You can not trust the State of Florida

the fact they found a few period French bronze cannons and a stone French marker pillar on the wreck --doesn't insure its a French vessel -- the Spanish would have looted FT Caroline after their raid -- the fort would have had cannons and French money as well (likely off loaded before the French vessels set off to fight the Spanish in St Augustine)--and the stone pillar there would have been removed as well as "proof" that the French were indeed trying to claim "Spanish" lands --thus justifying Spain's attack upon them ..all of this would have been placed upon a Spanish vessel for shipment to St Augustine then onward to Spain -- and it just like the French vessels could have been hit by a hurricane

the fact they found a few period French bronze cannons and a stone French marker pillar on the wreck --doesn't insure its a French vessel -- the Spanish would have looted FT Caroline after their raid -- the fort would have had cannons and French money as well (likely off loaded before the French vessels set off to fight the Spanish in St Augustine)--and the stone pillar there would have been removed as well as "proof" that the French were indeed trying to claim "Spanish" lands --thus justifying Spain's attack upon them ..all of this would have been placed upon a Spanish vessel for shipment to St Augustine then onward to Spain -- and it just like the French vessels could have been hit by a hurricane

Unidentified colonial period shipwreck is the key here, hell it could be 1715 fleet, look there are 5 shipwreck site scatters here

in hazardous reef spots along the coast -- large numbers of wrecked vessels of varying time frames are not uncommon

a fine exsample of this is Amelia Island -- a small island ....between 1810 and 1817 --18 vessels sank around /on it that are known of and recorded -- according to singers "shipwrecks of florida"

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The issue here is not denying recovery permits. The state has the right to do so if they choose. The issue is integrity. If the state led GME to believe they would give a recovery permit - knowing they would never do so - but allowed GME to spend millions on data gained from surveying, then benefited from said data, then that is lying and dishonest. The fact that the state solicited a response from France is alarming, given the fact that GME had already negotiated with the state for mutual benefit.

I am sorry to bring this up again but was spurred in thought with the newest thread concerning GME's find! If GME was negotiating in good faith with the State of Florida concerning the find and was lead to believe that they would be issued a Salvage Permit, then can't a Suit be brought against the State of Florida for Breach of Contract or something similar for notifying and bringing in the French?? Also, if the State of Florida and the State Archies will be receiving some gain (money, gifts or loans of historical salvaged items) from this breach, could they not be sued for much more than Breach of Contract??


Hey frank im still thinking about those brown bess rifles. Ive been in the fort and walked right over that spot . Wow!! You defiantly cant trust the state of florida. The least they could have done is put them on display for everyone. You got ripped off frank. Sorry for that.

Hey frank im still thinking about those brown bess rifles. Ive been in the fort and walked right over that spot . Wow!! You defiantly cant trust the state of florida. The least they could have done is put them on display for everyone. You got ripped off frank. Sorry for that.

Blak bart... Thanks! It would have been nice to have been given at least one of the rifles for locating the void under the entrance way but that was not the case and I I never even received a thank you. I believe I was home in Tennessee on vacation when they found the storage room under the Fort but the Security Guard (Mr. Gibson who worked there and at the Key West International Airport and whose family owned the Motel on the left side of Hwy US 1 just as you turned right on Hwy US 1 coming from Stock Island) told me about it when I returned. He said that they showed up after dark and took everything out under darkness. Users of the old White's (analog) Metal Detectors should understand that these old metal detectors have the capability of making such finds and to not always dismiss such signals (actually lack of, as the signal drops off with voop sound) as being degraded Iron. I learned this while bottle dump searching with Roy Ridgeway for old Rum bottles dumped by the old 1800's and earlier bars in Key West. Most of these trash dumps contained very little to no metal in them and if there were a lot of bottles, then the signal would drop off when passing the coil over the dump. Even if the trash dumps contained old Iron pieces in them, it was still a good sign as the signal also drops off on them if the Iron is very old and degraded as one would expect from such early trash dumps in a salt water or brackish water environment.


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The state of Florida did a complete turn around. The 1715 fleet are clearly considered warships but they are open to salvage. The Jupiter wreck is a Spanish warship but Peter Leo got a permit to salvage it. Now private salvage company's can not salvage foreign warships? What happened? Also the 1987 Abandoned Shipwrecks Act gave title to any vessel wrecked in state waters to the state, warship or not. What happened to that?

Bobby, if the state will not give you a salvage permit, just send me the GPS numbers and I will salvage it like the state does - at night!

I kind of wondered how the state of Florida, would come across on their end of the deal, once all hard work is done to establish the identity of a wreck site. More or less seems to be consistent with the way they have been treating treasure salvors all along.

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pete florida did not do a "turn around" --both florida and the us govt were forced by a legal court case to "give" over title to the 1715 fleet wrecksites to the fishers for trying to illegally screw them out of it ..the state was to get 20% as its cut "fee" ---the state of florida afterwards got very pissy about handing out "recovery" permits ..sure they would issue exploration permits and such --but when it came time to get the "pay off" recovery permit --no dice buddy -- now they are doing even worse --they issue exploration permits and when the stuffs found --they call in the "foreign govts" to screw the salvors out of their rightful claims

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pete florida did not do a "turn around" --both florida and the us govt were forced by a legal court case to "give" over title to the 1715 fleet wrecksites to the fishers for trying to illegally screw them out of it ..the state was to get 20% as its cut "fee" ---the state of florida afterwards got very pissy about handing out "recovery" permits ..sure they would issue exploration permits and such --but when it came time to get the "pay off" recovery permit --no dice buddy -- now they are doing even worse --they issue exploration permits and when the stuffs found --they call in the "foreign govts" to screw the salvors out of their rightful claims

With no proof of what the scatter is from, GME has proof of several things, but we may never be able to in fact probably will never be able to prove what wrecks this items are from, can you tell what each wreck is in 1715 fleet for 100m % sure ?
Out of 35 shipwrecks ARS/GME has found in the DR "200-500 years old" we can not ID any of them for sure

The State of Florida or its employees and officers have committed fraud, conspiracy and breach of contract, among a few other shameful acts, why have a program in place of you are not going to follow the statue of the law set in place for this program,

I am asking everyone to write there State representative and tell them what is going on with the State of Florida, The law is on GME's side, but the judge has to do the right thing and follow the law

In response to this, posted above ;

"" I've never trusted the Florida government and never will. ""

I have never trusted ANY GOVERNMENT and never will !

And boys, let's not forget that in 2003 Sea Hunt INC. signed an agreement with Spain to collect two Spanish war frigates (JUNO / GALGA)!

Convenio SEA HUNT - Cultura 01.webpConvenio SEA HUNT - Cultura 09.webp

With no proof of what the scatter is from, GME has proof of several things, but we may never be able to in fact probably will never be able to prove what wrecks this items are from, can you tell what each wreck is in 1715 fleet for 100m % sure ?
Out of 35 shipwrecks ARS/GME has found in the DR "200-500 years old" we can not ID any of them for sure

The State of Florida or its employees and officers have committed fraud, conspiracy and breach of contract, among a few other shameful acts, why have a program in place of you are not going to follow the statue of the law set in place for this program,

I am asking everyone to write there State representative and tell them what is going on with the State of Florida, The law is on GME's side, but the judge has to do the right thing and follow the law

Truly the situation with the State of Florida, it's Archies and their' Recovery (Salvage) Permit system has come to the point of bringing in the U.S. Attorney General and file Federal Charges and Federal Law Suits against all of the aforementioned and either bring them into line with the Program as it was set down or bring them all to their' knees. A little quality time behind bars for any and all involved in ordering or using such tactics against Treasure Salvors would be one of the welcomed outcomes. The Federal Government should also search any and all current and past State of Florida Archie's and Politician's homes, businesses and other properties for salvaged items taken illegally and turn them over to their rightful owners. They should also make sure to search emails, computer records and any and all documentation that may lead to salvaged items illegally taken and given as gifts or bribes to anyone (Politicians, Lobbyists and wealthy Business Men) for their influence in any matters.


Bobby - Is there any news about your fight to reclaim your hard-won discovery from the Florida Division of Hysterical Weasels and Archaeological Artifact Misplacers? I'm hopeful that Governor Scott, Senator Rubio or President Trump will take your side as citizens and business owners.

Don't hold your breath waiting on them, all three have their own agenda.

Don't hold your breath waiting on them, all three have their own agenda.

nothing yet, we are waiting on Judge, if she follows the law, and she should she is resprsenting the court, we will win, the State of Florida nor France have a claim on these ships, and no proof of what there are or where they are from,

We know for a fact that the cargo on these ships do NOT match the Trinity "period" we have the proof in writing, maps, documents etc.
GME just needs its day in court

nothing yet, we are waiting on Judge, if she follows the law, and she should she is resprsenting the court, we will win, the State of Florida nor France have a claim on these ships, and no proof of what there are or where they are from,

We know for a fact that the cargo on these ships do NOT match the Trinity "period" we have the proof in writing, maps, documents etc.
GME just needs its day in court
Best of luck to you and your guys in your quest for title and a recovery permit!
I hope and pray that the judge acts in a manner that follows the law instead of being just more and more like "Government of the people, by the bureaucrats for the benefit of the bureaucrats". I bet that none of the "interested governmental parties" have offered to pay your exploration survey and discovery costs.

Bobby come on down to the Treasure Hunters Cookout in Sebastian on April 29. Bob Marx will be there along with Taffi Fisher, Dr. Eugene Lyons, Burt Webber Jr. and Carl Fizmer among others. John Redman and I started this gathering nine years ago to unite the treasure hunting community in our fight against the state. You might be able to get some help from fellow treasure hunters.

Bobby come on down to the Treasure Hunters Cookout in Sebastian on April 29. Bob Marx will be there along with Taffi Fisher, Dr. Eugene Lyons, Burt Webber Jr. and Carl Fizmer among others. John Redman and I started this gathering nine years ago to unite the treasure hunting community in our fight against the state. You might be able to get some help from fellow treasure hunters.
Is my friend Burt Webber really going to come to the cookout this year or is he just thinking about showing up ?


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