Blak bart
Platinum Member
Dosent suprise me at all. This is nothing new by a long shot. states been screwing people out of there wreck sites since the 60s.just take a look at the keys. People think there is no treasure left down here, ha ha ha, that aint the problem, the problem is you cant dig anything. I know people that have been stonewalled just like you black duck. Jumped through every hoop only to get to the recovery phase and be denied. Last guy I know ran off after 4 years of red tape. He left his boat on the hard and ran off after some gold mine or something. Plenty of stories of heartbreak down here. Ive seen the treasure boats rotting away, or being restored by the next sucker that thinks he has some kind of better plan than everyone else did.i watched out of state archies push carl fiz fismar right off his lease. I watched east carolina archies blow out the pillar dollar wreck this summer. I could rant for pages it wont help. Once you are in the exploratory phase you have allowed yourself to become an unpaid diver for the state. They will lead you to the road of ruin with hopes of a recovery permit. They will log all your info in the states black book and keep you off the site. Ever herd of the law busting in on an archies house and confiscating artifacts ? I bet there are no treasure hunters following and watching archies !! Do we have lobbyists acting on our behalf at the federal level ? Im not sure but I think not. Is there a hundred thousand signature petition waiting on trumps desk to cut funding to fl st archie programs until the laws are reviewed and modified ? How about a federal review of the department of the navies permitting process. If an inuit indian can harpoon an endangered narwhale because its his cultural heritage, then why can't a "conch" like me go wrecking. My cultural heritage is wrecking like our forefathers here in the keys. What a waist of breath this is .I just couldnt keep my mouth shut !! Sorry. Any way theres a poor black duck with a broken wing drowning in a swamp of red tape with archies and politicians taking pot shots at him from the comfort of the shore. I should be filming east carolina next summer, and ivan should be recording these archies when there unaware. We should be fighting fire with fire. Are tactics are soft and until we all grow nuts and stand together we will continue to be bullied. Im so glad that I have not excepted the generous offers my boss has made to me to fit out a treasure boat and form a treasure corp. When are we going treasure diving, when are we going treasure hunting. I cannot bring myself to saying yes and then flushing it all away on dreams of a recovery permit. I prefer to keep my numbers in my black book, not the states. Hope the laws change one day so I too can live my dream. I hope things work out for you black duck we are all pulling for you. And that will conclude todays rant !!! If my fingers didn't hurt I could go on for another 3 pages.