Gold Member
You know you are getting old when most of your friends are "sleeping". Frank
When sex seems like too much work.
bigscoop said:When sex seems like too much work.
You know you are getting old when most of your friends are "sleeping". Frank
You know you are getting old when most of your friends are "sleeping". Frank
Frankn said:To much work? You mean finding someone that is willing? Frank<img src=""/>
I GOD ! Now that hit right to home .When you realize that you are "the rich Uncle."
(as poor as you may be...)
I totally agree with you about health care . Had 2 colon cancer surgeries in August and a follow up biopsy last week . They got it all and no need for further treatment except follow up in 9 months . I'll pass on the juice box . I got a can of barley pop .You're probably gettin' old when heated discussions erupt among friends
as to the benefits of certain arthritis medications.
Or when you are threatened with a cane thrashing (due to amourous endeavors that are illicit)
and are concerned that your walker,
with split tennis balls on the front two legs (for feints to the left or right)
can whisk you away safely in time.
Worse situation; arguments arise due to misinterpretations of the conversation because of
cheap hearing aids and/or dead batteries.
Does anyone else hear that damn high-pitched sound?
Almost sounds like my metal detector giving a signal, but, I ain't out searchin'.....
PS. In all seriousness, I STRONGLY encourage everyone to do everything possible
to preserve and strengthen their health.
Yearly physicals are just a part of the game-plan for longevity.
Along with a healthy diet, drinking in moderation, ()
avoiding jealous husbands, and adequate amounts of rest,
one may live a long and happy life.
For us guys, prostrate exams, colonoscopy tests,
and for the gals, regular breast exams (mammogrophies) and pap smears can catch the nasty "big 'C'"
and provide treatment that may give you many more years with your loved ones.
And with us here, your Friends, at Treasurenet!
PSS. I hear my Friends, whisper behind my back, "That Boy just ain't right." "Maybe he's getting senile..."
What do they mean? Anyone? Some kinda "newspeak" the kids have now-a-days?
Aw, hell, everybody, GET OFF OF MY LAWN! I'll call the police, dammit!
Anyone want a juicebox? I have grape and fruit punch.....