because you love the 2nd. 90% of you don't believe anyone has the right to "freedom of speech" the moment that person speaks out on anything you strongly disagree with, so why pretend you're defending anything other than your own selfish needs?

" PS: Stockpicker, I hope you realize that the people utilizing and defending the 2nd Amendment are the same ones defending your right to speak with your passive aggressive rhetoric."

Take away the 2nd and your guns and you'd all be too busy sulking and going through withdrawel to care less about defending any of the other rights! You defend the 1st purely because you love the 2nd. 90% of you don't believe anyone has the right to "freedom of speech" the moment that person speaks out on anything you strongly disagree with, so why pretend you're defending anything other than your own selfish needs?

Spoken by someone who has already surrendered their rights.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Spoken by someone who has no valid retort.

Want a valid retort...

"The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed".

There is a valid retort, it is the purpose of this forum...

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

No need to worry then is there? (Which really seems to be the purpose of this forum!)

I, for one, am glad you dont have a vote on anything in the U.S.:occasion14:

Personally I feel that responsible gun ownership would have prevented both incidents in the original post. Besides "BAN ALL GUNS", what NEW law does anyone think could be written to avoid either of these "accidents"? Smaller capacity magazines?...nope, only one shot fired in each case. Fingerprints and pictures of the owner in some file?......nope. Assault "style" weapons ban?.......nope, not applicable. Mental background checks?.....nope, not applicable. Stiffer sentences for gun crimes?.....nope, shooters too young to understand. Thank goodness the kid with the 22 wasn't using Biden's shotgun!

YEP! SECRET PATRIOTS ARMY has "spoken" from NW America; NOT USA, anymore...

YEP! SECRET PATRIOTS ARMY has "spoken" from NW America; NOT USA, anymore...

How about just Americans have spoken..

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

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