Why the key was never sent (?), and other ramblings

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kentucky Kache
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But who's is bigger? :laughing7:

Mine, that's who......LOL

Lets Rumble in the Jungle

the Key was never seen because it was buried in the desert before they were massacred

2 = 3 - mine - 18 = 7

Gone for 2 years

left in 3rd month

found mines

returned 18 months later, to VA locate cave, then to craft clues there, then to bury troves in another vault in the area......(Justintime found the caves with the markers to locate)

left for 7 months/years till massacred by the Apache, unclear if months or years out exploring till killed, but stones of witch priest stone have dates, and the dates on the heart inlay are related to this timeperiod

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Like I said before guys

Tesoro Hallado

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Morris never received the letter because the man delivering the letter was killed at the Blackhorse Tavern in Roanoke, Virginia. Ebenezer Nelms was proprietor of the tavern when George Rader Brugh and his partner stayed over night they were both killed by Ebenezer. The letter with the "KEY" stayed at the tavern until a little girl found it stashed away in the attic with about one inch of dust on top of it. The letter had written on the front, "Not to be opened until June, 1832." Signed Thomas Jefferson Beale.
What is suspect in this story is that the 1885 Beale Papers only mentions Thomas J Beale, it was the Hart brothers that added the "Jefferson" as Beale's middle name.

First I know where George Rader Brugh is buried. The grave is marked on the opposite side of the road from the Blackhorse Tavern. Second I know the lady that found this letter in the early 1930's and I believe her. She made relentless trips trying to locate the original letter again and a copy of the letter she made when she was only a child. She went as far as St. Louis and stayed at the Planter's Hotel where a painting of George Rader Brugh hung in the lobby as he was a former proprietor. Not only proprietor but proprietor when TJB made those trips back and forth to Sante Fe area. Yes, I believe whole heartly that everything she says is the truth at least about the letter with the "KEY"
The proprietor of the Planter's Hotel in St Louis at the time TJB would have made those back and forth trips, EVARIST MAURY.
The Planters Hotel that stood during the "Beale period" no longer existed when she made that visit during the mid 20th century.

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Morris never received the letter because the man delivering the letter was killed at the Blackhorse Tavern in Roanoke, Virginia. Ebenezer Nelms was proprietor of the tavern when George Rader Brugh and his partner stayed over night they were both killed by Ebenezer. The letter with the "KEY" stayed at the tavern until a little girl found it stashed away in the attic with about one inch of dust on top of it. The letter had written on the front, "Not to be opened until June, 1832." Signed Thomas Jefferson Beale.
As with all "letters"," numbers covered slip of paper", or "iron box" associated with the Beale tale, this to has disappeared into the vapors after having only been seen by the claimant.
Then there is the claimed visit to the Planters Hotel with the portrait of George Rader Brugh hanging in the lobby.
The Planters Hotel that Ellis could have visited was the third one with that name, built in 1891 and closed its doors in 1922 as a hotel and was converted to an office building, called the PLANTER BUILDING. In 1930, the name was changed to THE COTTON BUILDING, still an office building until it was torn down in 1976, and highly doubtful that it had George Rader Brugh's painted portrait in the lobby.

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Its easy to take info and make it work... trying to make money of something you don't know,or have. Justsayn
That seems to be the case of many claims of items found or clairvoyant "knowledge" that form the basis of books that have been written about Ward's 1885 copyrighted BEALE PAPERS.

just had a convo a few days ago, about the key/s
JMO, Morris never received the key/s b/c beale an
party didnt need him to safeguard the info anymore
as they returned and retrieved the goods
and i think the code paper that used the DOI prob wasnt
the real code paper,just made up to garner interest and
see what shakes out, and that dosent seem to have worked
out, even after all this time

...or it could be because Thomas J Beale's perilous adventure only occurred in the manuscript that the "unknown author" presented to James Beverly Ward to act as copyright agent and publisher.

... James Purcell that found gold in 1805 on the Platte River was TJB's half-brother as they had the same mother... and his half-brother and company went out in 1817 to join up with him to recover the gold. Because James Purcell was not allowed to leave Sante Fe and he did not leave until 1823 after the Spanish were expelled from the Southwest.
This has been mentioned before, that Purcell was Thomas J Beale's half brother.
Is there any evidence to support this statement?

Tell me this has nothing to do with a ghost and a clairvoyant? Tell me there is actual proof of this event and letter?
That seems to be the source of many of the after stories "outside" of the original 1885 Beale Papers copyrighted and published by James Beverly Ward.
No actual proof exists, just the word of the authors.
Come to think about it, that's the same premise of the 1885 Beale Papers.

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The proprietor of the Planter's Hotel in St Louis at the time TJB would have made those back and forth trips, EVARIST MAURY.
Early St. Louis Hotels
The Planters Hotel that stood during the "Beale period" no longer existed when she made that visit during the mid 20th century.
Well, there WAS a Planters & Merchants Warehouse utilized as a hospital in L'burg , during the CONFEDERATE WAR; can't remember where it was. It IS on the map of L'burg's warehouses used as hospitals from Old City Cemetery; MAYBE, "EVERYTHING" happened from THERE! :dontknow:

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First I know where George Rader Brugh is buried. The grave is marked on the opposite side of the road from the Blackhorse Tavern. Second I know the lady that found this letter in the early 1930's and I believe her. She made relentless trips trying to locate the original letter again and a copy of the letter she made when she was only a child. She went as far as St. Louis and stayed at the Planter's Hotel where a painting of George Rader Brugh hung in the lobby as he was a former proprietor. Not only proprietor but proprietor when TJB made those trips back and forth to Sante Fe area. Yes, I believe whole heartly that everything she says is the truth at least about the letter with the "KEY"
If it was in Lynchburg, then this version highly suspect for its source.

... I make references to this in my CD Book, "Lost Diary of Thomas J. Beall. There was another TJB in New Orleans and he was a Captain from Beallsville, Penn. This Thomas Beall died at Fort Armstrong in 1832... Everything in the CD book is verified by records, everything is non-fiction except the Diary itself. All the information has been researched and found to be factual only the part of the Diary is fiction.
Facts compiled into fiction are still fiction, not fact.

HOWEVER! The "KEY"... to unlock the "JOB PRINT" (aka Beale PAPERS Pamphlet) is... HISTORY!

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AND! There IS a Keysville in Bedford County, Va. Ya reckon...? Nah... NOT to be confused with the TOWN of Keysville in Charlotte County, Va. Bedford County has just a small community, unincorporated (no Post Office)... BUT! A NICE place to hide something within sight of Sharp Top (Peaks of Otter). Heh...

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First I know where George Rader Brugh is buried. The grave is marked on the opposite side of the road from the Blackhorse Tavern.
Second I know the lady that found this letter in the early 1930's and I believe her. She made relentless trips trying to locate the original letter again and a copy of the letter she made when she was only a child.
She went as far as St. Louis and stayed at the Planter's Hotel where a painting of George Rader Brugh hung in the lobby as he was a former proprietor.
Not only proprietor but proprietor when TJB made those trips back and forth to Sante Fe area.
Yes, I believe whole heartly that everything she says is the truth at least about the letter with the "KEY"
Evarist Maury was the proprietor and owner of the original Planters Hotel in St Louis 1822 - 1830 during the alleged Beale visits, in 1841 a new Planters Hotel was built with Maury still as proprietor.
Early St. Louis Hotels

NOTE* The lady referred to, Claudine Fulton Ellis, was born in 1933, found the alleged Beale "key" letter in the 1940's.
The Planters Hotel ceased being a hotel in 1922, was converted to an office building, named was changed to THE COTTON BUILDING in 1930, and was demolished in 1976.
Ellis account of seeing Brugh's portrait hanging in the lobby of the Planters Hotel in St Louis is highly questionable, and should be considered as lore presented as fact.

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Thomas Beale died in New Orleans in 1823 of an illness. That means that he and his men didn't perish in a wilderness adventure, as the writer of the pamplet supposed. So if Beale's men survived, why did they never get in touch with Morriss, who held Beale's papers? Maybe because they knew Morriss didn't have anything without the key. This key could have easily been recovered from the friend in ST. Louis, after Beals's death, which would explain why Morriss never received it. Of course this would mean that the treasure was recovered by them, cutting Morriss out of his share. They wouldn't have needed the key, as they were the ones who help bury the treasure, but they could have wanted the key to never reach Morriss. If this is true, the treasure is undoubtedly long gone. UNLESS.............our Thomas Beale was not the one who died in 1823 in New Orleans, but another, unrelated, Thomas Beale. That would explain why J.B. Ward had no compunctions in publishing the story which made a hero of the man who had shot his grandfather, that being a different Thomas Beale.

Getting back to the thread without interuptions.

Its easy to take info and make it work... Its a cover story, is a copout, trying to make money of somethong you don't know,or have. Justsayn
Much of what information that was taken to make it work was actually embellishments from the Hart Papers such as "Jefferson" and "Planters Hotel" that are NOT mentioned in the original 1885 Beale Papers copyrighted by Ward, but have been embellished as "fact" by later Beale "expert writers" and thus accepted as such.

First I know where George Rader Brugh is buried. The grave is marked on the opposite side of the road from the Blackhorse Tavern. Second I know the lady that found this letter in the early 1930's and I believe her. She made relentless trips trying to locate the original letter again and a copy of the letter she made when she was only a child. She went as far as St. Louis and stayed at the Planter's Hotel where a painting of George Rader Brugh hung in the lobby as he was a former proprietor. Not only proprietor but proprietor when TJB made those trips back and forth to Sante Fe area...
This is an obvious embellished after story, since the first Planters Hotel in St Louis did not exist until 1822, and the proprietor and owner was Evarist Maury as mention in previous posts.
...and the Planters Hotel ceased being a hotel in 1922 when it was converted as an office building, and in 1930, renamed the COTTON BUILDING.
The "lady" who found the letter as a child was born in 1933, and found this "alleged" key letter in the late 1940's.
None of this has been confirmed outside of her Beale key book, and is an example of taking information (Planters Hotel from the Hart Papers) and working it into the Beale story without any actual provenance that gets passed on as "fact".

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The way that I read her book; indicates that the owner of that house had her son get the letter out of the attic. He THEN took "said" letter to Hollins College (Roanoke County?); a Prof there sent it to someone in D.C. Now GONE! :dontknow:

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