Thats how the Story goes, thats right. With regard to the box left in your charge,paragraph, From the St. Louis letter. instructions concerning it. What is it, the box. Its loss might be irreparable, it=box, It also contains,it=the,box,please preserve carefully the Box,the Box,you will open It,it=box, then comes key specs, such a key I,left in,the hands of a friend in this place,were is this place,lol,Sealed,what it just said, sealed in st Louis,lol,not to be delivered till 1832,when the box gets opened. Particular in instructions I remain as ever. From St. Louis,and impress upon you its,Its importance still more forcibly,were does it say the key is in St.Louis , the next paragraph,speaks of the key. Would reach you in time, and will merely to state the contents. The reach you in time is that were everyone gets the St. Louis claim, was the letter sent from, sent before the box opened,or after. Cause the letter from,says don't open box for ten yrs, why is the letter in the box,that hasn't been opened yet,speak of the letter he wrote. Its confusing,I know, easy to misunderstand. The sent letter explains how to usethe key,and were it is. But, if you choose,to believe the key in st lu, thing thats cool,free country.