Are you really? Amateur or Professional? I ask because I have some questions about the War. In particular, which European countries supported the South?
NOT a "Pro"; grew up in the Shenandoah Valley, & found LOTS of artifacts (I was a kid; gave most of it to friends, kept some of it). Also was Re-enacter (Co. I, 10th Va. Cavalry... Stonewall Jackson's "Foot Cavalry") for several years & "working the battlefields". You can "google" European Countries Supporting the South during the Civil War; I am aware of England & France...

Why are we here? Great proposition!
For me the Beale mystery is simply a personal challenge, nothing more, as there is absolutely nothing in the way of financial gain, fame, or notoriety to be gained from it. For those who think different this is all but an illusion, a fact easily established by just a moderate amount of routine research. Youtube productions, dedicated websites, book publishing, the amount of traffic and interest in any one of these venues, even the most successful, might cover your cost and time of you're extremely lucky. Even the big dogs like the History Channel and others failed to generate the interest. And as for "treasure recovery".......you can't recover what clearly isn't there in it's presented form. So the only thing remaining to pursue is the personal challenge of it all. :icon_thumright:

Why are we here? Great proposition!
For me the Beale mystery is simply a personal challenge, nothing more, as there is absolutely nothing in the way of financial gain, fame, or notoriety to be gained from it. For those who think different this is all but an illusion, a fact easily established by just a moderate amount of routine research. Youtube productions, dedicated websites, book publishing, the amount of traffic and interest in any one of these venues, even the most successful, might cover your cost and time of you're extremely lucky. Even the big dogs like the History Channel and others failed to generate the interest. And as for "treasure recovery".......you can't recover what clearly isn't there in it's presented form. So the only thing remaining to pursue is the personal challenge of it all. :icon_thumright:

If it is just a personal challenge there are two ways of looking at it. One, why not share any and all information whether it be documents or deciphered codes. Two if it is only a personal pursuit why talk to anyone talk and keep it to yourself. Must be more than these two reasons therefore it is not just a personal challenge.

If it is just a personal challenge there are two ways of looking at it. One, why not share any and all information whether it be documents or deciphered codes. Two if it is only a personal pursuit why talk to anyone talk and keep it to yourself. Must be more than these two reasons therefore it is not just a personal challenge.

Actually, if you'll review, I have been attempting, several times and by different process in an effort to appease all the contempt and request, to present everything, but unfortunately it can't be presented as simply as many of you are demanding. When I do as you request you demand more information, and when I set out to offer that you want less information in the way of only "the facts." Unfortunately "the facts" are complex, not just the simple black and white or A to B that everyone desires them to be. Do you really believe that the source behind the accumulating and transferring of such wealth, the ciphers, and the publication could be anything other then a complex situation arriving by way of complex circumstances and that it could all be explained so simply in A to B fashion? I wish it could be, but it can't.

And yes, theories do evolve and take on change as more information is gathered. Why would anyone expect anything less? Such is the very nature of gathering intelligence and better understanding. So sure, my position and opinions have changed, just as I hoped would be the case from the very start. Personally, I can find no sin or shame in gaining better understanding and then altering one's position and opinions by way of that better understanding. :icon_thumright:

Old post are just that, old post based on old and less information. Some seem to think that these old post should be mounted in concrete forever.

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Complexities, in the form of presenting documents, records, etc. Some time back Tat and I both discussed the complexities encountered when trying to gain access to the papers of certain private collections and even some papers “that are suppose to be in public domain.” During these discussions several in these forums even echoed these difficulties they themselves have experienced in the past, access to some of this stuff requiring that you kiss some rear and swear allegiance to the powers to be, and heaven forbid that your opinion or purpose goes against what they require. This is all very real and it is encountered frequently, just as we have witnessed in these very forums on a daily basis.

Given all of this there are some things I can copy and paste in these discussions and then there are some things I can't. By the same token there are things I can tell you about and other things that I can't. However, I can, and have on many occasions, offered reference and subtle hint in regards to the existence of some of these things as that is the best I can do. I don't know if you guys have taken notice in recent years as to just how much public information is being gobbled up and held for ransom by the various paid access sites but I assure that this existing condition is rapidly advancing. In fact, I just encountered this same thing again when trying to access some letters and personal correspondences online that I use to be able to freely access. Not only was I not able to access them now but I wasn't even offered the opportunity to create an account for this newly designed, “scholarly and academic format.”

So my point is this, you'd better gather all that you can while you still can because it is rapidly disappearing from the free access community. I was in the library the other day and I was shocked by how much of the historical reference section had been reduced, a lot of this now being farmed out to mounting online companies with the goal of locking it all up. Information is valuable and it will always be sought, and likewise bought, the cost of maintaining all of this passed on to those wishing access to it, many of them now even amending their terms of us as to limit what you can do with that once free and public information.

So what I'm telling you is simply this.....I will, and always have, told you most everything that I could, or can, in one way or the other. And if some of you can't live with this then so be it, just the way it is. I'm not going to put to risk my already declining access any further just to accommodate these forums.

I am here because somehow I wound up getting entangled in this "adventure" by some well meaning people. I am not a treasure hunter but I do enjoy a good treasure story. Of the posts I do read, since there are many of them with many theories, quite frankly, they remind me of "a dog chasing its tail". The methods used for deciphering would make Einstein cringe. I have gleaned very little useful information from them pertaining to the search I am involved in, since we are basically looking in areas and time periods not associated with most theories being discussed. I can say, when I was first approached by the "well meaning people", I thought they had been drinking from a bad well for a long time. But after I sorted out what they had discovered, some things were beginning to make some sense. They approached me due to the fact I am well versed with their target area and history of the area. Not to mention, the geology. They claimed to have deciphered the other two pages, but only give me "snippets" of information. What I have received is quite amazing. Their cipher as we call it, is quite accurate concerning local history, places and naming people. Bear in mind, they had never heard of where I live. It took them 25 years to find out the area in which this all took place. There were to many coincidences to dismiss their theory. I began to do research and found historical information which they had not considered. It put me in a different location on a different property. I have determined a place of interest which with a quick search with the metal detector (I borrowed one), the location yielded items from the time period in question. I have put this project on the back burner due to other interest in the caving world. Maybe this fall, I will dig, hopefully with a backhoe and not a shovel. Thus, that is why I am here.

NOT a "Pro"; grew up in the Shenandoah Valley, & found LOTS of artifacts (I was a kid; gave most of it to friends, kept some of it). Also was Re-enacter (Co. I, 10th Va. Cavalry... Stonewall Jackson's "Foot Cavalry") for several years & "working the battlefields". You can "google" European Countries Supporting the South during the Civil War; I am aware of England & France...

That is awesome Reb. I am here because this story of treasure intrigued me. I am no proffesional on the subject by any means. There are so many individuals here with so much knowledge. When they work together. It is amazing. When they are demeaning and rude. Well. Not so great. I am open to all views. All could provide a clue or path to the common goal. The excitement takes me away from a long day at work and fuels the dream of being on the hunt that i have. I love history. Local is my main focus. The connections that each contributor adds to this story keeps the ball rolling. I truely believe that all were somewhere discussing this topic over coffee or ale. The entire attitude towards each others theories would change. There is no true expression via a thread. I wish you all well in your endeavors. - Rick ( The guy in the grandstands)

I made my own Do's and Don'ts for this site. (That any moderators or Admins are highly welcome to use as an official guide)
The Do's and Dont's of Posting

Do have constructive questions, original ideas, and valid information on the topic.

Do have a sense of common sense and logic to know what to, and not to post.
Do have friendly debate without disrespecting someone else's work and disregarding what they say as foolish.

Do remember that if you do not have something good to say about a subject, then do not say it.
Do post helpful information that may give constructive criticism and lead to healthy debate on a subject to better others research.

Don't post things onto boards that have no relevance to the subject at hand.

Don't go onto a board about a subject claiming that the subject is a hoax.
(If you do not believe in a subject, why post on a thread about it? If you believe it is a hoax then made a thread about it so that those who believe are not inconvenienced by your post.)
Don't disrespect someones work by making claims that you yourself cannot accurately back up.

Don't target members ideas for personal reasons or out of spite.

Don't use opinionated books, inaccurate to source information, or sources that have the possibility of being wrong as a source for information.

(I have seen this happen many books, most books on the market today about subjects like these are highly opinionated with the authors personal ideas bestrewn throughout them. These are not an accurate source of information unless the sources cited in the book are completely accurate and not sourced to an inaccurate publication.)

Don't post without thoroughly thinking through what is said, and contemplating the possibility that you have made a mistake or are wrong.
(This will not only allow your ideas to grow, but also allow you to grow as a person.)

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I see there is a Thomas Beal found in New Orleans. Why are not more looking into this family? I have been reading these post and it would seem he of New Orleans seems the one who you seek! Why is Jean the only one to figure him to be the TJB?
Laf is not the first nor the last to arrived at that erroneous conclusion.
Do you know the source of this false belief since New Orleans is never mentioned in the Beale Papers?

Laf is not the first nor the last to arrived at that erroneous conclusion.
Do you know the source of this false belief since New Orleans is never mentioned in the Beale Papers?

Thomas Beal not Cap Beale!

HA! Thomas Beale, Sr. DID become Captain Thomas Beale (Sr.) of Beale's Rifles, during the Battle of New Orleans. PROBABLY knew Captain Paschal Buford, who had an ARTILLERY in the Battle; Major James Beverly Risque was General Andrew Jackson's bodyguard... AND! They ALL probably knew the Lafitte Brothers... the French Quarter, etc.

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HA! Thomas Beale, Sr. DID become Captain Thomas Beale (Sr.) of Beale's Rifles, during the Battle of New Orleans. PROBABLY knew Captain Paschal Buford, who had an ARTILLERY in the Battle; Major James Beverly Risque was General Andrew Jackson's bodyguard... AND! They ALL probably knew the Lafitte Brothers... the French Quarter, etc.

Thomas Beal is a separate person from Captain Thomas Beale Sr or Jr!

Thomas Beal is a separate person from Captain Thomas Beale Sr or Jr!
...and all are separate people from the Thomas Beale literary character in Ward's BEALE PAPERS.
In 135 years there hasn't been any information to prove different.

Thomas Beal is a separate person from Captain Thomas Beale Sr or Jr!

masterpoe, I have a list of 6 men by the name which could be Thomas Beale in the War of 1812 and at the Battle of New Orleans. Private Thomas Beale.webpPrivate Thomas Beale2.webp Private Thomas Beale3.webpPrivate Thomas Beale4.webpPrivate Thomas Beale5.webpPrivate Thomas Beale6.webp

Your Thomas Beal is the second one and he was from West Tennessee. The one I like is the one that says to see John Eustace that would be the son of Richard Eustace Beale. Richard's second son his first son was named Thomas and his fifth son was named James. He is the TJB we are looking for if there is one to look for because he signed his name "Thomas J. Beale" all the time.

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