Will Obama & Holder Respond Here Like They Did For Travyon

Answer my question? If Martin would have been your son would you just say he had it coming? The damage to Zimmerman could have been minor. If you hit someone in the head while against concrete or a hard surface your head would get small cuts. That is not good enough for me. Yes the jury has spoken. Just my opinion and it is worth every I had paid for it.

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Answer my question? If Martin would have been your son would you just say he had it coming? The damage to Zimmerman could have been minor. If you hit someone in the head while against concrete or a hard surface your head would get small cuts. That is not good enough for me. Yes the jury has spoken. Just my opinion and it is worth every I had paid for it.

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Answer my question? If Martin would have been your son would you just say he had it coming? The damage to Zimmerman could have been minor. If you hit someone in the head while against concrete or a hard surface your head would get small cuts. That is not good enough for me. Yes the jury has spoken. Just my opinion and it is worth every I had paid for it.

Oba, if your talking to me I answered. You asked if Martin was my son would I hunt Zimmerman down. I said NO.

If your assaulting someone to the point your pounding his head into the concrete you have passed a simple fight or assault, your trying to inflict severe head injury or death and you should be prepared for the consequences, Martin was not a kid.

So if a thug is killed while violently assaulting someone you expect their family to hunt them down?

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I guess that fist fights are over. Just shootem I say. I guess I would have been dead years ago. That's all my friend.

to believe the defense, it wasn't a fist fight, it was a deadly attack initiated by Martin. I'm sure he wouldn't have attacked Zimmerman had he known he was armed. Banging someone's head against the concrete is not a fist fight and, if it is your head getting slammed to the ground, you know you don't have much time to protect yourself and you will use any means at your disposal to end it quickly. This is just the same ol' crap! If a black is killed by someone other than another black person, which by the way is not the norm, racism is the first thing that comes to everyone's mind. Forget the crime stats for blacks which point out Martin was the likely attacker, just call every act upon a black person racism. Given the only evidence available to them, the prosecution could not convince the jury it was nothing more than self defense to the letter of the law. To have our so-called leaders, from Obama on down, suggest that justice wasn't served just shows the arrogance of this administration if not their racist beliefs!

Assumptions my friend. Only Zimmerman knows really what had happened.

Assumptions my friend. Only Zimmerman knows really what had happened.

But we do know what really happen, what really happen was told by Zimmerman, that story was verified by not just one, but two lie detector tests given by the police on the night of the incident.

Zimmerman passed both lie detector tests with flying colors..

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Let us all evolve and stop racism of all colors. It is a plague that is ruining our country, not the president.
Tell that to the media, I doubt they will listen though. Gotta hype it up by all means.

axe, you said "Assumptions my friend. Only Zimmerman knows really what had happened. "
Okay axe, I'll give you that. Only Zimmerman knows what really happened and I'll toss in that only Zimmerman knows if he's a racist or not. Now, how can Obama, Holder, Sharpton and 99.9999% of the black population believe Zimmerman is guilty of, at least, 2nd degree murder?? Now THAT'S an assumption my friend! Because the dead guy is black and the shooter wasn't means an injustice has occurred and the shooter is racist. I submit that Obama, Sharpton and Holder are the racists!!

Obviously opinions on this are divided and not just with color or race. The white man makes the laws and we will have to live with them unless they can be changed. Thanks for the civil discussion. Race issues needs to be discussed but not lopsided if we are ever going to move forward as a nation. Regards Bill

I didn't know that all of the elected black politicians weren't allowed to vote when it came to lawmaking, only the whites huh? Now, if we could just make that white MEN everything would be fine.
So, you don't think that the black officials in government are a tad lopsided in their perception of Zimmerman? Let's be real and we'll sing kum-bye-ya another time.

Brothers killed in shooting outside Jacksonville restaurant | jacksonville.com

the brothers had prior involvement with the attackers...duh...not random...not black on white...

"Detectives do not think the shooting was random and believe the Bohannons and their attackers were “acquaintances of some sort,” said spokeswoman Melissa Bujeda of the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office."

most people see in color...not black an white.

Have to agree secret........the blacks would have shot the brothers no matter what color they were. They're famous for shooting other blacks..........or "brothers"........or whatever

I'm flabbergasted.

if the ZimmerMan would have just listened to what the 911 operator said, these conversations would not be happening.

My take is, the ZimmerMan is a punk that needs a gun to fulfill his wish of being a hero, he chose the wrong person to push around and was getting his a$$kicked when he remembered the stand your ground defense.(of which he told Sean Hannity, he knew nothing about, even after being the top grade earner in that class. Not that I'm calling him a liar, ya know) Now he has to live among us, can you guys spare a room?

I'm flabbergasted.

if the ZimmerMan would have just listened to what the 911 operator said, these conversations would not be happening.

My take is, the ZimmerMan is a punk that needs a gun to fulfill his wish of being a hero, he chose the wrong person to push around and was getting his a$$kicked when he remembered the stand your ground defense.(of which he told Sean Hannity, he knew nothing about, even after being the top grade earner in that class. Not that I'm calling him a liar, ya know) Now he has to live among us, can you guys spare a room?

Dave you seem to be backward on some things....Travyon pick the wrong person to be a thug with.

If Travyon had not attacked George like a thug he would still be alive.

If Trayvon had not been a thug straddled on top of George raining down punches and elbows on George he would still be alive.

If Trayvon had not been a thug holding stolen jewelry and drugs he would not have been suspended from school again and would still be alive.

If Trayvon's parents had done their job in raising him as a law abiding member of society instead of a wannabe, gangster, thug he would still be alive.

17 or 57 a thug is a thug,..........

I don't rent rooms to anyone, but I would have no issue with inviting George into my home.

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