I am starting a new tread, because this is a question that the State needs to, will need to deal with in the Future. In the very soon future.
For 32 years the State has not giving a recovery permit ( new recovery permit, not one that was already grandfathered in during admiralty times) For 32 years there has not been a shipwreck found in Florida waters until GME discovered Five ( 5) under contract with the State.
So my question is why is the State of Florida giving Exploration permits, if it is never going to, never intends to, give a recovery permit? Honestly why is that,? why have a program that is so one sided in FAVOR of the State. ? To get the salvor nothing after spending millions of dollars.
Scenario: Someone finds a shipwreck, and it has an Spanish olive jar and shards, or pewter plates with an English mark, or Cannon with a French mark, the first thing the State will say its a foreign ship and belongs to another country so they can not Permit it, Give you a permit to recover even though they do not know what it is. What else is there to get a permit for a US flagged Ship??
Good luck with that, they will say it is Military.
The state has proven they will not give you a recovery permit, let you work any shipwrecks, and will turn on you and go to that foreign country to make a deal, to CUT YOU OUT. After spending MILLIONS of Dollars.
These are facts, this has happened.
So what is to done about this,? The State should make things right now for the issues they have caused company's just trying to their jobs. Then rewrite the rules to make since and easier to follow with out all the misleading words and one sided rules that only favor the State but will never allow you to recover but their twisted contracts. The rules do not even follow proper archaeology procedures because the State Archaeologist do NOT KNOW WHAT they are DOING in Marine exploration and recovery.
Sorry got a little off tract but, All Facts here