Why does the State of Florida give out exploration permits

View attachment 2064108Florida Archaeologists have a serious CREDIBILITY problem starting with the Mel Fisher fiasco. I wouldn't doubt they are lobbying DeSantos to change the name of the Treasure Coast to the Takeaway Coast. If you have ever read the book I am showing a picture of you would quickly realize they are just desk jockeys trying to create job security and keep us from up staging them with REAL artifacts and possibly building our own museums. The other elephant in the room is Search Inc an off shoot of NOAA, a place to get government funding to disguise their shipwreck hunting exploits. Pretending to look for corals and OH we accidentally found two shipwrecks while hunting corals. BS. I have extensive experience with one of the principals at Search trying to stop me from getting a permit. I am putting a portfolio together of Search and others together to present to the Inspector General. of their misuse of government funds. When I am finished I will PM a copy to a couple of you to see if you can add anything.
I have already submitted issues to the IG and they are there to protect the Governor. They sent me a letter negating my issues 10 days later. The BHR broke the law and the IG found no credible evidence to substantiate anything. 4 mos later they shut my permit down via the NMF. The NMF said I couldn’t operate over a reef. Oh, I forgot to tell you the reef is submerged under 15 feet of sand. Par for the course.

Well, I spoke with a state park Ranger here in Florida recently who passed on the fact that the DHR/Tallahassee has every intention of destroying the private sector (for profit treasure hunting industry)… next plan on their agenda is to use climate change and coastal reef restoration as an excuse to shut down the use of prop was deflectors by treasure salvage operations… this individual also mentioned that they wanted to see what was in the “states collection” of shipwreck artifacts and treasures and even as an employee of the state, it was pretty much off limits for them to even get clearance to see it!!!

So what gives these corrupt greedy tax payer funded archaeologists and politicians the right to control and steal the hard work, historical resources and incomes of the people of the state of Florida?

What gives them the power to further their corrupt agenda to destroy an entire industry through unjust laws and back door deals?

What gives them the authority to make the people “criminals” for wanting to search for, ethically recover and make a living from their passion to bring shipwreck history to life for all to see and learn from and share?

The answer to these questions is plain and simple and is the same answer with regards to everything that is going on in this country with government overreach and corruption and the unraveling of society leading to the ultimate destruction of our freedoms…

Our Silence…

WE allow “them” to control our lives every step of the way while they convince us it’s for the best…

We are a nation divided… a nation blinded and dumbed down by deception from every angle… a nation that has been re-educated to believe that we are powerless and can do nothing without government control and media approval… a nation focused on self aggrandizement and self entitlement… a nation that’s lost faith and lost the courage to stand against injustice and the eroding of our rights and freedoms…

America is a nation that still holds immense promise and despite the mess we’re in on so many fronts, we can stand and preserve our rights and freedoms if and only if we decide to come together and be as creative as the corrupt individuals are at changing things… turn the tides back in favor of the people. I for one will not give up my faith, my hope for a brighter today and tomorrow for my family and the promise of what freedom truly means for each and every one of us…

And yes I sort of digressed and yes what I said sounds political and even sappy and no I don’t intend for my comments to be negative but rather inspirational…

And as far as this passion and endeavor that we have chosen to pursue together (whether as a hobby or a career), we must not relent in our efforts to be heard as there are many more folks out there who would support our position than there are corrupt individuals intent on under mining us…
Amen Brother!

It’s funny how the situation always favors the govt. A 300 yr old shipwreck belongs to Florida because it’s resting within Fla’s domain. But, if anything relevant, from space, lands in your yard it doesn’t belong to the property owner; the govt owns it also. I guess if I wrote the laws they’d probably favorable to me too.

I am starting a new tread, because this is a question that the State needs to, will need to deal with in the Future. In the very soon future.
For 32 years the State has not giving a recovery permit ( new recovery permit, not one that was already grandfathered in during admiralty times) For 32 years there has not been a shipwreck found in Florida waters until GME discovered Five ( 5) under contract with the State.

So my question is why is the State of Florida giving Exploration permits, if it is never going to, never intends to, give a recovery permit? Honestly why is that,? why have a program that is so one sided in FAVOR of the State. ? To get the salvor nothing after spending millions of dollars.

Scenario: Someone finds a shipwreck, and it has an Spanish olive jar and shards, or pewter plates with an English mark, or Cannon with a French mark, the first thing the State will say its a foreign ship and belongs to another country so they can not Permit it, Give you a permit to recover even though they do not know what it is. What else is there to get a permit for a US flagged Ship??
Good luck with that, they will say it is Military.

The state has proven they will not give you a recovery permit, let you work any shipwrecks, and will turn on you and go to that foreign country to make a deal, to CUT YOU OUT. After spending MILLIONS of Dollars.

These are facts, this has happened.

So what is to done about this,? The State should make things right now for the issues they have caused company's just trying to their jobs. Then rewrite the rules to make since and easier to follow with out all the misleading words and one sided rules that only favor the State but will never allow you to recover but their twisted contracts. The rules do not even follow proper archaeology procedures because the State Archaeologist do NOT KNOW WHAT they are DOING in Marine exploration and recovery.

Sorry got a little off tract but, All Facts here
I told you before to get away from Florida,because there are lots of Spanish galleons way outside the state waters.

Think about this......I was watching something about the j.b. magruder. This is melfishers dig boat for atocha/Santa margarita. They mentioned and showed a cad computer chart of the holes they blow in the bottom......2000 + holes in the national marine sanctuary, and were not allowed to blow one hole....whats the difference? One group is allowed, and no one else is......you can't argue about environmental impact on the marine habitat and let one group dig at will, and deny the others on environmental impact concerns. Imagine what 25 knot blow for 3 days does in the way of sediment settling on sensitive corals and reef ?? But one group is allowed to blow at will in an even more sensitive part of the sanctuary. 20 years and thousands of holes have not shown to be any more damaging than any natural occurrence that has happened such as normal storms from nature !! These are buracractic road blocks and excuses !! Our lease predates the national marine Sanctuary.....so.....we will see !!
When does the new trial start?

Well you seem to have it all figured out !! You should get into the business and go get it all. The market does drive the price and demand. The demand for sunken treasure is high. So are the prices for this treasure. So are you going to list your treasure without a COA....certificate of authenticity?? How can you prove that your treasure came from a certain shipwreck....or will that certificate just say its from this or that wreck ? No one will buy your atocha coin for 15,000$ unless it is proven to be from that wreck.....if you tell the truth and say I dove it from the atocha, and your not a known employee or investor.....then your admittedly stealing from licensed treasure salvors. If you choose to sell it without a COA, then you only realize a fraction of that 15000$.....you would be lucky if you got 1500$ because it might not be from the atocha, and could be from a corn field in upstae new York or anywhere. After all its really just 20 dollars of silver if its evenan ounce.If your not licensed by the state you are not allowed to remove anything over 50 years old from the ocean.....that means a 1970 penny is an artifact, and technically illegal to remove from the sea. I know these laws are hardly enforced but if they decide to go to court this is law !! But sounds like you've figured out how to skirt all this so good luck out there !!

So to get a COA you need to licensed by the state. If the licensed person had a replica of an Atocha coin then they can just get a COA issued to them. I hope that doesn't happen. Or does somebody from the state have to actually examine it first?

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It’s funny how the situation always favors the govt.

I'm sure that's just a coincidence.....

a convenient one that's random even though it keeps recurring....LOL

I like how it works, but don't worry. This is for our own "good" right?

/sarcasm off

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I asked ChatGPT how to solve this issue... ⬇️😆😆

For when the sun sets, it is not the permits that shine upon the treasures, but the moon's conspiratorial wink that whispers, "Go forth, seekers of fortune, and let the night be your accomplice in this audacious liberation of artifacts."

The market decides what it’s worth... along with that, supply and demand...

The only laws that are mandatory in the US are the ones in the constitution. all others are subject to change...
The future of maritime treasure hunting is a good one as we are in the process of a mass public awakening.

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“Archaeology: Treasure hunting decently concealed under the respectable cloak of science.”
Ann Axtel Morris, archaeologist.

Yes, all these unconstitutional laws will be thrown out. The public has been asleep for a very long time while corrupt governments have put in place layers and layers of unconstitutional laws to protect their thievery. The future of maritime treasure hunting is a good one as we are in the process of a mass public awakening.

Tannyhill, please leave the politics out of replies per our rules and terms.

All, please leave political comments out of the posts.

Maybe someone can school me on this. How did Mel Fisher get his rights to salvage? Obviously in the court of law, but how?
It was outside of federal claimed waters after his find the feds tried to expend the zone so they could claim his find * the honest judge was having none of this deity dealing and to prevent the state from black ball future permits said the state must set up a permit process — the will issue look and find (exploration) permits with all data learned to be shared with them but e we hen it’s time to issued the money making recovery permit something always details it this has been going on for a long long time * I went undercover to a Archie meeting in
St Augustine - the Archie’s from fl got on stage and bragged that they had another year with no recovery permits this drew applause from the other Archie’s there

I'm thinking it was about 35 miles outside of state jurisdiction, Mel had quite a fight on his hands.

It was outside of federal claimed waters after his find the feds tried to expend the zone so they could claim his find * the honest judge was having none of this deity dealing and to prevent the state from black ball future permits said the state must set up a permit process — the will issue look and find (exploration) permits with all data learned to be shared with them but e we hen it’s time to issued the money making recovery permit something always details it this has been going on for a long long time * I went undercover to a Archie meeting in
St Augustine - the Archie’s from fl got on stage and bragged that they had another year with no recovery permits this drew applause from the other Archie’s there
If you lost your old profile, maybe they can fix it.

The bureau of ocean energy management, regulation and enforcement


Energy management regulation and enforcment ?? What the heck does that have to do with shipwrecks ??

Same with NOAA national oceanographic atmospheric administration.......again nothing about shipwrecks related to anything in that title !!

Go figure ??
I can answer your questions regarding noaa and the state of florida
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I have already submitted issues to the IG and they are there to protect the Governor. They sent me a letter negating my issues 10 days later. The BHR broke the law and the IG found no credible evidence to substantiate anything. 4 mos later they shut my permit down via the NMF. The NMF said I couldn’t operate over a reef. Oh, I forgot to tell you the reef is submerged under 15 feet of sand. Par for the course.
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Sir William, please stop spamming website with the web address, only paying supporting vendors can give out, or post their business web address.

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