Why doesn't XP support Apple?

I don't understand your comment. Are you saying only apple products age? Are you saying only apple products need batteries replaced? Software degradation?

I've had em all, apple gives me the least problems. And they have not become the largest company in the world by accident. Might not be for you, but.... a few folks like em!

Programed to age prematurely.. I use Mac daily so I'm not anti, just being realistic and factual.

When I bought my first computer back in the 80's, I had a choice between Apple and a PC. With a PC, I had all sorts of options, both hardware and software from countless companies. If I bought the Apple, I had to pay more for it that an equally spec'd PC, and I had to buy all the software from Apple.......nobody else made any, and it was more expensive than PC software too. Since I don't like monopolies or having my arm twisted, the choice was simple for me. So far, I've been able to do whatever I wanted on a PC, but, who knows.....maybe I've been missing something I haven't even thought about! :laughing7:

Price is $79. Plus I then have to buy windows! $199 LOL
You can get Virtualbox for free, and Windows 10 will run without activation. It will never shut down, you just can't change your theme. I run Linux on my home machines and update all my detectors this way.

Hey, however you want to define it for yourself is fine. PC's have traditionally been known as Windows machines. But go for it.

Hey, however you want to define it for yourself is fine. PC's have traditionally been known as Windows machines. But go for it.
PC = Personal Computer. Personal = used by myself. Computer =. You know what that is.

In the strictest definition, a Mac is a PC because PC stands for personal computer. However, in everyday use, the term PC typically refers to a computer running the Windows operating system, not the operating system made by Apple.

So, how does a Mac differ from a Windows-based PC?

Mac vs. PC or Mac and PC?​

The Mac vs. PC showdown started when IBM, not Apple or Microsoft, was the king of the computer. The IBM PC was IBM's answer to the flourishing personal computer market that started with the Altair 8800 and was being led by companies like Apple and Commodore.

IBM was thrown a curveball when IBM-compatible personal computers, commonly referred to as PC clones, started popping up. When Commodore dropped out of the personal computer market, it became mostly a two-company race between Apple's Macintosh line of computers and the legion of IBM-compatible computers, which were often referred to (even by Apple) as merely PCs. As Apple framed it, you could buy a PC, or you could buy a Mac.

Despite Apple's attempts to distance itself from the PC, the Mac is now, and has always been, a personal computer.

How a Mac and a Windows-Based PC Are Similar​

Because a Mac is a PC, it probably won't surprise you to learn that Macs have more in common with Windows-based PCs than you might think. How much in common? Well, while this wasn't always the case, you can install the Windows operating system on a Mac.

Remember, the Mac is just a PC with Mac OS installed on it. As much as Apple prefers the Mac to be thought of as something different than a PC, it's never been more similar. You can install both Windows and Mac OS on your MacBook or iMac, switch between them, or run them side-by-side (or, more accurately, run Windows on top of Mac OS) using software such as Parallels or Fusion.


I would like to add... I was running a business on a windows computer. My main drive, and the backup drive both got infected with a virus. Probably cost me......$20,000-$30,000 in damages.


Hey, however you want to define it for yourself is fine. PC's have traditionally been known as Windows machines. But go for it.
Not just me..


I would like to add... I was running a business on a windows computer. My main drive, and the backup drive both got infected with a virus. Probably cost me......$20,000-$30,000 in damages.


I found your IT guy:


This is my second Mac. It has been running since 2011 . I never turn it off just put it to sleep and log out. Turning anything on and off wears them out. I use a Lacy back up hard drive. Use a VPN ,firewall and virus protection and have never had a problem. I used to run a windows pc and it was just a lot of work.

I turn on a microsoft pc and just stare at it now and wonder what was thinking having a computer that I had to work for all the time not to mention bugs,hang ups all that crazy stuff.

When this one dies or gets full I will buy another. This mac has been running 11 years Lol.
BTW I metal detect and got a great CW permission this evening. Guarantee I will find something.
Oh my old mac still works but wiped it I just need more storage. Might link them if I get ambitious.

I guess XP figures that the filthy rich Apple users would find it no big deal to shell out a few hundred more the get a Windows PC just for updates. :laughing7:
Well I read all these post and can say I only own apple, phone, 12.9 tablet, and MacBook Pro
im by no means rich , just like apple
To each their own
I would love to see support for apple,

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