Work Safely to not Tear your body up


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Hi All 63kbpkr here and fresh out of the operating room on the 18th of March 2013.

The MRI indicated I had a completely torn rotary cuff, that's a tendon and muscle combo and is a part of the miracle of our bodies. In addition the MRI hinted at other damage in there.

When my surgeon got in there he found the rotary cuff tendon/muscle so damaged it was not useable. He used a portion of some similar tendon/muscle nearby to perform the surgery.

How did I manage to do this over time to myself. I work very hard and thereby get lots accomplished including really messing up my shoulder. In 2010 I found a fun paystreak along a river bank. I went at it with shovel and 5' long pry bar. With the pry bar I found I could move very large boulders but as the bar was a relatively short lever arm I needed to exert a great deal of energy to lift the boulders. This high stress spread out over a month or more of this type of work likely caused some damage. After I'd finished doing the dig and pry bar routine I had quite a trench started and to keep the bank from eroding I filled the trench with a lot of boulders and this likely added to the damage.

I've also done a fair amount of chain saw work cutting up firewood, tossing the logs and doing typical firewood duty and this could have added to my shoulder damage.

My hope here in sharing this with you is to alert you to the damage we can create to our own bodies by doing the things we like to do. We can still do them but we need to work our bodies less by using cable pullers and longer pry bars. Will I still do this type of work, Yes! But I will be smarter about it.

So I've one shoulder repaired and one more shoulder to be repaired as well as a knee to be repaired and I hope this does not sound like fun to any of you as it is not and it will be costly.

Caution to all to take care of yourselves out there...............63bkpkr

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I have to agree with Jeff95531 on the injuries of our youth coming back to haunt us. I'm the same age and am living proof of the truth of that statement. It all adds up and comes back at some point later in life to drive you nuts. A few words of wisdom for the younger members here. Take care of your body now because it's not as easy to do so when you get older!!! Things I used to shake off when younger I wouldn't even consider doing now! I've got a laundry list of injuries that I shook off as a young man that now haunt me on a daily basis. Two broken vertebra in the Army, leg laid open by a chainsaw and a bike wreck or two (or three) and several other injuries I joked about back then are no longer a joke.

"A Secluded Spot", sounds like someplace I'd like to take a date to propose marriage to her. How I would love to do that!!

Shucks Jeff, if its not secluded why would I want to go out there! I do understand your point though and I've had trouble with that for many years as where I go it is really secluded. I've hiked by myself for 15 to 20 years and there have been a few close calls between bears coming in real close, breaking a leg and severely spraining the ankle of the broken leg (though I hiked out with the 85lb pack), sprained ankles, pushing it by rappelling over cliffs by myself, exploring in no-mans land, free climbing canyon walls, going cross country with heavy packs and just "enjoying" myself. I do carry a Spot Messenger system with me at all times, since 2009, and it has been used in an emergency only once but only once was all that was needed for me to renew the service every year. I may have made it out without it but it is a "may have" question that will always remind me to have it with me. After that trip I added another item to my first aid kit, a tiny coated plastic sleeping sack as it would have made my two nights out without equipment much nicer and most likely I would not have had to use the 911 button on the Spot Messenger. I must admit that seeing a rescue helicopter right over my head was mighty comforting. Being comforted is a good thing especially in a heavy forest with a bear just out of sight turning over logs and rocks looking for 'things' to eat. This is also why many years ago I added a .454 Casull, so to speak, to my first aid kit.

Yes 10 feet tall and bullet proof I Am Not and never have been though at times I've acted like I was. Good Lord I've seen some beautiful places though foolish I was in being where I was. I guess I could have made a good Jeremiah Johnson, stupid and ill equipped at first but capable later on especially after finding Hatchet Jacks .50 caliber Hawkin rifle, "pure Hawkin".

Time to get back out in the city world.................63bkpkr

I too was 10ft tall and bullet proof when I was younger. Went places I was lucky to get out of!! When I was hunting Deer and Elk I wanted to be where others didn't want to go. " If you shoot 1 back in there you bette have a knife and fork" , but purtty country. But a back injury at work stopped that stuff at 36. To many injurys I shookoff at the time have come back to haunt me in my 60s. To many years smoking have come back to haunt me. Used to be 250lbs of solid musscle. Could throw a Bathtub on my shoulder and Pack it from the street up 3 flights of stairs. Seems like it all hit at once. Quad Bypass in 03, knee surgey in 05, small stroke in 10, Cancer the found as a result of the stroke and the treaments that followed took it out of me. I was down to 196lbs with no musscle mass. To say getting back into any sort of shape is tough when all those pass injury's start screaming at you would be an understatment. Take care off yourself now or your Golden years are gonna suck!!!

Yup: Getting old is not for sissies.:unhappysmiley:

Man I can not beleve the perception of people. I understand I am not bullet proof but I fail to see how beining easy on my self now will pay in the future other then a little less pain maybe..I never have had surgery and The last time I went was for a kidney stone and I really thought something was wrong for the pain was of an extreme nature and lasted for ever..I waited in the emergency room why some little basted kept on trying to get me to tell him what drugs I was on to make my stomach hurt..Anyway after 3 hours of misery in the waiting room I spent about 30 mins with a doctor who did some scans and told me it was a kidney stone as soon as I figured out it wasn't life threatning I left against their wishes and still got a bill for 1600 bucks and all they did at the hospital is make me feel like a low life..People don't care about people they only care about goining to work getting paid and doining as less as possible to get by. I have no intenton on living for ever and I definatly have no intention on treating myself like some brand new truck that I don't want to get scratched..And it is quite possible that an injury may put me down for life but I will adapt and overcome and change my life accordinly but I see no reason not to use my body as if scared to break it...I think you have more odds of getting hurt driving then walking in the woods but I doubt most of you avoid cars!! No becouse they make life easy and its no physical work.Though the dangers are always present and instead of the possibly of just you making a mistake there is how many other idiots on the road who are careless.But you wont stop driving will you?I hope all you men saving your your bodies so it can be buried in decent shape don't one day sit and wonder of all the things they could have done when their body was able but age as a way of dimming a man no matter how well they take care of themself. It is the way of things..But if you are of a mind to save your body for old age I will never know it makes no sense.. Seems to me men are afraid of dying and living these days... I look forward to both..

When you look death in the eye close up it changes your view somewhat. No one is telling you to live like a wuzzy, just saying it catches up with you. It helps to stay in shape. It helps to not smoke,it helps to eat right. It caught up with me, little late for me but if 1 person can learn from MY MISTAKES then I don't have a problem post about them. Sorry if you take it personaly, not my intention.

Back from the doc. She says there's no permanent damage to my rotator cuff, just inflamed tendons (from jerking on the end of the shovel no doubt!). She says lots of ice and ibuprofen should do it and NO more rough jerking/yanking movements...not good for anyone, not even you MadMarshall!

When you look death in the eye close up it changes your view somewhat. No one is telling you to live like a wuzzy, just saying it catches up with you. It helps to stay in shape. It helps to not smoke,it helps to eat right. It caught up with me, little late for me but if 1 person can learn from MY MISTAKES then I don't have a problem post about them. Sorry if you take it personaly, not my intention.
I dont take offense to much so pay no mind to my feeling but I would be carefull of all activities in life!!!!!! so becarefull all you youngens!!! Weather you work yourself to death or you type on a computer and play video games and get hands that aches due to a bad case of athritis.. IT IS OF MY OPINION "That men are like Seasons" we spring to life and then we and are in full bloom and then we get quite a little and eventually we drift off letting our seeds to spring to life with all we done in our life..I make no choice how I became or how I leave but I do have a choice what I can do in the meantime.. and I choose to get 200% out this body I was given, for as long as I can
But beleive me when I say I am a man of little regret becouse most my actions are something I truly love to do..And I would be very disapointed if I died in my sleep in some warm bed as I enjoy so much more..But life is funny and even I wont be so bold as to predict where I will be and what will befall me..Its up to each individual to know his limits and place in the world and I fear in today's society so many people lack purpose

Back from the doc. She says there's no permanent damage to my rotator cuff, just inflamed tendons (from jerking on the end of the shovel no doubt!). She says lots of ice and ibuprofen should do it and NO more rough jerking/yanking movements...not good for anyone, not even you MadMarshall!

What about the men of past did they not have the same issues? A mans Mind and a mans Will work a little better then Ibuprofen I think?? As for the Ice I think the good lord took pity in man and his aches!!! but in all I write I ONLY SPEAK FOR MYSELF..

Looking at white males (the first table) the life expectancy at birth in 1850 was indeed a dismal 38.3 years....quoted from a google search on life expectancy. So yes the gold rush miners worked themselves to death. If you want to last longer than they did ya gotta work smarter and be more careful with your body!!!

The Harbor Freight 4 Ton (8000 lb) cable hoist is well worth the investment especially when it is on sale! IMHO, do not even bother with the 2 ton unit as they fall apart when used to move boulders. So, the HF 4 Ton, an 8000 lb snatch block w/added clevis unit, HF steel cable with hooks, 4' length of 5/16" steel chain and screw locking link(or a bolt and nut with washers), half a set of link chain type truck tire snow chains and you've got a pulling success on your hands with no strain to the body. I've used the above setup and it is so sweet. Heavy to carry in, Yes! Does it save the body, Yes. Have fun...........63bkpkr

197_9701.webp Boulder Bra in action

The Harbor Freight 4 Ton (8000 lb) cable hoist is well worth the investment especially when it is on sale! IMHO, do not even bother with the 2 ton unit as they fall apart when used to move boulders. So, the HF 4 Ton, an 8000 lb snatch block w/added clevis unit, HF steel cable with hooks, 4' length of 5/16" steel chain and screw locking link(or a bolt and nut with washers), half a set of link chain type truck tire snow chains and you've got a pulling success on your hands with no strain to the body. I've used the above setup and it is so sweet. Heavy to carry in, Yes! Does it save the body, Yes. Have fun...........63bkpkr

View attachment 766388 Boulder Bra in action

Could you make a little movie next time you use this machine and the Bra? It seems a cool and good way to get to that little honeyhole!

Howdy there, I do not have a movie camera, due to my shoulder surgery I can not get out my equipment to photograph it for better clarity so I've pulled these images off the internet.

A cable hoist is a multi purpose hand operated machine and it pulls/moves heavy objects that would be difficult to move by hand or by one person. It is a simple mechanical advantage device that takes up a cable onto a drum, as the cable is taken up the object that the unit is attached to is moved. You need a way to attach the cable hoist to the pulled object (the load) and another way to attach a cable or chain to a stationary object (anchor {solid tree, rock, vehicle, etc.}). The half set of tire chain I showed in the earlier picture is how "I" hold onto a boulder I want to move. Depending on where I'm at I find a suitable anchor (tree or boulder - note: the tree needs to be protected so the bark is not damaged, some heavy duty cloth like a burlap sack can be used between the tree and the hook up chain I use). I attach to the cable hoist body hook to the anchor, I attach the cable hoist cable hook to the pulling cable or chain I am using and begin to pull the boulder from its resting place. Several setups are required to move a boulder as the cable on the hoist is maybe 12' long so one must stop, take the setup apart, figure out how to make the next setup and pull again. This takes time but the real work is done by the hoist. Gloves for hand protection are advised as well as eye protection. (Note: cables stretch so they store energy in them, IF the tension on the cable is released quickly the cable can fly through the air as it gives up the stored energy (think of the cable as a stretched rubber band- same energy only more). Being hit by a flying hunk of cable is dangerous! I like to use a hunk of chain between the cable and the load as if this comes off the chain absorbs some of the cables energy.)

View attachment 766592This is your classic what I am calling a cable hoist/puller. A hook to attach to the pulled object and another to attach to the stationary object. Start taking the cable up on the center drum by use of the pawl ratchet arm and the object to be pulled comes towards the stationary or anchor object.

This is a snatch block, Two steel plates that surround a pulley. If the object to be pulled is in an awkward place then it may be possible to use a snatch block that allows a cable to be hooked to the object to be pulled, the cable is then run between the plates and the snatch block is then mounted to something like a solid tree via a chain and clevis bolt, the cable is then fed to the cable hoist which has been attached to another solid object. Start pulling the cable hoist cable and out comes the object.
This is one type of clevis and there are others types. The idea is to be able to easily attach the clevis to a chain that has been wrapped around a tree or other solid object. The clevis sides are placed parallel to the the plates of the snatch block and the clevis pin/bolt is secured/screwed into place. This arrangement keeps the snatch block pulley horizontal so the pull cable is not damaged.

This should give you some idea of how this system of great physical labor is performed. BUT if it were not for this system some of these rocks/boulders/monsters could not be moved.

Good luck................63bkpkr

Yes, I did carry all of this in as well as out.

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I always use truckers tow straps to pull boulders up to many dozens of tons. NEVER snap,fray,shred your flesh like steel,snap and slash you to death . Ol'Lanny up here learned the hard way,lost a eye and holding your guts in with a dirty towel is no fun. Seen way too many cable incidents. Instead of snap and slash they go limp but grab and contour to any configuration of rock or boulder. Couple a bucks at any swapmeet or garage sale,3-4" is my favorite. John

I always use truckers tow straps to pull boulders up to many dozens of tons. NEVER snap,fray,shred your flesh like steel,snap and slash you to death . Ol'Lanny up here learned the hard way,lost a eye and holding your guts in with a dirty towel is no fun. Seen way too many cable incidents. Instead of snap and slash they go limp but grab and contour to any configuration of rock or boulder. Couple a bucks at any swapmeet or garage sale,3-4" is my favorite. John

Are you talking about the rachet type John? If so is your "come along" somply the rachet on the rachet strap?

63bkpkr, just curious if you ever tried the "cable chains" instead of real tire chains. much lighter but I suppose no where near the strength.

Vance in AK ,
No Vance I've not tried the cable type units. I've seen what happens with the cable units on a car, a few strands break and the whole thing degrades. Also one fine year when I toted in a 115 lb pack, goodness I was in such fine shape the thing never phased me but I digress, a buddy and I headed way back in to an old mining site and the 2 ton cable pullers were with us. The working room was really short/tight so the cable of the puller was sliding on the rocks and a couple of strands did fray, I've stuck with chains ever since in abrasion situations.

Hoser John,
Thank you for your input on the trucker straps. I've wanted to use them for the same reasons you discuss but lacked the insight as to where to find them CHEAP as you've indicated they could be had for. On the 1989 trip mentioned above I did bring in an automotive fabric tow strap and it worked great BUT a bit of rubbing on the rocks and it began to fray though never broke. That tow strap was way smaller than the ones you are talking about so, once I get better and that would seem to be 2015, I will invest in some of the truck straps. I am very careful when using cables for long distance pulling but I Do Not Like It because they are dangerous, handy but dangerous. Fabric straps and chains just go limp and fall down when the tension on them is quickly released, Nice!...........63bkpkr

Note here: When you've 5' or so of cable stretched out that's one situation but when you've 25 - 100' of cable stretched out so tight out IF you could twang it with a finger you could play a musical note on it, if it snaps or the boulder mount slips off that entire length flys backwards doing the sort of stuff Hoser discussed happening to Lanny of Redding

Also, I see the cable hoist picture did not attach properly so here it is


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Do not know how I missed your post but what a 'loverly' nugget and yes way larger than the ones I had in my ~1/4 oz run of pay streak. Out of curiosity, could you post it with a dime next to it...........63bkpkr

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I think Toby Keith said it best..."I'm not as good as I one was...but I'm as good once as I ever was"

I always wondered if my fellow prospectors had my aches and pains, or worse? Nobody on the other gold forums will ever talk about these things for some reason or nother? Maybe they are afraid of looking weak to their fellows? Just a fact of life looks like ,aches and pains and getting older! At least I figgered out how to defeat the common cold germ.Have not had a bad cold or any cold at all in over 6 years since I learnt how to fight them off when the symptoms first appear !!! I actually felt better after I quit taking all my meds last year due to health insurance issues. Nobody realizes how much insurance subsidizes our potions until we have to pay full price!! Mine went from 110 a month to over a thousand for 90 days. That hurt worse than my ills did.
Russ, you can go sluice with me anyday !!
Yes, the chiropractor saves me more often than any MD on aches and pains, especially love an hour long massage when I can afford it. I bought several Homedics massagers over the years. The older PA1 massagers, 0.3 amp version, were the best, can still be got on Ebay used. Their pillow Shiatsu massager really helps with painful feet and arms and calf muscles and sore neck and shoulders. I also use Traumeel homeopathic cream to relax tight chest muscles, minor cramping. Gatorade helps with muscle cramps and I use the low calorie version to cut the sugar intake. I use good ol duct tape on my plantar fasciitis foot symptoms.Just cut a piece a few inches long and put on your foot where the heel/foot pain is. ( Heck, my sister buys pink duct tape and wraps her heel with it now) Vapor Rub helps a lot with foot pain too, better than anything the podiatrist gave me ,altho a good set of orthotics can help with foot pain too. If your knees go out/weak on you, sit in a chair,and do like 50 leg extensions rapidly, per leg, as my chiropractor taught me. I am using a stair stepper thing to get in better hiking shape, I hope...
Ps, AstroBouncer, was that you in the YouTube videos on Creek #5 with the Dahlke dredge? I sure do like them ol southern boys in them videos, when will they have some more for us? I also was wondering how to get a rock crusher like you were demonstrating in your personal videos?

-Tom V.

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