You can not trust the State of Florida

Dosent suprise me at all. This is nothing new by a long shot. states been screwing people out of there wreck sites since the 60s.just take a look at the keys. People think there is no treasure left down here, ha ha ha, that aint the problem, the problem is you cant dig anything. I know people that have been stonewalled just like you black duck. Jumped through every hoop only to get to the recovery phase and be denied. Last guy I know ran off after 4 years of red tape. He left his boat on the hard and ran off after some gold mine or something. Plenty of stories of heartbreak down here. Ive seen the treasure boats rotting away, or being restored by the next sucker that thinks he has some kind of better plan than everyone else did.i watched out of state archies push carl fiz fismar right off his lease. I watched east carolina archies blow out the pillar dollar wreck this summer. I could rant for pages it wont help. Once you are in the exploratory phase you have allowed yourself to become an unpaid diver for the state. They will lead you to the road of ruin with hopes of a recovery permit. They will log all your info in the states black book and keep you off the site. Ever herd of the law busting in on an archies house and confiscating artifacts ? I bet there are no treasure hunters following and watching archies !! Do we have lobbyists acting on our behalf at the federal level ? Im not sure but I think not. Is there a hundred thousand signature petition waiting on trumps desk to cut funding to fl st archie programs until the laws are reviewed and modified ? How about a federal review of the department of the navies permitting process. If an inuit indian can harpoon an endangered narwhale because its his cultural heritage, then why can't a "conch" like me go wrecking. My cultural heritage is wrecking like our forefathers here in the keys. What a waist of breath this is .I just couldnt keep my mouth shut !! Sorry. Any way theres a poor black duck with a broken wing drowning in a swamp of red tape with archies and politicians taking pot shots at him from the comfort of the shore. I should be filming east carolina next summer, and ivan should be recording these archies when there unaware. We should be fighting fire with fire. Are tactics are soft and until we all grow nuts and stand together we will continue to be bullied. Im so glad that I have not excepted the generous offers my boss has made to me to fit out a treasure boat and form a treasure corp. When are we going treasure diving, when are we going treasure hunting. I cannot bring myself to saying yes and then flushing it all away on dreams of a recovery permit. I prefer to keep my numbers in my black book, not the states. Hope the laws change one day so I too can live my dream. I hope things work out for you black duck we are all pulling for you. And that will conclude todays rant !!! If my fingers didn't hurt I could go on for another 3 pages.

It sounds like time to revisit the 'Great Conch War of '82'.

Then just throw the US Government out and tell Spain and France to- well, you get the rest.

It sounds like time to revisit the 'Great Conch War of '82'.

Then just throw the US Government out and tell Spain and France to- well, you get the rest.

G.I.B. your a genius. We'll get key west to issue conch republic recovery permits. Hell might as well issue some letters of marque we could take foreign container ships and tankers. The conch republic will be the richest group of islands in the world in about 2 weeks. Ahhhhhh a little humor is lowering my blood pressure.

You guys are going to have to let me back in, I've got a CR passport.

...AND florida has NO jurisdiction over these site's.

I missed something. If Florida has no jurisdiction, then why do you need recovery permits from them?

Don't worry. The end is near for these corrupt individuals. Sunshine is the best disinfectant. We are taking a different path. I've never trusted the Florida government and never will.

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Run up the jolly Roger! I'm pulling for you brother!

Dosent suprise me at all. This is nothing new by a long shot. states been screwing people out of there wreck sites since the 60s.just take a look at the keys. People think there is no treasure left down here, ha ha ha, that aint the problem, the problem is you cant dig anything. I know people that have been stonewalled just like you black duck. Jumped through every hoop only to get to the recovery phase and be denied. Last guy I know ran off after 4 years of red tape. He left his boat on the hard and ran off after some gold mine or something. Plenty of stories of heartbreak down here. Ive seen the treasure boats rotting away, or being restored by the next sucker that thinks he has some kind of better plan than everyone else did.i watched out of state archies push carl fiz fismar right off his lease. I watched east carolina archies blow out the pillar dollar wreck this summer. I could rant for pages it wont help. Once you are in the exploratory phase you have allowed yourself to become an unpaid diver for the state. They will lead you to the road of ruin with hopes of a recovery permit. They will log all your info in the states black book and keep you off the site. Ever herd of the law busting in on an archies house and confiscating artifacts ? I bet there are no treasure hunters following and watching archies !! Do we have lobbyists acting on our behalf at the federal level ? Im not sure but I think not. Is there a hundred thousand signature petition waiting on trumps desk to cut funding to fl st archie programs until the laws are reviewed and modified ? How about a federal review of the department of the navies permitting process. If an inuit indian can harpoon an endangered narwhale because its his cultural heritage, then why can't a "conch" like me go wrecking. My cultural heritage is wrecking like our forefathers here in the keys. What a waist of breath this is .I just couldnt keep my mouth shut !! Sorry. Any way theres a poor black duck with a broken wing drowning in a swamp of red tape with archies and politicians taking pot shots at him from the comfort of the shore. I should be filming east carolina next summer, and ivan should be recording these archies when there unaware. We should be fighting fire with fire. Are tactics are soft and until we all grow nuts and stand together we will continue to be bullied. Im so glad that I have not excepted the generous offers my boss has made to me to fit out a treasure boat and form a treasure corp. When are we going treasure diving, when are we going treasure hunting. I cannot bring myself to saying yes and then flushing it all away on dreams of a recovery permit. I prefer to keep my numbers in my black book, not the states. Hope the laws change one day so I too can live my dream. I hope things work out for you black duck we are all pulling for you. And that will conclude todays rant !!! If my fingers didn't hurt I could go on for another 3 pages.

Anyone with info on denied permit from Florida please email me,, thanks BP

Darren I will explain later, we are getting into our case now, I can not talk about it yet, and there are several issues here

Darren I will explain later, we are getting into our case now, I can not talk about it yet, and there are several issues here

Shipwreck in Florida: the stuff of history? - Times LIVE

Here we go again, false information,
[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]The remains are "consistent with material associated with the lost French Fleet of 1565," said Meredith Beatrice, director of communications with the Florida Department of State.[/FONT]

[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Beatrice you need to check your facts and STOP putting out false information from archaeologist who do not know what they are talking about,

I say again Prove it !!!!!!!!!

I can only hope you end up with an impartial judge. Otherwise, he/she will not care about proof. They will only care about precedent created for future cases. There will be immense legal and political pressure to not allow any precedence when it comes to international sovereignty. Our justice system has long lost site of justice, and is more concerned with agendas. All the best to you and GME.

I can only hope you end up with an impartial judge. Otherwise, he/she will not care about proof. They will only care about precedent created for future cases. There will be immense legal and political pressure to not allow any precedence when it comes to international sovereignty. Our justice system has long lost site of justice, and is more concerned with agendas. All the best to you and GME.

True and for this reason the Judge will need to follow the law,

Also when I said the state rep. needs to check her facts, I mean yes it is related to the 1562 Ribault ships as the monument came over then NOT 1565 John Debri and Chuck Meade "do your research guys" only the facts

But again it was NOT on a French Ship maybe Spanish maybe english who knows, remember the Monument and cannon of like were at fort caroline or there about when the Spanish took over

So France read the Military Craft Act because you are not paying attention

True and for this reason the Judge will need to follow the law,

Also when I said the state rep. needs to check her facts, I mean yes it is related to the 1562 Ribault ships as the monument came over then NOT 1565 John Debri and Chuck Meade "do your research guys" only the facts

But again it was NOT on a French Ship maybe Spanish maybe english who knows, remember the Monument and cannon of like were at fort caroline or there about when the Spanish took over

So France read the Military Craft Act because you are not paying attention

I hope you make fools out of them! Their arrogance is tiring.

I don't understand why treasure hunters don't just keep their mouth shut.Loose lips sink ships.



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I don't understand why treasure hunters don't just keep their mouth shut.Loose lips sink ships.


If I understand you, you are saying take treasure illegally, and maybe thats ok for you, and others that have been screwed by Government, I do not blame you,

But GME can not do this we have to many ships to work on and the only way is the legal way even if the Government wants to things illegally we can not, its just the way it is, but again I only worry about GME and what is doing, so have at it, wha ever it is you are doing.

Oh and you have to stand up for what is right when you are getting screwed,and expose the illegal doings of the Government, do u not agree.

You are correct this is what happened in Fact the info we have says it was removed by the Spanish after they took over Fort Caroline

There were NO Markers,Columns, Statues,on the 1565 fleet ships, only 1562

look on page 205 in "the funnel of gold" by Mendel ,Peterson ---there is a image of a engraving by Theodore de Bry after a drawing by Le Moyne ...that clearly shows a Frenchman and a Indian chief in front of a erected pillar with other natives in the background worshipping it ...thus the pillar was clearly already "in place" on land near modern day Mayport along the St Johns river ...there is no logical reason why the French would remove said pillar and place it back upon a boat once the Spanish raided Ft Caroline --they would want to uproot the pillar and ship it back to the king of Spain to be used as "proof" that the French were attempting to claim Spanish lands --thus justifying their attack upon the French...and of course the French fleet that left to attack the Spanish at St Augustine --most likely left their money back in Ft.Caroline so the Spanish would have also looted that as well --so just because French coins and a French pillar was found on it --does not a French shipwreck make it ...much more likely it was "French loot" on a Spanish shipwreck ..Ivan

also -- since the stone pillar was clearly already erected in 1562 , why would they bring a second one at a already marked site ? and even if they did --why wouldn't it be offloaded at the colony upon their arriving there (the same thing wit the money being sent to the colony to support it--if the ships sank so would the money ) why would you carry it into battle with you ? --going into battle the last thing a ships captain of that era would want upon his vessel would be 3 tons or so of dead weight --making his ship slower and less agile .. and thus easier to hit with cannon fire and sink ... logic of any type tells you no

also -- since the stone pillar was clearly already erected in 1562 , why would they bring a second one at a already marked site ? and even if they did --why wouldn't it be offloaded at the colony upon their arriving there (the same thing wit the money being sent to the colony to support it--if the ships sank so would the money ) why would you carry it into battle with you ? --going into battle the last thing a ships captain of that era would want upon his vessel would be 3 tons or so of dead weight --making his ship slower and less agile .. and thus easier to hit with cannon fire and sink ... LOGIC OF ANY TYPE TELLS YOU NO

Never let logic distort "the facts" as determined by the supreme entities that watch over the "best interests" of the people right?....( shakes head)


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