Yes, What is it? Not a relic but a monster in the woods. For real.


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Nov 22, 2012
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So I live in God's country in Maryland, next to beaver, raccoon, fox, squirrel, bobcat, skunk, opossum, chipmunk, groundhog and nutria infested woods. Not to forget the deer. My trail camera got 3 deer in 1 frame last night.

Anyway, I got home about 9 pm, well after dark and I parked a little farther away than normal from the outside motion sensor lights, so when I got out of the vehicle it was dark, with moonlight as we're at full moon stage. I walk 10 feet toward the house and the floods kicked in. Immediately thereafter there is a blood curdling ROAR, coming out the woods and I figure I was about 100-150 feet away from the roaring critter. I did the horror movie thing and fumbled and dropped my keys getting into the house, but fortunately did not get CHOMPED by the thing.

What could it (realistically) have been? A neighbor saw a mountain lion three weeks ago in their field 2 houses down. My friend saw one here about 10 years ago, another neighbor saw one jump out of tree about 2 years ago and I have chased a bear out of my trash right up close and in person about 6 years ago. Bears still come and go.

It was not a little roar. It was a BIG roar. Any advice appreciated. I'm thinking mountain lion (although they're not supposed to be around here) or a bear. Probably not an alien.

And my private deer herd. Less the buck.

I have EIGHT HUNDRED pictures of the hogs. See my offering of corn? No, they're not hunted right here. Just getting pics.

Assuming 1/2 of the hog population is female, that would place the value of your wildlife at four hundred sows and bucks.

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Assuming 1/2 of the hog population is female, that would place the value of your wildlife at four hundred sows and bucks.

Boooooo, Hissssss, Boooooooo. Funny though, lol.

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If you notice the lead doe has her mouth open, probably whining about something.

Maybe she passed the buck.....har har har IMG_0521.JPG

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Yup, that was it, Bobcat like in #1, probably 100 feet or more away. I just played this and my cats left the area - immediately, now I've got to find them and play suck up.

I don't think Bobcats actually come after old toads like me, do you? Anyway, fixed the one burnt out bulb and I actually SAW the Bobcat 11/22. He ran away.

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The bobcat is hanging out at the edge of my woods. He tried for my chickens without success about 6 weeks ago, I SAW him 11/22 and he hates floodlights. How big they get?

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Yup, that was it, Bobcat like in #1, probably 100 feet or more away. I just played this and my cats left the area - immediately, now I've got to find them and play suck up.

I don't think Bobcats actually come after old toads like me, do you? Anyway, fixed the one burnt out bulb and I actually SAW the Bobcat 11/22. He ran away.

IDK had one stalk me when i was about 12, im about the same size as
then,5'5 140# 50+ yrs later, maybe like other cats protecting cubs,food,den

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You'll know if it eats old toads as I will not be posting. Wrong time of year for bobcat babies. I suppose.

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And sometimes cell phones, still working.

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There are mountain lions in northeast Pennsylvania, my cousin has them on his game camera. The pa game commission investigated. They don't want people to know the truth about their existence because people will be afraid to go outside! They travel vast distances. Maryland is a strive away.

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Maryland is only 1 short leap for mountain lion. I think the motion sensor lights around the house will keep most of the critters at bay. Most.

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cw0909, I thought of that. Worst part is I get home after dark. Not afraid, however. Just cautious.

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now i wonder if the cat i saw was rabid or just curious, as it
followed me on a low rise above a dirt road, in a hollar in wva
i was on a bicycle about a 1 mile from home and the rabies
vaccine was still 2 yrs away
the one i heard was a few yrs later near the same hollar

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Once they actually get rabies, they don't last long. He's been here at least 8 weeks. Once I got a chance to think about it, that's when my hens started hiding in their house at night. If it had or has rabies, it won't take long to die. Vet says about 10 days.

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Dang it, looks like Sammy got into the still again. Sorry for the scare. Sammy sorta lives up on my farm in PA, just north of the Mason/Dixon line, so I guess he, on one of his drunken trips though the woods, got over one hollow too far. Normally he's pretty quiet, but when he gets sloshed he can be a mean drunk. At 8'6" and nearly 900 pounds you would be best to avoid him.

Since my place is out in the boonies, normally when he goes on one of his little trips, nobody is the wiser. He'll tear a couple of trees out of the ground, toss some boulders about, and do his Frank Sinatra impressions. Don't tell him but he sounds more like Yoko Ono then Old Blue Eyes.

If it happens again, whatever you do, DO NOT shine a light at him. When he's in one of his tipsy trips he thinks it's a spotlight and he's on the stage. And he'll break out into his rendition of New York New York.
I have no idea where he got the top hat and cane he carries, must of found them at the dump. When he's really had a few he's starts dancing. He's no Fred Astaire. Lord you have no idea seeing something that big trying to do his Nutcracker dance every year when he's had too much eggnog.

Your best bet is to carry a pack of cards with you, if you venture into the dark woods. He loves to play cards, he's bad at Poker. But on the good side, he's always got money, says it's a trust fund, but I don't believe him.

Oh and one other thing, about the smell. I put it close to three day old road kill, spoiled eggs, and sticking your head in a septic tank. Sammy thinks the smell drives the girls wild. I don't know about that, but at his size I'm not saying anything. You would be wise to do as so too.

If you happen to bump into him again, tell him his momma called looking for him. Nothing will put the fear of God into him then the thought of having to deal with his Mother when she finds out he's been out drinking and rabble rousing. He'll head for home like a scalded Sasquatch.

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check out videos of large male wild hogs and it possible this is the roar you heard?

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