The quote you have stated if you read it has no statements concerning franklin. Other than the whole point of the post, to discourage anyone from taking this advice and going the route of less friction, there are no statements concerning him at all. I stated that IF someone was to take his advice what characters would be showing, and trying to put forth the realization that by taking this advice you are only showing greed.
As for your main arguments, they are latent with opinion so i shall skip over much of that.
Bottom line is that an individual working on his own cannot get much done without using personal funds in which may not pay off in the end if the treasure has been found, moved, or damaged in some way unrepairable. To many, this would mean that the cipher is useless. Yet just solving the cipher in itself would be an accomplishment so great, that the treasure could not ever compare.
Through this i have one question, in what way would you be a target? Those who are worried about privacy can simply give credit to the firm. university, or team that has helped them retrieve the treasure. With a document outlining that you were the original source of the information hidden away but still signed by the owner of the entity given credit, you will still get a cut, be safe from the public eye, and can live peacefully with the money you have gained.
For those worried about becoming the target of attacks. Why exactly would someone target you? If you were smart most of the money would go into a bank where it would be safe from being stolen, the treasure would have already been found so interest in finding it would be misguided, the codes would have already been published in your name, and you would live your life knowing you have made an achievement of great proportions.
There is a guarantee of profit as long as you conduct business in a professional manner, no businessman leaves all his cards out before he has full confidence in winning. That is indeed why you would hire an attorney to help deal with these affairs. (A case they would indeed jump onto do to the potential profit and exposure for his firm. They would be obliged to do a very good job as well, as if you do not get payed for your find, they do not either.)
I will admit that the scientific world has much bias, though it still works. Once you know the right processes, people, and channels you would be giving yourself a chance at a very bright future.
(P.S Your comments about sources quite frankly do not make sense. I believe you are trying to make a counter-argument for an argument hat was not there. If you could rephrase them a bit that would be really helpful!
