First of all.....Infowars.... I should'nt even need to say anything else. Why is it that only Right extremist web sites are running this story, I would think this should be big news picked up by all reporters? I did find one web site that had the update to this story
**UPDATED: NO GUNS CONFISCATED: NY man?s license revoked after son made water gun threat at school » The Right Scoop - saying that the story was wrong and no guns were confiscated. And I'm sorry but kids threatening to bring BB guns to a kids house is serious threat, even if they don't have one. If a kid at my child's school was talking about coming to my house with a BB gun looking for my son I would want something done. I noticed you left out the part about BB guns and just used water pistol.
Maybe you heard some of the news from yesterday? A deputy was showing his guns to some friends when a 4 year old picked one up, shot and killed the deputies wife. Or the other four year old who shot his 5 year old friend with a 22, luckily the other kid will be fine. This is a serious problem.
First of all, not everyone is in love with Chris Matthews or his kind. I cannot take seriously anyone who heaps praise upon What's his name.
Secondly, the BB gun was mentioned in the article . . . IF you had bothered to read it, but alas, the ObamaLlamaArmy rules forbid doing something like that for fear you would WAKE UP!
Thirdly, if the deputy had one freakin ounce of understanding about guns he would know that you NEVER show off LOADED GUNS. He was so unprofessional that he laid the gun down while he was showing off another gun. The child picked up a loaded gun because THAT DEPUTY was irresponsible. Who in their right mind leaves a loaded gun where a 4 year old has access? Universally STUPID!!!
Yes these things are a problem.
Unfortunately, you can't fix stupid.
Stupid people will always get "a thrill up their leg" when the annointed one talks.
Stupid people will always make hollow threats and other stupid people will believe them.
Even more stupid people will comment on an article and criticize it without ACTUALLY READING THE DAMNED ARTICLE!
Stupid people will continue to show off loaded guns in family settings.
It is up to others to try to keep the stupid people in check.
Don't compound the above listed stupidity by acting and speaking stupidly.
So, if you were at that party, would you have confronted the deputy as soon as you saw that the revolver he was showing off was loaded?
If not, you would have been just as stupid and guilty in the incident as he.